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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle NirSoft WebVideoCap

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Muutokset v1.40 - v1.41

  • Fixed WebVideoCap to capture the .mp4 files of and probably other Web sites.

Muutokset v1.38 - v1.40

  • Fixed issue: WebVideoCap failed to capture .flv files in YouTube and probably other video sites, due to small change in the video servers.

Muutokset v1.37 - v1.38

  • Added Promiscuous Mode option for WinPCap capture in Advanced Options window, which is disabled by default. In previous versions, WebVideoCap always worked in Promiscuous Mode, but in some wireless cards, the network packets cannot be captured at all in this mode.

Muutokset v1.36 - v1.37

  • Fixed bug: WebVideoCap crashed on some mms/RTSP streams.

Muutokset v1.35 - v1.36

  • Fixed small bug: The .MP4 capture option was enabled during capture.

Muutokset v1.33 - v1.35

  • Added support for capturing .MP4 files played by Flash.

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