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Quake 4 Q4X Mod

Pisteet: 2.00
Tiedostotyyppi: Modit

A modification for Quake 4 that makes weapons more powerful and hold more ammo among other weapon tweaks.

Mod details:

w0rM's q4X mod for Quake 4

Developed by w0rM

Unzip this to your root Quake 4 directory.

ex: C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4

You should end up with a directory called
C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\q4x
and in it you will have a file called pak0.pk4.

To start the mod open Quake 4 and click on the
"Mods" button and select q4x.


First you will need to download the mod obviously.
You can get it right here.

Unzip that file to your root Quake 4 directory. For
example it might be something like this:

WINDOWS: C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4
LINUX: /home/games/quake4

You should end up with a directory like this:

WINDOWS: C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\q4x
LINUX: /home/games/quake4/q4x

In the q4x directory you should have a file named
pak0.pk4. If you're running Linux you will need to
copy the DLL named "gamex86.dll" from your baseq4
folder over to your new q4x folder. In Windows this
should happen automatically when you start the
game (it might in Linux too but I'm not sure). This
applies to both Windows and Linux servers. As far
as I know you will not need any ".so" files in your
q4x directory if you run Linux.

Now you need a config file. You can grab a basic
config to get you started here. Put that in your q4x
folder and customize to your liking.

Now you're ready to fire your server up. It's best
to use a script or bat file to start since you need
some stuff in the command line to make it start

In Linux you could use something like this
(please note: I'm not certain this is correct as I
have not tested it):

** Code Sample **

# Simple Linux startup script for Q4 dedicated server

screen -S q4x ./q4ded +set fs_game q4x +set dedicated 1 +set fs_basepath ./
+set com_zoneMegs 48 +set ttycon 0 +exec server.cfg
echo $! >

In Windows your bat file would be something
like this:

** Code Sample **
quake4 +set fs_game q4x +set dedicated 1 +set fs_basepath ./ +set com_zoneMegs
48 +set ttycon 0 +exec server.cfg

If you need help with scripts or bat files, I suggest a
Goggle Search.

That should be it. Use your script or bat file to start
your server and start killin'! :gg:

See our server setup guide at the link below.;f=70;t=15



Visit for support on q4X


Quake 4 is a registered trademark of id Software
q4X was developed by w0rM

©2005 w0rM
All Rights Reserved

Lisätty 21.3.2006
Latauksia 907 
Tiedoston koko 25,14 kB
Tiedostotyyppi Modit
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