Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle UltraVNC
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v1.2.0.1 - v1.2.0.3
- impact: all pre versions
- exploit: localuser (guest) can gain local admin access on win8
- V1.2.0.2
- viewer portable
- you can set a single port java/rfb
- server deadlock fixes for slower connections
- ignore cursor when not in view window ( crashed java viewer)
- fast keyboard input could cause 100% cpu usahe on win8, fixed
Muutokset v1.1.9.6 - v1.2.0.1
- service, fix error 1314, server sometimes failed to start desktop part and closed winvnc.
- security: increase timeout after each wrong password to make brute force hacking harder
- color correction 16bit and mirror driver*memory leak with mirror driver fixed in previous fix J
- save setting permission fix
- added support for new repeater with keepalive
- tooltip buffer overrun fix, cause server to fail when sting in systray was to long ( multiple ethernet card. Long hostnames etc…).
Muutokset v1.1.9.1 - v1.1.9.3
- Missing screen refresh ( when driver selected but not used)
- Factory reset ( when temp was not writable)
Muutokset v1.1.8.9 - v1.1.9.0
- fixed change ip detection, sometimes server was disconnected after a few seconds by a false positive
- new installer xp64 wasn’t supported
Muutokset v1.1.8.6 - v1.1.8.8
- server crash
- server grayscreen on startup loop fixed
Muutokset v1.1.8.5 - v1.1.8.6
- autoreconnect and auth fail fix
- viewer with option window open fails to close
- viewer messagebox sometimes hidden behind window
Muutokset v1.1.8.4 - v1.1.8.5
- deadlock softcursor fixed (viewer)
Muutokset v1.1.8.3 - v1.1.8.4
- server
- u2 crash on 16vcolr display crash
- viewer
- fullscreen bar center
- recoonect set by default
Muutokset v1.1.8.0 - v1.1.8.3
- Fix server /NULL crash
- Fix radio button u2 viewer
Muutokset v1.1.4 Beta - v1.1.5 RC
- windows 8 support ( w8hook, same speed as a mirror driver but all in user mode)
- security fix ( encryption plugin + vnc passwd : password can be broken)
- better multi monitor support
- adaptive packet size ( bigger on lan/ smaller on wan... depend on the recorded packet loss: works only as service)
- fix some stalls during initial screns, sometimes this was deadlocking
- many little bug fixes
Muutokset v1. - v1.1.4 Beta
- What's new.
- windows 8 support ( w8hook, same speed as a mirror driver but all in user mode)
- security fix ( encryption plugin + vnc passwd : password can be broken)
- better multi monitor support
- adaptive packet size ( bigger on lan/ smaller on wan... depend on the recorded packet loss: works only as service)
- fix some stalls during initial screns, sometimes this was deadlocking
- many little bug fixes
- 2 installers
- One install all GPL stuff, other the non GPL addons.
- This avoid the need to be connected to the internet to download the non GPL parts.
- Using 2 different installers we fullt follow GPL rules.
- To fix the security issue we needed to change the handshaking.
- new Viewer still work with older server, give security warning
- new server require new viewer ( using old viewer you get message to upgrade)
Muutokset v1.0.9.5 - v1.0.9.6
- server site scaling crash server and/or viewer (This also solve situations where the resolution after reconnect differ from the original)
- wallpaper fixed (aero/wallpaper +services crash seems also solved)
- options Gui group
- Allowshutdown=0 service problems fixed
- optimized memcpy function 1/1 scaling
- optimized capture functions
- recompiled addons for w2k (kernel pointer error)
- minimize artifacts on window move
- compatibility with other vnc flavors and old ultra versions
- vncviewer -config
- server systray ( show ip/name/app or service)
- forced reboot
- selectable display ( prim/sec/3the/all) for showing the viewer
- u2 (lzo/jpeg) encoder
Muutokset v1.0.8.2 - v1.0.9.5
- Server optimized, faster.
- bug fix rfb3.7 server and noauth
- move to zlib 125 with asm
- cad now use sas.dll from ms instead of cad.exe ( Vista)
Muutokset v1.0.5 - v1.0.5.1
- Fix bug where screen froze when file transfer or chat was open.
- Close the chat dialog before deleting TextChat object. Wait for thread to exit before returning from KillDialog()
- Fixed server crash in KillAllClients when chat window was open -Suppress duplicate messages about lost communications.
- Suppress "File transfer completed" message if there's an error so the error is seen in the history dropdown
- autoreconnect fix
- unzip32 zip32 now always look in installed folder Server
- Save option permission fix
- performance tweak for server-side scaling -Close the chat dialog before deleting TextChat object. Wait for thread to exit before returning from KillDialog()
- Fixed server crash in KillAllClients when chat window was open
- Suppress duplicate messages about lost communications.
- close textchat dialog if open before deleting textchat object to avoid crashing the server.
- Update java -unzip32/zip32 embedded -Drivers fixed clasic style (bad captionbar)
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 17 - v1.0.5
- Driver+applications that change resolution (like pinpall in fullscreen)
- vnclog : In some cases the standard path wasn't writable, now path can be set
- FT crash when clipboard is used during transfer fix
- Admin properties and domain user fix
- Inputlock input fix
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 16 - v1.0.4 RC 17
- Exceptions thrown with no message cause access violations when Report called.
- All message boxes are now properly parented to the viewer window so that they are modal. We ran into quite a few that ended up behind the main window, or behind the file transfer windows
- Socket timeouts are now used during file transfer so that connections lost while connected to a repeater are detected (We have a multistage repeater chain (server -> repeater -> repeater-> repeater -> viewer that doens't reliably tear down connections on network failure. Don't ask ;) )
- A small keepalive message is sent every 5 seconds after receiving a file chunk to keep the server or viewer from timing out during a read. This is necessary because there's no flow control in the FT protocol. I didn't notice a decrease in throughput. Keepalive support is negotiated between viewer and server. Should be fully backwards compatible, though I suppose if the viewer doens't want keepalives, the server should not use the socket timeouts.
- The prompt for exit is now respects the m_fExitCheck setting if the 'x' in the full screen titlebar is clicked
- Another big change to the file transfer module is that a temporary file is used to hold the file being transferred. When it is successfully completes, it is moved to the original file name -- resume still works too. This was because when a file transfer is interrupted, a user (ie, service tech) can't tell if the file is complete.
- The close button on the file transfer dialog is now enabled and disabled during file transfers. You can't close the window with the 'x' during a transfer, but you can otherwise
- Many variables are now properly initialized.
- The black layered window is now brought to the top every 20ms -- the start menu is still visible on the remote system so this change makes it go away faster. It's not a good fix but I couldn't find a better way with the time I had.
- You can now register the service with a custom name.
- Simplified Copy_to_temp and copy_to_secure_from_temp
- When the network connection is lost, a message is shown "Connection lost due to communication failure" instead of "writeexact: socket error while writing"
- socket read/write errors now break the while (connected) loop in vncclient.cpp
- Simplified file handle cleanup
- FT crash fix, lock screeen while transfer
- quickoption fix: Was not saved correct
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 15 - v1.0.4 RC 16
- Handle leak service fix
- manifest update ( asinvoker)
- projects updated for VS2005/2008
- patches Jeff
- only allows the viewer that disabled remote input to reenable it
- FT crash bug when the source file could not be read on the server
- fullscreen: mode, make the tooltips for the toolbar visible
- fullscreen: multimon fix
- FT: no media in remote driver fix
- patches Pgmoney
- confirm exit option
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 12 - v1.0.4 RC 13
- FIX plugin path FIX crash after wrong rfbversion message
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 8 - v1.0.4 RC 7
- memory and resource leaks corrected
- server:
- + MS logon II and group/user settings, permission error corrected
- + added winvnc.exe -kill
- + added extra driver info
- viewer:
- + added option to set the autoreconnect number
- +Vista driver activation should be fixed
- +keyboard fix, for international keyboards. Only tested with french and belgium keyboard (dead keys)
- +commandline options added (same as in 102)
- *memory bounding error fixed
- *serveral possible security risks fixed.. ( added extra protection against buffer overwrites that could be invoked by modified server or viewers.)
- *32 / 64 drivers
- *32 / 64 exectables
- Driver mv2.dll changed !!!!!!!!!!! new server require new driver.
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 7 - v1.0.4 RC 8
- added option to kick rdp (same as rc4) typo's corrected runasadmin, vista, application mode fix
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 3 - v1.0.4 RC 4
- resouce leaks fixed
- less mem paging
- options/passwd protected by passwd for standard user
- faster on Vista
- sponsor logo removable
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 2 - v1.0.4 RC 3
- Tray icon fix
- chat window fix
- blackscreen fix
- ultravnc.ini (AUC)
- added support for the pchelpware hook
Muutokset v1.0.4 RC 1 - v1.0.4 RC 2
- Wallpaper fix
- pollfullscreen back working
- Filetransfer OK
- Settings (ini file)
- administrator and standard user now use UAC to change vnc parameters.
- Standard users popup for admin user/passwd, admin user require UAC accept.
- MSLOGON II fix (manual setting registry is no longer needed)