Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle WhoCrashed
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v5.53 - v5.54
Muutokset v5.03 - v5.50
Muutokset v5.02 - v5.03
- Support for multiple crash dump directories
- If the crash dump directory is configured to be different from the default one, WhoCrashed now looks into multiple directories for crash dumps.
- Report text updates
- Several corrections have been applied to the report text that WhoCrashed generates.
- Minor updates and changes
- Unspecified updates changes have been applied to the software.
Muutokset v5.01 - v5.02
- Option to prevent Windows from deleting dump files was greyed out even on Windows 7 and higher.
- The option to prevent Windows from deleting dump files was greyed out even on Windows 7 and higher. This has been fixed so that it is finally funcitonal.
- Report text updates
- Several corrections have been applied to the report text that WhoCrashed generates.
- Unspecified updates
- Several unspecified updates have been applied to the software.
Muutokset v5.00 - v5.01
- Links are now opening in default browser
- Links from the WhoCrashed report view would always open in Internet Explorer. This has been fixed so that new windows are opened using the default browser.
- Report text updates
- Several corrections have been applied to the report text that WhoCrashed generates.
- Minor fixes and changes
- Several minor fixes and changes have been applied to the software that remain unspecified.