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Company of Heroes v1.70 to v1.71 English patch

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Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This patch for English version of Company of Heroes upgrades the game from v1.70 to v1.71 and makes several crash, memory leak, and other fixes.

Patch details:

v1.71 07/24/2007

General Fixes and Features
- Warning on option screen for excessive memory usage
- Crash fix on entity spawn (occurs with several mods)
- Various other crash fixes.
- Various memory leak fixes.
- Window maximize button switches windowed mode back to full screen.
- D3D10 sky shader fixed.
- D3D10 stippled scarring fix.
- Better colour for HTML news links.

- Allied War Machine has had its duration reduced to 25 seconds, cost increased to 250 munitions and cool down increased to 150 seconds.

You will need to reconfigure your options from the default settings after this patch is applied.

Lisätty 30.8.2007
Latauksia 1 427 
Tiedoston koko 9,68 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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