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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle System Explorer Portable

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v6.4.3 - v7.0.0

Muutokset v6.3.1 - v6.3.2

  • Contains bugfixes and updated translations.

Muutokset v6.0.1 - v6.1.0

  • Version 6.1.0 has been released in Installer and Portable version! Contains new option for hide status bar, bugfixes ans stability improvements.

Muutokset v6.0.0 - v6.0.1

Muutokset v5.9.5 - v6.0.0

  • Changes
  • Brand new status bar with many useful information and graphs
  • New action log panel displaying latest actions
  • Filtering action log by selected item
  • Added logging extensive CPU usage
  • Improved History Section

Muutokset v5.9.3 - v5.9.4

  • Contains bugfixes for snapshot comparer and windows 8 compatibility improvements.

Muutokset v5.9.2 - v5.9.3

  • This version contains updated translations.

Muutokset v5.9.1 - v5.9.2

  • Version 5.9.2 has been released in Installer and Portable version! This version contains improved services section. You can now see and set the delayed autostart for any service.

Muutokset v5.8.0 - v5.9.0

  • Version 5.9.0 has been released in Installer and Portable version! This version contains various improvements and bugfixes.

Muutokset v5.7.0 - v5.8.0

  • various improvements and bugfixes

Muutokset v5.6.0 - v5.7.0

  • This version contains various improvements and bugfixes.

Muutokset v5.5.0 - v5.6.0

  • This version contains various improvements and bugfixes.

Muutokset v5.0.0 - v5.5.0

Muutokset v4.7.0 - v5.0.0

  • Version 5.0.0 has been released in Installer and Portable version! This version contains various fixes and improvements. Here are major changes:
  • Optimalisation of resources usage
  • We removed possibility to display all features in left tree menu. This removal makes possible much better optimalisation...It's up to you which feature you will have in tabs. Hidden features are automatically removed from processing. For example: If you want to monitor history, then add History tab.. If you want to add connections monitoring, then add Connections tab... It's easy right?
  • Better history log
  • History log is now in standard csv format and can be easily postprocessed. Each day is stored in separate file. Logs older than 10 days are removed.
  • Easy Screenshot sharing
  • We added to System Explorer tool for easy sharing of your screenshots. Simple press PrintScreen and click to share button in displayed dialog. This extension is based on our freeware tool ScreenCourier and can be disabled in options.
  • Better error reporting
  • Exceptions are logged in error log file. System Explorer checks existence of this file during startup and shows special dialog for submitting of the information to our server.

Muutokset v4.6.0 - v4.7.0

  • This version contains various fixes and improvements. Portable version can be started in special limited mode via command line SystemExplorer.exe /limited

Muutokset v4.5.0 - v4.6.0

  • This version contains various fixes and improvements.

Muutokset v4.2.2 - v4.5.0

  • New version of the System Explorer contains brand new information panel in style of the Windows 8. This panel is automatically displayed after moving mouse to upper right desktop corner. Version 4.5 brings also better compatibility with Windows 8, different color scheme with less of colors and next improvement. If you find some issue please report it in the support section.

Muutokset v4.2.1 - v4.2.2

  • This version contains new I/O Delta column in the Processes tabs. This column shows sum of all data transfered via I/O in time from last update (1s by default). You can use this column to show process with higher disk usage. Just right click to processes header and add I/O Delta column. Then click to I/O Delta header to sort the list.

Muutokset v4.2.0 - v4.2.1

  • This version contains various fixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v4.1.0 - v4.2.0

  • This version fixes issues with autostart, adds Startup Type and Goto Service into processes context menu and updates translation.

Muutokset v4.0.0 - v4.1.0

  • This version contains various fixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.9.9 - v4.0.0

  • New release with a new main version is on and we would like to apprise You with the main changes and new features.
  • New color theme – new cloak for the application
  • Maybe You are already familiar with the color themes provided in older versions. In the actual version the color themes were re-worked in a way which should help in a more readable displaying of information - user will mainly find the changes in graphical modules like Performance, Networking and also in the CPU Usage tab of the Process detail. The change of the color theme can be done in Main menu->Options and on the first tab "General".
  • Updated Performance section
  • Performance module for previous versions displayed basic information about CPU, RAM and hard disc load. With a new rebuild module user will find the information in a new graphical arrange - all main information are displayed horizontally, supplemented with many additional information in the bottom of the module screen.
  • Improved Networking section
  • As a reflection to user needs, we have added new statistics in the Networking module. In the new design, more information is tracked for the global net traffic for user's computer. In the left part of the module's screen user can find statistics for data sent and received, related to a specific start point - with a new functionality user can reset the start point of the traffic tracking. Also there is a possibility to switch on or off the individual charts of traffic sources on a right mouse button. Information are displayed for active networks => networks without traffic are not displayed in the list.
  • Disk & Network Usage statistics
  • This statistics are displayed in Tasks and Processes sections and also in separate Disk Usage Statistics tray icon. Version 4.0 has this information hidden by default. If you want to enable it, you must check "Use Event Tracking for Windows" in Advanced section of System Explorer's Options.
  • Bugfixing
  • Our team is constantly making changes in the application to provide more stabile and secure application. Also minor changes are incorporated with every new release - they reflect the user's wishes stated in the Support pages of System Explorer - watch the Community pages of System explorer application on Also please use this link constantly in case of any wish, idea or bug found in the application.

Muutokset v3.9.8 - v3.9.9

  • This version contains support for custom row padding in lists, improved browser opening, fixes and translations updates

Muutokset v3.9.7 - v3.9.8

  • This version contains support for multilang web, fixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.9.6 - v3.9.7

  • This version contains fixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.9.5 - v3.9.6

  • This version contains fixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.9.4 - v3.9.5

  • This version contains fixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.9.3 - v3.9.4

  • This version contains new opened files section, switching tabs via CTRL+left and CTRL+right, performance improvements and more.

Muutokset v3.9.2 - v3.9.3

  • This version contains stability fixes.

Muutokset v3.9.1 - v3.9.2

  • This version adds process search by window to Processes section, open process details on Enter Key, autorefresh of Services section, "Go To Process in service section popup, "Save list to file", Opened Files section and more.

Muutokset v3.9.0 - v3.9.1

  • This version adds window selection by draging "target" icon to any window, new "Go To Process" in windows tab, new optional columns "Product","Company","Description","Version" in Processes list and new option to change font for items list.

Muutokset v3.8.9 - v3.9.0

  • This version brings bugfixes and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.8.8 - v3.8.9

  • This version brings autoupdate of Windows tab, performance optimisations and many bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.8.7 - v3.8.8

  • This version brings "Show in Tree" switch for Services and drivers, access to all network address in tray hint, option to get public ip, separate columns for ip and port and much more

Muutokset v3.8.6 - v3.8.7

  • This version brings performance and stability improvements and translations updates.

Muutokset v3.8.5 - v3.8.6

  • This version adds extra tray icon for Disk Activity. You can also pin tray icon hint to desktop.

Muutokset v3.8.3 - v3.8.5

  • This version brings next fixes and tweaks for 3.8 version.

Muutokset v3.8.0 - v3.8.3

  • This version brings fixes and tweaks for 3.8 version
  • Adds Network and Disk usage to Tasks and Processes list for Vista/Windows7.

Muutokset v3.7.1 - v3.8.0

  • This version brings full support for 64-bit OS and full functionality under standard user rights. No elevation needed. There are also next improvements,bugfixes and translations updates in this release.

Muutokset v3.7.0 - v3.7.1

  • This version contains new uploader which works with changed service. If you are using this feature, please update to latest version. There are also other bugfixes and translations updates in this release.

Muutokset v3.6.2 - v3.7.0

  • This version adds "Discovered" column to Processes,Modules and autoruns, improves list of modules in Process Details dialog, adds option to customise color and background of the CPU Graph and more.

Muutokset v3.6.1 - v3.6.2

  • This version is addressing freeze or unexpected behaviour during start of the System Explorer.

Muutokset v3.6.0 - v3.6.1

  • This version fixes bug causing freeze or unexpected behaviour during start, invalid scale of the Proceses Usage Graph and other minor bugs

Muutokset v3.5.3 - v3.6.0

  • This version adds new Networking section, brand new graphs in the Performance section, color themes for graphs and bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.5.2 - v3.5.3

  • This version adds option to use left menu instead of tabs. Also improves support of 64-bit OS in Snapshots, Uninstallers and Startups.

Muutokset v3.5.1 - v3.5.2

  • This version fixes issues with Processes filenames on Windows XP.

Muutokset v3.5.0 - v3.5.1

  • This version fixes issues with storing of some config items and invalid resize of performance graphs. Detailed info: Forum

Muutokset v3.2.2 - v3.5.0

  • This version contains UI and performance improvements, removes Driver Scan, adds CPU Usage to the Tasks section, processes option "Show Zero CPU Usage" and processes option "Show Graphs Under CPU Usage".

Muutokset v3.2.1 - v3.2.2

  • This version contains UI improvements and many fixes.

Muutokset v3.2.0 - v3.2.1

  • This version contains UI improvements requested by users and many fixes

Muutokset v3.1.0 - v3.2.0

  • This version contains new section "Security Info", better compatibility with 64-bit OS, new compact Main Menu, improved Security Scanner with Online Security Scan Results and many more.

Muutokset v3.0.8 - v3.1.0

  • This version contains new section "WMI Browser", Light Color Scheme for Tray Hint, System Idle Time and Network Address to Tray Hint, improved History section, updated languages and various bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.0.7 - v3.0.8

  • This version adds section "Additional Info" with detailed System Information, new red color in tray CPU graph for usage higher than 80%, updated languages and various bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.0.6 - v3.0.7

  • This version contains new section "Users" for users management, updated languages and various bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.0.5 - v3.0.6

  • This version contains improved filtering and searching, fixed filtering in autoruns section and various bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.0.3 - v3.0.4

  • This version contains various bugfixes and language updates.

Muutokset v3.0.2 - v3.0.3

  • This version contains improved Tray Hint dialog, Process Details dialog, Uninstallers section and many fixes.

Muutokset v3.0.1 - v3.0.2

  • This version contains improved Tray CPU Usage Graph, CTRL+TAB for switching tabs and bugfixes.

Muutokset v3.0.0 - v3.0.1

  • This version contains improved Tray CPU Usage Graph, better unicode support in Uninstallers and bugfixes. We also improved File Reviews webpage.

Muutokset v2.9.1 - v3.0.0

  • This version adds support for tabs, Driver Scan which helps you find outdated drivers, option "Hide System Entries", option "Always On Top", Updated Translations, Improved logic of "Show Items in Tree" option and many bugfixes.

Muutokset v2.7.6 - v2.8.0

  • Version 2.8.0 has been released in Installer and Portable version! This version contains various resources usage optimalization, updated translations and bugfixes.

Muutokset v2.0.5 - v2.7.6

  • This version contains updated translations and bugfixes.

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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