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Birth of America v1.11 Patch

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This v1.11 patch for Birth of America includes a host of bug fixes, gameplay tweaks and UI improvements.

Patch details:

Birth of America
version 1.11

developer: AGEOD,
publisher: AGEOD,

Previous saved games are compatible.
This patch includes all additions since 1.00
The readme is also a summary of the most important things added from 1.01a to
1.01f, has no readme was issued.

Birth of America Update 1.11 Readme
Friday, March 02, 2007

Some user interface additions and tweaks, adjustments in gameplay to prevent
possible loopholes, and a slightly enhanced AI benefiting from the current work
on AACW, our next game.

Bugs Fixes
Fixed a bug with fleet and unload.
Fixed a bug with minutemen liberating their city.
A bug prevented the display of the 2nd battle for a given day.
Leaders won't heal their wounds by going into besieged cities.

User Interface
You can now plot patroling moves, by dropping your stack on the destination
region while you hold shift.
Numbers in tooltips are now colored.
If you hold down shift while a stack is selected, you see in color the links to
adjacent regions.
The command penalty is now shown near the order envelope, in pulsating red.
Improving caching system allowing smoother scrolling of the map.
New Waypoints icons
You can show with an adjustable delay, or even mask the animated balance seen
during a battle.
Multi lines scrolling enable for the ledger, you now browse your units one page
at once (with the mouse wheel only).

Game Play, Rules Additions and Changes
Supply Wagons in a besieged stack give the 'surrender protection' behavior to
all others stacks besieged (provided they still have some supply left)
You now only retreat in a city (of the region you are in), if the special order
'enter structure at end of movement' is checked. Run for the hills!
Artillerist trait now also give a slight bonus during siege.
Your leader must be activated to plan a Sortie.
A delay can appears before a battle trigger in a region, leading to a more
realistic and 'evasive' gameplay.
The command penalty rule is revised, small, lone stacks don't get max penalty

Data Changes
Supply wagons no longer cost command points.
Stanwix leader had the wrong name at the element level.

Scenarios Additions and Changes

French Intervention: The French reinforcements number 4 and 5 would not
trigger. French expeditions 1 to 3 (the major ones), worked rest assured.

The AI splits artillery away from armies less frequently.
Improved slightly the logic for the Being Besieged algorithm.
Improved slightly the logic for the Garrison algorithm.
Improved slightly the logic for the Resupplying algorithm.
Improved slightly the logic for the targeting of enemy regions algorithm.
Improved slightly the logic for the Build Depots algorithm.
Added a Stacks Manager algorithm, shuffling and optimizing units between the
various stacks of the same region.

Lisätty 9.3.2007
Latauksia 1 014 
Tiedoston koko 15,01 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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