Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle The Dude
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v6.42.1 - v6.42.2
Muutokset v6.41.2 - v6.42 RC 39
Muutokset v6.40.4 - v6.41.2
Muutokset v6.40.3 - v6.40.4
Muutokset v6.40.2 - v6.40.3
Muutokset v6.38.3 - v6.38.4
Muutokset v3.5 - v3.6
- improved spectrum analyzer tool - added density view, other improvements
- changing link settings could cause a spike of traffic in graph, fixed
Muutokset v3.4 - v3.5
- spectrum analyzer tool
- open files dialog sometimes could crash
- fixed log file management
- improved logs entries to include ip address if available
Muutokset v3.3 - v3.4
- fixed find
- improved unicode support
- minimal probe interval now 1 second
Muutokset v3.2 - v3.3
- improved dude admin and device password security
- fixed devices loosing dns names
- fixed snmp
- other fixes
Muutokset v3.1 - v3.2
- some status information in dude client could not be up to date in some cases
- fixed chart drawing - graphs sometimes could be drawn out of bounds
- fixed outages table - sometimes was selecting 'virtual memory' probe
- fixed running external tools - sometimes could crash dude client
- fixed compatibility with new routeros packages
- fixed dude web server on routeros could not work
- improved bandwidth conservation
- other fixes
Muutokset v3.0 - v3.1
- routeros dude supports multiple stores
- fixed occasional server crash
- fixed client crash in open/save file or color chooser dialog
- fixed client crash when closing some windows
- other fixes
Muutokset v3.0 RC 3 - v3.0
- fixed - client could sometimes crash when scrolling a table
- fixed - search for unexisting items made dude unresponsive
- fixed - charts sometimes could show incorrect data
- other fixes
Muutokset v3.0 RC 2 - v3.0 RC 3
- fix bug in web server introduced in previous release
- other bug fixes
Muutokset v3.0 RC 1 - v3.0 RC 2
- routeros dude package is now independent from routeros version
- fixed bug - opening notification -> advanced tab was crashing
- fixed bug - dude could not handle large network map backgrounds
- other bug fixes
Muutokset v3.0 Beta 7 - v3.0 Beta 8
- F11 puts any panel in fullscreen mode
- reworked font stuff, only uses fonts added to dude server for exact output on different clients (fonts have to be added to files just like images)
- routeros server can export maps/charts
- routeros web server can display maps/charts
- added many traslations, simple language choosing from 'Preferences'
- dropped support for windows metafile, not possible to render in routeros environment
- improved svg, png image support
- map, chart output to many new formats - bmp, jpeg, ps, svg
- drag&drop files to/from dude server and routeros devices
- drop files straight on routeros device in network map to upload
- server files can be organized in directories
- fixed bug - dude could freeze when opening device window
- fixed bug - dude server could stop polling
- improved mac mappings - refresh of mac mappings is distributed evenly across refresh interval to avoid traffic congestion
- many other bug fixes
Muutokset v3.0 Beta 6 - v3.0 Beta 7
- improved pdf export
- double click in contents pane replaces all existing panes by default (configurable in Settings->Misc)
- improved dude server for routeros
- support for dude server on RB333
- server files support drag&drop
- handle client and server time differences correctly
- other bug fixes
Muutokset v3.0 Beta 4 - v3.0 Beta 5
- added week scale to charts
- fixed ping/traceroute from agents
- improved compatibility with some snmp agents
- time and date variables in notifications added
- improved filters
- some memory leaks fixed
- big images as network map background could not work
- many other fixes
Muutokset v3.0 Beta 3 - v3.0 Beta 4
- mib modules shows missing imports if any
- routeros simple queues management
- horizontal scroll bar in lists and tables
- other ui improvements
- macaddresses are resolved to manufacturer names
- new snmp table - dhcp leases
- new ros tables - arp, route, dhcp leases
- mac to ip address mapping table
- devices can be binded to mac address
- polling of services can be disabled per service, device, map, globally
- dude server can work as service again
- added syslog server
- added mib modules for cisco wireless, canopy, alvarion, avantcom, colubris, smartbridges, ieee 802.11, redline, ceragon, wimax, orinoco, proxim, atmel, trango, tranzeo
- network map label refresh interval is now configurable
- bug fixes
Muutokset v3.0 Beta 2 - v3.0 Beta 3
- copy and paste feature added to network maps and all lists and tables, also paste in text editor and you get xml configuration for later use
- discovery sometimes could stall
- fixed traceroute tool
- resolves dns names in traceroute and ping tools
- other bug fixes
Muutokset v3.0 Beta 1 - v3.0 Beta 2
- added speech notification
- bug fixes
Muutokset v2.1 - v2.2
- fixed loading of maps, sometimes could stall
- fixed too many digits after comma bug
- other bug fixes