Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle SABnzbd
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v2.3.9 - v3.0.0
Muutokset v2.3.9 - v3.0.0 Beta 4
Muutokset v2.3.8 - v2.3.9
Muutokset v2.3.9 RC 1 - v2.3.9 RC 2
Muutokset v2.3.7 - v2.3.8
Muutokset v2.3.8 Beta 1 - v2.3.8 RC 1
Muutokset v2.3.7 - v2.3.8 Beta 1
Muutokset v2.3.6 - v2.3.7
Muutokset v2.3.7 Beta 1 - v2.3.7 RC 1
Muutokset v2.3.6 - v2.3.7 Beta 1
Muutokset v2.3.5 - v2.3.6
Muutokset v2.3.5 - v2.3.6 Beta 1
Muutokset v2.3.4 - v2.3.5
Muutokset v2.3.5 RC1 - v2.3.5 RC 2
Muutokset v2.3.4 - v2.3.5 RC1
Muutokset v2.3.3 - v2.3.4
Muutokset v2.3.3 - v2.3.4 RC 1
Muutokset v2.3.2 - v2.3.3
Muutokset v2.3.3 Beta 1 - v2.3.3 RC 1
Muutokset v2.3.1 - v2.3.2
Muutokset v2.3.2 RC 1 - v2.3.2 RC 2
Muutokset v2.3.1 - v2.3.2 RC 1
Muutokset v2.3.0 - v2.3.1
Muutokset v2.3.1 Beta 1 - v2.3.1 RC 1
Muutokset v2.3.0 - v2.3.1 Beta 1
Muutokset v2.2.1 - v2.3.0
Muutokset v2.3.0 RC 1 - v2.3.0 RC 2
Muutokset v2.2.1 - v2.3.0 RC 1
Muutokset v2.2.0 - v2.2.1
Muutokset v2.2.0 - v2.2.1 RC 1
Muutokset v2.1.0 - v2.2.0
Muutokset v2.2.0 RC 2 - v2.2.0 RC 3
Muutokset v2.2.0 RC 1 - v2.2.0 RC 2
Muutokset v2.1.0 - v2.2.0 RC 1
Muutokset v2.2.0 Beta 1 - v2.2.0 Beta 2
Muutokset v2.1.0 - v2.2.0 Beta 1
Muutokset v2.1.0 - v2.2.0 Alpha 3
Muutokset v2.2.0 Alpha 1 - v2.2.0 Alpha 2
Muutokset v2.1.0 - v2.2.0 Alpha 1
Muutokset v2.0.1 - v2.1.0
Muutokset v2.0.1 - v2.1.0 RC 1
Muutokset v2.0.1 - v2.1.0 Beta 1
Muutokset v2.0.0 - v2.0.1
Muutokset v2.0.1 RC 1 - v2.0.1 RC 2
Muutokset v2.0.0 - v2.0.1 RC 1
Muutokset v1.2.3 - v2.0.0
Muutokset v2.0.0 RC 1 - v2.0.0 RC 2
Muutokset v2.0.0 Beta 1 - v2.0.0 RC 1
Muutokset v2.0.0 Alpha 1 - v2.0.0 Beta 1
Muutokset v1.2.2 - v2.0.0 Alpha 1
Muutokset v1.2.2 - v1.2.3
Muutokset v1.2.0 - v1.2.2
Muutokset v1.2.0 - v1.2.1 Beta 1
Muutokset v1.1.1 - v1.2.0
Muutokset v1.1.1 - v1.2.0 Beta1
Muutokset v1.1.0 - v1.1.1
Muutokset v1.1.1 RC2 - v1.1.1 RC3
Muutokset v1.1.1 RC1 - v1.1.1 RC2
Muutokset v1.1.0 - v1.1.1 RC1
Muutokset v1.0.3 - v1.1.0
Muutokset v1.1.0 RC3 - v1.1.0 RC4
Muutokset v1.1.0 RC2 - v1.1.0 RC3
Muutokset v1.1.0 RC1 - v1.1.0 RC2
Muutokset v1.1.0 Beta1 - v1.1.0 RC1
Muutokset v1.0.3 - v1.1.0 Beta1
Muutokset v1.0.1 - v1.0.2
Muutokset v1.0.0 - v1.0.1
Muutokset v1.0.0 - v1.0.1 RC1
Muutokset v0.7.20 - v1.0.0
Muutokset v1.0.0 RC1 - v1.0.0 RC4
Muutokset v0.8.0 Beta 6 - v1.0.0 RC1
Muutokset v0.8.0 Beta 5 - v0.8.0 Beta 6
Muutokset v0.8.0 Beta 4 - v0.8.0 Beta 5
Muutokset v0.8.0 Beta 3 - v0.8.0 Beta 4
Muutokset v0.8.0 Beta 1 - v0.8.0 Beta 3
Muutokset v0.8.0 Alpha 3 - v0.8.0 Beta 1
Muutokset v0.7.20 - v0.8.0 Alpha 3
Muutokset v0.7.20 - v0.8.0 Alpha 1
- Features
- Full Unicode support with Chinese and Russian translations
- Improved Notifications (including Prowl)
- Duplicate detection for series
- Bonjour/ZeroConfig support
- More filters in RSS
- 7zip support
- Option to save repair time by downloading all par2 files
- Support for long paths in Windows (above 260)
- Improved security for external access
- Lots of small improvements and bug fixes
- The "Classic" skin is gone
- Bug fixes
- Lots
- Known issues
- Support for oznzb and similar indexers (not ported from 0.7.x yet)
- Promised new server priorities (beyond primary/backup) not implemented yet
- RSS analysis when season/episode filters are present, can be very very slow
Muutokset v0.7.19 - v0.7.20
- Features
- Support of OSX Yosemite "Dark Mode"
- API call "Retry" now returns new job id (supporting nzbdrone)
- Bug fixes
- OSX unrar now really updated to 5.11 for Lion and higher
- unrar is now updated to 5.11 for Intel systems running OSX (Snow)Leopard
- (Snow)Leopard on PPC still only has unrar 4.01, no new versions from rarlabs
- Fix email test issue
Muutokset v0.7.20 RC1 - v0.7.20 RC2
- The update of unrar to 5.11 now also works for OSX (Snow)Leopard on Intel.
- (The latest unrar for PPC systems is 4.01)
Muutokset v0.7.19 - v0.7.20 RC1
- Features
- API call "Retry" now returns new job id
- Support of OSX Yosemite "Dark Mode"
- Bug fixes
- OSX unrar now really updated to 5.11
- Fix email test issue
Muutokset v0.7.18 - v0.7.19
- Features
- Extended filtering for
- Earlier detection of Unwanted Extension if in last rar file
- Upgrade to unrar 5.11 (OSX and Windows)
- Add Finnish translation
- Bug fixes
- Fix OSX notification center problem
- Fix sort order of RSS feeds
- Prevent multiple pauses in "unwanted extensions" option
- Change renaming scheme for duplicate files
- Fix sorting of the queue
- Prevent removal of embedded passwords in filenames by trimming option
- Improve password trial when the system uses an older unrar tool
- Support double quotes to delineate parameters in category match lists.
- When a comma is present in a file name, quotes are needed when passed to a user script
- The after-unrar-check needs to take the "flat_unpack" option into account
- OSX app is signed properly
Muutokset v0.7.19 RC3 - v0.7.19 RC4
- OSX Users:
- the SnowLeopard and Lion builds are not signed.
- The MountainLion/Mavericks build is signed.
- The signed build can also be used on Yosemite, but the DMG picture may look a bit odd.
- Features
- Extended filtering for
- Earlier detection of Unwanted Extension if in last rar file
- Upgrade to unrar 5.11 (OSX and Windows)
- Add Finnish translation
- Bug fixes
- Fix OSX notification center problem
- Fix sort order of RSS feeds
- Prevent multiple pauses in "unwanted extensions" option
- Change renaming scheme for duplicate files
- Fix sorting of the queue
- Prevent removal of embedded passwords in filenames by trimming option
- Improve password trial when the system uses an older unrar tool
- OSX app is signed properly
Muutokset v0.7.19 RC2 - v0.7.19 RC3
- OSX Users:
- the SnowLeopard and Lion builds are not signed.
- The MountainLion/Mavericks build is signed.
- The signed build can also be used on Yosemite, but the DMG picture may look a bit odd.
- Features
- Extended filtering for
- Earlier detection of Unwanted Extension if in last rar file
- Upgrade to unrar 5.11 (OSX and Windows)
- Add Finnish translation
- Bug fixes
- Fix OSX notification center problem
- Fix sort order of RSS feeds
- Prevent multiple pauses in "unwanted extensions" option
- Change renaming scheme for duplicate files
- Fix sorting of the queue
- Prevent removal of embedded passwords in filenames by trimming option
- Improve password trial when the system uses an older unrar tool
- OSX app is signed properly
Muutokset v0.7.18 - v0.7.19 RC2
- Features
- Extended filtering for
- Upgrade to unrar 5.11 (OSX and Windows)
- Add Finnish translation
- Bug fixes
- Fix OSX notification center problem
- Fix sort order of RSS feeds
- Prevent multiple pauses in "unwanted extensions" option
- Change renaming scheme for duplicate files
- Fix sorting of the queue
- Prevent removal of embedded passwords in file names by trimming option
Muutokset v0.7.17 - v0.7.18
- Features
- Support for X-Failure header (leading to an alternative NZB)
- Support for detecting unwanted extensions inside RAR files
- Using priority Force will override duplicate detection
- Add "pause_pp" and "server_stats" to the API
- Bug fixes
- Also remove colons ":" with option sanitize_safe
- Notification: Respect NotifyOSD-preference and allow testing of values from UI
- Prevent pseudo error message when testing "Notification Center"
- Testing email based on values in UI instead of stored config
- Don't trim file names when renaming them (so revert to old behavior)
- Fix potential crash when unpacking due to unset variable
- Pause/abort on encryption failed when pre-check was active
- Allow "embedded" passwords in job titles again
Muutokset v0.7.17 - v0.7.18 RC1
- Features
- Support for X-Failure header (leading to an alternative NZB)
- Support for detecting unwanted extensions inside RAR files
- Using priority Force will override duplicate detection
- Add "pause_pp" and "server_stats" to the API
- Bug fixes
- Also remove colons ":" with option sanitize_safe
- Notification: Respect NotifyOSD-preference and allow testing of values from UI
- Prevent pseudo error message when testing "Notification Center"
- Testing email based on values in UI instead of stored config
- Don't trim file names when renaming them (so revert to old behavior)
- Fix potential crash when unpacking due to unset variable
- Pause/abort on encryption failed when pre-check was active
- Allow "embedded" passwords in job titles again
Muutokset v0.7.16 - v0.7.17
- Features
- Upgrade embedded unrar to 5.01 and (partially) support RAR5 format
- Support for more meta-data in NZB files (to be used in TV Sort)
- Optional integration with the OZnzb indexer, allows user access to ratings and reporting directly from SABnzbd interface.
- Optional automatic feedback to OZnzb on failed downloads
- Commandline option --pidfile to set your own PID-file name/path (Unix and OSX)
- Basic support for X-DNZB-Failure and X-DNZB-Details headers, sent by some indexers
- Support rate-limiting by (a number of) indexers
- Special option "warn_dupl_jobs" to suppress/enable warnings for duplicate jobs
- Special option "flat_unpack" to ignore folders inside archives
- Bug fixes
- Fix false encryption alarms for some posts
- Fix issue with OSX Mavericks Notification Center support
- Fix issues with passwords embedded in file names
- Support UNC paths in Sort expressions (Windows)
- Add password entry boxes in smpl and Classic skins
- Prevent unwanted change of queue order after editing job details
- Allow Default category to be picked in Multi-Ops
Muutokset v0.7.17 RC1 - v0.7.17 RC2
- Fixed since RC1
- Support UNC paths in Sort expressions (Windows)
- URL in the queue should not show up "sanitized"
- Fix shutdown issue in PP queue
- Special option "warn_dupl_jobs" to suppress/enable warnings for duplicate jobs
- Add (partial) RAR5 support
- Fix some more password-in-filename issues
- Add password entry boxes in smpl and Classic skins
- Features
- Support for more meta-data in NZB files (to be used in TV Sort)
- Optional integration with the OZnzb indexer, allows user access to ratings and reporting directly from SABnzbd interface.
- Optional automatic feedback to OZnzb on failed downloads
- Commandline option --pidfile to set your own PID-file name/path (Unix and OSX)
- Basic support for X-DNZB-Failure and X-DNZB-Details headers, sent by some indexers
- Upgrade embedded unrar to 5.01
- Special option "flat_unpack" (will not create extra folders)
- Bug fixes
- Fix false encryption alarms for some posts
- Fix issue with OSX Mavericks Notification Center support
- Fix issue with passwords embedded in file names
- Allow Default category to be picked in Multi-Ops
Muutokset v0.7.17 Beta 3 - v0.7.17 RC1
- Bug fixes
- Fix bug in rating system
- Fix multiple encryption password issues
- Allow Default category to be picked in Multi-Ops
- Features
- Special option "flat_unpack" (will not create extra folders)
Muutokset v0.7.17 Beta 2 - v0.7.17 Beta 3
Muutokset v0.7.17 Beta1 - v0.7.17 Beta 2
Muutokset v0.7.16 - v0.7.17 Beta1
Muutokset v0.7.14 - v0.7.16
- Bug fixes
- Fix false encryption alarms for some posts
- Fix for faulty par2cmdline on some embedded Unix systems
- Features
- Add "password" box to Plush's job details page
- Add special "sanitize_safe" to remove unsupported Windows characters on other platforms. This solves issues when using NAS shares from Windows.
Muutokset v0.7.13 - v0.7.14
Muutokset v0.7.12 - v0.7.13
Muutokset v0.7.11 - v0.7.12
Muutokset v0.7.10 - v0.7.11
Muutokset v0.7.9 - v0.7.10
Muutokset v0.7.8 - v0.7.9
Muutokset v0.7.7 - v0.7.8
Muutokset v0.7.6 - v0.7.7
Muutokset v0.7.5 - v0.7.6
Muutokset v0.7.5 - v0.7.6 Beta1
Muutokset v0.7.4 - v0.7.5
Muutokset v0.7.4 RC1 - v0.7.4 RC2
Muutokset v0.7.3 - v0.7.4 RC1
Muutokset v0.7.2 - v0.7.3
Muutokset v0.7.0 - v0.7.1
Muutokset v0.7.0 Beta 8 - v0.7.0 RC2
Muutokset v0.7.0 Beta 7 - v0.7.0 Beta 8
Muutokset v0.7.0 Beta 6 - v0.7.0 Beta 7
Muutokset v0.7.0 Beta 5 - v0.7.0 Beta 6
Muutokset v0.7.0 Beta 3 - v0.7.0 Beta 5
Muutokset v0.6.15 - v0.7.0 Beta 3
Muutokset v0.6.4 - v0.6.15