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Prey v1.3 Patch

Pisteet: 2.00
Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This v1.3 patch for Prey features improved compatibility between Mac and PC users and enables them to play against eachother.

Patch details:

Here's a quick note to let everyone know that we've released a new patch for
Prey, v1.3. It's available now, and here's a summary of what's changed in this
new update from the readme:

Prey v1.3 Readme

1. This update includes compatibility files for the Mac port of Prey
(meaning PC users can play against Mac users and vice versa).
2. There are no bug fixes or new content in this release.
3. This release is backwards compatible with Prey 1.2 multiplayer.
4. There are new server files available. Windows versions come with the
patch, Linux versions are available separately.
5. In order for a Mac user to play on a PC pure server, the server they are
on must have the v1.3 server files.

In short, the only thing changed in this patch is that PC players can now play
against Mac players, although the PC side has to be running v1.3 to do this.
Additionally, the dedicated server files need to be at the v1.3 revision for
Mac users to "see" a PC server.

Unlike the last patch, PC v1.2 users can play PC v1.3 servers. If your existing
copy of Prey works, and playing against Macintosh users is not a concern to you,
then you do not need the upgrade. If you run a dedicated server, or you wish to
see the widest number of available servers, though you should upgrade.

Please note that this patch is only for the standalone PC game - If your copy
of Prey was through Steam, do not use this patch, Steam users will be handled
through that system. There is no update needed for the Macintosh version or the
Xbox 360 versions, as these are unaffected by the changes in the v1.3 PC patch.

Lisätty 23.2.2007
Latauksia 1 427 
Tiedoston koko 46,79 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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