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Act of War: High Treason Patch #1b

Pisteet: 3.00
Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

A new version that will launch correctly with Australian/Oceanian/Taiwanese versions. If you have previously installed Patch 1 and can launch the game without problems, you should NOT download this new version of Patch 1. However, if you have previously installed Patch 1 and you weren't able to launch it, then uninstall High Treason in its entirely (keep save games and profiles if you wish but make sure that the file "patchversion.nfo" is deleted), and download/install the updated patch. However, if you are running Win64 and used to have issues launching the game with or without patch, installing this version of the patch may (or may not) help.

Lisätty 30.5.2006
Latauksia 4 284 
Tiedoston koko 175,12 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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