Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle QuiteRSS (PortableApps)
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v0.19.1 - v0.19.2
Muutokset v0.18.9 - v0.19.1
Muutokset v0.18.8 - v0.18.9
Muutokset v0.17.1 - v0.17.2
- Added: Save page as HTML in "newspaper" mode
- Added: Option to display notification on same as QuiteRSS display (option value: -1)
- Added: SSL-certificate check
- Added: Language: Bulgarian
- Changed: Drag links from embedded browser to Firefox
- Fixed: Displaying main menu when using several monitors
- Fixed: Value inversion of the transparent option of notifications
- Fixed: Updating some feeds (server returns 302)
- Fixed: Displaying control buttons in newspaper view when images are disabled
- Fixed: Dragging several feeds at once
- Fixed: Determine home page of some feeds
- Fixed: Displaying notifications (Mac OS)
- Fixed: Opening links in external browser (Mac OS)
- Fixed: Feed list navigation (Mac OS)