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Age of Empires 3 v1.08 English Patch

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Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This v1.08 English patch includes a number of client fixes and two new features, Quick Search allowing players to determine the Home City tier and Power Ratings that will decay over time.

Patch details:

Age of Empires III retail patches v1.08

Patch 1.08 - Balance changes, Quick Search and bug fixes


- Quick Search now allows players to determine the Home City tier and Power
Rating level of their opponents
- Power Ratings will now decay over time


- Numerous changes to Civilizations' special bonuses
- Numerous balance changes
- Fixed an exploit that would refund the Home City shipment after sending
- Changed a line of dialogue from the Campaign which was found to be
- Changing teams on ESO will now unready all players
- When a player clicks to delete a Home City, the default will now be No


- Fixed an issue where Quick Search was not matching people using Power Rating
- Added separators to very large numbers to make them more readable
- Clan page on ESO now properly displays the last online date for clan members

Lisätty 3.8.2006
Latauksia 12 236 
Tiedoston koko 16,73 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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