Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle Process Lasso (32-bit)
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v8.9.8.94 - v9 beta
Muutokset v8.2.0.4 - v8.6.4.2
Muutokset v8.0.7.9 Beta - v8.0.9.1 Beta
- Addition GUI Add menu items for graceful termination wait settings (these are disabled for the moment)
- Fix Core Fix issue where SmartTrim no action events were written to log even when logging was fully disabled
- Fix Core Fix issue where Polish and PTBR DLLs were subject to 'improper image' issues due to a build order anomaly. #backport-eligible
- Fix SmartTrim Fix log entry that would say '0 of 0' processes trimmed under certain conditions (meaning 0 of 0 eligible)
- Change GUI Change nag text
- Change Core Refactor mechanism by which logging is fully disabled
- Change All Adjust registry key deletion code to ensure full deletion in some contexts where an empty top-level key may remain
- Fix Localization Fix to one of our in-house localization tools, restoring deprecated strings
- Change Localization Remove leading and trailing whitespace from localized strings
- Change Localization Updated Polish
- Change Localization Updated Finnish
- Change Localization Updated German
- Change Localization Updated Russian (first update in a while)
- Change Localization Updated PTBR (first update in years, only restored last build)
- Change All Start new beta series, make code changes to prepare for task list to be incrementally rolled out
Muutokset v8.0.7.7 Beta - v8.0.7.9 Beta
- Addition GUI Add menu items for graceful termination wait settings (these are disabled for the moment)
- Fix Core Fix issue where SmartTrim no action events were written to log even when logging was fully disabled
- Fix Core Fix issue where Polish and PTBR DLLs were subject to 'improper image' issues due to a build order anomaly. #backport-eligible
- Fix SmartTrim Fix log entry that would say '0 of 0' processes trimmed under certain conditions (meaning 0 of 0 eligible)
- Change GUI Change nag text
- Change Core Refactor mechanism by which logging is fully disabled
- Change All Adjust registry key deletion code to ensure full deletion in some contexts where an empty top-level key may remain
- Fix Localization Fix to one of our in-house localization tools, restoring deprecated strings
- Change Localization Remove leading and trailing whitespace from localized strings
- Change Localization Updated German
- Change Localization Updated Russian (first update in a while)
- Change Localization Updated PTBR (first update in years, only restored last build)
- Change All Start new beta series, make code changes to prepare for task list to be incrementally rolled out
Muutokset v8.0.7.5 Beta - v8.0.7.7 Beta
- Addition GUI Add menu items for graceful termination wait settings (these are disabled for the moment)
- Fix Core Fix issue where SmartTrim no action events were written to log even when logging was fully disabled
- Fix Core Fix issue where Polish and PTBR DLLs were subject to 'improper image' issues dur to a build order anomaly. #backport-eligible
- Fix SmartTrim Fix log entry that would say '0 of 0' processes trimmed under certain conditions (meaning 0 of 0 eligible)
- Change GUI Change nag text
- Change Core Refactor mechanism by which logging is fully disabled
- Change All Adjust registry key deletion code to ensure full deletion in some contexts where an empty top-level key may remain
- Fix Localization Fix to one of our in-house localization tools, restoring deprecated strings
- Change Localization Updated German
- Change Localization Updated Russian (first update in a while)
- Change Localization Updated PTBR (first update in years, only restored last build)
- Change All Start new beta series, make code changes to prepare for task list to be incrementally rolled out
Muutokset v8.0.7.3 Beta - v8.0.7.5 Beta
- Addition GUI Add menu items for graceful termination wait settings (these are disabled for the moment)
- Fix Core Fix issue where SmartTrim no action events were written to log even when logging was fully disabled
- Fix Core Fix issue where Polish and PTBR DLLs were subject to 'improper image' issues dur to a build order anomaly. #backport-eligible
- Change GUI Change nag text
- Change Core Refactor mechanism by which logging is fully disabled
- Change All Adjust registry key deletion code to ensure full deletion in some contexts where an empty top-level key may remain
- Change Localization Updated German
- Change Localization Updated Russian (first update in a while)
- Change All Start new beta series, make code changes to prepare for task list to be incrementally rolled out
Muutokset v8.0.7.1 Beta - v8.0.7.3 Beta
- Addition GUI Add menu items for graceful termination wait settings (these are disabled for the moment)
- Fix Core Fix issue where SmartTrim no action events were written to log even when logging was fully disabled
- Change GUI Change nag text
- Change Core Refactor mechanism by which logging is fully disabled
- Change All Adjust registry key deletion code to ensure full deletion in some contexts where an empty top-level key may remain
- Change Localization Updated German
- Change Localization Updated Russian (first update in a while)
- Change All Start new beta series, make code changes to prepare for task list to be incrementally rolled out
Muutokset v8.0.6.4 - v8.0.7.1 Beta
- Addition GUI Add menu items for graceful termination wait settings (these are disabled for the moment)
- Change All Adjust registry key deletion code to ensure full deletion in some contexts where an empty top-level key may remain
- Change Localization Update German
- Change All Start new beta series, make code changes to prepare for task list to be incrementally rolled out
Muutokset v8.0.5.3 Beta - v8.0.6.0 RC 1
- Addition GUI Add new dialog shown when process(es) are being terminated, trying a graceful termination first, with a wait period and allowance for manual user override for immediate termination
- Addition Core Added registry setting to control how long to wait for a graceful termination before terminating or restarting a process
- Addition GUI Added setting to suppress new SmartTrim took no action log events
- Addition Core Added new SmartTrim took no action log events
- Addition GUI Added code to check for basic Internet connectivity (to be used for any activation failure diagnosis)
- Change Localization Updated Finnish and Simplified Chinese
- Change Core Always try a trim if user initiates, even if RAM load is below threshold (per-process quotas still apply)
- Change Core Change to the way the SmartTrim thread is notified of configuration changes
- Change GUI Continued improvements to new graceful termination dialog
- Change Core Change to mechanism by which the SmartTrim thread gets notified of config changes
- Change All Improve interoperability with Online Armour
- Change GUI On-going licensing system work
- Change Localization Update French
- Change Localization Update German
- Change GUI Graceful termination will be tried first also for multi-selection terminations
- Change GUI Moved process termination to a separate thread, since it may now be blocking for a few seconds
- Change Core Temporary interoperability improvements to SmartTrim (work continues)
- Change Core Reduce access rights in termination function to bare minimum
- Change GUI Corrected some typos
- Change GUI Removed some unnecessary legacy code
- Change GUI Increased amount of detail included in minidumps (these are only enabled in beta builds)
- Change Core Always attempt a graceful close for all termination functions, before resorting to forced termination
- Addition Localization Add back PTBR for early use as it is being translated
- Fix Updater Non-critical fix to some permissions when shutting down Lasso, had no real world impact
- Fix Core Fix issue with logic on SmartTrim RAM threshold
- Fix Core Fix issue with SmartTrim not trimming when 'no limit' is specified (note the per-process qutoa still applies)
- Change Localization Update Chinese Simplified, Japanese, French, Finnish, Polish, Italian, and PTBR
Muutokset v8.0.4.3 Beta - v8.0.5.3 Beta
- Beta2Beta disable 'no action taken' log entry
Muutokset v8.0.3.9 Beta - v8.0.4.3 Beta
- Addition GUI Added code to check for basic Internet connectivity
- Change GUI On-going licensing system work
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v8.0.3.5 Beta - v8.0.3.9 Beta
- Change Localization Update French
- Change GUI Licensing system work
Muutokset v8.0.3.3 Beta - v8.0.3.5 Beta
- Addition Localization Add back PTBR
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v0.8.3.1 Beta - v8.0.3.3 Beta
- Change GUI Graceful termination will be tried first also for multi-selection terminations
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Fixed a truncated string in the localization file (static control too long in dialog definition)
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Styling changing to graceful termination wait dialog (will continue)
Muutokset v8.0.2.7 Beta - v8.0.3.1 Beta
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fixed new graceful-first termination function not terminating after it times out. It would appear to have simply not worked.
- Change Core [beta2beta] Change graceful close wait time to 5 seconds by default (will likely further change and be user configurable before final)
- Addition GUI Add new dialog shown when process(es) are being terminated, trying a graceful termination first, with a wait period and allowance for manual user overide for immediate termination
- Change GUI Moved process termination to a separate thread, since it may now be blocking for a few seconds
- Change Core Temporary interoperability improvements to SmartTrim (work continues)
- Change Core Reduce access rights in termination function to bare minimum
- Change Localization Update Chinese Simplified
Muutokset v8.0.2 - v8.0.2.7 Beta
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix issue where some terminations were treated as failures, despite their success
- Fix Updater Non-critical fix to some permissions when shutting down Lasso, had no real world impact
- Addition Core Added registry setting to control how long to wait for a graceful termination before terminating or restarting a process
- Change Core Beta2Beta - Improved wait for graceful termination mechanism
- Change GUI Increased amount of detail included in minidumps (these are only enabled in beta builds)
Muutokset v8.0.1.0 - v8.0.2
- Change Localization Update Italian, Finnish, French, Russian, and Chinese Simplified
Muutokset v8.0 - v8.0.1.0
- Fix Core Fix SmartTrim exclusions so that they allow either full pathnames, process basenames (e.g. notepad.exe), or wildcard patterns
- Fix Core Fix issue with migration of the 'show process icons' setting from earlier versions
- Fix GUI Fix issue where system tray icon was temporarily lost and irrecoverable if user selected to not start the GUI at login. Now terminates GUI, left to user to relaunch after the change (since the user did select to start manually).
- Change GUI Change 'Steam Game Detection' to 'Automatic Game Detection'
- Change Localization Update Finnish and Italian
Muutokset v7.9.9.77 Beta - v8.0
- Change GUI Add a considerable number of new SmartTrim options to tune the algorithm to user desired behavior
- Change All A large number of small fixes, major additions, and important adjustments
- Change All -- Full list below (and, remember, you could call every minor update from v7 part of the full change list of v8) --
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim exclusions
- Addition GUI Add SmartTrim exclusions dialog
- Addition GUI Add SmartTrim exclusion process context menu item
- Addition GUI Add 'Allow trim when gaming mode is engaged' menu item, and retitled dialog option
- Addition GUI Add 'Clear all' to exclusions dialog used by SmartTrim and other features
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim setting 'Allow while in gaming mode' (defaults to false)
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim setting for users to manually configure minimum per-process working set (globally) before SmartTrim would act on a process
- Change Core Ajust SmartTrim minimum working set per-process to 196Mb for workstations, 384Mb for servers
- Change Core Change variable name for SmartTrim minimum working set per-process - this will cause it to reset to default if you have used a prior beta
- Change GUI Expanded a static text control in the IdleSaver dialog
- Change GUI Add code to migrate existing process icon setting
- Change Core Remove some of the high-def process icons of the governor, which may have caused some troubles
- Fix GUI Fix to remembering of last main window position and some child window positions (a one time reset will occur)
- Change GUI Default height adjustments
- Change GUI Restored 'restart of Lasso required' message when user disables process icons, so they realize what is going on
- Change GUI Minor UI painting optimizations and misc legacy code cleanup
- Change GUI Don't check for HOSTS file modification (by cracks and such) more than once, may look suspicious and speeds Lasso GUI load
- Fix GUI Fix default CPU affinity whole list dialog when cores > 31 were specified (alternate means and dialogs to create rules using cores greater than 31 would work fine)
- Fix Core Fix scenario where a user-configured ProBalance action not priority related (e.g. CPU affinity change) may be inappropriately taken on a process with a non-normal priority class, despite processes with non-normal priorities being excluded from ProBalance
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Change Installer Improve some confusing text asked during certain upgrades
- Change Build Considerable build system refinement
- Addition Core Continue refinement of the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Change Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Change GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Change Settings Migrate 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Removal Localization Serbian
- Change Localization Update German, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Finnish, Polish, Japanese, and French
Muutokset v7.9.9.7 Beta - v7.9.9.77 Beta
- Addition GUI Add Chinese upsell graphic (shown once to select users)
- Change Localization Update German
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix to new SmartTrim gaming mode interaction
- Addition GUI Add 'Allow trim when gaming mode is engaged' menu item, and retitled dialog option
- Addition GUI Add 'Clear all' to exclusions dialog used by SmartTrim and other features
- Addition Core Flesh out SmartTrim's 'Allow while in gaming mode' (defaults to false)
- Change Core Ajust SmartTrim minimum working set per-process to 196Mb for workstations, 384Mb for servers
- Change Core Change variable name for SmartTrim minimum working set per-process - this will cause it to reset to default if you have used a prior beta
- Change GUI Expanded a static text control in the IdleSaver dialog
- Change GUI Updated Finnish
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Remove 'show process icons' dedicated button for now, pending a bit more work in a minor update
- Change GUI Show process icons by default again
- Change GUI Add code to migrate existing process icon setting
Muutokset v7.9.9.1 Beta - v7.9.9.7 Beta
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Remove 'show process icons' dedicated button for now, pending a bit more work in a minor update
- Change GUI Show process icons by default again
- Change GUI Add code to migrate existing process icon setting
- Change Core Remove some of the high-def process icons of the governor, which may have caused some troubles
- Change Localization Update French
- Fix GUI Fix to remembering of last main window position and some child window positions (a one time reset will occur)
- Change GUI Default height adjustments
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Change Localization Update Polish
- Change GUI Restored 'restart of Lasso required' message when user disables process icons, so they realize what is going on
- Change GUI Minor UI painting optimizations and misc legacy code cleanup
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix issue where previous betas may not have remembered their window position
- Change GUI Don't check for HOSTS file modification (by cracks and such) more than once, may look suspicious and speeds Lasso GUI load
- Change Localization Update Japanese
- Fix GUI Fix default CPU affinity whole list dialog when cores > 31 were specified (alternate means and dialogs to create rules using cores greater than 31 would work fine)
- Change Log [beta2beta] SmartTrim will now log if it skips trim due to memory load not over minimum
- Change Design [beta2beta] SmartTrim will now act if RAM load above minimum and process's working set is over minimum
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Simplified SmartTrim UI exposure
- Addition GUI [beta2beta] Added '15 minutes' menu item for new default SmartTrim interval
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Change the way the periodic trim of SmartTrim is implemented - Now defaults to 15 minutes periodic trim
- Removal GUI [beta2beta] Remove 'let SmartTrim decide' option', now implied when SmartTrim is enabled at all
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Change 'trim when steam game runs' to 'trim when gaming mode entered'.
- Addition GUI Added per-process minimum working set config to SmartTrim config dialog
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Continued refinement of new SmartTrim dialog
- Change Core [beta2beta] Renamed per-process config key (any existing config from prior beta will be reset)
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim ability for users to manually configure per-process working set minimums (globally)
- Change Installer Improve some confusing text asked during certain upgrades
- Fix Core Fix to core engine - A user-configured ProBalance action not priority related (e.g. CPU affinity change) may be inappropriately taken on a process with a non-normal priority class, despite processes with non-normal priorities being excluded from ProBalance
- Change Localization Update French
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Polish
- Change GUI SmartTrim dialog work
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Some fixes to prior beta code
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Addition GUI Added beginnings of new SmartTrim advanced config dialog
- Change Build More build system work
- Change Core [beta2beta] Handle game processes differently
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.8.9 Beta - v7.9.9.1 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix default CPU affinity whole list dialog when cores > 31 were specified (alternate means and dialogs to create rules using cores greater than 31 would work fine)
- Change Log [beta2beta] SmartTrim will now log if it skips trim due to memory load not over minimum
- Change Design [beta2beta] SmartTrim will now act if RAM load above minimum and process's working set is over minimum
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Simplified SmartTrim UI exposure
- Addition GUI [beta2beta] Added '15 minutes' menu item for new default SmartTrim interval
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Change the way the periodic trim of SmartTrim is implemented - Now defaults to 15 minutes periodic trim
- Removal GUI [beta2beta] Remove 'let SmartTrim decide' option', now implied when SmartTrim is enabled at all
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Change 'trim when steam game runs' to 'trim when gaming mode entered'.
- Addition GUI Added per-process minimum working set config to SmartTrim config dialog
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Continued refinement of new SmartTrim dialog
- Change Core [beta2beta] Renamed per-process config key (any existing config from prior beta will be reset)
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim ability for users to manually configure per-process working set minimums (globally)
- Change Installer Improve some confusing text asked during certain upgrades
- Fix Core Fix to core engine - A user-configured ProBalance action not priority related (e.g. CPU affinity change) may be inappropriately taken on a process with a non-normal priority class, despite processes with non-normal priorities being excluded from ProBalance
- Change Localization Update French
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Polish
- Change GUI SmartTrim dialog work
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Some fixes to prior beta code
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Addition GUI Added beginnings of new SmartTrim advanced config dialog
- Change Build More build system work
- Change Core [beta2beta] Handle game processes differently
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.8.3 Beta - v7.9.8.9 Beta
- Change Log [beta2beta] SmartTrim will now log if it skips trim due to memory load not over minimum
- Change Design [beta2beta] SmartTrim will now act if RAM load above minimum and process's working set is over minimum
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Simplified SmartTrim UI exposure
- Addition GUI [beta2beta] Added '15 minutes' menu item for new default SmartTrim interval
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Change the way the periodic trim of SmartTrim is implemented - Now defaults to 15 minutes periodic trim
- Removal GUI [beta2beta] Remove 'let SmartTrim decide' option', now implied when SmartTrim is enabled at all
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Change 'trim when steam game runs' to 'trim when gaming mode entered'.
- Addition GUI Added per-process minimum working set config to SmartTrim config dialog
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Continued refinement of new SmartTrim dialog
- Change Core [beta2beta] Renamed per-process config key (any existing config from prior beta will be reset)
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim ability for users to manually configure per-process working set minimums (globally)
- Change Installer Improve some confusing text asked during certain upgrades
- Fix Core Fix to core engine - A user-configured ProBalance action not priority related (e.g. CPU affinity change) may be inappropriately taken on a process with a non-normal priority class, despite processes with non-normal priorities being excluded from ProBalance
- Change Localization Update French
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Polish
- Change GUI SmartTrim dialog work
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Some fixes to prior beta code
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Addition GUI Added beginnings of new SmartTrim advanced config dialog
- Change Build More build system work
- Change Core [beta2beta] Handle game processes differently
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.7.3 Beta - v7.9.8.3 Beta
- Addition GUI Added per-process minimum working set config to SmartTrim congig dialog
- Change GUI [beta2beta] Continued refinement of new SmartTrim dialog
- Change Core [beta2beta] Renamed per-process config key (any existing config from prior beta will be reset)
- Addition Core Add SmartTrim ability for users to manually configure per-process working set minimums (globally)
- Change Installer Improve some confusing text asked during certain upgrades
- Fix Core Fix to core engine - A user-configured ProBalance action not priority related (e.g. CPU affinity change) may be inappropriately taken on a process with a non-normal priority class, despite processes with non-normal priorities being excluded from ProBalance
- Change Localization Update French
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Polish
- Change GUI SmartTrim dialog work
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Some fixes to prior beta code
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Addition GUI Added beginnings of new SmartTrim advanced config dialog
- Change Build More build system work
- Change Core [beta2beta] Handle game processes differently
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.7.1 Beta - v7.9.7.3 Beta
- Change GUI SmartTrim dialog work
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Some fixes to prior beta code
- Change GUI Other misc work
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Addition GUI Added beginnings of new SmartTrim advanced config dialog
- Change Build More build system work
- Change Core [beta2beta] Handle game processes differently
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.5.9 Beta - v7.9.7.1 Beta
- Addition GUI Added beginnings of new SmartTrim advanced config dialog
- Change Build More build system work
- Change Core [beta2beta] Handle game processes differently
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.5.7 Beta - v7.9.5.9 Beta
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix checkbox for SmartTrim not acting under 65% load not working
- Change Localization Update Finnish
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and timestamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.5.3 Beta - v7.9.5.7 Beta
- Fix Core [beta2beta] Fix governor crashing while performing a trim (affected only recent betas - since user provided exclusions were added a day or two ago)
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and tiemstamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.3.9 Beta - v7.9.5.3 Beta
- Addition Core Continue refining the SmartTrim algorithm
- Addition UI Continue adding SmartTrim parameters, menu items, and related dialog
- Change Signing Improvement to the digital signing and tiemstamping efficiency of our binaries (faster builds)
- Fix Core Fix issue where Gaming Mode might be induced in web browser opened from within Steam
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions to all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.3.5 Beta - v7.9.3.9 Beta
Muutokset v7.9.3.1 Beta - v7.9.3.5 Beta
- Addition GUI add SmartTrim exclusions in all place in UI (work continues)
- Addition Core Enable SmartTrim exclusions
- Fix GUI Fix ProBalance Insights dialog could have truncated text with some languages
- Fix GUI Fix Issue that could cause the UI to potentially deadlock when removing a gaming mode process from the list via the process context menu, under the right circumstances (very rare, if ever)
- Change GUI Adjustment to minimum UI height for mini-PCs (work on-going)
- Change Core Handle another Symantec (Norton) tamper-detection issue
Muutokset v7.9.1.3 Beta - v7.9.3.1 Beta
- Change Core Remove prior beta's Steam game auto-detection adjustment, pending refactoring to achieve 100% accuracy under all conditions
- Fix Core Fix a potential SmartTrim inefficiency when the user manually uses 'Trim Now' manually (under certain conditions)
- Change Core Misc maintenance
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some SmartTrim menu items from Server Edition
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.1.1 Beta - v7.9.1.3 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix GUI Fix SmartTrim would log even if log disabled
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.0.9 Beta - v7.9.1.1 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Fix Installer Fix automatic update checks not enabled for new installs by default, occurred during recent installer streamlining (workstation edition only)
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in its own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.0.7 Beta - v7.9.0.9 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Fix GUI Removed a couple memory priorities that had compatibility issues and could cause what seemed to be a 'loss' of the setting, or a failure to set the memory priority
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in it's own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change All Continued code optimization (replacing legacy code with more efficient renditions)
- Fix All Fix cases where trailing spaces weren't removed from user input when they were intended to be (e.g. activation code).
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
- Removal Localization Serbian (temporary)
Muutokset v7.9.0.5 Beta - v7.9.0.7 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in it's own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change GUI Remove some deprecated code
- Change All General code improvements, compatibility fixes, and maintenance
- Change Settings Move 'Show process icons' GUI setting to HKCU registry value for easy mod
- Change Settings Make 'Show process icons' setting default to TRUE for all installations now (had seen rare third-party shell extensions that would crash within Lasso while trying to draw overlays on the icons)
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Italian, Russian, and French
Muutokset v7.8.0.1 - v7.9.0.5 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix removal of default (always set) process I/O priority may not have immediately been saved in configuration file.
- Enhancement Insights Continued ProBalance Insights polish into an application in it's own right.
- Enhancement Insights Added place-holder menu to ProBalance Insights application to control ProBalance.
- Enhancement GUI Added place-holder menu items and dialogs for user-specified SmartTrim thresholds and exclusions.
- Change Settings Change to key name for process icons, so the default can be easily changed if the user has shell extension problems with the final build
- Change Localization Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, and French
Muutokset v7.8.0.6 - v7.8.2
- Fix Core Back-ported fixes to SmartTrim
Muutokset v7.8 - v7.8.0.1
- Update Chinese Simplified
- Update Chinese Traditional
- Update Finnish
- Update Russian
- Fix a rare uninstall/reinstall scenario with the custom power plan
Muutokset v7.7.1.9 Beta - v7.8
- Enhancement GUI New presentation and options for SmartTrim, the first-ever intelligent RAM optimization algorithm.
- Enhancement GUI New ProBalance toggle to exclude (or not) children of the foreground process.
- Enhancement GUI IdleSaver dialog will now select appropriate defaults.
- Enhancement CPUEater Add ProBlance on/off toggle to the CPUEater Demo (and appropriate text if Lasso not running).
- Fix Core Fix handling when user has specified both a default application power plan and also Gaming Mode for a process (causing a failure to revert back to the proper prior power plan)
- Fix GUI Fix potential disparity between settings displayed (e.g. ProBalance on/off) when manipulated by the user via multiple modules simultaneously, like ProBalance Insights, the Lasso UI, and CPUEater demo
- Fix Installer Fix issue in installer of 7.6 that would cause XP auto-start to not be set for first-time installs
- Change GUI Consolidated sub-menus for popular primary features
- Change GUI Improved presentation and text in several places
- Change GUI Improved interoperability with Norton Internet Security
- Change GUI Added all primary feature control menu items to File menu
- Change GUI Some safety reloads of configuration prior to additional changes (e.g. to make sure some manual user change wasn't lost)
- Removal GUI Remove legacy 'show threads and modules' menu item
- Change Settings Reset 'show icons' setting since default changed (will also be moved to registry)
- Change Settings Disable process icons by default, temporarily, for beta versions (report of another rare third-party shell extension crashing when it tries to draw overlays on them)
- Change Settings Adjustments to some localization customizations
- Change All Internal code and build system work
- Change Portable Edition Add LogViewer, Start/Stop governor batch files to package
- Change GUI Update German
- Change GUI Update French
- Change GUI Update Italian
- Change GUI Update Polish
- Change GUI Update Japanese
- Change All Change copyright to 2015
Muutokset v7.7.0.9 Beta - v7.7.1.9 Beta
- NOTICE BETA USERS Some percentage of you may have SmartTrim toggled OFF your desired setting of ON, as a one-time change to the program's defaults.
- Enhancement GUI New options for SmartTrim, the first ever intelligent RAM optimization algorithm in the world.
- Enhancement GUI New ProBalance toggle to exclude (or not) children of the foreground process.
- Enhancement CPUEater Add ProBlance on/off toggle to the CPUEater Demo (and appropriate text if Lasso not running).
- Change GUI Consolidated sub-menus for popular primary features
- Change GUI Improve some strings (e.g. menu items). Work continues.
- Change GUI Improve interoperability with Norton Internet Security
- Change GUI Some safety reloads of configuration prior to additional changes (e.g. to make sure some manual user change wasn't lost)
- Removal GUI Remove legacy 'show threads and modules' menu item
- Change Settings Reset 'show icons' setting since default changed (will also be moved to registry)
- Change Settings Disable process icons by default, temporarily, for beta versions (report of another rare third-party shell extension crashing when it tries to draw overlays on them)
- Change Settings Adjustments to some localization customizations
- Change All Internal code and build system work
- Change Portable Edition Add LogViewer, Start/Stop governor batch files to package
- Fix GUI Fix potential disparity between settings displayed (e.g. ProBalance on/off) when manipulated by the user via multiple modules simultaneously (.e.g Insights UI and Lasso UI)
- Fix Installer Fix issue in installer of 7.6 that would cause XP auto-start to not be set for first-time installs
- Change GUI Update German
- Change GUI Update Italian
- Change GUI Update Polish
- Change GUI Update Japanese
- Change All Change copyright to 2015
Muutokset v7.7.0.7 Beta - v7.7.0.9 Beta
- Enhancement GUI New options for SmartTrim, the first ever non-braindead RAM optimization algorithm in the world.
- Enhancement GUI New ProBalance toggle to exclude (or not) children of the foreground process.
- Change GUI Consolidated sub-menus for popular primary features
- Change GUI Improve some strings (e.g. menu items). Work continues.
- Change GUI Improve interoperability with Norton Internet Security
- Change GUI Some safety reloads of configuration prior to additional changes (e.g. to make sure some manual user change wasn't lost)
- Removal GUI Remove legacy 'show threads and modules' menu item
- Change Settings Reset 'show icons' setting since default changed (will also be moved to registry)
- Change Settings Disable process icons by default, temporarily, for beta versions (report of another rare third-party shell extension crashing when it tries to draw overlays on them)
- Change Settings Adjustments to some localization customizations
- Change All Internal code and build system work
- Change Portable Edition Add LogViewer, Start/Stop governor batch files to package
- Fix GUI Fix potential disparity between settings displayed (e.g. ProBalance on/off) when manipulated by the user via multiple modules simultaneously (.e.g Insights UI and Lasso UI)
- Fix Installer Fix issue in installer of 7.6 that would cause XP auto-start to not be set for first-time installs
- Change GUI Update German
- Change GUI Update Italian
- Change GUI Update Polish
- Change All Change copyright to 2015
Muutokset v7.7.0.5 Beta - v7.7.0.7 Beta
- Enhancement GUI New options for SmartTrim, the first ever non-braindead RAM optimization algorithm in the world.
- Enhancement GUI New ProBalance toggle to exclude (or not) children of the foreground process.
- Change GUI Consolidated sub-menus for popular primary features
- Change GUI Improve some strings (e.g. menu items). Work continues.
- Change GUI Improve interoperability with Norton Internet Security
- Change GUI Some safety reloads of configuration prior to additional changes (e.g. to make sure some manual user change wasn't lost)
- Removal GUI Remove legacy 'show threads and modules' menu item
- Change Settings Reset 'show icons' setting since default changed (will also be moved to registry)
- Change Settings Disable process icons by default, temporarily, for beta versions (report of another rare third-party shell extension crashing when it tries to draw overlays on them)
- Change Settings Adjustments to some localization customizations
- Change All Internal code and build system work
- Change Portable Edition Add LogViewer, Start/Stop governor batch files to package
- Fix Installer Fix issue in installer of 7.6 that would cause XP auto-start to not be set for first-time installs
- Change GUI Update German
- Change GUI Update Italian
- Change GUI Update Polish
- Change All Change copyright to 2015
Muutokset v7.7.0.3 Beta - v7.7.0.5 Beta
- Enhancement GUI New SmartTrim options
- Enhancement GUI New ProBalance toggle to exclude (or not) children of the foreground process.
- Change GUI Consolidated sub-menus for popular primary features
- Change GUI Improve some strings (e.g. menu items). Work continues.
- Change GUI Improve interoperability with Norton Internet Security
- Removal GUI Remove legacy 'show threads and modules' menu item
- Change Settings Reset 'show icons' setting since default changed (will also be moved to registry)
- Change Settings Disable process icons by default, temporarily, for beta versions (report of another rare third-party shell extension crashing when it tries to draw overlays on them)
- Change Settings Adjustments to some localization customizations
- Change All Internal code and build system work
- Change Portable Edition Add LogViewer, Start/Stop governor batch files to package
- Fix Installer Fix issue in installer of 7.6 that would cause XP auto-start to not be set for first-time installs
- Change GUI Update German
- Change GUI Update Polish
- Change All Change copyright to 2015
Muutokset v7.6.4 - v7.7.0.3 Beta
- Enhancement GUI New SmartTrim options
- Enhancement GUI New ProBalance toggle to exclude (or not) children of the foreground process.
- Change GUI Consolidated sub-menus for popular primary features
- Change GUI Improve some strings (e.g. menu items). Work continues.
- Change GUI Improve interoperability with Norton Internet Security
- Removal GUI Remove legacy 'show threads and modules' menu item
- Change Settings Reset 'show icons' setting since default changed (will also be moved to registry)
- Change Settings Disable process icons by default, temporarily, for beta versions (report of another rare third-party shell extension crashing when it tries to draw overlays on them)
- Change Settings Adjustments to some localization customizations
- Change All Internal code and build system work
- Change GUI Update German
- Change All Change copyright to 2015
Muutokset v7.6.3 Beta - v7.6.4
- Fix Core Fix case of Gaming Mode being induced due to Steam dependencies instead of only games
- Fix Installer Fix silent install/uninstall of Server Edition would inappropriately show InstallHelper dialog
- Fix Installer Fix InstallHelper dialog may inappropriately show during uninstall in XP
- Change GUI Update Japanese
- Change GUI Update French
Muutokset v7.6 - v7.6.3 Beta
- Fix Core Fix case of Gaming Mode being induced due to Steam dependencies (not games)
- Change GUI Update Japanese
- Change GUI Update French
Muutokset v7.4 - v7.6
- Fix Core Fixed a theoretical race condition that could have resulted in a crash (never known to)
- Addition GUI/Core Add ability to auto-trigger improved Gaming Mode via any Steam child process, with others coming soon
- Addition GUI/Core Added first rendition of 'SmartTrim', the first ever non-braindead RAM optimization algorithm in the world. Refinement continues, still early dev.
- Addition GUI Add 'limit CPU use' in parenthesis of CPU affinity menu items so users better understand their effective use.
- Change Core Allow manually set refresh rates w/o sanity checks (a user request, enabled in beta builds only)
- Change GUI System tray tooltip abbreviated app name now 'Lasso' not 'ProLasso'
- Change GUI Minor menu consistency improvements
- Change GUI Move gaming mode process designation for more intuitive access
- Change Installer Remove local CHM from installer. ~1Mb savings, new installer size about 1Mb.
- Change GUI Update Japanese
- Change GUI Update Chinese Simplified
- Change GUI Update Chinese Traditional
- Change GUI Update German
- Change GUI Update Italian
- Change GUI Update Finnish
Muutokset v7.3.2.3 Beta - v7.4
- Addition Core Add toggle to disable change to Bitsum Highest Performance power plan on entrance to Gaming Mode
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to IdleSaver
- Change GUI Reduced with of log filter edit control in main UI
- Change GUI Change process icon retrieval method
- Change GUI Change a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Settings Change default to disable IdleSaver while Gaming Mode is active
- Change Settings Add ability for user to manually set 50ms poll interval (not recommended)
- Change Core Improve handling when governor terminates while gaming mode is active
- Change Core Improved interaction with Comodo and Norton Internet Security 2015
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Fix Portable Include ParkControl in portable edition (not officially supported)
- Fix Log Fix issue where log events for gaming mode power plan changes in XP may have been written (would show 'unknown' as target plan)
- Fix GUI Improvements when user resizes main window to an excessively small size
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Simplified
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Polish
Muutokset v7.2.2.1 Beta - v7.3.2.3 Beta
- Addition Core Add toggle to disable change of power plan upon entrance to Gaming Mode
- Fix Package Include ParkControl in portable edition (not officially supported)
- Fix GUI Improvements to sizing main window
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to IdleSaver
- Change GUI Reduced with of log filter edit control in main UI
- Change GUI Change process icon retrieval method
- Change GUI Change a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Settings Change default to disable IdleSaver while Gaming Mode is active
- Change Settings Add ability for user to manually set 50ms poll interval (not recommended)
- Change Core Improve handling when governor terminates while gaming mode is active
- Change Core Improved interaction with Comodo
- Change Core Improved interaction with Norton Internet Security 2015
- Change Core Set new minimum governor and GUI refresh rates to 50 and 100ms, respectively. Users must manually change these settings in the INI file to use values these low, since they are not advised.
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Polish
Muutokset v7.2.1.9 Beta - v7.2.2.1 Beta
- Addition Core Add toggle to disable change of power plan upon entrance to Gaming Mode
- Fix Package Include ParkControl in portable edition (not officially supported)
- Fix GUI Improvements to sizing main window
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to IdleSaver
- Change GUI Reduced with of log filter edit control in main UI
- Change GUI Change process icon retrieval method
- Change GUI Change a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Settings Change default to disable IdleSaver while Gaming Mode is active
- Change Settings Add ability for user to manually set 50ms poll interval (not recommended)
- Change Core Improve handling when governor terminates while gaming mode is active
- Change Core Improved interaction with Comodo
- Change Core Set new minimum governor and GUI refresh rates to 50 and 100ms, respectively. Users must manually change these settings in the INI file to use values these low, since they are not advised.
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Polish
Muutokset v7.2.1.7 Beta - v7.2.1.9 Beta
- Addition Core Add toggle to disable change of power plan upon entrance to Gaming Mode
- Fix Package Include ParkControl in portable edition (not officially supported)
- Fix GUI Improvements to sizing main window
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to IdleSaver
- Change GUI Reduced with of log filter edit control in main UI
- Change GUI Change process icon retrieval method
- Change GUI Change a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Settings Change default to disable IdleSaver while Gaming Mode is active
- Change Core Improve handling when governor terminates while gaming mode is active
- Change Core Improved interaction with Comodo
- Change Core Set new minimum governor and GUI refresh rates to 50 and 100ms, respectively. Users must manually change these settings in the INI file to use values these low, since they are not advised.
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Polish
Muutokset v7.2.1.5 Beta - v7.2.1.7 Beta
- Fix Package Include ParkControl in portable edition (not officially supported)
- Fix GUI Improvements to sizing main window
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to DownShift
- Change GUI Change process icon retrieval method
- Change GUI Change a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Settings Change default to disable DownShift while Gaming Mode is active
- Change Core Improve handling when governor terminates while gaming mode is active
- Change Core Improved interaction with Comodo
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v7.2.1.3 Beta - v7.2.1.5 Beta
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to DownShift
- Change GUI Change process icon retrieval method
- Change GUI Change a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Settings Change default to disable DownShift while Gaming Mode is active
- Change Core Improve handling when governor terminates while gaming mode is active
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
Muutokset v7.2 - v7.2.1.3 Beta
- Change GUI Rename EnergySaver to DownShift
- Change Settings Change default to disable DownShift when Gaming Mode is active
- Change GUI Changed process icon retrieval method
- Change Core Minor code refinement
- Change GUI Change to a few control captions
- Change GUI Add 32/64 bit size back to About dialog by user request
- Change Localization Clear deprecated strings, reduce size of localization pack
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
Muutokset v7.1.2.0 - v7.2
- Add custom 'Bitsum Highest Performance' power plan for NT6+
- Enhancement Core Gaming Mode automatically induces the new 'Bitsum Highest Performance' power plan
- Change Core Add a couple COMODO processes to the list of ignored processes (use of this list can be toggled in Options menu)
- Change InstallHelper Change manifest to force run with administrative rights
- Fix ParkControl Minor fix to display of number of cores parked when parking disabled
- Change Localization Update Japanese
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update German
- Change Localization Update Russian
Muutokset v7.1.2.0 - v7.1.3.3 Beta
- Enhancement All Add custom 'Bitsum Highest Performance' power plan for NT6+
- Enhancement Core Have Gaming Mode automatically induce the new 'Bitsum Highest Performance' power plan
- Change Core Add a couple COMODO processes to the list of ignored processes (use of this list can be toggled in Options menu)
- Change InstallHelper Change manifest to force run with administrative rights
- Fix ParkControl Minor fix to display of number of cores parked when parking disabled
- Change Localization Update Italian
Muutokset v7.1.0.5 Beta - v7.1.2.0
- Enhancement ProBalance Change to default settings
- Addition GUI Add 'Restore ProBalance Defaults' menu item
- Fix LogViewer Correct caption of 'Open log file' dialog
- Fix LogViewer Ensure archived log files are included in default file mask for 'Open log file' dialog
- Fix Core Fix for a user reported rare crash
- Change GUI Immediately clear log display in GUI when cleared in LogViewer
- Change GUI Reduce Active Processes list size when GUI reopened after being minimized a while
- Change GUI Improvement to the way delta I/O is calculated on first recent check
- Change GUI No longer checks for updates when Gaming Mode is active
- Change GUI Remove idleness check before update is allowed
- Change GUI Decrease frequency of update checks
- Change Localization Added a few strings to the resource module for localization, particularly from ProBalance Insights
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v7.1.0.3 Beta - v7.1.0.5 Beta
- Fix LogViewer Correct caption of 'Open log file' dialog
- Fix LogViewer Ensure archived log files are included in default file mask for 'Open log file' dialog
- Change GUI Reduce Active Processes list size after GUI reopened after minimized a while, improving performance of GUI in some cases (reverts to 6.9 behavior).
- Change GUI Improvement to the way delta I/O is calculated on first recent check
- Change GUI Do not check for updates when Gaming Mode is active
- Change GUI Remove idleness check before update is allowed
- Change GUI Decrease frequency of update checks
- Change Localization Added a few strings to the resource module for localization, particularly from ProBalance Insights
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v7.1.0.1 Beta - v7.1.0.3 Beta
- Fix LogViewer Correct caption of 'Open log file' dialog
- Fix LogViewer Ensure archived log files are included in default file mask for 'Open log file' dialog
- Change GUI Reduce Active Processes list size after GUI reopened after minimized a while, improving performance of GUI in some cases (reverts to 6.9 behavior).
- Change GUI Improvement to the way delta I/O is calculated on first recent check
- Change GUI Do not check for updates when Gaming Mode is active
- Change GUI Remove idleness check before update is allowed
- Change GUI Decrease frequency of update checks
- Change Localization Added a few strings to the resource module for localization, particularly from ProBalance Insights
Muutokset v7.1.0.0 - v7.1.0.1 Beta
- Fix LogViewer Correct caption of 'Open log file' dialog
- Fix LogViewer Ensure archived log files are included in default file mask for 'Open log file' dialog
- Change GUI Improvement to the way delta I/O is calculated on first check, or first recent check
- Change GUI Decrease population of Active Processes tab under some scenarios
- Change GUI Do not check for updates when Gaming Mode is active
- Change GUI Remove idleness check before update is allowed
- Change GUI Decrease frequency of update checks
- Change Localization Added a few strings to the resource module for localization, particularly from ProBalance Insights
Muutokset v7.0.7.1 Beta - v7.1.0.0
- Fix GUI Fix for a reported crash
- Fix GUI Fix for process icon mismatch that could occur under certain circumstances
- Enhancement Build Synchronize and fix all module metadata
- Enhancement Build Add sanity check for translations to ensure they are never inadvertently tossed out (reset to English)
- Enhancement Build Misc source code improvements, new unit tests, and pre-emptive maintenance
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v7.0.5.9 Beta - v7.0.7.1 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix for a reported crash in core process management library (pending validation)
- Fix GUI Fix for process icon mismatch that could occur under certain circumstances
- Fix Modules Fix to the versioninfo block of some modules. Partially broke after new shared versioning.
- Enhancement Build Add sanity check for translations to ensure they are never inadvertently tossed out (reset to English)
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v7.0.5.5 Beta - v7.0.5.9 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix for rare process icon incoherency (mismatched icons in list)
- Enhancement Build Add sanity check for translations to ensure they are never inadvertently tossed out (reset to English)
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v7.0.5.3 Beta - v7.0.5.5 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix for rare process icon incoherency (mismatched icons in list)
- Enhancement Build Add sanity check for translations to ensure they are never inadvertently tossed out (reset to English)
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
Muutokset v7.0.5.1 Beta - v7.0.5.3 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix for rare process icon incoherency (mismatched icons in list)
- Enhancement Build Add sanity check for translations to ensure they are never inadvertently tossed out (reset to English)
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
Muutokset v7.0.4.0 - v7.0.5.1 Beta
- Fix GUI Experimental fix for rare process icon incoherency (mismatch)
- Change GUI Minor optimizations and adjustments that were deferred from last release
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
Muutokset v7.0.3.3 Beta - v7.0.4.0
- Enhancement Installer No longer show startup and scope config dialogs by default for the workstation edition. Users can still select the section during install, or later reference the 'Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts' menu item.
- Enhancement Installer Have unattended (silent) install set GUI and Core to start at login w/o additional parameters specified to dictate such.
- Enhancement Governor Allow certain types of watchdog rules to be repetitively reapplied on the same target process instance (experimental and on-going work)
- Enhancement Updater Change auto-update download links to SSL
- Fix GUI Fix to the new 'Clear' button added to the game list dialog in the last version
- Fix GUI Switch to a different first-try mechanism to get process icons as a work-around for faulty third-party shell extensions (DLLs) that crash when they attempt to put overlays on the process icons retrieved by the Shell APIs.
- Change GUI Increase fill rate of process icons for new instance of PL main window
- Change Core Add new processes to the list of problematic tamper-proof security software
- Change Updater Download and run update from Program Files folder instead of %appdata%, since CryptoPrevent style local security policies may restrict execution from %appdata%
- Change Localization Made some additional strings localizable, including the ProBalance restraints text overlaid on the primary graph
- Fix Localization Fix incorrectly packaged Chinese Traditional resource DLL [refresh-990300]
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Chinese Traditional
- Change Localization Update Chinese Simplified
- Change Localization Update Japanese
Muutokset v7.0.2.4 - v7.0.3.3 Beta
- Removal Installer Remove startup and user scope configuration dialogs from default install behavior. User can still select the install option to show this, or use the 'Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts' menu item.
- Enhancement Installer Have unattended (silent) install set GUI and Core to start at login w/o additional parameters specified to dictate such.
- Enhancement Governor Allow certain types of watchdog rules to be repetitively reapplied on the same target process instance (experimental and on-going work)
- Enhancement Updater Change auto-update download links to SSL
- Fix GUI Fix to the new 'Clear' button added to the game list dialog in the last version
- Change Updater Download and run update from Program Files folder instead of %appdata%, since CryptoPrevent style local security policies may restrict execution from %appdata%
- Change Localization Made some additional strings localizable
- Change Localization Update Italian
Muutokset v7.0.0.0 - v7.0.2.4
- Enhancement CPUEater Cosmetic overhaul of CPUEater ProBalance Demo
- Enhancement CPUEater Improved application icon for CPUEater ProBalance Demo
- Enhancement CPUEater Add 'ProBalance just acted' notification to show clearly when ProBalance acted on the CPU consuming demo
- Enhancement GUI Improvements to ProBalance Advanced Options Dialog
- Enhancement GUI Cosmetic improvements to ProBalance Exclusions Dialog
- Enhancement GUI Cosmetic improvements to Game and Multimedia Processes Dialog
- Addition GUI Add 'Clear' button to Game and Multimedia Processes Dialog
- Addition GUI Add ProBalance menu item for 'Disable core parking during restraint'
- Enhancement Insights Improve response of ProBalance enable/disable toggle
- Change InstallHelper Default to manage the processes of all users
- Fix InstallHelper Fix inappropriate reset of config when user chooses to reconfigure Lasso's startup behavior (including manual reinstall)
- Fix CPUEater Fix manifest not embedded in 32-bit CPUEater
- Fix GUI Fix issue saving config ProBalance advanced option 'disable core parking during restraint'
- Fix GUI Fix issue with manually unticking default affinity CPUs greater than #31 in process context menu
- Fix GUI Fix issue where saving a secondary watchdog rule that closely resembles a prior rule would cause it to be lost
- Change Localization Updated Japanese
Muutokset v6.9.8.11 Beta - v7.0.0.0
- Enhancement Insights More improvements to ProBalance Insights and infrastructure
- Enhancement Insights Improve accuracy of embedded responsiveness meter
- Enhancement GUI Added manual Gaming Mode toggle to system tray menu. Workstation Edition only.
- Enhancement GUI Add 'Gaming Mode' graph overlay indicator
- Enhancement GUI Add button to launch ProBalance Insights
- Enhancement GUI Use total process I/O as a criteria to be placed in the Active Processes list
- Enhancement GUI Added 'Delta I/O' column to Full and Active process lists
- Fix GUI Fix some columns in the Active processes list not updating in some circumstances
- Change GUI Improve performance of Active processes list
- Change GUI Remove per-process memory graph embedded in Active processes list
- Change GUI System tray icon changes on ProBalance restraint
- Change GUI Minor restructuring of process context and main app menus
- Change GUI Consolidate 'Terminate' and 'Force terminate' process context menu items. Now only offering forcible termination by the item 'Terminate'.
- Change GUI Fix issue seen when new column added; could cause some saved column widths to be a bit out of whack
- Change GUI Some small code optimizations and improvements
- Change Installer Don't prompt before downloading correct edition
- Change Installer Allow silent/unattended install to correct edition via dynamic download
- Change Installer Consolidate installer options 'Reset defaults' and 'Reset window positions' into the first of the two, and ensure it is not selected by default
- Removal Installer Remove deprecated is_writable install module
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Japanese
Muutokset v6.9.8.5 Beta - v6.9.8.11 Beta
- Enhancement GUI Added manual Gaming Mode toggle to system tray menu. Workstation Edition only. (more work to Gaming Mode coming)
- Enhancement Insights More improvements to ProBalance Insights and infrastructure
- Enhancement GUI Add 'Gaming Mode' graph overlay indicator
- Enhancement GUI Add button to launch ProBalance Insights
- Enhancement GUI Use total process I/O as a criteria to be placed in the Active Processes list
- Enhancement GUI Added 'Delta I/O' column to Full and Active process lists
- Fix GUI Fix some columns in the Active processes list not updating in some circumstances
- Change GUI Improve performance of Active processes list
- Change GUI Remove per-process memory graph embedded in Active processes list
- Change GUI System tray icon changes on ProBalance restraint
- Change GUI Minor restructuring of process context and main app menus
- Change GUI Consolidate 'Terminate' and 'Force terminate' process context menu items. Now only offering forcible termination by the item 'Terminate'.
- Change GUI Fix issue seen when new column added; could cause some saved column widths to be a bit out of whack
- Change GUI Some small code optimizations and improvements
- Change Installer Don't prompt before downloading correct edition
- Change Installer Allow silent/unattended install to correct edition via dynamic download
- Change Installer Consolidate installer options 'Reset defaults' and 'Reset window positions' into the first of the two, and ensure it is not selected by default
- Removal Installer Remove deprecated is_writable install module
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Japanese
Muutokset v6.9.8.3 Beta - v6.9.8.5 Beta
- Enhancement GUI Added manual Gaming Mode toggle to system tray menu. Workstation Edition only. (more work to Gaming Mode coming)
- Enhancement Insights More improvements to ProBalance Insights and infrastructure
- Change GUI Added 'Delta I/O' column to Full and Active process lists
- Change GUI Minor restructuring of process context menu
- Change GUI Consolidate 'Terminate' and 'Force terminate' process context menu items. Now only offering forcible termination by the item 'Terminate'.
- Change GUI Fix issue seen when new column added; could cause some saved column widths to be a bit out of whack
- Change Installer Consolidate installer options 'Reset defaults' and 'Reset window positions' into the first of the two, and ensure it is not selected by default
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Japanese
Muutokset v6.9.8.1 Beta - v6.9.8.3 Beta
- Enhancements Insights More improvements to ProBalance Insights and infrastructure
- Change GUI Added 'Delta I/O' column to Full and Active process lists
- Change GUI Minor restructuring of process context menu
- Change GUI Consolidate 'Terminate' and 'Force terminate' process context menu items. Now only offering forcible termination by the item 'Terminate'.
- Change GUI Fix issue seen when new column added; could cause some saved column widths to be a bit out of whack
- Change Installer Consolidate installer options 'Reset defaults' and 'Reset window positions' into the first of the two, and ensure it is not selected by default
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update Japanese
Muutokset v6.9.8.0 - v6.9.8.1 Beta
- Enhancements Insights More improvements to ProBalance counters (stats) collection
- Change GUI Added 'Total Bytes I/O' column to primary process list
- Change GUI Minor restructuring of process context menu
- Change GUI Consolidate 'Terminate' and 'Force terminate' process context menu items. Now only offering forcible termination by the item 'Terminate'.
- Change GUI Fix issue seen when new column added; could cause some saved column widths to be a bit out of whack
- Change Localization Update Italian
Muutokset v6.9.5.9 Beta - v6.9.8.0
- Addition GUI New module, ProBalance Insights, to show per-process ProBalance statistics
- Addition GUI Add item to View submenu, 'Open Log Viewer'
- Addition GUI Add item to View submenu, 'Open ProBalance Insights'
- Enhancement GUI Move and rename menu item 'Open Log Viewer' to View submenu
- Enhancement GUI Minor other improvements
- Enhancement Log Add hashtags to #ProBalance log events, for easy filtering
- Enhancement Log Refine text of some log entries
- Enhancement Log Enable sortable columns in the Log Viewer
- Change GUI Move and rename some menu items
- Change GUI Move ProBalance count text up a bit on graph
- Change Launcher ProcessLassoLauncher.exe now can raise main window of existing instance w/o elevation. This is for those who pin Lasso to the Taskbar or prefer to open an already running instance via the Start Menu.
- Change Updater Remove modules that haven't been updated for a long time. Will help with false positive rarely seen on 'bitsumms.exe', and reduces update size.
- Change Core Minor optimizations
- Change Localization Update Italian
- Change Localization Update German
- Removal GUI Remove a deprecated submenu item (elevate)
Muutokset v6.9.5.7 Beta - v6.9.5.9 Beta
- Addition GUI New module, ProBalance Insights, to show per-process ProBalance statistics
- Addition GUI Add item to View submenu, 'Open Log Viewer'
- Addition GUI Add item to View submenu, 'Open ProBalance Insights'
- Enhancement GUI Move and rename menu item 'Open Log Viewer' to View submenu
- Enhancement Log Add hashtags to #ProBalance log events, for easy filtering
- Enhancement Log Enable sortable columns in the Log Viewer
- Change GUI Move and rename some menu items
- Change Launcher ProcessLassoLauncher.exe now can raise main window of existing instance w/o elevation. This is for those who pin Lasso to the Taskbar or prefer to open an already running instance via the Start Menu
- Change Localization Update German
- Removal GUI Remove a deprecated submenu item (elevate)
Muutokset v6.9.5.5 Beta - v6.9.5.7 Beta
- Addition GUI New module, ProBalance Insights, to show per-process ProBalance statistics
- Addition GUI Add item to View submenu, 'Open ProBalance Insights'
- Enhancement GUI Move and rename menu item 'Open Log Viewer' to View submenu
- Enhancement LogViewer Make log listview sortable by column
- Removal GUI Remove a deprecated submenu item (elevate)
- Change Launcher ProcessLassoLauncher.exe now starts unelevated, can raise main window of existing instance w/o elevation, or will induce a UAC prompt if new Lasso GUI launch required
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v6.9.5.1 Beta - v6.9.5.5 Beta
- Addition GUI New module, ProBalance Insights, to show per-process ProBalance statistics
- Addition GUI Add item to View submenu, 'Open ProBalance Insights'
- Enhancement GUI Move and rename menu item 'Open Log Viewer' to View submenu
- Enhancement LogViewer Make log listview sortable by column
- Removal GUI Remove a deprecated submenu item (elevate)
- Change Launcher ProcessLassoLauncher.exe now starts unelevated, can raise main window of existing instance w/o elevation, or will induce a UAC prompt if new Lasso GUI launch required
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v6.9.3.0 - v6.9.5.1 Beta
- Addition GUI New module, ProBalance Insights, to show per-process ProBalance statistics
- Addition GUI Add item to 'View' submenu to open ProBalance Insights (will likely relocate, temporary acccess point)
- Enhancement LogViewer Make listviews sortable by column
- Removal GUI Remove a deprecated submenu item (elevate)
Muutokset v6.9.2.11 Beta - v6.9.3.0
- Addition Core Enable new ProBalance statistics collection
- Addition GUI Show ProBalance counts over graph (total restraints and restraints today)
- Addition GUI Add toggle for new ProBalance counters shown over graph
- Addition GUI Add link to Windows Power Options in EnergySaver dialog
- Change GUI Some refactoring of Energy Saver dialog
- Change GUI Process icons shown by default
- Change All Licensing system improvements
- Change All Switch all executables to embedded manifests
- Change GUI Minor menu and text adjustments
- Change GUI Minor adjustments to ProcessLassoLauncher behavior
- Change GUI Continued refinement of log entry action descriptions
- Change GUI Continued refinement of informative and error message texts
- Change Update Delete some deprecated registry values
- Change Updater Delete deprecated external manifests
- Change Localization Update Finnish
Muutokset v6.9.2.9 Beta - v6.9.2.11 Beta
- Addition GUI Show total ProBalance restraints and ProBalance restraints today over graph
- Addition Core Enable new ProBalance statistics collection
- Change GUI Minor menu and text adjustments
- Change StartMenu Minor adjustments to ProcessLassoLauncher behavior
- Change Loggign Continued refinement of log texts, begun adding hashtags to quickly search for particular events
- Change All Switch all executables to embedded manifests
- Change Updater Delete now deprecated external manifests
- beta2beta-fix All Fix compatibility issue with Windows Vista and Windows 7 in previous betas v6.9.2.5-7 only
Muutokset v6.9.2.7 Beta - v6.9.2.9 Beta
- fix All Fix compatibility issue with Windows Vista and Windows 7 in beta v6.9.2.5-7 only
- Change StartMenu Minor adjustments to ProcessLassoLauncher behavior
- Change All Switch all executables to embedded manifests
- Change Updater Delete now deprecated external manifests
Muutokset v6.9.2.4 - v6.9.2.7 Beta
- Change StartMenu Minor adjustments to ProcessLassoLauncher behavior
- Change All Switch all executables to embedded manifests
- Change Updater Delete now deprecated external manifests
Muutokset v6.9.1.9 Beta - v6.9.2.4
- Addition Core Unspecified additions to facilitate new development work, to be announced soon
- Fix Core Fix case of some ProBalance events being logged regardless of log settings
- Fix Localization Fix to Japanese resource module x64 build
- Change Logging Change logging when ProBalance ends due to process termination
- Change Logging Reduce max log size before rotating to new file (improves Lasso GUI load speed)
- Change Logging Adjust text associated with some log entry types
- Change ParkControl Update ParkControl to v2.1.8
- Change GUI Added safety check to see if system HOSTS file was modified by a crack or keygen. This is done to prevent updates of Lasso, but also blocks all access to!
- Change GUI Extended checks for potential causes of activation failure
- Change GUI Improve GUI load speed when application icons are shown in the process listview
- Change GUI Minor adjustments and code improvements
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic
- Change GUI Switch to embedded manifests
- Change Updater Add note to update error about CryptoPrevent software blocking Lasso updates (should whitelist pl4sfx.exe)
- Change Updater Improve post-update code to better clean up deprecated modules
- Change Localization Removed PTBR and Hungarian languages
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v6.9.1.7 Beta - v6.9.1.9 Beta
- Addition Core Unspecified additions to facilitate new development work, to be announced soon
- Fix Core Fix case of some ProBalance events being logged regardless of log settings
- Fix Localization Fix to Japanese resource module x64 build
- Change Logging Change logging when ProBalance ends due to process termination
- Change Logging Reduce max log size before rotating to new file (improves Lasso GUI load speed)
- Change Logging Adjust text associated with some log entry types
- Change ParkControl Update ParkControl to v2.1.8
- Change GUI Added safety check to see if system HOSTS file was modified by a crack or keygen. This is done to prevent updates of Lasso, but also blocks all access to!
- Change GUI Extended checks for potential causes of activation failure
- Change GUI Improve GUI load speed when application icons are shown in the process listview
- Change GUI Minor adjustments and code improvements
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic
- Change Updater Add note to update error about CryptoPrevent software blocking Lasso updates (should whitelist pl4sfx.exe)
- Change Updater Improve post-update code to better clean up deprecated modules
- Change Localization Removed PTBR and Hungarian languages
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v6.9.1.5 Beta - v6.9.1.7 Beta
- Addition Core Unspecified additions to facilitate new development work, to be announced soon
- Fix Core Fix case of some ProBalance events being logged regardless of log settings
- Fix Localization Fix to Japanese resource module x64 build
- Change Logging Change logging when ProBalance ends due to process termination
- Change Logging Reduce max log size before rotating to new file (improves Lasso GUI load speed)
- Change Logging Adjust text associated with some log entry types
- Change ParkControl Update ParkControl to v2.1.8
- Change GUI Extended checks for potential causes of activation failure
- Change GUI Minor adjustments and code improvements
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic
- Change Updater Add note to update error about CryptoPrevent software blocking Lasso updates (should whitelist pl4sfx.exe)
- Change Updater Improve post-update code to better clean up deprecated modules
- Change Localization Removed PTBR and Hungarian languages
- Change Localization Update French
- Fix GUI Fix license update eligibility message incorrectly shown when updating from v6.9.1.1 beta *only* (product will remain licensed regardless). Only affected prior beta.
- Change GUI Enabled minidumps for GUI in beta builds (in recent betas these were only enabled in the governor)
Muutokset v6.9.1.3 Beta - v6.9.1.5 Beta
- Fix Core Fix case of some ProBalance events being logged regardless of log settings
- Fix GUI [beta2beta] Fix license update eligibility message incorrectly shown when updating from v6.9.1.1 beta *only* (product will remain licensed regardless). Only affected prior beta.
- Fix LogViewer Fix to LogViewer application icon in last release
- Fix Localization Fix to Japanese resource module x64 build
- Addition Core Unspecified additions (to be detailed soon)
- Change Logging Change logging when ProBalance ends due to process termination
- Change Logging Reduce max log size before rotating to new file (improves Lasso GUI load speed)
- Change Logging Adjust text associated with some log entry types
- Change ParkControl Update ParkControl to v2.1.8
- Change GUI Extended checks for potential causes of activation failure
- Change GUI Minor adjustments and code improvements
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic
- Change Updater Add note to update error about CryptoPrevent software blocking Lasso updates (should whitelist pl4sfx.exe)
- Change Updater Improve post-update code to better clean up deprecated modules
- Change Localization Removed PTBR and Hungarian languages
- Change Localization Update French
Muutokset v6.9.1.1 Beta - v6.9.1.3 Beta
- Change Updater Add note to update error about CryptoPrevent software blocking Lasso updates (should whitelist pl4sfx.exe)
- Change ParkControl Update ParkControl to v2.1.6 (continued UI refinement)
- Change Licensing Small tweaks to licensing system
- Change LogViewer Minor cosmetic
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic
- Change GUI Update French
- Change Updater Improve post-update code to better clean up deprecated modules
- Change Installer Removed PTBR and Hungarian languages
- Fix GUI Fix license update eligibility message incorrectly shown when updating from v6.9.1.1 beta to this version *only* (product will remain licensed regardless)
Muutokset v6.9.1.0 - v6.9.1.1 Beta
- Change Updater Add note to update error about CryptoPrevent software blocking Lasso updates (should whitelist pl4sfx.exe)
- Change ParkControl Update ParkControl to v2.1.6 (continued UI refinement)
- Change Licensing Small tweaks to licensing system
- Change LogViewer Minor cosmetic
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic
- Change GUI Update French
- Change Updater Improve post-update code to better clean up deprecated modules
- Change Installer Removed PTBR and Hungarian languages
Muutokset v6.9.0.7 Beta - v6.9.1.0
- Add 'File / Load Log File' menu item to load archived log files for view, filter, and/or export to CSV
- Add 'File / Open Log Folder' menu item to open the log storage folder in Explorer
- Rename 'Export Log to CSV' to 'Export View to CSV' to better represent it's actual function
- Further refinements to ParkControl (core parking) dialog UI
- LogViewer UI refinements
- Remove deprecated pllogtocsv.exe binary
- Improve control spacing in CPU affinity selection dialogs
- Cosmetic improvements
- Improvements to appearance and functionality of About and Activation dialogs
- Minor text corrections and improvements
- Updated German translation
- Cosmetic fixes to UI of Server Edition
- Fix to text shown in the activation dialog of Server Edition
- Fix mutually exclusive system tray icon types could be checked in app menu
Muutokset v6.9.0.5 Beta - v6.9.0.7 Beta
- Addition LogViewer Add 'File / Load Log File' to load archived log files for view, filter, and/or export to CSV
- Addition LogViewer Add 'File / Open Log Folder' to open the log storage folder in Explorer
- Addition LogViewer Rename 'Export Log to CSV' to 'Export View to CSV' to better represent the actual function, which exports the current filtered view to CSV
- Fix GUI Fix mutually exclusion system tray icon types could be checked
- Change LogViewer Improve About dialog of this ancillary freeware tool
- Change ParkControl Update to 2.06, continued refinement
- Change GUI Optimization to graph painting
- Change GUI Improve CPU affinity selection dialog control spacing
- Change GUI Cosmetic improvements
- Change LogViewer Cosmetic improvements
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v6.9.0.0 - v6.9.0.5 Beta
- Addition LogViewer Add 'File / Load Log File' to load archived log files for view, filter, and/or export to CSV
- Addition LogViewer Add 'File / Open Log Folder' to open the log storage folder in Explorer
- Addition LogViewer Rename 'Export Log to CSV' to 'Export View to CSV' to better represent the actual function, which exports the current filtered view to CSV
- Change LogViewer Improve About dialog
- Fix GUI Fix mutually exclusion system tray icon types could be checked
- Change GUI Optimization to graph painting
- Change Localization Update German
Muutokset v6.8.0.8 - v6.9.0.0
- Change GUI Make text background transparent graph overlays, looks much better
- Change GUI Increase font size of text overlaid on graph (e.g. active power profile)
- Change GUI Change Lasso GUI start-up behavior so that it minimizes to tray and/or shows main window when appropriate
- Change GUI Make all links SSL, update to latest URLs
- Change GUI Replace occurrences of 'Energy Saver' with 'EnergySaver'
- Change Licensing Product activation subsystem additions and optimization
- Change Licensing Further reduce nag shown at start-up after long-term free use
- Fix Core Fix ProBalance restraint ended log events being written even if logging disabled
- Fix GUI Fix crash seen with some types of input
- Fix GUI Fix case of main window briefly appearing before being minimized to system tray (when minimize to tray is desired)
- Addition ParkControl Add ability to change minimum CPU frequency allowed from within dialog, instead of having to open Power Options
- Change ParkControl Revamped ParkControl UI
- Change ParkControl Change UI behavior when power profile selection is changed with unapplied tweaks pending
Muutokset v6.8.0.8 - v6.8.0.15 Beta
- Change GUI Change Lasso GUI behavior so that it always shows main UI on first primary instance start, instead of immediately minimizing to the system tray
- Change GUI Make background transparent for text overlaid on graph, looks much better
- Change GUI Increase font size of text overlaid on graph (e.g. active power profile)
- Change GUI Activation system optimizations and improvements
- Change GUI Make all links SSL, update to latest URLs
- Change GUI Replace occurrences of 'Energy Saver' with 'EnergySaver'
- Change ParkControl Revamped ParkControl UI (work continues)
- Fix Core Fix ProBalance restraint ended log events being written even if logging disabled
- Fix GUI Fix crash seen with some types of input
- Change All Minidumps enabled this beta build to allow investigation of user errata report(s)
- Addition ParkControl Add ability to change minimum CPU frequency allowed from within dialog, instead of having to open Power Options
- Change ParkControl Change UI behavior when power profile selection is changed with unapplied tweaks pending
Muutokset v6.8.0.6 - v6.8.0.8
- Change Installer Change company name from 'Bitsum' to 'Bitsum LLC'
- Change Licensing Reduce nag timer for long-term free users
- Change Core Minor adjustments
Muutokset v6.8.0.4 - v6.8.0.6
- Change Core Change to exception handling
- Fix GUI Fix to some of the static controls in About box
- Fix InstallHelper Fix to /code command line switch for unattended install
Muutokset v6.8.0.3 Beta - v6.8.0.4
- Change GUI Change position of current Power Profile overlaid on graph to lower right quadrant
- Change GUI Change position of Keep PC Awake timer overlaid on graph to upper right quandrant
- Change GUI Remove some less than useful menu items to improve overall presentation
- Change GUI Remove gaming mode from system tray menu (workstation edition)
- Change Core Tweak to ProBalance behavior
- Change Core General source maintenance
- Fix Core Fix to recent Keep Running refactoring
- Fix Core Minor fixes
- Fix GUI Fix slow app init in recent builds due to large log files
- Fix GUI Minor presentation fixes
Muutokset v6.8.0.1 Beta - v6.8.0.3 Beta
- Change GUI Change position of current Power Profile overlaid on graph to lower right quadrant
- Change GUI Change position of Keep PC Awake timer overlaid on graph to upper right quandrant
- Change GUI Remove some less than useful menu items to improve overall presentation
- Change GUI Remove gaming mode from system tray menu (workstation edition)
- Change Core Tweak to ProBalance behavior
- Change Core General source maintenance
- Fix Core Fix to recent Keep Running refactoring
- Fix Core Minor fixes
- Fix GUI Minor presentation fixes
Muutokset v6.7.0.64 - v6.8.0.1 Beta
- Change GUI Change position of current Power Profile overlaid on graph to lower right quadrant
- Change GUI Change position of Keep PC Awake timer overlaid on graph to upper right quandrant
- Change GUI Remove some less than useful menu items to improve overall presentation
- Change GUI Remove gaming mode from system tray menu (workstation edition)
- Change Core Tweak to ProBalance behavior
- Change Core General source maintenance
- Fix Core Minor fixes
- Fix GUI Minor presentation fixes
Muutokset v6.7.0.63 Beta - v6.7.0.64
- Fix Core Fix issue with default CPU affinities referencing cores greater than 31 not being applied correctly.
- Fix Core Fix failure to set governor to run as service under specific (non-system) user account.
- Fix GUI Fix control tab ordering in Keep Running config dialog
- Change Core Refactored the 'Keep Running' (auto-restart process) feature. You can now keep multiple instances of the same process running with differing command lines.
- Change Core Revert to older, more effective, behaviorr of Gaming/Multimedia mode.
- Change Core Allow IP based activation in the event DNS resolution fails
- Change GUI Language updates.
Muutokset v6.7.0.61 Beta - v6.7.0.63 Beta
- Fix Core Fix issue with default CPU affinities referencing cores greater than 31 not being applied correctly.
- Fix Core Fix failure to set governor to run as service under specific (non-system) user account. This broke a few builds ago.
- Fix GUI Fix control tab ordering in Keep Running config dialog
- Change Core Refactored the 'Keep Running' (auto-restart process) feature. You can now keep multiple instances of the same process running with differing command lines.
- Change Core Revert to older, more effective, behavior of Gaming/Multimedia mode. (work in progress)
- Change Core Allow IP based activation in the event DNS resolution fails
- Change GUI Language updates.
Muutokset v6.7.0.59 Beta - v6.7.0.61 Beta
- Change Core Completely refactored the 'Keep Running' (auto-restart process) feature. You can now keep multiple instances of the same process running with differing command lines.
- Fix GUI Fix control tab ordering in Keep Running config dialog
- Fix Core Fix failure to set governor to run as service under specific (non-system) user account. This broke a few months back.
- Change Core Revert to older, more effective, behavior of Gaming/Multimedia mode. (work in progress)
- Change Core Allow IP based activation in the event DNS resolution fails
- Change GUI Language updates.
Muutokset v6.7.0.55 Beta - v6.7.0.59 Beta
- Fix Core Fix failure to set governor to run as service under specific (non-system) user account. This broke a few months back.
- Change Core Revert to older, more effective, behavior of Gaming/Multimedia mode. (work in progress)
- Change Core Allow IP based activation in the event DNS resolution fails
- Change GUI Language updates.
Muutokset v6.7.0.53 Beta - v6.7.0.55 Beta
- Fix Core Fix failure to set governor to run as service under specific (non-system) user account. This broke a few months back.
- Change Core Revert to older behavior of Gaming/Multimedia mode. (work in progress)
- Change GUI Language updates.
Muutokset v6.7.0.52 - v6.7.0.53 Beta
- Fix Core Fix failure to set governor to run as service under specific (non-system) user account. This broke a few months back.
- Change Core Revert to older behavior of Gaming/Multimedia mode. (work in progress)
- Change GUI Language updates.
Muutokset v6.7.0.42 - v6.7.0.52
Muutokset v6.7.0.43 Beta - v6.7.0.49 Beta
- Fix Core Fix change to refresh rate was being logged even if logging was disabled
- Fix LogViewer Fixes to CSV export
- Change LogViewer Have export to CSV obey any current filtered log view
- Change Core Ignore some critical Comodo processes
- Change Distribution Remove ThreadRacer demo/benchmarking tool
- Change GUI/Core Remove confusing 'forced active' power profile from Energy Saver
Muutokset v6.7.0.42 - v6.7.0.43 Beta
- Fix Core Fix change to refresh rate was being logged even if logging was disabled
- Change Distribution Remove ThreadRacer demo/benchmarking tool
- Change GUI/Core Remove confusing 'forced active' power profile from Energy Saver
Muutokset v6.7.0.41 Beta - v6.7.0.42
- Addition GUI Add 8 hour option to keep awake
- Fix GUI Do not stop governor service when GUI is exiting.
- Fix Core Improve migration of watchdog rules when updating from old version
- Change Core Restore code to migrate process watchdog rules from older versions
- Change GUI Double-click on system tray icon now opens context menu
- Change GUI Allow watchdog (advanced) process rules to be created with expired trial version
- Change Build Switch to VC10 Platform toolset, drop last bit of W2K and XP
Muutokset v6.7.0.34 - v6.7.0.41 Beta
- Add 8 hour option to keep awake
- Fix GUI Do not stop governor service when GUI is exiting. Would have caused GUI to inappropriately stop governor service on user sign-out when governor is configured to run as a service.
- Change GUI Double-click on system tray icon now opens context menu
- Change Core Restore code to migrate process watchdog rules from older versions
- Change Build Switch to VC10 Platform toolset, drop last bit of W2K and XP
Muutokset v6.7.0.29 Beta - v6.7.0.34
- Fix Core Fix issue where governor could 'miss' slow to initialize processes on rare occasions, affecting versions released in the last 60 days
- Fix GUI Fix issue in last version where failed performance counter repair would continue to be retried at every launch of the Lasso GUI.
- Change Languages Update languages
Muutokset v6.7.0.28 - v6.7.0.29 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix issue in last verson where lodctr run could slow down every launch of the GUI when performance counters can't be successfully repaired. Now will run lodctr once more, then stop trying for future launches.
- Fix Core Fix issue in recent versions where slow to initialize processes could be ignored entirely by the governor
Muutokset v6.7.0.27 Beta - v6.7.0.28
- Fix Core Fix issue with 'drop one core' CPU affinity changes with ProBalance restraint
- Change GUI Automatically repair performance counter registrations if found to be broken. Fixes failure of CPU core utilization/parking graph to display.
- Change Languages Update languages
Muutokset v6.7.0.21 Beta - v6.7.0.27 Beta
- Fix Core Fix issue with 'drop one core' CPU affinity changes with ProBalance restraint
- Change GUI Automatically repair performance counter registrations if found to be broken. Fixes failure of CPU core utilization/parking graph to display.
- Change Languages Update languages
Muutokset v6.7.0.17 Beta - v6.7.0.21 Beta
- Fix Core Fix issue with 'drop one core' CPU affinity changes with ProBalance restraint
- Change All Selective debug output enabled, tracking failure of CPU core utilization view to show on some systems
- Change Languages Update languages
Muutokset v6.7.0.15 Beta - v6.7.0.17 Beta
- Fix Core Fix issue with 'drop one core' CPU affinity changes with ProBalance restraint
- Change All Debug output enabled
- Change Languages Update several languages
Muutokset v6.7.0.14 - v6.7.0.15 Beta
- Fix Core Fix issue with 'drop one core' CPU affinity changes with ProBalance restraint
- Change Languages Update several languages
Muutokset v6.7.0.6 - v6.7.0.14
- Fix Core Fix certain user-configured ProBalance CPU affinity adjustments didn't restore original affinities
- Fix Core Fix performance issue with start of GUI
- Change Core Improve interoperability with Symantec security software
- Change GUI Default to process icons off, due to some malfunctional third-party shell extensions trying to draw overlays on them, and crashing the Process Lasso GUI
- Change GUI Cosmetic changes to update notification dialog for unlicensed users
- Change Core Reduce PC energy consumption when using Keep Awake mode
- Change Build Build system improvements
Muutokset v6.7.0.7 Beta - v6.7.0.11 Beta
- Fix certain user-configured ProBalance CPU affinity adjustments didn't restore original affinities
- Change Core Improve interoperability with Symantec security software
- Change GUI Default to process icons off, due to some malfunctional third-party shell extensions trying to draw overlays on them, and crashing the Process Lasso GUI
- Change Core Reduce PC energy consumption when using Keep Awake mode
- Change Build Build system improvements
Muutokset v6.7.0.6 - v6.7.0.7 Beta
- Change Core Improve interoperability with Symantec security software
- Change GUI Default to process icons off, due to some malfunctional third-party shell extensions trying to draw overlays on them, and crashing the Process Lasso GUI
Muutokset v6.7.0.0 - v6.7.0.6
- Change GUI Change 'Auto update' buttons on update notification dialogs to 'Update Now' and remove deprecated manual update option
- Change GUI Move per-process restraint count column to default position 3, instead of lost in the wilderness near position 10
- Change Core Improve performance under some scenarios
- Change Update PostUpdate.exe launched after automated update
- Fix Update Fix failure to handle running logviewer.exe instance(s) on update
- Fix Startup Fix inappropriate UAC elevation prompts shown at user login under some scenarios
- Fix Licensing Fix error with some types of license codes
Muutokset v6.7.0.0 - v6.7.0.3 Beta
- Change GUI Move per-process restraint count column to default position 3, instead of lost in the wilderness near position 10
- Fix Startup Fix case where Task Scheduler startup entry could get inadvertently set to non-elevated, causing UAC elevation prompts at login
- Fix Licensing Fix error with some types of license codes
Muutokset v6.6.1.6 - v6.7.0.0
- Change LogViewer Make window background standard dialog background color
- Change LogViewer Minor cosmetic and localization improvements
- Change GUI Make dark graph background fully black
- Change GUI Extended duration of 'restraint in process' system tray icon
- Change GUI Dramatically reduce frequency of 'Go Pro' dialog
- Change GUI Minor code improvements
- Change Languages Update Polish, Traditional Chinese, others
Muutokset v6.6.1.0 - v6.6.1.6
- Addition GUI Add 'Keep PC Awake' countdown timer overlaid on graph
- Addition GUI Add 'Disable' option to Keep PC awake timer
- Fix GUI Fix newly specified disallowed process would not be immediately saved
- Fix GUI Fix GUI bug when trying to select cores 32 and above
- Fix GUI Selection of new current CPU affinity wouldn't initialize affinity selection dialog with current CPU affinity
- Fix GUI Selection of new default CPU affinity wouldn't initialize affinity selection dialog with existing default CPU affinity
- Fix GUI Fix affinity selection dialog CPU checkbox controls overlapped a pixel
- Fix Core Work around another Symantec (NIS) process that has 'tamper detection' issues
- Change Core Allow preservation of CPU affinities in excess of current system CPU count
- Change Installer Don't create a start menu short-cut for 'Reset to defaults'
- Change GUI Additional minor changes
- Change Languages Updated Simplified Chinese, Serbian, German, Italian, and others
Muutokset v6.6.1.1 Beta - v6.6.1.5 Beta
- Addition GUI Add 'Keep PC Awake' countdown timer overlaid on graph
- Addition GUI Add 'Disable' option to Keep PC awake timer
- Fix GUI Fix newly specified disallowed process would not be immediately saved
- Fix GUI Fix GUI bug when trying to select cores 32 and above
- Fix GUI Selection of new current CPU affinity wouldn't initialize affinity selection dialog with current CPU affinity
- Fix GUI Selection of new detault CPU affinity wouldn't initialize affinity selection dialog with existing default CPU affinity
- Fix GUI Fix affinity selection dialog CPU checkbox controls overlapped a pixel
- Fix Core Work around another Symantec (NIS) process that has 'tamper detection' issues
- Change Core Allow preservation of CPU affinities in excess of current system CPU count
- Change Installer Don't create a start menu short-cut for 'Reset to defaults'
- Change GUI Additional minor changes
- Change Languages Updated Simplified Chinese, Serbian, German, Italian, and others
Muutokset v6.6.1.0 - v6.6.1.1 Beta
- Change Languages Updated Simplified Chinese, Serbian, and others
- Change GUI Some client specific features
- Fix GUI Fix newly specified disallowed process was not be immediately saved
Muutokset v6.6.0.92 - v6.6.1.0
- Addition LogViewer Add 'Emit log to CSV' menu option to stand-alne Log Viewer
- Fix GUI/LogViewer Fix order of log entries when filtered (were ascending instead of descending)
- Fix GUI/LogViewer Fix to real-time update of log listview in filtered view (new matching log events may not have been shown due to a character case issue)
- Fix GUI Fixes to recent changes in the Energy Saver configuration dialog
- Fix GUI Fix system tray icon menu setting could have two choices checked, when they are mutually exclusive
- Fix GUI Fix 'reset window positions' may have mispositioned controls around the lower tab
- Fix Updater Fix srvstub.exe not included in automated updater (prior fix to it not propogated if auto updated)
- Change GUI Other window management and painting adjustments and optimizations
- Change GUI Don't force graph legend visible after graph is toggled on
- Change LogViewer Move Log Viewer resources to primary resource module
Muutokset v6.6.0.92 - v6.6.0.95 Beta
- Fix GUI/LogViewer Fix to order of list items a newly created filter view (descdending instead of ascending, to match non-filtered view)
- Fix GUI Fixes to recent changes in the Energy Saver configuration dialog
- Fix GUI Fix system tray icon menu setting could have two choices checked, when they are mutually exclusive
- Fix GUI Fix 'reset window positions' may cause a temporary mis-size of the lower view tab control and its overlaid siblings
- Fix Updater Fix srvstub.exe component not included in automated updater (prior fix to it not propogated if auto updated)
Muutokset v6.6.0.90 - v6.6.0.92
- Fix GUI Fix some GUI child window painting anomalies (e.g. log filter edit box not visible until clicked on)
- Fix SrvStub Fix a problematic condition when relaunching the governor after a fatal crash (recommended update to v6.5+)
- Fix LogViewer Fix to a synchronization object, though no real effect
- Change Languages Update French
Muutokset v6.6.0.83 Beta - v6.6.0.90
- Addition Package New stand-alone log viewer, logviewer.exe, allows for fully resizable view of full or filtered process activity log in real-time
- Fix Package Fix failure to sign TestLasso.exe
- Fix GUI Fix failure to demarcate secondary copies of the menu items 'Elevate' and 'Manage processes of all users'
- Fix GUI Fix a cosmetic issue in the process list where some processes may have missing fields
- Fix Launcher Fix a cosmetic issue in the process list where some processes may have missing fields
- Change All Run elevated by default
- Change VistaMMCSC Switched to standard CPU affinity selection dialog, expanded support to 64 cores in this external utility
- Change Build Verify digital certificate of all modules before packaging
- Change GUI Energy Saver dialog improvements
- Change Core Energy Saver improvements
- Removal GUI Remove Energy Saver exclusions. Users who need this rare feature should simply define them as game processes and check to turn off Energy Saver during gaming mode
- Removal GUI Remove menu item 'Show [log] grid lines', now always show
- Change Languages Updates
Muutokset v6.6.0.79 Beta - v6.6.0.83 Beta
Muutokset v6.6.0.78 - v6.6.0.79 Beta
- Fix GUI Fix an issue where a handful of processes might have incomplete metrics if they were loaded prior to completing their initialization
- Change GUI Improve look and feel of Energy Saver configuration dialog
- Change All Run elevated by default
- Change All The usual careful code polishing and improvements
- Removal GUI Remove Energy Saver exclusions. Users who need this rare feature should simply define them as game processes and check to turn off Energy Saver during gaming mode
Muutokset v6.6.0.72 - v6.6.0.78
Muutokset v6.6.0.75 Beta - v6.6.0.77 Beta
- Fix GUI Fixed an issue launching some external tools when silent updates are enabled
- Change GUI Improved memory load bar graph painting so that it's more accurate at certain sizes
- Addition GUI Added 'Emit log to CSV' menu option to emit process actions log to a CSV file in real time
- Addition Logger Use a mutex to better synchronize local log reads and writes
- Addition PLLogToCSV Add '/clear' command line parameter to optionally clear the log after dumping to CSV
- Change GUI Expanded width of memory load dashed blue line on graph (experimental)
- Change GUI Move log filter to the right, remove 'buy now' button
- Change InstallHelper Encapsulate governor service pathname in quotes
- Change Languages Update German
Muutokset v6.6.0.72 - v6.6.0.73 Beta
- Added 'Emit log to CSV' menu option to emit process actions log to a CSV file in real time
- Use a mutex to better synchronize local log reads and writes
- Add '/clear' command line parameter to optionally clear the log after dumping to CSV
- Encapsulate governor service pathname in quotes
- Update German
Muutokset v6.6.0.60 - v6.6.0.72
Muutokset v6.6.0.65 Beta - v6.6.0.67 Beta
- Addition GUI NEW Added log filter, allowing easy searching or filtering the log!
- Addition Package NEW New PLLogToCSV utility, converts all log files to a CSV!
- Addition Core Added toggle to allow matching of ProBalance exclusions by pathnames
- Addition GUI Added 'clear all' button to ProBalance exclusions dialog
- Addition GUI Added 'match pathnames' checkbox to ProBalance exclusions dialog
- Fix Core Handle case of system date/time moved backwards after a process launch, causing process runtime to show wrong in 'termination' log events
- Fix Core Default priority log action type was wrong
- Fix GUI Fix filename column wasn't populated in last final version
- Change GUI 'Export LOG to CSV' now also grabs archived log files too
- Change GUI Change terminate confirmation message box so that default button is 'NO'
- Change GUI Always show Energy Saver dialog on toggle on
- Change GUI Adjustments to solicitation dialog
- Change GUI Minidumps turned back on for all betas (off for finals) from this point forward
- Change GUI Fix and improve registry key deletion detection and notification (e.g. our key deleted by a registry cleaner)
Muutokset v6.6.0.63 Beta - v6.6.0.65 Beta
- Addition GUI NEW Added log filter, allowing easy searching or filtering the log!
- Addition Package NEW New PLLogToCSV utility, converts all log files to a CSV!
- Addition Core Added toggle to allow matching of ProBalance exclusions by pathnames
- Addition GUI Added 'clear all' button to ProBalance exclusions dialog
- Addition GUI Added 'match pathnames' checkbox to ProBalance exclusions dialog
- Fix Core Handle case of system date/time moved backwards after a process launch, causing process runtime to show wrong in 'termination' log events
- Fix Core Default priority log action type was wrong
- Change GUI Change terminate confirmation message box so that default button is 'NO'
- Change GUI Always show Energy Saver dialog on toggle on
- Change GUI Adjustments to solicitation dialog
- Change GUI Minidumps turned back on for all betas (off for finals) from this point forward
- Change GUI Fix and improve registry key deletion detection and notification (e.g. our key deleted by a registry cleaner)
- Change GUI The usual collection of obsessive micro-optimizations
Muutokset v6.6.0.60 - v6.6.0.63 Beta
- Addition Core Added toggle to allow matching of ProBalance exclusions by pathnames
- Addition GUI Added 'clear all' button to ProBalance exclusions dialog
- Addition GUI Added 'match pathnames' checkbox to ProBalance exclusions dialog
- Addition GUI Begun implementation of log filter edit box (not yet exposed on GUI)
- Fix Core Handle case of system date/time moved backwards after a process launch, causing process runtime to show wrong in 'termination' log events
- Fix Core Default priority log action type was wrong
- Change GUI Always show Energy Saver dialog on toggle on
- Change GUI Adjustments to solicitation dialog
- Change GUI Minidumps turned back on for all betas (off for finals) from this point forward
- Change GUI Fix and improve registry key deletion detection and notification (e.g. our key deleted by a registry cleaner)
- Change GUI The usual collection of obsessive micro-optimizations
Muutokset v6.6.0.59 Beta - v6.6.0.60
- Addition GUI Added new log filter for easy searching and filtering of the displayed process log entries
- Fix GUI Fix a user reported crash
- Fix InstallHelper Fix minor cosmetic issue when upgrading from very old versions and the core engine is configured as a service
- Fix Core Fix average historical process CPU utilization as shown in termination log events could be represented as '1.#J', a floating point notation
- Fix Core Crash dumps disabled in final build
- Change Core Refactored more highly trafficked code blocks for increased efficiency
- Change Core Improved error handling on log write failure
- Change Core After so many sequential non-sharing errors while trying to write to the log, give up for the duration of the instance
- Change GUI Improve graph tooltip text alignment within window
- Change GUI Remove an unnecessary refresh/repaint of the graph legend
- Change GUI Set elevation state to true when the user checks 'Manage processes of all users', so that the user doesn't have to toggle both
Muutokset v6.6.0.57 Beta - v6.6.0.59 Beta
- Fix Core Experimental fix for a user reported minidump
- Fix GUI Experimental fix for a user submitted minidump
- Fix InstallHelper Fix minor cosmetic issue when upgrading from very old versions and the core engine is configured as a service
- Fix Core Fix issue where average historical process CPU utilization as shown in termination log events could be represented as '1.#J', a floating point notation
- Change Core Refactored more highly trafficked code blocks for increased efficiency
- Change Core Improved error handling on log write failure
- Change Core After so many sequential non-sharing errors while trying to write to the log, give up for the duration of the instance
- Change GUI Remove an unnecessary refresh/repaint of the graph legend
- Change GUI Set elevation state to true when the user checks 'Manage processes of all users', so that the user doesn't have to toggle both
Muutokset v6.6.0.56 - v6.6.0.57 Beta
- Fix All Experimental fixes to some user reported crashes
Muutokset v6.6.0.53 Beta - v6.6.0.56
- Fix GUI Could inappropriately restart the governor after it was stopped by the user
- Fix GUI Fix to Clear Log's thoroughness
- Fix GUI Fix application power profile dialog full clear would not immediately save
- Fix Core Fix issue in top level exception handler appearing in .48
- Fix Core Minor fix to Energy Saver when used with non-idle power profiles
- Change Core Disallow Energy Saver when Governor running as a service (can't detect idle time correctly)
- Change Core Improve Energy Saver logging
- Change Core Disable logging of process launches and terminations by default
- Change Core Exception handler will now let you explore to the dump
- Change Core Don't set high I/O priority for core engine
- Change Core Priority class of governor children (e.g. keep running, watchdog restart/execute) now set to normal priority class
- Change Core Several code optimizations
- Change Core Decreased memory footprint slightly
- Change Core Replaced process tracking meta-container with a more optimal data structure, improves efficiency (even further reduced CPU utilization)
- Change GUI Show additional governor startup log entries
- Change GUI Several code optimizations
- Change GUI Show additional log entry types
- Change GUI Show version number in log
- Change GUI Show governor refresh rate log events
- Change rcTools Major improvements to our in house localization tools
- Change Languages Updates to German, Italian, Chinese, and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.49 Beta - v6.6.0.53 Beta
- Fix GUI Could inappropriately restart the governor after it was stopped by the user
- Fix GUI Fix to Clear Log's thoroughness
- Fix Core Fix issue in top level exception handler appearing in .48
- Change Core Exception handler will now let you explore to the dump
- Change Core Don't set high I/O priority for core engine
- Change Core Priority class of governor children (e.g. keep running, watchdog restart/execute) now set to normal priority class
- Change GUI Show additional governor startup log entries
- Change GUI Several code optimizations
- Change Core Show version number in log
- Change Core Show governor refresh rate log events
- Change Core Several code optimizations
- Change Core Decreased memory footprint slightly
- Change Core Replaced process tracking meta-container with a more optimal data structure, improves efficiency (even further reduced CPU utilization)
- Change rcTools Major improvements to our in house localization tools
- Change Languages Updates to German, Italian, Chinese, and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.48 - v6.6.0.49 Beta
- Change Core Code optimizations
- Change Languages Updates to German, Italian, and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.45 Beta - v6.6.0.48
- Addition Core Add new watchdog action to launch/execute an application when given threshold is met
- Addition Core Implement 'reduce CPU affinity by one random core during ProBalance restraint'
- Fix GUI Fix to 'Reset all configuration to defaults'
- Fix GUI Fix rar process icon mismatches (a window painting issue)
- Change Updater Fully transparent and silent automated updates are now enabled, see next change item for more
- Change GUI Re-enable system tray balloon after an automated update, since there may otherwise not be any indication. Can be disabled by setting HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\(dword)DisablePostUpdateNotify=1
- Change GUI Increase time system tray balloon notification for updates is displayed to 20 seconds
- Change GUI Minor cosmetic changes
- Change GUI Improvements to Watchdog configuration dialog
- Change GUI Improvements to ProBalance Configuration dialog
- Change GUI Allow more process icons to load faster during first start
- Change SrvStub Do not try to restart governor service after abnormal termination
- Change Core Do not try to recover from errors (shouldn't be any!), dump and exit
- Change Core Several micro-optimizations
- Change Languages Updates to Traditional Chinese, Polish, and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.41 Beta - v6.6.0.45 Beta
- Addition Core Add new watchdog action: Launch/execute a command!
- Addition Core Implement 'reduce CPU affinity by one random core during ProBalance restraint'
- Fix GUI Fix to 'Reset all configuration to defaults'
- Fix GUI Fix rar process icon mismatches (a window painting issue)
- Change Updater Fully transparent and silent automated updates are now enabled, see next change item for more
- Change GUI Re-enable system tray balloon after an automated update, since there may otherwise not be any indication. Can be disabled by setting HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\(dword)DisablePostUpdateNotify=1
- Change GUI Increase time system tray balloon notification for updates is displayed to 20 seconds
- Change GUI Improvements to Watchdog configuration dialog
- Change GUI Improvements to ProBalance Configuration Dialog
- Change GUI Allow more process icons to load faster during first start
- Change SrvStub Do not try to restart governor service after abnormal termination
- Change Core Ensure processes are fully initialized before we mess with them
- Change Core Do not try to recover from errors (shouldn't be any!), dump and exit
- Change Core Several micro-optimizations
- Change Languages Updates to Traditional Chinese, Polish, and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.37 Beta - v6.6.0.41 Beta
- Addition Core Add new watchdog action: Launch/execute a command!
- Addition Core Implement 'reduce CPU affinity by one random core during ProBalance restraint'
- Change Updater Silent updates! Hide download window for automated updates, making them truly silent (though see next item)
- Change GUI Re-enable system tray balloon after an automated update, since there may otherwise not be any indication. Can be disabled by setting HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\(dword)DisablePostUpdateNotify=1
- Change GUI Increase time system tray balloon notification for updates is displayed to 20 seconds
- Change GUI Force process icons to repaint under some circumstances
- Change GUI Improvements to Watchdog configuration dialog
- Change GUI Improvements to ProBalance Configuration Dialog
- Change GUI Allow more process icons to load faster during first start
- Change SrvStub Do not try to restart governor service after abnormal termination
- Change Core Ensure processes are fully initialized before we mess with them
- Change Core Do not try to recover from errors (shouldn't be any!), dump and exit
- Change Core Several micro-optimizations
- Change Languages Updates to Traditional Chinese, Polish, and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.35 Beta - v6.6.0.37 Beta
- Addition Core Implement 'reduce CPU affinity by one random core during ProBalance restraint'
- Change Updater Silent updates! Hide download window for automated updates, making them truly silent (though see next item)
- Change GUI Re-enable system tray balloon after an automated update, since there may otherwise not be any indication. Can be disabled by setting HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\(dword)DisablePostUpdateNotify=1
- Change GUI Increase time system tray balloon notification for updates is displayed to 20 seconds
- Change GUI Force process icons to refresh (otherwise their painting may get out of sync and they might appear mismatched)
- Change GUI Improvements to ProBalance Configuration Dialog
- Change Core Several micro-optimizations
- Change Languages Updates to Polish and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.33 Beta - v6.6.0.35 Beta
- Addition Core Implement 'reduce CPU affinity by one random core during ProBalance restraint'
- Change Updater Silent updates! Hide download window for automated updates, making them truly silent (though see next item)
- Change Updater Re-enable system tray balloon after an automated update, since there may otherwise not be any indication. Can be disabled by setting HKLM\Software\ProcessLasso\(dword)DisablePostUpdateNotify=1
- Change Core Micro-optimizations
- Change GUI Several improvements to ProBalance Configuration Dialog
- Change Languages Updates to Polish and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.30 - v6.6.0.33 Beta
- Addition Core Implement 'reduce CPU affinity by one random core during ProBalance restraint'
- Change Core Micro-optimizations
- Change GUI Several improvements to ProBalance Configuration Dialog
- Change Languages Updates to Polish and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.18 - v6.6.0.30
Muutokset v6.6.0.23 Beta - v6.6.0.25 Beta
- Fix GUI Check 'None' when no application power profile selected
- Fix GUI Fix current 'Avoid non-physical cores' current CPU affinity was acting as persistent
- Fix GUI Fix 'exit core engine too?' message shown on GUI self-restart on elevation change
- Fix Core Fix 'log power profile change events' not behaving as expected, nor had full coverage of all pertainent log events
- Fix All Fix Norton Internet Security's tamper detection 'going off' because Process Lasso looks at its processes
- Change CPUEater Major improvements to accuracy of responsiveness metric
- Change CPUEater Rewrote 'Wall of Text' on GUI
- Change GUI Major improvements to accuracy of our unique PC responsiveness metric shown on graph
- Change GUI Adjusted primary thread priority of GUI to help retain its availability during very high loads
- Change GUI Reset memory page priority to 5 for immediate process instance when a persistent memory prioriy removed
- Change GUI Rename 'Configuration and Log' sub-menu to 'File'
- Change GUI Remove 'Run GUI and core engine' at lesser priority classes, as we have them tuned to be just right, and rules can over-ride anyway
- Change Logger Restrict log file sharing rights to work around a presumed bug in MalwareBytes (experimental)
- Change Languages Updates to Serbian and others
Muutokset v6.6.0.18 - v6.6.0.23 Beta
- Fix All Fix Norton Internet Security's tamper detection 'going off' because Process Lasso looks at its processes
- Fix GUI Check 'None' when no appliation power profile selected
- Fix GUI Fix current 'Avoid non-physical cores' current CPU affinity was acting as persistent
- Fix GUI Fix 'exit core engine too?' message shown on GUI self-restart on elevation change
- Change GUI Reset memory page priority to 5 for immediate process instance when a persistent memory prioriy removed
- Change GUI Rename 'Configuration and Log' submenu to 'File'
- Change Languages Updates
Muutokset v6.6.0.12 - v6.6.0.18
- Fix GUI Fix failure to toggle 'log all executed processes'
- Fix GUI Fix new automated update checkbox on update dialog would always appear unticked
- Fix GUI Fix default memory priorities configuration dialog 'Remove' and 'Clear' not persisting
- Fix GUI Minor fix to the attributes of some configuration dialogs
- Fix GUI Fix issue where saved main window state (e.g. maximized) could be lost, but position retained, when user closed the GUI without ever opening main window
- Fix Updater Fix an errant license expired message seen during some automated updates
- Change GUI Enable previously disabled watchdog rules with CPU affinity actions and virtual memory thresholds
- Change GUI Remove arg0 (pathname) from process launch log entry command lines to improve clarity
- Change GUI Remove process memory page priorities 6 and 7 since they aren't intended for application use
- Change GUI Minor misc
- Change Languages Update Serbian, Japanese
Muutokset v6.6.0.7 Beta - v6.6.0.12
- Addition All New range specification in CPU affinities, e.g 0;2-4 for processors 0;2;3;4
- Addition All Add termination log entry type
- Addition GUI Add 'automatic updates' checkbox to update dialogs for quick application of silent, automated updates for future events
- Fix Core Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial change upon toggle during core engine session
- Fix Core Fix 32-bit edition watchdog rules broken in v6.5. The 64-bit edition was not affected.
- Fix GUI Fixes and enhancements to GUI and Governor startup configuration and toggles
- Fix GUI Fix single process selection context menu's foreground boost exclusion check state
- Fix GUI Fix governor status monitoring in certain multi-user environments
- Fix GUI Fix old log events might be taken into consideration with regards to process restraint history on initial load
- Fix GUI Fix secondary non-applicable events showing up in some graph tooltips, might appear as duplicated process name
- Fix InstallHelper Fixes to installer command line specification of GUI and Governor startup type
- Fix InstallHelper Force GUI to start with elevated permissions when Governor run as a service under *all* scenarios
- Fix ThreadRacer Fix a cosmetic defect on stop
- Change GUI Simplification and re-organization of process context menus
- Change GUI Move log options submenu to 'Configuration and Log' menu
- Change GUI Further improve accuracy of restraint history
- Change GUI Re-enable system tray notifications
- Change GUI Remove 'power profile' prefix from active power profile display overlaid on graph
- Change GUI Named memory priorities in process context menu
- Change GUI Prune resource modules
- Change GUI New code signing certificate
- Change GUI Speed response time of change to system tray icon to reflect Governor running status
- Change GUI Standardized single and multi-selection context menu item titles
- Change InstallHelper Improvements to management of GUI and Governor startup type
- Change All Code optimizations
- Change Updater Change initial updater check interval to every 7 days for final builds, 2 days for beta builds
- Change Core ProBalance ignore processes of non-normal CPU priority class now only applies to CPU priority adjustments by ProBalance. Other adjustments, such as CPU affinity, will still be made.
- Change Core Add another Symantec process known to have interoperability issues with regards to its tamper detection
- Change Package Renewed code signing certificate
Muutokset v6.6.0.1 Beta - v6.6.0.7 Beta
- Fix InstallHelper Fixes to installer command line specification of GUI and Governor startup type
- Fix Core Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial change upon toggle during core engine session
- Fix Core Fix 32-bit edition watchdog rules broken in v6.5. The 64-bit edition was not affected.
- Fix GUI Fixes and enhancements to GUI and Governor startup configuration and toggles
- Fix GUI Fix single process selection context menu's foreground boost exclusion check state
- Fix GUI Fix governor status monitoring in certain multi-user environments
- Fix ThreadRacer Fix a cosmetic defect on stop
- Addition All New range specification in CPU affinities, e.g 0;2-4 for processors 0;2;3;4
- Addition All Add termination log entry type
- Addition GUI Added back newly renovated system tray notifications for process actions
- Addition GUI Add 'automatic updates' checkbox to update dialogs for quick application of silent, automated updates for future events
- Change GUI Simplification and re-organization of process context menus
- Change GUI Move log options submenu to 'Configuration and Log' menu
- Change GUI Re-enable system tray notifications
- Change GUI Remove 'power profile' prefix from active power profile display overlaid on graph
- Change GUI Named memory priorities in process context menu
- Change GUI Prune resource modules
- Change GUI New code signing certificate
- Change GUI Speed response time of change to system tray icon to reflect Governor running status
- Change GUI Standardized single and multi-selection context menu item titles
- Change All Code optimizations
- Change Update Change initial updater check interval to every 7 days for final builds, 2 days for beta builds
- Change Core ProBalance ignore processes of non-normal CPU priority class now only applies to CPU priority adjustments by ProBalance. Other adjustments, such as CPU affinity, will still be made.
- Change Core Add another Symantec process known to have interoperability issues with regards to its tamper detection
- Change Package Renewed code signing certificate
Muutokset v6.5.0.25 Beta - v6.6.0.1 Beta
- Fix InstallHelper Fixes to installer command line specification of GUI and Governor startup type
- Fix Core Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial change upon toggle during core engine session
- Fix GUI Fixes and enhancements to GUI and Governor startup configuration and toggles
- Fix GUI Fix single process selection context menu's foreground boost exclusion check state
- Fix GUI Fix governor status monitoring in certain multi-user environments
- Addition All New range specification in CPU affinities, e.g 0;2-4 for processors 0;2;3;4
- Addition All Add termination log entry type
- Addition GUI Add 'automatic updates' checkbox to update dialogs for quick application of silent, automated updates for future events
- Change GUI Simplification and re-organization of process context menus
- Change GUI Move log options submenu to 'Configuration and Log' menu
- Change GUI Remove 'power profile' prefix from active power profile display overlaid on graph
- Change GUI Prune resource module
- Change GUI New code signing certificate
- Change GUI Speed response time of change to system tray icon to reflect Governor running status
- Change GUI Standardized single and multi-selection context menu item titles
- Change Update Change initial updater check interval to every 7 days for final builds, 2 days for beta builds
- Change Core ProBalance ignore processes of non-normal CPU priority class now only applies to CPU priority adjustments by ProBalance. Other adjustments, such as CPU affinity, will still be made.
- Change Core Add another Symantec process known to have interoperability issues with regards to its tamper detection
- Change Package Renewed code signing certificate
Muutokset v6.5.0.20 - v6.5.0.25 Beta
- Fix InstallHelper Fixes to installer command line specification of GUI and Governor startup type
- Fix GUI Fixes and enhancements to GUI and Governor startup configuration and toggles
- Fix GUI Fix single process selection context menu's foreground boost exclusion check state
- Fix Core Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial change upon toggle during core engine session
- Addition All New range specification in CPU affinities, e.g 0;2-4 for processors 0;2;3;4
- Change GUI Replicate log options submenu to 'Configuration and Log' menu
- Change GUI Remove 'power profile' prefix from active power profile display overlaid on graph
- Change GUI Prune resource module
- Change Update Change initial updater check interval to every 7 days for final builds, 2 days for beta builds
- Change Core Add another Symantec process known to have interoperability issues with regards to its tamper detection
Muutokset v6.5.0.11 Beta - v6.5.0.13 Beta
- Fix Core Fix to prevent sleep modes (e.g. allow display sleep, but disallow system sleep)
- Fix GUI Improve behavior when logical core count exceeds maximum that can be shown on affinity selection dialogs
- Fix GUI Corrected a layout defect in default affinity dialog
- Fix GUI Fix failure to clear log when a global log folder is configured
- Fix GUI Fix a failure to persist memory type attribute for some watchdog rules
- Fix GUI Fix to user-invoked 'Keep PC Awake' timers
- Fix Launcher Fix failure to run task in Tash Scheduler as opposed to directly launch when started manually
- Fix InstallHelper Fix default log path when user opts to use a global log folder
- Fix Installer Fix CPUEater.exe not validly signed
- Change Installer Remove CDN references
- Change All Transition to 64-bit CPU affinity bitmasks throughout to support 64 logical cores
- Change All Refactoring of Watchdog code to support new action types coming to future versions
- Change GUI Expand affinity selection dialogs to 64 logical cores
- Change GUI Product activator made a little more robust and reliable
- Change GUI More optimizations to GUI 'sleep' state when main window not visible
- Change Languages French, Italian, Serbian
Muutokset v6.5.0.9 Beta - v6.5.0.11 Beta
- Change All Transition to 64-bit CPU affinity bitmasks throughout to support 64 logical cores
- Change GUI Expand affinity selection dialogs to 64 logical cores
- Change GUI Product activator made a little more robust and reliable
- Change All (WiP) Refactoring of Watchdog code to support new action types, to be announced soon
- Fix GUI Improve behavior when logical core count exceeds maximum that can be shown on affinity selection dialogs
- Fix GUI Corrected a layout defect in default affinity dialog
- Fix GUI Fix a failure to persist memory type attribute for some watchdog rules
- Fix GUI Fix to user-invoked 'Keep PC Awake' timers
- Change Installer Remove CDN references
- Change Languages French
Muutokset v6.5.0.7 Beta - v6.5.0.9 Beta
-[beta] Change All Transition to 64-bit CPU affinity bitmasks throughout to support 64 logical cores
-[beta] Change GUI Expand affinity selection dialogs to 64 logical cores
-[beta] Change All (WiP) Refactoring of Watchdog code to support new action types, to be announced soon
-[beta] Fix GUI Improve behavior when logical core count exceeds maximum that can be shown on affinity selection dialogs
-[beta] Fix GUI Corrected a layout defect in default affinity dialog
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix a failure to persist memory type attribute for some watchdog rules
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix to user-invoked 'Keep PC Awake' timers
-[beta] Change Installer Remove CDN references
-[beta] Change Languages French
Muutokset v6.5.0.5 Beta - v6.5.0.7 Beta
-[beta] Change All Transition to 64-bit CPU affinity bitmasks throughout to support 64 logical cores
-[beta] Change GUI Expand affinity selection dialogs to 64 logical cores
-[beta] Fix GUI Improve behavior when logical core count exceeds maximum that can be shown on affinity selection dialogs
-[beta] Fix GUI Corrected a layout defect in default affinity dialog
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix to user-invoked 'Keep PC Awake' timers
-[beta] Change Installer Remove CDN references
-[beta] Change Languages French
Muutokset v6.5.0.3 beta - v6.5.0.5 Beta
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix to user-invoked 'Keep PC Awake' timers
-[beta] Change Installer Remove CDN references
-[beta] Change Languages French
Muutokset v6.5.0.0 - v6.5.0.3 beta
- Fix GUI Fix to user-invoked 'Keep PC Awake' timers
- Change Installer Remove CDN references
- Change Languages French
Muutokset v6.0.3.4 - v6.5.0.0
- Addition All New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- Addition All New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Addition All Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Addition All Enumerate all log entry types
- Addition GUI Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Addition GUI Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Addition GUI Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Addition GUI Additional logging optimizations
- Fix GUI Fix flicker sometimes seen in actions log listview header
- Fix Core Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix Core Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup
- Fix GUI EnergySaver non-idle power profile was not being forced during startup
- Fix GUI Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix GUI Fixes to watchdog configuraton dialog
- Fix GUI Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Fix GUI Fix case where memory metric columns may have appeared blank
- Fix GUI Fix 'Log application power profile change events' toggle
- Fix Core Fix case of application power profiles not reverted when the core engine terminates if target processes are still running
- Fix Core Handle some anomalous configuration scenarios
- Fix Core Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial switch when core started
- Change GUI Refactored code in the primary process enumeration loop to improve efficiency
- Change GUI Show hard page faults by default
- Change GUI Report hard page faults in page faults column (ignoring soft page faults)
- Change GUI Show hard page faults and hard page fault delta columns by default
- Change GUI Adjust display behavior of 0 for some fields (empty instead of 0, as is the standard)
- Change GUI Re-enable process icons by default
- Change Core Allow matching process power profile [wildcards] to pathnames as well as PL-basename notation
- Change GUI Hide log entries with no defined textual description of action
- Change GUI Remove deprecated ProBalance defaults check
- Change GUI Optimize system tray balloon notification thread
- Change All Log can now be written and read at the same time, given the new flat format and file rotation
- Change GUI Restraint history seconds abbreviation included in process listview
- Change GUI Added more strings for log action types
- Change GUI Improved precision of per-process ProBalance restraint historical time
- Change GUI Don't show system tray balloon tip when automated updates are enabled
- Change GUI Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Change GUI Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- Change GUI List some processes previously ignored
- Change GUI Cosmetic and menu changes
- Change GUI Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Change GUI Dynamically disable non-applicable log context menu items
- Change GUI Show more previously ignored (protected or tamper protected) processes when 'ignore problematic processes' is false
- Change Core Act on some processes not previously allowed to be acted on when 'ignore problematic processes' is unchecked
- Change Core General code optimizations and improvements
- Change Core Add several new log entry types
- Change GUI Double click will also open context menus (continued change proliferating)
- Change Core Enable logging of new process executions by default
- Change All Remove inter-process pipes, replaced with log backed mechanism
- Change All Move the configuration file to a subfolder of its own so that folder change notification events used to detect configuration changes fire only when the configuration has actually changed
- Change All Move the log files to a subfolder of their own
- Change All Reduced disk accesses
- Change All Performance improvements
- Change All Use VC9 platform toolset on 32-bit builds (only), restoring compatibility with W2K and XP pre-SP2
- Change All Many optimizations
- Change Languages Chinese Simplified, Japanese, Italian, French
Muutokset v6.4.0.7 beta - v6.4.0.9 beta
- Addition GUI Add total handles within Process Lasso's management scope to status bar
- Change GUI Refactored code in the primary process enumeration loop to improve efficiency
- Change GUI Show hard page faults by default
- Change GUI Report hard page faults in page faults column (ignoring soft page faults)
- Change GUI Show hard page faults and hard page fault delta columns by default
- Change GUI Adjust display behavior of 0 for some fields (empty instead of 0, as is the standard)
- Change GUI Re-enable process icons by default
- Fix GUI [beta2beta]Fix old log entries could get adopted as initial events from governor
- Fix Core Fix case of application power profiles not reverted when the core engine terminates if target processes are still running
Muutokset v6.4.0.5 Beta - v6.4.0.7 beta
- Fix Core Handle some anomalous configuration scenarios
- Fix Core [beta2beta]Fix crashes seen during some watchdog rules and other operations when an error occurred
- Fix Core [beta2beta]Handle some anomalous configuration scenarios
- Change Core Allow matching process power profile [wildcards] to pathnames as well as PL-basename notation
- Change Languages Chinese Simplified
- Change Languages Japanese
Muutokset v6.4.0.3 beta - v6.4.0.5 Beta
- Fix 'Log application power profile change events' toggle
- [beta2beta]Fix new log rotation code
- [beta2beta]Energy Saver revert log entry was non-standard (putting descriptive text in command line field)
- [beta2beta]Implement log pruning in new log rotation system and enable menu option
- [beta2beta]Re-enable graph highlight tooltips using new subsystem (work continues)
- Hide log entries with no defined textual description of action
- Remove deprecated ProBalance defaults check
Muutokset v6.0.3.4 - v6.4.0.3 beta
- Change All Log can now be written and read at the same time, given the new flat format and file rotation
- Change GUI Restraint history seconds abbreviation included in process listview
- Change GUI Added more strings for log action types
- Fix GUI Fix flicker sometimes seen in actions log listview header
- Fix All Fix configuration file migration in prior betas (would cause loss of config at every restart for some upgraded installations)
- Change Languages Italian
- Addition All New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- Addition All New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Addition All Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Addition All Enumerate all log entry types
- Addition GUI Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Addition GUI Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Addition GUI Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Addition GUI Additional logging optimizations
- Fix Core Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix Core Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup
- Fix GUI EnergySaver non-idle power profile was not being forced during startup
- Fix GUI Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix GUI Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Change GUI Improved precision of per-process ProBalance restraint historical time
- Change GUI Don't show system tray balloon tip when automated updates are enabled
- Change GUI Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Change GUI Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- Change GUI List some processes previously ignored
- Change GUI Cosmetic and menu changes
- Change GUI Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Change GUI Dynamically disable non-applicable log context menu items
- Change GUI Show more previously ignored (protected or tamper protected) processes when 'ignore problematic processes' is false
- Change Core Act on some processes not previously allowed to be acted on when 'ignore problematic processes' is unchecked
- Change Core General code optimizations and improvements
- Fix Core Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial switch when core started
- Change Core Add several new log entry types
- Change GUI Double click will also open context menus (continued change proliferating)
- Change Core Enable logging of new process executions by default
- Change All Remove inter-process pipes, replaced with log backed mechanism
- Change All Move the configuration file to a subfolder of its own so that folder change notification events used to detect configuration changes fire only when the configuration has actually changed
- Change All Move the log files to a subfolder of their own
- Change All Reduced disk accesses
- Change All Performance improvements
- Change All Use VC9 platform toolset on 32-bit builds (only), restoring compatibility with W2K and XP pre-SP2
- Change All Many optimizations
Muutokset v6.0.3.25 beta - v6.0.4.1 Beta
- New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Enumerate all log entry types
- Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Additional logging optimizations
- Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup
- EnergySaver non-idle power profile was not being forced during startup
- Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Improved precision of per-process ProBalance restraint historical time
- Don't show system tray balloon tip when automated updates are enabled
- Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- List some processes previously ignored
- Cosmetic and menu changes
- Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Dynamically disable non-applicable log context menu items
- Show more previously ignored (protected or tamper protected) processes when 'ignore problematic processes' is false
- Act on some processes not previously allowed to be acted on when 'ignore problematic processes' is unchecked
- General code optimizations and improvements
- Fix Energy Saver non-idle power profile initial switch when core started
- Add several new log entry types
- Double click will also open context menus (continued change proliferating)
- Enable logging of new process executions by default
- Remove inter-process pipes, replaced with log backed mechanism
- Move the configuration file to a subfolder of its own so that folder change notification events used to detect configuration changes fire only when the configuration has actually changed
- Move the log files to a subfolder of their own
- Reduced disk accesses
- Performance improvements
- Use VC9 platform toolset on 32-bit builds (only), restoring compatibility with W2K and XP pre-SP2
- Many optimizations
Muutokset v6.0.3.23 Beta - v6.0.3.25 beta
- Addition All New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- Addition All New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Addition All Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Addition GUI Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Addition GUI Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Addition GUI Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Addition GUI Additional logging optimizations
- Fix Core Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix Core Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup
- Fix GUI EnergySaver non-idle power profile was not being forced during startup
- Fix GUI Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix GUI Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Change GUI Don't show system tray balloon tip when automated updates are enabled
- Change GUI Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Change GUI Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- Change GUI List some processes previously ignored
- Change GUI Cosmetic and menu changes
- Change GUI Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Change Core Add several new log entry types
- Change Core Enable logging of new process executions by default
- Change All Move the configuration file to a subfolder of its own so that folder change notification events used to detect configuration changes fire only when the configuration has actually changed
- Change All Move the log files to a subfolder of their own
- Change All Reduced disk accesses
- Change All Performance improvements
- Change All Use VC9 platform toolset on 32-bit builds (only), restoring compatibility with W2K and XP pre-SP2
- Change All Many optimizations
Muutokset v6.0.3.19 Beta - v6.0.3.23 Beta
- New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Additional logging optimizations
- Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup
- EnergySaver non-idle power profile was not being forced during startup
- Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Don't show system tray balloon tip when automated updates are enabled
- Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- List some processes previously ignored
- Cosmetic and menu changes
- Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Add several new log entry types
- Enable logging of new process executions by default
- Move the configuration file to a subfolder of its own so that folder change notification events used to detect configuration changes fire only when the configuration has actually changed
- Move the log files to a subfolder of their own
- Reduced disk accesses
- Performance improvements
- Use VC9 platform toolset on 32-bit builds (only), restoring compatibility with W2K and XP pre-SP2
- Many optimizations
Muutokset v6.0.3.15 beta - v6.0.3.19 Beta
- New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Additional logging optimizations
- Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- EnergySaver, when non-idle power profile has been selected, select it by default when config dialog is re-opened, instead of the active power profile
- Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup
- Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- List some processes previously ignored
- Many optimizations
- Cosmetic and menu changes
- Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Add some new log entry types
- Many optimizations
Muutokset v6.0.3.4 - v6.0.3.15 beta
- Addition All New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- Addition All New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Addition GUI Add active processes column selection to View menu (can also right-click on tab to select)
- Addition GUI Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Addition GUI Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Addition GUI Additional logging optimizations
- Fix Core Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix GUI EnergySaver, when non-idle power profile has been selected, select it by default when config dialog is re-opened, instead of the active power profile
- Fix GUI Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear incorrectly painted or blank
- Fix GUI Fix View menu column selection submenu not working in activated installs
- Change GUI Reduce logging depth options to 'pruned' or 'not pruned'
- Change GUI Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- Change GUI Many optimizations
- Change GUI Cosmetic and menu changes
- Change GUI Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Addition All Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
Muutokset v6.0.3.5 beta - v6.0.3.13 beta
- NEW flat file log format that *substantially* improves the logging performance, particularly noticable while in the GUI
- Addition All New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Addition GUI Add check to make sure nobody has disabled the Performance Data Helper for system services (e.g. Processor) that we may monitor
- Addition GUI Added back debug log toggle in beta versions after code refinement
- Addition GUI Additional logging optimizations
- Fix ParkControl Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix Core Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix GUI EnergySaver, when non-idle power profile has been selected, select it by default when config dialog is re-opened, instead of the active power profile
- Fix GUI Fix header of log listview in GUI could appear mispainted or blank
- Fix GUI Fix View menu column selection submenu
- Change GUI Restore warning message overlaid on graph when governor not running
- Change GUI Many optimizations
- Change GUI Cosmetic and menu changes
- Change GUI Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Addition All Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
Muutokset v6.0.3.4 - v6.0.3.5 beta
- Add distint polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Add 100ms polling interval option for governor
- Cosmetic and menu changes
- Code optimizations and cleanup
- Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
Muutokset v6.0.3.3 beta - v6.0.3.4
- Language updates
- Solution/project restructuring
- Allow wildcards for application power profiles
- Add browse button to application power profile configuration dialog
- Fix to error condition on some small percentage of NT 5.x (e.g. 2K/XP) systems when 'Show per-core CPU utilization' is ticked. This can cause substantially delayed start of the GUI and/or excessive resource consumption.
- Fix language given on installer command line (required numeric code page for previous versions)
Muutokset v6.0.3.1 beta - v6.0.3.3 beta
- Language updates
- Solution/project restructuring
- Allow wildcards for application power profiles
- Fix language given on installer command line (required numeric code page for previous versions)
- Fix to error condition on some small percentage of NT 5.x (e.g. 2K/XP) systems, possibly running specific third-party apps or drivers, when 'Show per-core CPU utilization' is ticked. This can cause substantially delayed start of the GUI and/or excessive resource consumption.
Muutokset v6.0.2.96 - v6.0.3.1 beta
- Language updates
- Solution/project restructuring
- Allow wildcards for application power profiles
Muutokset v6.0.2.82 - v6.0.2.96
- Language updates
- Use new application icon of a car (parked)
- Code optimizations
- View menu item position shifts
- Remove option 'place technical columns first' (users can always re-arrange columns themselves, changes in column order and width will be preserved)
- Remove option to toggle debug log
- Kill the debug log to reduce CPU utilization in betas (may be forcibly enabled or disabled on whim in betas)
- Newly improved minidumps
- Fix a very rare crash in the GUI that could occur as it starts up
- Fix ParkControl message box when user hits OK without applying, now exits after user chooses yes to apply
Muutokset v6.0.2.87 Beta - v6.0.2.93 Beta
- Fix a crash in the GUI that could occur as it starts up
- Fix core utilization graphs not displaying on some PCs
- Newly improved minidumps
- Kill the debug log to reduce CPU utilization in betas (may be forcibly enabled or disabled on whim in betas)
- Remove option to toggle debug log
- Remove option 'place technical columns first' (users can always re-arrange columns themselves, changes in column order and width will be preserved)
- View menu item position shifts
- Code optimizations
- Use new application icon of a car (parked)
- Language updates
Muutokset v6.0.2.83 Beta - v6.0.2.87 Beta
- Kill the debug log to reduce CPU utilization in betas (may be forcibly enabled or disabled on whim in betas)
- Remove option to toggle debug log
- View menu item position shifts
- Language updates
Muutokset v6.0.2.82 - v6.0.2.83 Beta
- View menu item position shifts
Muutokset v6.0.2.76 - v6.0.2.82
- Languages Updates
- Reduce size of minidumps for easier and more frequent submission
- Turn off frame pointer optimizations for improved call stack analysis when evaluating minidumps
- Code optimizations
- Remove 'system operations' menu
- Adjust debug output code
- Make minimum max log lines 500 and remove deprecated '100' menu item
- Decrease maximum log lines shown in actions view to conserve resoures
- Fix preservation of child windows for some arrangements that broke after v6.0.2.48
- Fix missing string in special processes action confirmation message
- Fix to automated update on some systems (won't be seen until update *from* fixed build)
- Add option to toggle beta version debug log (off by default), hidden in final builds
Muutokset v6.0.2.79 beta - v6.0.2.81 Beta
- Add option to toggle beta version debug log (off by default), hidden in final builds
- Remove 'system operations' menu, previously offering system shutdown
- Adjust debug output code
- Fix missing string in special processes action confirmation message
- Fix preservation of child windows for some arrangements that broke after v6.0.2.48
- Fix to automated update on some systems (won't be seen until update *from* fixed build)
- Updates
Muutokset v6.0.2.77 beta - v6.0.2.79 beta
- Languages Updates
- QuickUpgrade Fix to automated update on some systems (won't be seen until update *from*
- Fix missing string in special processes action confirmation message
- Fix preservation of child windows for some arrangements that broke after v6.0.2.48
Muutokset v6.0.2.76 - v6.0.2.77 beta
- Fix preservation of child windows for some arrangements that broke after v6.0.2.48
- Fix to automated update on some systems (won't be seen until update *from* fixed build)
Muutokset v6.0.2.74 - v6.0.2.76
- Language updates
- Only enable minidumps for beta versions
- Include CHM docs
- Remove topmost style from automated update download progress dialog
- Remove submenus from main Options menu for easier finding of configuration dialogs
- Adjustments to many strings
- Misc improvements and optimizations
- Fix to preservation and management of startup configuration in NT6+
- Fix /showwindow command line switch of GUI
- Fix new elevation state change mechanism's self-restart showing exit confirmation message box, which interferred with the self-restart
Muutokset v6.0.2.66 - v6.0.2.74
- Language updates
- Fix failure of GUI to start at user login in 2K/XP/2003 under some configurations (background core engine would start fine)
- Fix GDI handle leak in GUI that started in with core parking display (could cause GUI to stall, and larger display painting problems)
- Don't invoke Install Helper dialog on manual elevation state change, simply toggle it, reconfigure start items, and relaunch
- Remove 'Apply' button from Energy Saver dialog, and instead switch power profiles as the user selects one
- Change parked core color
- Fix /showwindow
- Adjusted compiler settings a bit for a marginal increase in performance
- Add debug output for config file change event signal and rework a bit of the change detection code
- Many misc. revisions
- Add Energy Saver to force active (non-idle) power profile, as opposed to relying on current user setting
Muutokset v6.0.2.67 Beta - v6.0.2.69 Beta
- Fix flash of main window when starting up after being closed while maximized (maximized state is still restored)
- Don't invoke Install Helper dialog on manual elevation state change, simply toggle it, reconfigure start items, and relaunch
- Remove 'Apply' button from Energy Saver dialog, and instead switch power profiles as the user selects one
- Fix /showwindow
- Many misc. revisions
- Add Energy Saver to force active (non-idle) power profile, as opposed to relying on current user setting
- Language updates
Muutokset v6.0.2.66 - v6.0.2.67 Beta
- Fix flash of main window when starting up after being closed while maximized (maximized state is still restored)
Muutokset v6.0.2.62 - v6.0.2.66
- Revert a prior adjustment to the listview process icon management
- Other misc adjustments and fixes
- Added physical CPU count to status bar
- Show core parking status by in core utilization bar graphs
- Change Process Lasso main icon
- Added the real-time CPU utilization and core parking display from Process Lasso's GUI
Muutokset v6.0.2.62 - v6.0.2.63 Beta
- Revert a prior adjustment to the listview process icon management
- Change Process Lasso main icon
- Show core parking status by in core utilization bar graphs
- Other misc adjustments and fixes
Muutokset v6.0.2.61 Beta - v6.0.2.62
- Adjustments to debug log (only enabled for beta builds)
- Fix new Keep PC Awake timers
- List processes that have no accessible base module pathname
Muutokset v6.0.2.58 - v6.0.2.61 Beta
- Clear debug log every instance
- Add debug output of ignored processes and rationale for ignoring
- Change debug log format
- Fix new Keep PC Awake timers
- List processes that have no accessible base module pathname
Muutokset v6.0.2.56 - v6.0.2.58
- Language updates
- Add debug output of ignored processes and rationale for ignoring
- Clear debug log every instance
Muutokset v6.0.2.48 - v6.0.2.56
- Updated several languages
- Disable Back button when only second dialog invoked (e.g. elevation setting change)
- Removed informative warning when running governor in system context instead of as a specific user (as a service)
- Added manual warning if process could not be terminated
- Remove a confusing 'Restore Defaults' menu option that referred to ProBalance defaults; the global configuration reset still exists
- Change core utilization graph minimum size and per-core bar width for most systems
- Cosmetic and string changes
- Several internal changes
- Re-enable interprocess pipe (maintenance continues here)
- Added new option to show previously hidden processes, Ignore Problematic Processes (defaults to true)
- Added manual keep PC awake for timed periods
- Added new debug log (not yet used extensively)
- Add confirmation prompt when resetting defaults from start menu
Muutokset v6.0.2.51 Beta - v6.0.2.53 Beta
- Added manual keep PC awake for timed periods
- Added new option to show previously hidden processes, Ignore Probelmatic Processes (defaults to true)
- Added new debug log (not yet used extensively)
- Add confirmation prompt when resetting defaults from start menu
- Re-enable interprocess pipe (maintenance continues here)
- Several internal changes
- Cosmetic and string changes
- Change core utilization graph minimum size
- Remove a confusing 'Restore Defaults' menu option that referred to ProBalance defaults; the global configuration reset still exists
- [beta2beta]Remove a debug message that would emit lots of new entires in the log when hovering over the graph
- Removed informative warning when running governor in system context instead of as a specific user (as a service)
- Disable Back button when only second dialog invoked (e.g. elevation setting change)
- Updated a few languages
Muutokset v6.0.2.49 Beta - v6.0.2.51 Beta
-[beta]. Addition. GUI. Added manual keep PC awake for timed periods
-[beta]. Addition. GUI. Added new option to show previously hidden processes, Ignore Probelmatic Processes (defaults to true)
-[beta]. Addition. All. Added new debug log (not yet used extensively)
-[beta]. Addition. GUI. Add confirmation prompt when resetting defaults from start menu
-[beta]. Change. All. Re-enable interprocess pipe (maintenance continues here)
-[beta]. Change. GUI. Several internal changes
-[beta]. Change. GUI. Cosmetic and string changes
-[beta]. Change. GUI. Remove a confusing 'Restore Defaults' menu option that referred to ProBalance defaults; the global configuration reset still exists
-[beta]. Change. GUI. [beta2beta]Remove a debug message that would emit lots of new entires in the log when hovering over the graph
-[beta]. Change. InstallHelper. Removed informative warning when running governor in system context instead of as a specific user (as a service)
-[beta]. Change. InstallHelper. Disable Back button when only second dialog invoked (e.g. elevation setting change)
-[beta]. Change. Languages. Updated a few languages
Muutokset v6.0.2.48 - v6.0.2.49 Beta
-[beta]. Addition. GUI. Added manual keep PC awake for timed periods
-[beta]. Addition. GUI. Added new option to show previously hidden processes, Ignore Probelmatic Processes (defaults to true)
-[beta]. Addition. All. Added new debug log (not yet used extensively)
-[beta]. Change. GUI. Several internal changes
-[beta]. Change. GUI. Cosmetic and string changes
-[beta]. Change. InstallHelper. Removed informative warning when running governor in system context instead of as a specific user (as a service)
-[beta]. Change. InstallHelper. Disable Back button when only second dialog invoked (e.g. elevation setting change)
-[beta]. Change. Languages. Updated a few languages
- Change. All. Added inverse operator to wildcards ('!' or '~' must prefix the wildcard string)
- Change. All. Enabled wildcard comparison on usernames in ProBalance exclusions
- Change. GUI. Expanded minimum per-core utilization view horizontal size
- Change. Installer. Minor adjustments
- Change. Languages. Updated German, Polish, Italian, Finnish, others..
Muutokset v6.0.2.47 Beta - v6.0.2.48
- Change All: Added inverse operator to wildcards ('!' or '~' must prefix the wildcard string)
- Change All: Enabled wildcard comparison on usernames in ProBalance exclusions
- Change GUI: Expanded minimum per-core utilization view horizontal size
- Change Installer: Minor adjustments
- Change Languages: Updated German, Polish, Italian, Finnish, others..
Muutokset v6.0.2.45 Beta - v6.0.2.47 Beta
-[beta] Change All Added inverse operator to wildcards ('!' or '~' must prefix the wildcard string)
-[beta] Change All Enabled wildcard comparison on usernames in ProBalance exclusions
-[beta] Change GUI Don't restore window state, an attempt to fix the GUI flash some see at launch
-[beta] Change GUI Expanded minimum per-core utilization view horizontal size
-[beta] Change Languages Updated German, Polish, Italian, Finnish, others..
Muutokset v6.0.2.44 - v6.0.2.45 Beta
-[beta] Change All Added inverse operator to wildcards ('!' or '~' must prefix the wildcard string)
-[beta] Change GUI Don't restore window state, an attempt to fix the GUI flash some see at launch
-[beta] Change GUI Expanded minimum per-core utilization view horizontal size
-[beta] Change Languages Updated German, Polish, Italian, others..
Muutokset v6.0.2.38 - v6.0.2.44
- Updated several languages
- Fix main window position not preserved
- Fix compatibility with CPUs that don't support SSE or SSE2
- Fixes theoretical failure to use localized auto update download progress dialog
- Fixes automated update in XP and Vista+ systems with users who have spaces in their user names (will be seen working again in next update)
- Double the max length of time we wait for termination of processes to be updated, for high load situations
- Improvements of interoperability with Windows recovery mechanisms when service failure occurs
- Better service coordinator process description for use when running the core engine as a service
- Several unspecified changes and improvements ongoing
- Make sure srvstub and bitsums are updated (service support) since they have changed
Muutokset v6.0.2.41 Beta - v6.0.2.43 Beta
- Change Service Improvements of interoperability with Windows recovery mechanisms when service failure occurs
- Change Service Better service coordinator process description for use when running the core engine as a service
- Change All Several unspecified changes and improvements ongoing
- Change Languages Removed a couple deprecated languages
- Change PostUpdate Cleanup a couple more deprecated resource modules
- Change Updater Make sure srvstub and bitsums are updated (service support) since they have changed
- Change Updater Double the max length of time we wait for termination of processes to be updated, for high load situations
- Fix Updater Fixes automated update in XP (will be seen working again in next update)
- Fix Updater Fixes theoretical failure to use localized auto update download progress dialog
- Fix All Fix compatibility with CPUs that don't support SSE or SSE2
- Fix GUI Fix main window position not preserved
Muutokset v6.0.2.38 - v6.0.2.41 Beta
- Fixes automated update in XP
- Fixes automated update in XP
- Better service coordinator process description
- Several unspecified changes and improvements ongoing
- Improvements of interoperability with Windows recovery mechanisms when service failure occurs
Muutokset v6.0.2.34 - v6.0.2.38
- Fix bug that could cause crash in governor or GUI if use used default I/O priorities AND allowed matches based on pathnames
- GUI: Fix issue where main window would briefly show at startup before being minimized (depending on its state when you exited it)
- GUI: A promotion dialog appearance was improved in 2K/XP
- Installer: Least significant digit in progams list may have been inaccurate in last few versions
- ParkControl: Adjustment to 'Show CPU parking in Power Options'
- GUI: Reduced minimum allowed horizontal and vertical saved main window size by 100 pixels each (further work coming)
- Simplified Chinese: Updated
- Traditional Chinese: Updated (partly from Simplified Chinese)
- GUI: Don't use special font for RAM Load for Chinese languages, only Japanese
- GUI: Unpublished minor adjustments
- GUI: Server Edition trial expiration handled more gracefully
- GUI: Font change on CPU usage caption for Japanese, Chinese
Muutokset v6.0.2.34 - v6.0.2.37 Beta
- Server Edition trial expiration handled more gracefully
- Unpublished minor adjustments
- [BETA2BETA]Additional font adjustment testing for Asian languages (went to default for CHinese, adjusted Pitch of MS Gothic for Japanese)
- Updated (partly from Simplified Chinese)
- Simplified Chinese Updated
- Least significant digit in progams list may have been inaccurate in last few versions
- Fix issue where main window would briefly show at startup before being minimized (depending on its state when you exited it)
- A promotion dialog appearance was improved in 2K/XP
Muutokset v6.0.2.33 Beta - v6.0.2.34
- More language updates
- Attempt to make download dialog less obtrusive when automated updates are turned on
- Process shell icons not shown by default and this setting reset. See View menu to turn back on.
- Fix some web links not opening in certain circumstances, especially when PL elevated, and depending on default browser and OS
- Fix conflict with third-party software in some Asian regions (unrelated to process adjustments, it is a bug in their application that crashes while its code is within PL's process space)
Muutokset v6.0.2.32 - v6.0.2.33 Beta
- More language updates
- Process shell icons not shown by default again and this setting reset
Muutokset v6.0.2.30 - v6.0.2.32
- Updated nearly all supported languages!
- Misc Internal adjustments and fixes
- Change copyrights to 2013 (doc refresh pending)
- Changed some settings to work-around issues with some meddlesome third-party software that uses DLL injection to crash within Process Lasso
- A couple menu items moved
- Fixed issue where default memory priorities configuration dialog would clear the list
- Fixed an uninitialized iterator that could have caused crashes in either the GUI or core engine, theoretically - though this iterator is *never* derferenced, so...
Muutokset v6.0.2.28c - v6.0.2.30
- Continued minidump archival improvements
- Clear up releaes channel confusion
- Minor tweaks and polishing to last build and start of new 'ignore excessively minor updates'
- Slight tweaks
- Less annoying startup nag for free edition
Muutokset v6.0.2.28 - v6.0.2.28c
- Refreshed list of up to date translations in a-c versions
- Updated Japanese
- Old Spanish forcibly removed - was causing crashing where it still existed
- Russian, Simplified Chinese no longer marked out of date
- Fixed priority class string too long cauusing crash
- Updated simplified chinese
Muutokset v6.0.2.11 Beta - v6.0.2.28
- Added Hungarian
- Other internal changes and adjustments
- Re-arranged menu structure and renamed top-level submenus
- Moved system shutdown function to a submenu so not to be confused with shutdown of Process Lasso
- Numerous internal adjustments and improvements
- Lots of general polishing
- Added UAC Shield for ParkControl
- When silent, automated updates in use, update window or dialog progress is no longer shown (only balloon tip afterwards)
- Disabled controls not applicable when user changing elevation state
- Re-designed controls
- Added function to toggle on/off core parking settings in Windows Power Options
- Full 'Sticky' (default) Memory Priority support
Muutokset v6.0.2.9 Beta - v6.0.2.11 Beta
-[beta] Change GUI Moved system shutdown function to a submenu so not to be confused with shutdown of Process Lasso
-[beta] Change GUI/Core Other internal changes and adjustments
-[beta] Addition Language Added Hungarian
Muutokset v6.0.2.8 - v6.0.2.9 Beta
-[beta] Change Core Some logic changes inside governor to improve behavior and speed
-[beta] Change GUI Renamed some menu items
-[beta] Addition GUI Enabled Memory Priority options - still being polished
-[beta] Addition GUI Enabled menu option to open Windows Power Options
Muutokset v6.0.2.6 - v6.0.2.8
- Change French Updated
- Change Japanese Updated
- Change Russian Switch to alternate Russian translation using text files
- Fix Core Fix bad looking shell icon in .6
Muutokset v6.0.2.2 - v6.0.2.6
- Updated Japanese
- Fix bad build
Muutokset v6.0.1.97 Beta - v6.0.2.2
- Fix GUI Fix crashes seen in watchdog, disallowed processes, and other dialogs in the last final (cause was change to the MSVC++ CRT - no more trying VC11-XP without extensive regression testing)
- Fix Core Fix disallowed processes wasn't working when full pathnames given and drive letter specified (was being truncated due to engine thinking a username specification followed)
- Addition GUI Allow memory priorities to be set - default memory priorities currently greyed out until implementation complete
- Addition GUI Added browse buttons to Disallowed Process Configuration Dialog
- Change GUI Adjust text of some process context menu items
- Addition GUI Add Memory Priority column for Vista+
- Change GUI Slight code optimizations
- Change GUI On elevation request, advance to second InstallHelper dialog and invert elevation setting automatically
- Change Core/GUI Set memory priority of self
- Change Serbian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.96 - v6.0.1.97 Beta
-[beta] Addition GUI Add Memory Priority column for Vista+
-[beta] Change GUI Slight code optimizations
-[beta] Change Core/GUI Set memory priority of self
-[beta] Change GUI On elevation request, advance to second InstallHelper dialog and invert elevation setting automatically
-[beta] Change Serbian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.95 Beta - v6.0.1.96
- Updated a few languages
- Elevation/de-elevation via main menu now invokes InstallHelper to make sure startup config is correct (no UAC prompts should appear, elevated or not)
- Updated to VS2012 SP1
- Add hard coded exclusion of winsat.exe from ProBalance restraint
- Fix 'unlimited' log entries setting may get lost
- Fix stall/hang of Process Lasso GUI during user induced exit under certain scenarios
Muutokset v6.0.1.92 - v6.0.1.95 Beta
- Add hard coded exclusion of winsat.exe from ProBalance restraint
- Fix stall/hang of Process Lasso GUI during user induced exit under certain scenarios
Muutokset v6.0.1.88 - v6.0.1.92
- languages Updated
- Switched back to VC11-XP
- Adjustment to system tray Exit mechanism (fix potential failure to shutdown issue)
- Force one time reset of all saved message boxes
Muutokset v6.0.1.88 - v6.0.1.91 Beta
- Adjustment to system tray Exit mechanism
- Japanese Updated
- German Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.86 - v6.0.1.88
- Addition GUI Added option to change activation codes (in Help menu)
- Change GUI Change some ProBalance option descriptions since they now apply to more than just priority optimizations
- Change Licensing Change update eligibity check message so that it is better descriptive
- Change Licensing Changes to improve reliability
- Change Auto-Update Removed a static file from automated update, reduced size and fixed error seen if 'bitsumms.exe' could not be overwritten
Muutokset v6.0.1.85 Beta - v6.0.1.86
- GUI Adjustment of shutdown code to handle cases of the governor running as a service
- GUI Fix watchdog dialog may lose % CPU or X MB setting when manipulating rules
- GUI Fix unused watchdog field may propagate from another entry when using up/down (has no functional impact)
- GUI Fix other minor issues with watchdog dialog
- Licensing Fixed some licensing message boxes had OK instead of YES/NO, as their texts indicated
- Licensing Fixed some keys that were not being processed correctly on server side (very small percent of users affected)
- GUI Fix system tray 'Shutdown Process Lasso' could fail if saved option for message box question on some systems, depending on uninitialized upper portion of a DWORD of memory - so affected users are random.
- GUI Licensing changes
- GUI Adjustments to some message boxes
- GUI Other internal adjustments
- Revision history Use javascript to hide older hidstory unless user wants to see it, to reduce clutter
- Addition GUI Prep for new 'Run' options (not yet enabled)
- Addition GUI Add system shutdown option to GUI application menu
- GUI Sped shutdown of Process Lasso
- Licensing Change some key formats for specialized users (email
- GUI Clean up log context menu, adding full process context menu to it [a]
- GUI Small adjustments for pending additions
- GUI Added version number to INI file for later use
- GUI Increased default priority class of GUI
- GUI Improvements to newly restored Windows 2000 compatibility
- Hungarian Continued improvements as integration is completed
- Traditional Chinese Updated
- Serbian Updated
- Italian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.81 Beta - v6.0.1.85 Beta
-[beta] Fix GUI Adjustment of shutdown code to handle cases of the governor running as a service
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix watchdog dialog may lose % CPU or X MB setting when manipulating rules
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix unused watchdog field may propagate from another entry when using up/down (has no functional impact)
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix other minor issues with watchdog dialog
-[beta] Change GUI Licensing changes
-[beta] Change GUI Adjustments to some message boxes
-[beta] Change GUI Other internal adjustments
-[beta] Change Revision history Use javascript to hide older hidstory unless user wants to see it, to reduce clutter
-[beta] Change Italian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.77 Beta - v6.0.1.81 Beta
-[beta] Fix Licensing Fixed some licensing message boxes had OK instead of YES/NO, as their texts indicated
-[beta] Fix Licensing Fixed some keys that were not being processed correctly on server side (very small percent of users affected)
-[beta] Change Licensing Change some key formats for specialized users (email
-[beta] Change GUI Clean up log context menu, adding full process context menu to it [a]
Muutokset v6.0.1.76 - v6.0.1.77 Beta
-[beta] Addition GUI Prep for new 'Run' options (not yet enabled)
-[beta] Change GUI Increased default priority class of GUI
-[beta] Change GUI Improvements to newly restored Windows 2000 compatibility
-[beta] Change Traditional Chinese Updated
-[beta] Change Hungarian Continued improvements as integration is completed
Muutokset v6.0.1.74 - v6.0.1.76
- Addition Core Added custom feature to avoid core 0 in round robin affintiy selection when used with ProBalance
- Change GUI W2K USERS: THIS BUILD IS COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 2000 & 2000 SERVER! These will be issued from time to time, so grab them up if you are a W2K user and make your money heard through your wallet ;)
- Change All Misc very minor tweaks and fixes throughout
- Fix GUI Work on some of the newer languages continues
- Fix GUI Changes to Process Lasso GUI shutdown procedure to fix system tray artifiact after attempting to close (also related to failure to close under some circumstances)
- Fix GUI Fix issue with revision history not shown when user clicks on system tray icon
- Addition Hungarian Added translation from Brechler Zsolt
- Fix Russian Fixed ProBalance round-robin log entry description
- Change Traditional Chinese Updated
- Change Simplified Chinese Updated
- Change German Updated
- Change Serbian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.68 - v6.0.1.73 Beta
- Added clickable system tray popup after an update - click takes you to revision history (won't show until *next* update)
- (beta->beta)Revert a previous top margin change to per-core metrics
- For asian languages, change fonts of both Memory Load and Per-Core % so that it fits better (vertically)
Muutokset v6.0.1.62 - v6.0.1.68
- Fix GUI Fixed a slow GDI object leak when main window open and graph visible, under some conditions (seen as severe display corruption of the Process Lasso GUI)
- Fix GUI Fix to use of critical section in the main graph window painting code (no big functional impact, but could cause problems)
- Fix GUI Watchdog Dialog: After rule added, process name now always cleared so you aren't prompted if you want to store the current entry, etc...
- Fix Core Some adjustments to the process watchdog core engine logic
- Change GUI Sped start up at user login a bit
- Change GUI Improvements and standardization of some of the graph painting code
- Change GUI Some tooltip changes
- Change GUI Changed 'No default ...' to 'None' in all cases for consistency
- Change Core Adjustments to internal logic of watchdog code - continuing refactor, wanted to test this new incarnation in beta though it should be better
- Change GUI Increased entropy of config file password digest (if one set by admin)
- Change Finnish Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.62 - v6.0.1.63 Beta
- Increased entropy of config file password digest (if one set by admin)
- Adjustments to internal logic of watchdog code - continuing refactor, wanted to test this new incarnation in beta though it should be better
- Watchdog Dialog: After rule added, process name now always cleared so you aren't prompted if you want to store the current entry, etc...
- Switched to VC11 Update 1 CTP /w NT5 target support - meaning we can now take advantage of all the great new optimizations in Microsoft's latest C++ compiler
Muutokset v6.0.1.59 Beta - v6.0.1.62
- Release Date 10-10-2012
- Addition GUI Added horizontal per-process % memory load graph to active processes (private bytes for NT6+, commit size otherwise)
- Addition GUI Added support for optional grid lines toggle for main process view
- Addition Docs Added preliminary documentation for Watchdog Rules syntax in configuration file
- Fix GUI Improved appearance of per-core metrics
- Fix GUI Fixed Watchdog Configuration dialog memory metric may not be cleared when unused for the rule while using UP/DOWN (has no functional impact)
- Fix GUI Fixed GUI recovery system trying to relaunch governor before system shutdown is complete under some rare scenarios where the difference in notification of shutdown between the governor and GUI exceeds a certain time
- Fix GUI Fixed several Watchdog Configuration dialog malfunctions
- Fix GUI Fixed Watchdog Configuration UP/DOWN buttons that started malfuntioning due to a recent change that also broke other things in this dialog
- Fix GUI Watchdog dialog would not properly add I/O priority settings
- Fix GUI Fix watchdog dialog leaving names of processes in edit box after an add operation
- Fix GUI Fix improper rendering when memory load graph is hidden under some circumstances
- Fix Core Fix to 'notify' watchdog rule
- Change All Renames watchdog rules configuration value to 'Watchdog Rules'
- Change All Removed extended sanity checks from beta builds
- Change Dumps Improved debugging subsystem
- Change All Some optimizations to shared code between all of Process Lasso
- Change GUI Force some metric for 'notify' watchdog events (reversion of a prior change)
- Change GUI Improvements to Watchdog configuration dialog
- Change GUI Increased what it takes to get on the Active Processes list a little
- Change GUI Increased responsive time of governor watch thread, in the case of system shutdowns
- Change Italian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.57 Beta - v6.0.1.59 Beta
-[beta] Fix GUI Fixed several Watchdog Configuration dialog malfunctions (more coming)
-[beta] Fix GUI Fixed Watchdog Configuration UP/DOWN buttons that started malfuntioning due to a recent change that also broke other things in this dialog
-[beta] Change All Renames watchdog rules configuration value to 'Watchdog Rules'
-[beta] Change All Removed extended sanity checks from beta builds
-[beta] Change Dumps Improved debugging subsystem
-[beta] Change All Some optimizations to shared code between all of Process Lasso
-[beta] Addition GUI Added support for optional grid lines toggle for main process view
-[beta] Addition Docs Added preliminary documentation for Watchdog Rules syntax in configuration file
-[beta] Change Italian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.52 - v6.0.1.57 Beta
- Watchdog dialog would not properly add I/O priority settings
- Improvements to Watchdog configuration dialog
- Force some metric for 'notify' watchdog events (reversion of a prior change)
- Added horizontal per-process % memory load graph to active processes (private bytes for NT6+, commit size otherwise)
Muutokset v6.0.1.50 - v6.0.1.52
- Improved capability for processlasso.exe itself (not launcher) to, when launched, tell an existing instance to open its main window
- Fixed bad timestamping description on 64-bit server installer setup EXE
- Fix problem in previous build - main window always opening when Process Lasso GUI started (annoyed some users)
Muutokset v6.0.1.50 - v6.0.1.51 Beta
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix main window always opening when Process Lasso GUI started
-[beta] Fix GUI Improved capability for processlasso.exe to, when launched, tell an existing instance to open its main window
-[beta] Fix Build Fixed bad timestamping description on 64-bit server installer setup EXE
Muutokset v6.0.1.42 - v6.0.1.50
- Fixed issue with 32-bit Server Edition automated updates (affected only recent builds)
- Fixed inability to add 'log occurrence' events to Watchdog dialog
- Misc small optimizations throughout
- Only prevent broad scope on watchdog entries for non-harmful action types
- Launching GUI will now bring any previous instance in that session to foreground
- For betas, let user know that beta updates are forced on via message box
- Allow full wildcards for some watchdog rules
- When saved child window positions reset, also force graph visibility setting reset, else can have unpainted but shown child graph windows
- Fixed failure of per-core metrics in some recent builds that had debug code
- Add new launcher for Process Lasso's GUI to handle invoking existing session instance, or inducing a new one
- Show 'Preventing PC Sleep' over the GUI when the user is using the temporary 'prevent PC from sleeping' option of the GUI
- Fix bottom row of memory load graph not being painted sometimes
- Preserves elevation and other startup config state settings more accurately
- Several non-critical elevation related fixes due to misnamed external manifest being referenced
- Fix to a shared function determining elevation state desired by user
Muutokset v6.0.1.42 - v6.0.1.43 Beta
-[beta] Fix GUI Fixed inability to add 'log occurrence' events to Watchdog dialog
-[beta] Addition GUI Show 'Preventing PC Sleep' over the GUI when the user is using the temporary 'prevent PC from sleeping' option of the GUI
-[beta] Change Italian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.41 Beta - v6.0.1.42
- Addition GUI Added temporary rule to system tray and main menu, 'Force PC to stay awake'. This prevents the PC from sleeping while the GUI is running - until that option is unchecked. It does NOT persist when Process Lasso restarts.
- Fix GUI Process Lasso Window state (e.g. maximized) could be unnecessarily lost after some Process Lasso updates due to change in number of child windows - now is preserved
- Fix GUI Disable solitician dialog at startup while it undergoes maintenance
- Fix GUI Further improved painting of memory load graph
- Change GUI Change process context menu to give top-level access to 'Prevent sleep when running', made copy of those more granular anti-sleep menu items in 'less common actions'
- Change Licensing Remove license revalidation, now that it served its purpose
- Change GUI Disable double click on memory load graph to hide it, until we standardize behavior across new controls
- Change GUI Force reset of listview column positions and states due to changes in prior build
- Change GUI Remove licensee name from About dialog if not known (activation code identifies license)
- Change Installer Include CHM Docs in Server Edition
- Change Serbian Updated
- Change Russian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.36 - v6.0.1.41 Beta
- (beta->beta)Fixed issue where VC11 was used in 37-39, which drops support for XP. This build resumes use of VC10.
Muutokset v6.0.1.14 - v6.0.1.36
- Some processes not terminated or restarted in a timely manner despite being target of a watchdog rule (due to 'polite' termination attempt).
- Fixed problem with memory load top overlapping its background group control after a size change
- Fix per-core metrics turned off if any data is unavailable during startup, sometimes resulting in a corrupted right side of graph
- Experimental painting adjustments for some non-compositing (mostly XP) systems showing artifacts
- Fix error that caused empty per-core % time utilized graphs to, rarely, be shown a minority of non-English NT5 systems that didn't meet the pre-requisites
- Fixed Watchdog Dialog assigning 'Working Set' to run regardless of actual user selection
- Removed unimplemented options, preparing for next final
- Added shell icons to complimentary executable modules, such as QuickUpgrade and InstallHelper
- Removed start at login context menu items - at least for now - keeping our focus dedicated.
- Removed all code to manage processes start at login. Specialied utilies can do this, and Windows itself.
- Launch InstallHelper.exe in a non-blocking way, then handle its exit code when it is done (for 'Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts')
- Further painting adjustments for non-composited dekstops (for internal and external testing purposes prior to finalization)
- Strings finalized for translators to begin work
- Move Private Bytes beside current total CPU % time graph in Active Processes tab
- Don't show per-core metrics for single core systems
- Don't temporarily zero per core metrics while being moved
- Added border to per-core metrics
- Don't clear process name control in Watchdog Dialog if entry is rejected (an annoying quirk in prior builds)
- Enhanced rule verification while intiially adding to dialog
- Preserve last window state (e.g. maximized or minimized)
- Adjustments to memory load rendering (work continues)
- Adjustments to active processes column sizes and ordering
- Various components reviewed and code being committed for finalization (though much work remains!)
- Adjusted graph click behavior (more work coming)
- Made white default color scheme
- Adjustments and optimizations to vertical array of progress bars control (thus all instances of it)
- Dynamic size per-core metric graph (grows or shrinks depending on number of cores)
- Moved per-core CPU % utilization to left, outside main graph - has a flicker in this beta
- Improved efficiency of graph painting in some situations
- Graph now 'feels' more smooth
- Changed apperance of graph (reduced background lines)
- Server Edition governor and GUI instances now manages all users by default
- Removed CHM download prompt for registered users (replacing it)
Muutokset v6.0.1.19 Beta - v6.0.1.29 Beta
Muutokset v6.0.1.17 Beta - v6.0.1.19 Beta
- Adjustments and optimizations to vertical array of progress bars control (thus all instances of it)
- Made white default color scheme
- Adjusted graph click behavior (more work coming)
- (beta->beta)Fixed brief flicker seen in per-core metrics when window resized
Muutokset v6.0.1.15 Beta - v6.0.1.17 Beta
-[beta] Fix GUI Fix error that caused empty per-core % time utilized graphs to, rarely, be shown a minority of non-English NT5 systems that didn't meet the pre-requisites
-[beta] Change GUI Dynamic size per-core metric graph (grows or shrinks depending on number of cores)
-[beta] Change GUI Moved per-core CPU % utilization to left, outside main graph - has a flicker in this beta
-[beta] Change Italian Updated
Muutokset v6.0.1.14 - v6.0.1.15 Beta
-[beta] Change GUI Improved efficiency of graph painting in some situations
-[beta] Change GUI Graph now 'feels' more smooth
-[beta] Change GUI Changed apperance of graph (reduced background lines)
-[beta] Removal Installer Removed CHM download prompt for registered users (replacing it)
-[beta] Change GUI Work *continues* on the graph ...
Muutokset v6.0.1.12 - v6.0.1.14
- Other updates
- Japanese Updated
- Adjustment to system shell icon
- Added a small right border to graph tooltips
- Fixed some link issues with Server Edition
- Optimizations to per-core metric display
- Reduced history depth
- Reduced graph lines
- This is an interim minor minor update pending larger changes in the next beta series
- Adjustments to system tray icon code to mitigate issue where it could become unresponsive (and static) in rare scanarios
Muutokset v6.0.1.11 Beta - v6.0.1.12
- Addition Installer Added quick Start Menu shortcut to reset all Process Lasso settings to defaults for emergency user misconfigurations
- Addition GUI Added button to ProBalance dialog to quickly change elevation configuration of Process Lasso - only shown when Process Lasso is running non-elevated
- Addition GUI Added 1, 2, 3, and 4 second settings to Energy Saver combo box (though they could be typed in). It is recommended to turn Energy Saver logging off if you use aggressive settings like this.
- Addition Governor Added safety mechanism to recover changed core parking parameters in rare circumstance of governor improperly terminated during a ProBalance event when core parking is set to be disabled (and that differs from the current setting)
- Fix Governor Nixed remaining log messages that were emitted despite logging being disabled
- Fix GUI/Governor Fix NIS 2013 tamper detection problem (and performance penalty)
- Fix GUI/Governor Fix Comodo tamper detection problem (and performance penalty)
- Fix GUI Fix possibility of self-recovery system going haywire and causing a repeated restart of Process Lasso (under some worst case scenario)
- Fix GUI When 'Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts' selected, but no changes made, no automatic restart of Process Lasso is initiated
- Fix GUI Save 'someprocess.exe has been excluded from ProBalance restraint' message box 'do not show again' setting, which was formerly dependent on the actual process name in the message box
- Change GUI Change default of Energy Saver to NOT write out log events (conserves resources, and you can see the power profile change on the graph and elsewhere)
- Change GUI Change recovery mechanism on GUI (only), re-enable minidumps
- Change GUI Logging/notification action can now be added in the watchdog without any metrics other than filename given
- Change GUI Disallow or warn about overly broad rules
- Change GUI Added general warning to wathchdog dialog
- Change GUI Adjustments to Watchdog dialog
- Change All Misc small optimizations
- Change Updater No longer make update dialogs a System Modal (so it won't block everything) - will be first noticed in *next* update you do *after* installing this build or later
- Change French Updated
- Change Italian Updated
- Change German Updated
- Change Serbian Updated
- Change Spanish Updated bitmaps, included DLL (prepping for translation)
Muutokset v6.0.1.9 Beta - v6.0.1.11 Beta
- Disallow or warn about overly broad rules
- Logging/notification action can now be added in the watchdog without any metrics other than filename given
- Change recovery mechanism on GUI (only), re-enable minidumps
- Fix possibility of self-recovery system going haywire and causing a repeated restart of Process Lasso (under some worst case scenario)
- Added button to ProBalance dialog to quickly change elevation configuration of Process Lasso - only shown when Process Lasso is running non-elevated
- Added quick Start Menu shortcut to reset all Process Lasso settings to defaults for emergency user misconfigurations
Muutokset v6.0.1.7 Beta - v6.0.1.9 Beta
- When 'Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts' selected, but no changes made, no automatic restart of Process Lasso is initiated
- Adjustments to Watchdog dialog (will continue this beta series)
- Added general warning to wathchdog dialog
- Disallow or warn about overly broad rules
- Added quick Start Menu shortcut to reset all Process Lasso settings to defaults (for emergency user misconfigurations)
Muutokset v6.0.1.6 - v6.0.1.7 Beta
- No longer make update dialogs a System Modal (so it won't block everything) - will be first noticed in *next* update you do *after* installing this build or later
- Added safety mechanism to recover changed core parking parameters in rare circumstance of governor improperly terminated during a ProBalance event when core parking is set to be disabled (and that differs from the current setting)
Muutokset v6.0.0.98 - v6.0.1.6
- Disable process icons by default in listview (can enable in View menu) - existing users retain current setting
- Added block that ParkControl is only for NT6+ (Vista or above)
- Removed ParkControl as a Pro-only feature (this was a mistake)
- Fixed Russian per-core metrics not showing up when they should in Vista+ (localization error) - could affect other languages
- Fixed typo in 'muiltimedia' [a special kind of media known only to us, lol ;p]
- Fix Licensed User Name to accept licensee names with spaces (activator quote encapsulation issue)
- Further improved compatibility of license revalidation with certain keys
- Fixed issue with lost licensee names during license revalidation
- Updated ParkControl to v1.0.0.10, with new sliders for easier understanding of the parking settings, and more
- MANDATE and automatically perform license eligibility check prior to update so the user is not surprised if their license has expired
- Added back CPU Eater demo (and dependency TestLasso) since it is invokable from within Process Lasso, and provides good demonstrative and testing capabilities
- Added shell icon
- Localized EULA/Warning to ParkControl
- Changed EULA to state 'Power Profile Changes' instead of 'System Registry Changes'
- Minor cosmetic changes
- Updated rcImport and rcExport allow some additional short strings
- Updated rcImport to show string with error (can be used in localization pack for pre-testing of translations)
- Internal cleanup
- Further reduced start menu shortcuts to one
- Cleanup old start menu shortcuts no longer applicable (though backing files still exist)
- Updated translations
Muutokset v6.0.0.98 - v6.0.0.99 Beta
- Fix Licensed User Name to accept licensee names with spaces (activator quote encapsulation issue)
- Cleanup old start menu shortcuts no longer applicable (though backing files still exist)
- Further reduced start menu shortcuts to one
- Internal cleanup
- Updated rcImport to show string with error (can be used in localization pack for pre-testing of translations)
- Updated rcImport and rcExport allow some additional short strings
- Changed EULA to state 'Power Profile Changes' instead of 'System Registry Changes'
- Added back CPU Eater demo (and dependency TestLasso) since it is invokable from within Process Lasso, and provides good demonstrative and testing capabilities
- Added shell icon
- Localized EULA/Warning to ParkControl
Muutokset v6.0.0.96 - v6.0.0.98
- Fixed installer asking if user wanted to download CHM docs in Russian in last build (translator mistake)
- Fixed loss of core parking setting when used in conjunction with ProBalance in some cases (quick build update - second release of .98 minutes later)
- Fix double colons shown in licensee name in About dialog
- Updated shell icon with graphics from Graphic Designer Jennifer Cripps -
Muutokset v6.0.0.95 beta - v6.0.0.96
- Fixed some typos
- Updated translation
- Changed a higher resolution shell icon (for better or worse - newer images coming)
- Fixed behavior when 100% of cores are unparkable (disabled by effect)
- Don't even start to write log entries when logging is disabled
- When CPU Parking disabled for ProBalance, fix not always restored to prior state
- Only change CPU Parking on first ProBalance event entered, and last exited - when concurrent ProBalance events are active
- Fix a theoretical [silent and recovered] crash when writing log events for instance count limit violations under some conditions
Muutokset v6.0.0.94 - v6.0.0.95 beta
- Fixed some typos
- Updated translation
- Don't even start to write log entries when logging is disabled
- Fixed behavior when 100% of cores are unparkable (disabled by effect)
- When CPU Parking disabled for ProBalance, fix not always restored to prior state
- Only change CPU Parking on first ProBalance event entered, and last exited
- Fix a theoretical crash when writing log events for instance count limit violations under some conditions
Muutokset v6.0.0.89 Beta - v6.0.0.94
- Updated translation
- Added some additional strings for translation
- Adjusted the text of several menu items
- Added some additional error messages
- First build under fresh physical install of Windows 8 Enteprise
- Adjusted some helper code to remove any remote chance of a sparse handle leak in rare situations
- Fix core parking changes not always applied in real-time by ProBalance (if set to disable core parking)
- Removed missing metric parameters from Stop Processing Rule in the Process watchdog. It can be used alone without additional metrics or quotas
- Adjustments
- Combined gaming mode and multimedia processes
- Improved highest resolution shell icon (more work remains)
- Removed above modules, and optimized archive
- Removed deprecated secondary Japanese resource DLL from different partner
- Removed TestLasso, will be available as a stand-alone diagnostic tool (part of CPU Eater)
- Removed CPU Eater demo, left to live as a stand-alone app for downloading on demand
- Optimizations and size reductions
Muutokset v6.0.0.88 - v6.0.0.89 Beta
-[beta] More Pending Many more small items on the todo list are being taken care of before final
-[beta] Fix Core Fix core parking changes not always applied in real-time by ProBalance (if set to disable core parking)
-[beta] Change All Adjusted some helper code to remove any remote chance of a sparse handle leak in rare situations
-[beta] Change Build First build under fresh physical install of Windows 8 Enteprise
-[beta] Addition Core Added some additional error messages
-[beta] Addition GUI Adjusted the text of several menu items
-[beta] Addition GUI Added some additional strings for translation
Muutokset v6.0.0.86 - v6.0.0.88
- Fix Installer Fix English silent/unattended install asking some for CHM download
- Change German Updated translation
Muutokset v6.0.0.85 Beta - v6.0.0.86
- Fix Beta->Beta Fix module incompatibilites in XP x64 with previous betas .81-.83
- Fix Startup/Install Fix issue with Process Lasso start at login configuration in XP for v6+ (requires new run of installer or InstallHelper.exe in this beta)
- Fix GUI Fix some licensing issues
- Change Chinese-Trad Fixed possible old and/or wrong module in use in prior build(s)
- Change Installer Remove test_gdiplus_present.exe from build
- Change German Updated translation
- Change Build Re-enable self-recovery mechanisms (dropping minidumps after a short bug check period)
- Change Build Found and fixed a possible flaw in a supporting tool
- Change Build Dropped Windows 2000 compatibility - a last compatible beta and final build were stored at
- Change Build Migrated to VC11 and VS2012 - though still must use VC10 platform toolset due to XP not (yet) being supported by VC11 (VS2012). It will be in a pending out-of-band update 'later this fall'. Windows 2000 support is gone (as of VC10).
- Change GUI Don't show solicitation dialog in Windows 8/2012 (NT 6.2) since boot is to Windows 8 Style (new touch tile shell, formerly Metro)
- Change GUI Adjusted About Box user name to show more characters
Muutokset v6.0.0.78 - v6.0.0.79 Beta
- Adjusted About Box user name to show more characters
- Don't show solicitation dialog in Windows 8/2012 (NT 6.2) since boot is to Windows 8 Style (new touch tile shell, formerly Metro)
- Increased minidump size (more info, more capabilities)
Muutokset v6.0.0.64 - v6.0.0.69 Beta
- Added 'Allow Display(s) to Sleep, but prevent PC' new (third) anti-sleep option (NOT YET FUNCTIONAL IN BETA - UNFINISHED)
- Added splash screen by Jennifer Cripps
- Added license revalidation dialog
- Added 'D' rule indicator for new third prevent sleep option (allow display, prevent PC sleep)
- (beta->beta)Substantial improvements to new license revalidation procedure and dialog
- Fix anti-sleep checkboxes on process context menu only allowing one to be shown checked
- Fix anti-sleep processes would persist even after removed from dialog
- Expanded and changed license revalidation dialog - including new bitmap
- Improvements to internal translation tools
- Italian
- Translation updated
Muutokset v6.0.0.76 - v6.0.0.78
- Updated translation
- Re-enabled minidumps as opposed to self-recovery, as we want to know of any critical error - not just recover from it
- Changed bitmaps to new PL images by Jennifer Cripps
- Adjustmensts to About Dialog controls
- Added option to change licensed user name (in About Box of licensed copies)
- Newly activated users were being presented with activation revalidation in some cases
- Fix rare crash of the GUI seen by some while in Active Processes tab
Muutokset v6.0.0.64 - v6.0.0.76
- Translation updated
- Change the way the GUI launches the governor on startup in Vista+, if it is found to not already be started
- Change process context menu to better indicate what the 'Prevent Displays from Sleeping' option does
- Improvements to internal translation tools
- Expanded and changed license revalidation dialog - including new bitmap
- Removed query asking if you want to manage all user processes only once or always
- Fixed self-delevation in NT6+
- Fix No Sleep processes would persist even after removed from dialog
- Fix No Sleep checkboxes on process context menu only allowing one to be shown checked
- Fixed No Sleep Configuration Dialog appearance and behavior
- Accelerate updates of per-core metrics
- No longer require restart if change to 'Manage all users' if Process Lasso already running elevated
- (beta->beta)Substantial improvements to new license revalidation procedure and dialog
- Added 'D' rule indicator for new third prevent sleep option (allow display, prevent PC sleep)
- Added license revalidation dialog
- Added splash screen by Jennifer Cripps
- Added 'Allow Display(s) to Sleep, but prevent PC' new (third) No Sleep option
- Added Japanese Trial Mechanism at behest of Japanese reseller
- Added 'Allow Display(s) to Sleep, but prevent PC' new (third) No Sleep option
Muutokset v6.0.0.63 Beta - v6.0.0.64
- Translations updated
- Minor adjustments
- Fix weblinks not working for a minority of users
- Fix some of the column justifications (e.g. left or right justified)
Muutokset v6.0.0.62 - v6.0.0.63 Beta
- Minor adjustments
- Fix weblinks not working for some minority of users
- Fix some of the column justifications (e.g. left or right justified)
Muutokset v6.0.0.59 - v6.0.0.62
- Fixed bug that could cause core engine to crash when a Keep Running process is first launched when logging of these events is enabled. Governor may recover and continue afterwards depending on config, but obviously no crash is acceptable. Caught in extended debugging.
- Fix 'missing string' error seen briefly by some during auto-update download (won't be seen update *after* this)
- Removed some now deprecated code in 2K/XP
- Added safety code to updater to prevent user-induced direct edit misconfiguration
- Reduced 'don't bother me' (for gamers) to 15 seconds of inactivity before any update announcement is made
- Add 'default' style to Buy Now button, causing it to glow in/out depending on your visual effects
- Renamed Disable Thread Priority Boost INI value name (options preserved from old name)
- Perform additional cleanup in post-update operation (instead of at start of GUI)
- Updated translation
- Finnish
- Chinese-Traditional
- Chinese-Simplified
- Serbian
Muutokset v6.0.0.58 - v6.0.0.59
- Cleanup languages no longer included (Indonesian, Dutch, Spanish, ...)
- Relocated Russian Terminate Always (Disallowed Process) menu item to match English resources
- Correct Russian Auto-Gaming Mode menu item
- Updated Translation
- Improved update migration docs and change log
Muutokset v6.0.0.56 RC 2 - v6.0.0.58
- Updated Polish
- Updated version number so service version is shown correctly
- Last build (RC2) said (RC1) in the subtext of the installer (only)
- Use service management code to check if governor is configured as a service, or currently running as one
- Fixed aberrant core engine (governor) management and status when governor is running in a context higher than GUI (e.g. as a system service)
- Adjusting timing of governor monitor thread
- Removed message about governor not warning (see BIG RED system tray icon and its tooltip)
- Fix some installer self-correcting edition anomalies
Muutokset v6.0.0.54 Beta - v6.0.0.56 RC 2
- [RC2] Fix GUI Fixed removal of multiple options from No Sleep Dialog
- [RC2] Fix GUI Fixed 'log occurrence' not working in Watchdog Dialog
- [RC2] Fix GUI Fixed System psudo processes showing in GUI (previous build only)
- [RC2] Change Build Temporarily removed languages too out of date - Indonesian, Dutch, and other(s)
- [RC2] Change Build Adjusted Russian resources
- [RC1] Change Installer Changes to startup behavior
- [RC1] Change GUI Do not list processes until process init completes
- [RC1] Removal GUI Removed disabled services process context menu item until dynamically populated
- [RC1] Change Core Do not manage processes until process init completes
- [RC1] Change Core Wildcards allowed for do not sleep processes
- [RC1] Change GUI Some translations
- [RC1] Change Core/GUI Removed more debug sanity checks
- [RC1] Fix Core Fixed a very theoretical rare crash
- [RC1] Fix Updater Fixed auto-updater on Server x64 editions
- [RC1] Change Installer Changed installer icon (new types added)
Muutokset v6.0.0.53 Beta - v6.0.0.54 Beta
- Addition GUI Added proper STOP / START for multiple services hosted by a single process (note: may be a delay while doing so)
- Change Core Added new tamper resistant process for AVG
- Change GUI Hide Private Bytes and Private Working Set by default in 2K/XP
- Change GUI Updated several translations
Muutokset v6.0.0.51 Beta - v6.0.0.53 Beta
- Fix Core (beta->beta)Fixed improper default power profile restoration from either setting (original value name or temporary one used in beta). Some application power profiles may have been lost in .52 if you got it in its short lived existance AND were a user of the previous betas that had the changed key name.
- Fix Core (beta->beta)Fixed automated cleanup of old v6 beta bug that caused duplication of the default application power profiles.
- Fix GUI (beta->beta)Fixed rules string can be corrupt (old basename string from reuse of container in cases where filename is not retrieved)
- Change GUI Language updates
- Fix Core Fixed disallowed proecsses not working in previous few betas (logic error in new processname:username splicing and compare).
- Addition Core/GUI Added code to properly migrate default power profiles (application power profiles) from recent betas AND version 5 stable. Also added new safety to delete duplicate items.
- Addition GUI Show *all* process names in brackets, even for cases where a single process hosts multiple services
- Change Core Removed CloseHandle debug sanity check (ensures handle is vaid before trying to close it)
- Change Updater More strings now localizable
Muutokset v6.0.0.49 Beta - v6.0.0.51 Beta
- Fix GUI Adjustment to web links (testing against various hives)
- Fix GUI Fix web links not working with Opera in last few betas
- Fix GUI A few cosmetic fixes
- Fix Core Adhere to new ProBalance core parking option, previous few betas did not
- Fix Core More internal fixes and minor code adjustments
- Change Core Vastly improved ProBalance performance as more debug code and redundant sanity checks are removed (ProBalance is sensitive and requires fast code to work)
- Change GUI Localized Automated Update dialog (to be seen update after this one)
- Change Build Added several more unit tests for common internal functions
- Change Core Changes to the way core parking is enabled/disabled during ProBalance
- Change Core Add option for logging of Park Control events by ProBalance
- Change Docs Regenerated CHM (though much work remains)
- Change Defaults CPU Parking not disabled by default on ProBalance events (contrast to last two betas)
- Change Defaults CPU Parking is logged by default (contrast to last two betas)
- Change GUI Update Italian, Japanese, Serbian, Finnish
Muutokset v6.0.0.46 Beta - v6.0.0.49 Beta
- Updated Italian
- (beta->beta)Fix for more crashes from .45 internal change, where pathnames are now allowed to be NULL (still adpating higher level code to allow for this).
- (beta->beta)Fix for more crashes from .45 internal change, where pathnames are now allowed to be NULL (still adpating higher level code to allow for this).
Muutokset v6.0.0.45 Beta - v6.0.0.46 Beta
- Change GUI Implemented NEW 'Disable CPU core parking' toggle in ProBalance Configuration Dialog - now can toggle parking off until all ProBalance events (high CPU load) ends
- Change GUI Change in width of per-core metrics
- Change Licensing Security improvements in online activation (unspecified)
- Change Core An abundance of internal improvements and fixes - all moving towards final code
- Change GUI Updated Italian, Finnish
Muutokset v6.0.0.41 Beta - v6.0.0.45 Beta
- Change Installer For 2K/XP pre-SP3, direct to Microsoft's latest GDIPLUS component if not already installed
- Change Updater Allow for (vendor directed) mandated update of auto-upgrade component
- Change Updater Add post-auto-upgrade checks and functions, via PostUpdate.exe
- Change Helpers Renamed some of the external component helper executables
- Change InstallHelper Adjustments to startup code
- Change GUI Build dependencies adjusted to ensure proper builds for all scenarios
- Fix Logger A few minor internal fixes and improvements
- Change GUI Updated Finnish language
- Change All Many other unspecified minor changes as we prepare for final, refactor the build system and code, and remove more debug code
Muutokset v6.0.0.40 Beta - v6.0.0.41 Beta
- Change GUI Removed Classification submenu in process context menu, replaced only with Game or not
- Change GUI Change color of on memory load when theme toggled
- Change GUI Updated Finnish Translation
- Change Core Increased 'highest' hard throttle level (Not a recommended operation! NOT ProBalance!)
- Change Installer Swapped splash screen with a PNG with higher color depth (and smaller size, ironically)
- Change Log Logging subsystem worked on internally, several improvements
- Change Log Refactored some of the internal code
- Addition Log Add full command line (with executable path) to log
- Addition Log Allow for commas in the log
- Addition Log Added much more detail to numerous log events
Muutokset v6.0.0.39 Beta - v6.0.0.40 Beta
- Addition GUI Lock black/white theme menu option enabled and supported (as a per-user setting in registry)
- Addition GUI Added Handles Count to Active Processes tab
- Change GUI Hid redundant memory metrics in Active Processes tab for Vista+
- Change Build New code signing certificate in use
- FIX All Misc fixes and adjustments
Muutokset v6.0.0.37 Beta - v6.0.0.39 Beta
- Change All Removed debug output left in prior beta builds and disabled debug checks (for internal use anyway)
- Change GUI No Sleep Dialog now uses full row selection and other standard listview extended attribs
- Change GUI Reduce overhead of per-core metrics display by approx 1/2 when main window IS visible
- Change GUI Do not update per-core metrics when GUI window not visible
- FIX GUI No Sleep Dialog crash on removal of item
- FIX Updater Force beta->beta auto update (applies to next update)
- FIX GUI Fixed Watchdog Dialog did not hide one memory metric control when selecting CPU based threshold
- FIX Core Adjusted handling of 'stop processing rules' watchdog rule
- FIX Build Fixed auto-upgrade SFX did not include ParkControl or ThreadRacer
Muutokset v5.1.1.1 - v5.1.1.2
- Change GUI Change color of memory load when theme toggled (backport from v6)
- Fix Core Fixed issue with commas in log events, a condition that could cause a crash under rare scenarios. The UNICODE escape character was lost when the source code was converted to ASCII, causing the problem (backport from v6)
Muutokset v5.1.1.0 - v5.1.1.1
- Change GUI Update button disabled after clicking to prevent any incidental double click in cases of high loads that it doesn't immediately disappear on
- Change Build Changed DS installer names and other DS adjustments
- Change GUI German language updated
Muutokset v5.1.0.96 - v5.1.1.0
- Change GUI Fixed Japanese Docs
- Change GUI Adjust Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified Links
- Change Build Installer security and integrity checks improved
Muutokset v5.1.0.90 - v5.1.0.96
- Fix possible crash on 'locate process file on disk' if said process crashes between click and selection (encapsulated in sync object now)
Muutokset v5.1.0.90 - v5.1.0.94
- Change GUI Improved appearance of per-process CPU utilization graph in Active Processes tab (backport from v6.
- Fix GUI Fix possible crash on 'search for process on internet' if said process terminates between click and selection
- Fix GUI Fix possible crash on 'locate process file on disk' if said process terminates between click and selection
Muutokset v5.1.0.88 - v5.1.0.90
- Fix some modules in some distributions not having valid digital certs due to inadvertent modification after signing (e.g. seeing quickupgrade.exe is not signed, etc..)
Muutokset v5.1.0.86 - v5.1.0.88
- Adjustments for unattended/silent install deployment
Muutokset v5.1.0.80 - v5.1.0.82
- Change Installer Improved installer language auto detection
- Change GUI Reduced GUI memory consumption by approx 50% with default options (further reductions coming)
- Change GUI Improved more translations that got mixed and matched with v6 branch (e.g. Traditional Chinese)
- Change GUI Expanded width of unlicensed update dialog, as it was too small
- Change GUI Better handled cases where certan malfunctioning third-party software may have caused the GUI to hang or crash
- Change GUI Misc fixes and adjustments
- Fix Updater Fix auto update malfunction in .80 build due to localization change, manual update to .82 required
Muutokset v5.1.0.78 - v5.1.0.80
- Fix Updater For licensed users, reduced extraneous UAC elevation prompts on 'automated' update when license is valided (changed completely in v6).
- Fix GUI Fixed a few lost translated strings due to the v5 and v6 branches co-existing (an issue now resolved forever).
- Fix GUI Further adjusted shutdown ordering and governor recovery mechanism, as some users still had complaints in 2K/XP under rare conditions.
- Fix GUI Added English placeholders for some untranslated Russian strings.
- Change GUI Improved localization of automated update dialog that is shown briefly, though this won't be seen until the next update.
- Change GUI Misc small tweaks, fixes, and adjustments.
Muutokset v5.1.0.76 - v5.1.0.78
- Fix GUI Fix an interoperability issue with some (a specific) security software.
- Fix GUI Updated translations.
Muutokset v5.1.0.74 - v5.1.0.76
- Change explicit shutdown order to eliminate error message box seen in some 2K/XP shutdowns.
Muutokset v5.1.0.72 - v5.1.0.74
- Signed a couple modules that were not signed in previous few versions (for reasons no longer necessary)
- Fixed XP/2K system shutdown problems that appeared in .68. An original fix was made to .72, but a back-port complication prevented it from being complete, and its change could have prevented shutdown of some XP and 2K systems unless Process Lasso was closed first.
Muutokset v5.1.0.70 - v5.1.0.72
- Fixed issue that appeared in .68 where the governor might try to restart on systems that are shutting down (only applies to some systems that shut down extremely slowly)
- Started gradual reduction in minimum size main window can be when remembering last position
Muutokset v5.1.0.68 - v5.1.0.70
- Fixed issue where power profile could be left in selected Energy Saver power profile when using Energy Saver if improper termination of governor occurred without user interaction (backport from v6)
- Fixed issue where power profile could be left in selected Energy Saver power profile when using Energy Saver and an unattended shutdown occurred (backport from v6)
- Allow wildcards for watchdog rules (backported from v6)
- Changed to latest PE tools from Bitsum (backported from v6)
- Changed to latest internal data structures (backported from v6)
Muutokset v5.1.0.68 - v5.1.0.69 Beta
- Fixed issue where power profile could be left in selected Energy Saver power profile when using Energy Saver if improper termination of governor occurred without user interaction (backport from v6)
- Fixed issue where power profile could be left in selected Energy Saver power profile when using Energy Saver and an unattended shutdown occurred (backport from v6)
- Allow wildcards for watchdog rules (backported from v6)
- Changed to latest PE tools from Bitsum (backported from v6)
- Changed to latest internal data structures (backported from v6)
Muutokset v5.1.0.66 - v5.1.0.68
- Added dedicated thread to monitor governor status at all times, and recover from any abnormal condition. Starting 60 seconds after GUI launch, it is self-waiting (meaning it sleeps until there is any problem). Note that in the event of a problem, it does wait a few seconds before taking action, in case the issue is an intentional termination or temporary condition. (backport from v6)
- Removed deprecated code to monitor governor status, saves a few CPU cycles
- Misc minor tweaks not large enough to mention
Muutokset v5.1.0.60 - v5.1.0.66
- Addition Added Watchdog Action 'Trim Virtual Memory' by popular request (config dialog only this build)
- Addition Process Watchdog terminations and restarts will now act in accordance with the process type (service or regular process), transparent to the user
- Change Upgrades to other governor code (using latest from v6 branch)
- Removal Removed non-function restraint timer from restriant history column
- Change Updated a few languages
- Change Upgraded some components to stable code from v6
- Addition Issuing a restart on one or more processes that are services will cause induction of a stop/start of the appropriate services
- Change Encapsulated some synchronization objects in exception handlers to better deal with potential timeout exceptions
- Change Other fixes and adjustments
Muutokset v5.1.0.59 Beta - v5.1.0.60
- [.60]Backports from version 6 (in development)
- [.60]Fix.GUI: Fix handling of 'Any memory metric' in some cases in the Watchdog configuration dialog
- [.60]Fix.Governor: Fixed I/O priority of governor being set too low (due to a background logging thread)
- [.60]Fix.Installer: Fix inability to press NO on install to continue if edition detected wrong
- [.60]Fix.Installer: Fix use of /S switch for unattended install as a means to bypass installer self-correction
- [.60]Fix.Installer: Fix for Windows 2003 Server detection
- [.60]Fix.GUI: Improved graph a bit during high loads, less jerky
- [.60]Fix.Core: Eliminated (or greatly reduced) rare cases of crashes due to extended high loads causing inter-process communication lags and critical section
Muutokset v5.1.0.58 - v5.1.0.59 Beta
- [.59-beta]Addition.GUI: Added current power profile selection to Energy Saver configuration dialog
- [.59-beta]Change.Installer: Silent installation overrides any auto-correction of installation
- [.59-beta]Change.Build: Testing back-port build system
Muutokset v5.1.0.57 Beta - v5.1.0.58
- [.58]Fix.Installer: Japanese now included in standard installer (it was excluded inadvertently after the new merger into a single build)
- [.58]Fix.Installer: Improved Windows Server detection
- [.58]Change.Resources: Added a URL for revision history that can be localized/redirected
- [.58]Change.Installer: Made self-correcting installer have a YES/NO/CANCEL option when wrong edition detected. NO will continue the current install, regardless of the system detected. This is for cases that fall outside the norm, for whatever reason. CANCEL will abort the install.
- [.58]Change.Installer: Silent installation overrides any auto-correction of installation
- [.58]Change.GUI: Message box modality adjustments, to help keep them from getting lost behind other windows and such (on-going)
- [.58]Change.GUI: Moved Trim Virtual Memory to root process context menu
- [.58]Change.GUI: Updated several languages
- [.58]Change.GUI: Modalized more message boxes
Muutokset v5.1.0.56 - v5.1.0.57 Beta
- Fix.Installer: Japanese now included in standard installer (it was excluded inadvertently after the new merger into a single build)
- Change.Resources: Added a URL for revision history that can be localized/redirected
- Change.Installer: Made self-correcting installer have a YES/NO/CANCEL option when wrong edition detected. NO will continue the current install, regardless of the system detected. This is for cases that fall outside the norm, for whatever reason. CANCEL will abort the install.
- Change.Installer: Silent installation overrides any auto-correction of installation
- Change.GUI: Message box modality adjustments, to help keep them from getting lost behind other windows and such (on-going)
- Change.GUI: Updated several languages
- Fix.Installer: Improved Windows 2003 Server x32 detection
- Change.GUI: Modalized more message boxes
- Fix.Installer: Fix to installer edition detection error in 571 build
Muutokset v5.1.0.54 - v5.1.0.56
- Addition.Installer: The installer will now download the correct edition if you have not already selected the correct one
- Fix.Installer: Added new safety to prevent a certain error condition (crash) seen in user reports. Secondary safeties added to apps for Portable Edition.
- Change.GUI: Mandates (and automatically does) a check for license validity before update, warning under if they are going to be downgraded to free edition
- Change.Docs: Slight changes
- Change.Licensing: Removed some debug code
- Change.Licensing: Lots of internal changes to improve accuracy and efficiency
- Change.Installer: Misc changes and adjustments
- Addition.Updater: Added 'Revision History' button to take you to change list on web
- Change.Build: Removed support for deprecated custom editions
- Change.GUI: Several languages updated
Muutokset v5.1.0.54 - v5.1.0.55 Beta
- [.55-beta]Addition.Installer: The installer will now download the correct edition if you have not already selected the correct one - However no progress bar at the moment, experimenting with a new mechanism here
- [.55-beta]Fix.Installer: Added new safety to prevent a certain error condition (crash) seen in user reports. Secondary safeties added to apps for Portable Edition.
- [.55-beta]Change.GUI: Mandates (and automatically does) a check for license validity before update, warning under if they are going to be downgraded to free edition
- [.55-beta]Change.Docs: Slight changes
- [.55-beta]Change.Licensing: Removed some debug code
- [.55-beta]Change.Licensing: Lots of internal changes to improve accuracy and efficiency
- [.55-beta]Change.Installer: Misc changes and adjustments
- [.55-beta]Addition.Updater: Added 'Revision History' button to take you to change list on web
- [.55-beta]Change.Build: Removed support for deprecated custom editions
- [.55-beta]Change.GUI: Several languages updated
Muutokset v5.1.0.52 - v5.1.0.54
- [.54]Change.Language: Updated Italian graph legend, which was in the wrong dimensions
- [.54]Change.GUI: Changes preparing for next major upgrade
- [.54]Change.Core: Misc optimizations and tweaks
- [.54]Change.All: Adjusted critical section spin count for improved performance
Muutokset v5.1.0.50 - v5.1.0.52
Muutokset v5.1.0.49 - v5.1.0.50
- Change.GUI: Updated Japanese, Russian, Polish
- Change.GUI: Process context menu items re-arrangement more intuitively (text not changed, yet, to maintain compatibility with translations)
- Change.GUI: Removed some depcecrated code found during code anlaysis
- Fix.GUI: Reset ALL defaults was not clearing process watchdog rules
Muutokset v5.1.0.46 - v5.1.0.48
- [.48]Fix.Core: Fixed crash in core engine when using Watchdog rules in some cases - erupted in .46 (last build)
- [.48]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash in GUI when 'nicely' closing applications (related to above) - erupted in .46 (last build)
- [.48]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue in Watchdog dialog when adding new rule with 'Any memory metric'
- [.48]Fix.Portable: Fixed issue with Auto-Updater not being present in Portable Edition archive
- [.48]Change.GUI: Updated German
Muutokset v5.1.0.44 - v5.1.0.46
- [.46]Addition.GUI: Clicking the graph will rotate through available application color schemes (currently only white and black)
- [.46]Addition.GUI: Added support for color schemes selectable within the application
- [.46]Addition.GUI: Added addition options for Keep Running feature
- [.46]Addition.GUI: Add space before and after power profile drawn on graph
- [.46]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with I/O priority being reported as Low due to non-critical background threads with lowered CPU priorities
- [.46]Fix.GUI: Reduce rare cases of Process Lasso GUI briefly stalls in very high loads
- [.46]Change.All: Some internal refactoring
- [.46]Change.GUI: Refactored user induced process restart code
- [.46]Change.GUI: Optimized graph painting
- [.46]Change.GUI: Language updates (Traditional Chinese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, German)
- [.46]Change.All: Adjusted spin count on critical sections objects
- [.46]Change.All: Misc changes and adjustments
- [.46]Change.LocalizationTools: Added additional syntax checks
- [.46]Change.Docs: Refreshed with latest content from online
Muutokset v5.1.0.45-2 Beta - v5.1.0.45-3 Beta
- [.45-3-beta]Change.All: Misc changes and adjustments
- [.45-3-beta]Addition.GUI: Added support for color schemes selectable within the application
- [.45-3-beta]Addtition.GUI: Clicking the graph will rotate through available application color schemes (currently only white and black schemes available)
Muutokset v5.1.0.45-1 Beta - v5.1.0.45-2 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Add space before and after power profile drawn on graph
- Change.GUI: Optimized graph painting
- Change.GUI: Language updates (Traditional Chinese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, German)
- Change.All: Adjusted spin count on critical sections objects
Muutokset v5.1.0.44 - v5.1.0.45-1 Beta
- Change.GUI: Experimenting with alternate graph colors
- Addition.GUI: Added hung process support
Muutokset v5.1.0.43-1 Beta - v5.1.0.44
- [.44]Fix.GUI: [#102] Fixed a theoretical memory leak in event history tracking that could occur on high activity systems after a long duration
- [.44]Fix.GUI: [#104] Fixed rare anomaly in the handling of multiple events coming through the inter-process pipe during the same time frame
- [.44]Change.GUI: Language updates
- [.44]Change.Licensing: Adjusted some unspecified licensing code
Muutokset v5.1.0.42 - v5.1.0.43-1 Beta
- Experimental.GUI: Experimental fixes for reported errata 102, 104, 107 (more info later)
- Change.GUI: Language updates
Muutokset v5.1.0.40 - v5.1.0.42
- Fix.Core: Fixed bug when user disabled energy saver log events
- Change.Core: Prohibited redundant practice of changing power profile when unnecessary for Energy Saver
- Change.Core: Adjusted inter-process communication timeout treshold, reducing 'lost' events during high loads that could have affected accuracy of ProBalance event reporting and history in the GUI (aside from log, which is always accurate and not affected by this)
- Change.GUI: Language updates
Muutokset v5.1.0.38 - v5.1.0.40
- Fix.Core: Discovered and fixed an event handle leak under certain situations when interprocess communication is enabled
- Change.GUI: Updated several languages
Muutokset v5.1.0.36 - v5.1.0.38
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration password to start/stop core engine and shut down Process Lasso menu options
- Addition.GUI: Added warning when Server Edition is running on a workstation PC, as there has been some build confusion
- Change.Core: Fixed an an SEP compatibility issue where SEP would trigger tamper detection events repeatedly
- Change.Core: Temporary adjustment to prevent another interoperability issue with some other Symantec software
- Change.GUI: Starting/stopping the core engine now requires the configuration password, if one is set
- Change.GUI: Some language updates
- Change.GUI: Changed licensed updater dialog so that key fits into entry field completely
Muutokset v5.1.0.35-1 Beta - v5.1.0.36
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where recognition of a change to a multimedia classification wouldn't take effect until the core engine, or the designated multimedia classified process, would start or restart. If using Energy Saver with multimedia exclusions, this could cause it to not behave correctly until the core engine (or applicable multimedia process) restarted after the configuration change.
- Change.Core: Auto exclude multimedia classified processes from ProBalance restraint
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where wrong text could show up in ProBalance exclusions dialog (functionality not affected)
- Change.GUI: Cosmetic tweaks
- Change.GUI: Updated mentions of 2011 to 2012
Muutokset v5.1.0.34 - v5.1.0.35-1 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where wrong text could show up in ProBalance exclusions dialog (functionality not affected)
- Change.GUI: Cosmetic tweaks
Muutokset v5.1.0.33 Beta - v5.1.0.34
- Fix.GUI: Some of the multi-selection process context menu items were not saving configuration changes immediately
- Addition.GUI: Also show processes with a >200MB commit size in Active Processes view
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic adjustments
- Change.GUI: Double length of time an inactive process may stay listed in the Active processes tab after it has gone inactive
- Change.GUI: Moved 'Prevent sleep' process menu option back out to the main context menu, instead of hid in the classification - adjusted Russian translation as necessary
- Update.GUI: Updated Finnish, Polish, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Serbian, and others ...
Muutokset v5.1.0.31 Beta - v5.1.0.33 Beta
- Update.GUI: Updated Finnish, Polish, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Serbian, and others ...
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Enable Energy Saver' quick toggle to system tray, application menu, and Energy Saver dialog
Muutokset v5.1.0.30 - v5.1.0.31 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Some of the multi-selection process context menu items were not saving configuration changes immediately
- Addition.GUI: Also show processes with a >200MB commit size in Active Processes view
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic adjustments
- Change.GUI: Double length of time an inactive process may stay listed in the Active processes tab after it has gone inactive
- Change.GUI: Moved 'Prevent sleep' process menu option back out to the main context menu, instead of hid in the classification - adjusted Russian translation as necessary
- Update.GUI: Updated Finnish, Polish, German, Simplified Chinese, Serbian, and others ...
Muutokset v5.1.0.29 - v5.1.0.30
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where in W2K or XP pre-SP3, 0 CPUs could be shown in app status bar
- Fix.GUI: Windows Dynamic Thread Priority Boost setting may not have been applied if no other changes were made to the config file (not saved)
- Fix.GUI: Self-restart menu did not preserve on application restart
- Fix.GUI: Fixed 'any memory metric' radio button could stay checked, though it wouldn't affect behavior
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some issues with setting default priorities on multiple processes at once
- Update.rcTools: Updated test batch file that invokes test tool. New Batch file provide by our Polish translator (gtweak).
- Fix.Core: Fixed an issue with the relatively new user-allowed default on Windows Thread Priority Boost setting
- Change.GUI: Update Serbian
- Update.GUI: Updated Polish
Muutokset v5.1.0.27a - v5.1.0.29
- [.28]Fix.Core: Improved ProBalance system service handling over .27
- [.28]Fix.GUI: Fixed behavior of new ProBalance defaults prompt in certain cases, and decreased width of the prompt
- [.28]Fix.Uploader: Fixed upload scripts that caused auto update to stay at .26 for those with 'include betas' turned on
- [.28]Change.GUI: A few misc tweaks
- [.28]Update.GUI: Updated German
- [.28]Update.GUI: Updated Italian
- [.28]Update.GUI: Adjusted Russian resources to work with new 'any memory metric' option
- [.29]Addition.rcTools: Included syntax checking in translation package (very preliminary and basic, not exactly polished)
- [.29]Fix.All: New syntax testing tools allow for identification of possible anomalies and crashes due to improper translations, several errors were fixed in some languages.
- [.29]Change.GUI: Updated French
- [.29]Change.GUI: Updated Italian
- [.29]Change.GUI: Updated Simplifed Chinese
- [.29]Change.GUI: Minor fix to Traditional Chinese
Muutokset v5.1.0.27 - v5.1.0.27a
- Fix.GUI: Fixed behavior of new ProBalance defaults prompt in certain cases, and decreased width of the prompt
- Fix.Uploader: Fixed upload scripts that caused auto update to stay at .26 for those with 'include betas' turned on
- Update.GUI: Updated German
Muutokset v5.1.0.25 - v5.1.0.26
- [.26]Change.GUI: New German graph legend
- [.26]Change.GUI: German out of date warning removed
- [.26]Change.GUI: Russian out of date warning removed (an oversight, as it was/is up to date)
- [.26]Change.GUI: Updated Traditional Chinese
- [.26]Change.GUI: Updated Italian
- [.26]Change.GUI: Updated Polish
- [.26]Change.GUI: Updated Finnish
- [.26]Change.Core: Default ProBalance parameters tweaked a little for higher end systems (more mods under testing)
- [.26]-Post-release silent additions:
- [.26]Change.GUI: Updated German further
- [.26]Fix.GUI: Updated German further
Muutokset v5.1.0.24 - v5.1.0.25
- [.24]Change.Core: Improved important code that has implications throughout, boosting performance and thread safety both in many places
- [.24]Change.Core: Decreased CPU consumption of core engine
- [.24]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments
- [.24]Change.All: Refactored some internal code to improve performance
- [.24]Change.GUI: Several language updates
- [.25]Fix.All: Fix small activation state problem in .24 that lasted a few hours
Muutokset v5.1.0.22 - v5.1.0.23
- [.23]--This is a minor update that will not be pushed out to users of .22--
- [.23]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with the some metrics of tamper protected security products being shown incorrectly - though most are unavailable
- [.23]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with tamper protected processes being listed in the Active Processes list
- [.23]Change.GUI: Gray out Vista Multimedia Scheduler menu option in XP
- [.23]Change.GUI: Graph is hidden by default in NT5 or below, unless user preference overrides (reset this version only)
- [.23]Change.GUI: Improved code efficiency related to avoidance of tamper protection processes
- [.23]Change.GUI: Updated German
Muutokset v5.1.0.21 - v5.1.0.22
- [.22]Change.GUI: Made some minor string fixes and adjustments (auto-updated translations, as they were very minor changes)
- [.22]Change.GUI: Removed 3 unused strings
- [.22]Change.Core: [experimental] Adjustments to help avoid intrusion detection of some security software
- [.22]Change.GUI: Updates to German, Italian
- [.22]Fix.Installer: Fixed Vista Multimedia Scheduler Config being created as a shortcut in XP
Muutokset v5.1.0.19 - v5.1.0.21
- Fix.Update: Fix auto update failure due to new upload script - would upload you to v5.0.0.52 unless you had beta checks turned on
- Fix.GUI: Fix 'instead' typo
- Fix.GUI: Fix EULA typo
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Traditional Chinese translation showing English
- Fix.GUI: Fixed error in Simplified Chinese translation that would cause crash and recurring open/close sequence of PL (mismatched % formatting in translated string)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed error in Traditional Chinese translation that would cause crash and recurring open/close sequence of PL (mismatched % formatting in translated string)
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
- Change.GUI: Updated Polish translation
- Change.GUI: Updated French translation
- Change.GUI: Updated German translation
Muutokset v5.1.0.15 Beta - v5.1.0.19
- [.16]Change.Upload: All uploads are now verified after doing so, to ensure to transmission or storage errors
- [.16]Fix.GUI: Fix crash when entering manual values into some combo boxes
- [.16]Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46.3 UNICODE, multiple changes and fixes, regression testing on all platforms
- [.16]Fix.GUI: Self-restart checkboxes (build 2)
- [.16]Testing new upload scripts with verification
- [.16]NOTE: [beta2beta] This build's intent is doing some broader testing of recent changes (mainly NSIS)
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Fixed a corrupted description in Power Profiles dialog (truncated and corrupted)
- [.17]Fix.InstallHelper: Fix missing title string if pre-mature abort on first config dialog
- [.17]Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Fixed some issues with Energy Saver log
- [.17]Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Prevent Energy Saver if no target Power Profile set
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Properly disable AND grey out some menu options not available in 2K or XP (some would appear to do nothing)
- [.17]Change.Core: Tweaked ProBalance settings to improve effectiveness especially on multi-core systems during high load
- [.17]Change.Core: Allow multimedia processes to match based on wildcards in pathnames
- [.17]Change.GUI: Allow wildcards to be used for gaming mode pathnames
- [.17]Change.GUI: Reduced resources size a small bit
- [.17]Change.GUI: Changed gaming mode dialog to indicate acceptance of wildcards and full pathnames
- [.17]Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
- [.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed failure to save GUID of target energy saver power profile
- [.17a]Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Fixed multimedia classified processes would not prevent induction of Energy Saver when set to do so
- [.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed case where empty power profile was given in Energy Saver configuration dialog
- [.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed Do not Invoke Enery Saver if Gaming Mode Process running is config not being stored/changed
- [.17a]Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed Do not Invoke Enery Saver if Multimedia Mode Process running is config not being stored/changed
- [.19]Addition.GUI: Added 'M' rule for Multimedia classified processes
- [.19]Change.GUI: Renamed Default Power Profiles to Application Power Profiles
Muutokset v5.1.0.14a Beta - v5.1.0.15 Beta
- Change.Languages: Re-included Traditional Chinese translation
- Change.Revisions: Started removing beta2beta revisions
Muutokset v5.1.0.13 Beta - v5.1.0.14 Beta
- Change.Updater: If beta, always include betas in update check
- Fix.GUI: Energy Saver dialog could be invoked in XP after warning that it does not work in XP or below
- Fix.GUI: Fix theoretical race condition during initialization that could cause GUI to crash under rare (if ever seen) conditions
- Addition.Core: Added multimedia classification handling
- Addition.Core: Added another process to exclude from ProBalance by default
- Fix.Installer: Addressed some issues when updating Japanese build, hope to enable updates to Japan again once the system is retested
- Change.GUI: Translation updates
Muutokset v5.1.0.12 Beta - v5.1.0.13 Beta
- Fix.GUI: [beta2beta] Fixed incorrect graph legend width in previous beta (squished legend)
- Fix.Core: [beta2beta] Fixed default thread priority boost setting not applied unless a default process priority class accompanied it (only introduced last beta build)
- Change.Installer: Removed some deprecated conditions, please report any edition or build anomalies (though we are of course testing too)
- Change.Core: Logging of disable thread priority boost actions adhere to priority change log setting
- Change.GUI: Change 'Power Scheme' to 'Power Profile' in text overlaid on graph
- Change.GUI: Updated list of languages considered out of date
- Change.Core: Minor optimizations
- Change.GUI: Several translation updates (Italian, Polish, Finnish, Serbian, Simplified Chinese)
Muutokset v5.1.0.10 Beta - v5.1.0.12 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Localization of short string "I/O" (exclusion added to our in-house rc tools)
- Fix.Core: Fixed case sensitivity issue with (seldom used) pathname matches (a bug caused by the obsession with saving every last CPU cycle, *sigh*)
- Change.GUI: Other menu changes
- Change.GUI: Minor string change in status bar memory load part
- Change.GUI: Duplicated Memory Watchdog menu option in 'Memory' group
Muutokset v5.1.0.10 Beta - v5.1.0.11 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Localization of short string "I/O" (exclusion added to our in-house rc tools)
- Fix.Core: Fixed case sensitivity issue with (seldom used) pathname matches (a bug caused by the obsession with saving every last CPU cycle, *sigh*)
- Change.GUI: Other menu changes
- Change.GUI: Minor string change in status bar memory load part
- Change.GUI: Duplicated Memory Watchdog menu option in 'Memory' group
Muutokset v5.1.0.9 Beta - v5.1.0.10 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some discrepencies in the startup code, a by-product of the numerous different editions
- Change.GUI: Added 'of usable RAM' to memory load status bar portion, and better localized this region ('of' previously not localized)
- Change.GUI: Adjusted status bar positioning accordingly
- Change.GUI: Now forces termination of Server Edition after trial expiration, instead of only having governor not run
- Change.GUI: Only check for updates when system idle for 30 seconds
- Change.GUI: Several language updates
Muutokset v5.1.0.8 Beta - v5.1.0.9 Beta
- [.9]Fix.GUI: Fix classification of multimedia process via process context menu.
- [.9]Change.Build: Updated to VS2010SP1, continue use of older VC9 build tools for W2K compatibility
- [.9]Change.GUI: Several translation updates
Muutokset v5.1.0.6 Beta - v5.1.0.7 Beta
- [.7]Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog for new Poewr Saver feature
- [.7]Addition.Core: Added new Energy Saver (aka Energy Saver) functionality to core engine
- [.7]Change.Core: Start logging [system] for certain system wide chhanges
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Misc fixes and adjustments
- [.7]Change.Installer: Reduced size very slightly (more reductions coming, docs being 50% of the size)
Muutokset v5.1.0.4 Beta - v5.1.0.6 Beta
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged Options menu in a big way, with subcategories and such
- Change.Core: Some code optimization and refactoring
- Fix.Core: Minor code fixes and refactoring
- Change.GUI: Added new message for sanity check failure
Muutokset v5.1.0.4 Beta - v5.1.0.5 Beta
- Fix.Server.Edition: International build was not updated due to build system malfunction
Muutokset v5.1.0.02 Beta - v5.1.0.4 Beta
- [.4]Change.GUI: Improved cosmetics and behavior of new items in InstallHelper config dialog 2
- [.4]Fix.Core: Adjusted sharing permissions on .pg-active, a filesystem based locak the governor uses, and an issuing for some backup and imaging software
- [.4]Build.System: Misc adjustments throughout
Muutokset v5.0.0.49 - v5.0.0.52
- Fix.All: Misc backports from current beta
Muutokset v5.0.0.48 - v5.0.0.49
- [.49]Fix.Core: Automatically terminate newly configured disallowed processes, don't wait for next attempted launch to start enforcement
- [.49]Fix.GUI: Fixed context menu not popping up in the Active Processes tab in some cases (started last minor build)
- [.49]Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Tab not taking you to corresponding process in All Processes tab (started last minor build)
- [.49]Change.GUI: Japanese included in internaational server Edition
- [.49]Change.Core: Internal code refactoring on hard coded exclusion list (which user can selectively over-ride)
- [.49]Change.Core: Further improved NIS2012 compatibiilty
- [.49]Addition.GUI: Added more Server Edition indications in About box of Server Edition
- [.49]Addition.GUI: Added 64 to About box of 64-bit build
- [.49]Change.Docs: Updated docss
Muutokset v5.0.0.47 - v5.0.0.48
- [.48]Change.GUI: Do not show 'Activate Now' menu item after activation
- [.48]Change.GUI: Adjusted logging thread CPU and I/O priorities, which may improve fluidity of Process Lasso and its core engine during high storage I/O loads
- [.48]Change.GUI: Some code speed optimizations
- [.48]Change.GUI: Addressed discrepency between 'K' and 'KB' being used in the all and active process listviews, respectively
- [.48]Change.GUI: Re-arranged active process listview column default positions (note existing installs will have saved positions for old default positions)
- [.48]Change.GUI: Adjusted handling of more known applications for better default behavior
- [.48]Change.GUI: Better integration with Symantec Endpoint Protection
- [.48]Fix.GUI: Fixed sorting issues in the Active Processes listview (only) - sort of memory metrics and priorities
Muutokset v5.0.0.46 - v5.0.0.47
- Change.Core: Some minor internal cleanup and refactoring
- Fix.Core: Fixed a very slow memory leak when in the presence of certain security applications and other specific processes (a handful of named processes that have special handling)
- Fix.AutoUpdate: Fixed automatic update files not digitally signed
Muutokset v5.0.0.45 - v5.0.0.46
- Addition.All: At startup, wait for Terminal Services (or RDS in Vista+) to fully initialize (with timeout), unless service disabled
- Addition.Core: Added to default exclusion list
- Fix.Core: Fixed rare, slow memory leak seen *only* in XP or 2K installs with Terminal Services disabled. This turned out to be a known memory leak/bug in a Windows TS API that was not fixed until Vista.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed cosmetic error that appeared in .44 in InstallHelper config dialog #2 (extraneous static group controls)
- Fix.All: Fixed error message 'error cleaning up global config folder' for some older installs that still used prosuper.ini as config filename (instead of newer prolasso.ini)
- Change.GUI: Licensed update dialog now automatically populates activation code, for easy optional validation of your license prior to update (for updates after this one)
- Change.GUI: Improved handling of potential error condition where corrupt listview column settings could cause an empty listview (no columsn are shown)
- Change.GUI: Language updates
Muutokset v5.0.0.44 - v5.0.0.45
- Minor, unpushed update
- Change.GUI: Language updates
- Change.Updater: License validation on update marked as OPTIONAL
- Fix.GUI: Fixed cosmetic error that appeared in .44 in InstallHelper config dialog #2 (extraneous static group controls)
- Fix.All: Fixed error message 'error cleaning up global config folder' for some older installs that still used prosuper.ini as config filename (instead of newer prolasso.ini)
- Change.GUI: Licensed update dialog now pre-fills activation code, for easy optional validation of your license prior to update (for updates after this one)
Muutokset v5.0.0.42 - v5.0.0.44
- [.44]Addition.All: UNC pathname support for global configuration and log folders, BUT use of these incur a performance penalty in the GUI (to be improved in subsequent updates). The core engine is mostly fine, though logging may want to be tuned down if network I/O is an issue.
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Recursively create given global configuration folder and any necessary parent folders if it does not exist (as manually typed in configuration dialog, or given as a command line parameter during unattended installation)
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Recursively create given global log folder and any necessary parent folders if it does not exist (as manually typed in configuration dialog, or given in command line)
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: More robust and expanded auto-cleanup of situation where prolasso.ini was embedded in a redundent subdirectory by the same name
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Added new command line parameter /key for unattended installs
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Provide more descriptive errors on unattended/silent install
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Abort with error code 3 on critical config import errors
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Abort with error code 4 with failure to create specified or default folder(s)
- [.44]Addition.InstallHelper: Abort with error code 5 with failure to create necessary registry key(s)
- [.44]Change.Logging: If specified global log folder does not exist, it is created along with any necessary parent folders
- [.44]Fix.InstallHelper: Improvements and fixes to /importconfigfrom command line switch
- [.44]Fix.InstallHelper: Fix bug where 'prolasso.ini' could be created as an unnecessary subdirectory, with prolasso.ini stored inside
- [.44]Fix.Licensing: Adjusted activation key code for server edition
- [.44]Fix.All: Fixed improper handling of empty global configuration path
- [.44]Docs.Update: Fixed poor sizing in Docs index
- [.44]Docs.Update: Updated command line options page
Muutokset v5.0.0.41 - v5.0.0.42
- [.42]Change.Core: Adjusted some safety catch code to handle unusual or unexpected error conditions with a self-restart
- [.42]Change.GUI: Added new safety catch code to handle unusual or unexpected error conditions with a self-restart
- [.42]Change.GUI: Reduced frequency of quick immediate click-through solicitation dialog shown at window open after 28 days of use
Muutokset v5.0.0.40 - v5.0.0.41
- [.41]Change.GUI: Graph tooltips are now dynamically sized, instead of static height and width
- [.41]Change.GUI: Finnish and Serbian language updates
Muutokset v5.0.0.39 - v5.0.0.40
- Fix.Core: Fixed bug in .39 that would cause processes to show as 'Suspended' when they really weren't
Muutokset v5.0.0.38 - v5.0.0.39
- Fix.InstallHelper: Auto-cleanup of bug where the INI file of global path was created as a directory, depending on user specified input
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed bug in handling when specifying a folder as the INI path (without filename)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed RAM Load graph upper portion of display at certain sizes
- Change.GUI: Substanstially reduced tendency for small click-through nag to be shown when GUI brought visible
- Change.Core: Adjusted some code, very minor optimizations
- Change.Core: Increased aggressiveness of throttle levels considerably
Muutokset v5.0.0.37 - v5.0.0.38
- Fix.GUI: Fixed 'CPU %' field on process tooltip in XP/2K
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Private Memory field in process tooltip in XP
- Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Manage processes of all users' Terminal Services disabled warning in XP errantly asking a question of the user to re-enable, when no such option was available
- Fix.Localization: The three-letter word 'Day' was not being localized correctly
- Addition.Core: Added safety catch for possible unusual error conditions
- Change.Core: Minor code optimizations
- Change.GUI: Dialog adjustments for some longer languages
- Change.GUI: Use dynamic unique ID for system tray icon to address a theoretical race condition in the creation of a new instance after an old instance remained active in an abnormal error condition long enough to prevent creation of the new system tray icon
- Change.GUI: Process Lasso system tray identifer is now variable between instances, an issue that could have caused problems during certain timing when two copies of the GUI were launched at approximately the same time
- Change.BuildEnv: Removed unnecessary and deprecated build configurations
- Addition.Activator: Added version resource to provide description of EXE and more
Muutokset v5.0.0.36 - v5.0.0.37
- [.37]Fix.Core: Fixed auto-reload of config changes might fail to occur for shared, remote configuration files
- [.37]Fix.Updater: Fixed automatic update download dialog still not localized (will again take 2 updates to first see fix)
- [.37]Fix.GUI: Fix flicker in 'RAM Load', 'Show Graph', and 'Buy Now' buttons when changing window size, it is now very smooth. This was seen most prominently in the 'RAM Load' graph.
- [.37]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where lower view tab did not extend to right most edge after activation (to cover space of old buy now button)
- [.37]Change.Core: A few code optimizations
- [.37]Change.GUI: Substantially sped up icon retrieval
- [.37]Change.GUI: Instead of blank icons for processes w/o icons, the 'default no-icon' icon is used
- [.37]Change.GUI: Changed GUI memory management a little
- [.37]Change.Updater: Quick upgrade is no longer system modal, to prevent inteference with fullscreen games when it goes to do an automatic update
Muutokset v5.0.0.35 - v5.0.0.36
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed and improved cleanup of auto update files (nothing that would accumulate)
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed bad alignment of CPU % in listview tooltips
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Improved code and workings of several configuration dialogs
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed prompt to save unadded new Watchdog entry in Watchdog Configuration dialog (behaves as others do now)
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed prompt to save unadded new I/O priority entry in Default I/O Priority Configuration dialog (behaves as others do now)
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed prompt to save unadded new Throttle entry in Default Throttle Configuration dialog (behaves as others do now)
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Fixed prompt to save unadded new Keep Running in Keep Running Configuration dialog (behaves as others do now)
- [.36]Fix.GUI: Improved compatibility with Comodo Defense+ (log events do not keep repeating, filling up the log). This can also be fixed by adding ProcessLasso.exe to the correct trusted processes list in Comodo Defense+.
- [.36]Change.GUI: Increased aggressiveness of process icon loads
- [.36]Change.GUI: Re-enabled asynchronous process icon retrieval
- [.36]Change.GUI: Double click a rule in the Watchdog configuration dialog to bring into edit mode
- [.36]Change.GUI: Double click a rule in the Default CPU Priorities configuration dialog to bring into edit mode
- [.36]Change.GUI: Double click a rule in the Default I/O Priorities configuration dialog to bring into edit mode
- [.36]Change.GUI: Double click a rule in the Default Throttle configuration dialog to bring into edit mode
- [.36]Change.GUI: Double click a rule in the Default Instance Limits configuration dialog to bring into edit mode
- [.36]Change.GUI: Double click a rule in the Keep Running configuration dialog to bring into edit mode
- [.36]Change.Core: Prevent excessive error messages, limit 1 error message per process - particularly important in Forced Mode
- [.36]Removal.Core: Removed message box if minidump was generated, goes to auto-restart and log
- [.36]Removal.Core: Removed log entry about where the log was being written to (seems quite redundant at present)
- [.36]Addition.Core: Core engine writes LOG message if it performed a self-restart
- [.36]Addition.Core: Added new self-restart feature if a crash or other anomaly occurs
- [.36]Change.Installer: Some in-house istall facilitation tools not previously signed now are
- [.36]Change.QuickUpdater: Allowed for proper localization of it (brief download dialog was English only before)
- [.36]Change.GUI: More efficient switch on process listview notification messages
- [.36]Change.All: Adjusted size of minidumps again (still much smaller than they once were)
- [.36]Change.All: Updated Russian
- [.36]Change.All: Updated French
Muutokset v5.0.0.34 - v5.0.0.35
- [.35]Fix.Core: Fixed some rules not being always applied after a config file reset until governor restarted
Muutokset v5.0.0.32 - v5.0.0.34
- Fix.Core: Expanded memory metric widths to 64-bits to handle processes that use more than 4GB of virtual memory on x64 servers (for watchdog thresholds in particular)
- Change.Core: Increased caching of log file reads and writes
- Fix.Log: Fix a missing string error on one type of entry
- Change.GUI: Imrpoved memory load painting (vertical slack space at certain sizes)
- Addition.All: Added new error log for later debugging of issues
- Change.GUI: Default memory watchdog type is 'working set' instead of 'commit size', which is the more likely choice for most users
- Change.GUI: Minor cosmetic tweaks
- Change.Licensing: New license method for Portable Edition
- Change.Minidump: Decreased size of minidumps for easier user submission
- Fix.Translations: Fix translations in .33
Muutokset v5.0.0.31 - v5.0.0.32
- Fix.Core: Fixed watchdog timer could be reset continually if Forced Mode was enabled or in other inappropriate conditions
- Change.Core: Improved efficiency when Forced Mode is on while watchdog entries are active
- Addition.Licensing: Added support for new offline based activation system
Muutokset v5.0.0.30 - v5.0.0.31
- Addition.GUI: Added ProBalance menu option 'Lower I/O priority during restraint' to options menu (was only in dialog before)
- Fix.Core: Fixed watchdog 'time over threshold' not beind adhered to in all cases. This is NOT related to ProBalance./li>
- Fix.Core: Fixed watchdog entries not always being enforced when they should be (sometimes deferred). This is NOT related to ProBalance.
- Change.Core: I/O Priority Lower during restraint now reset if ProBalance defaults restored
- Change.GUI: Allow manual entry of CPU % in Watchdog dialog instead of forcing use of combobox
- Change.GUI: Rearranged configuration dialog menu items a little
- Change.GUI: A few small cosmetic fixes for some languages
- Change.GUI: Improved handling of system tray icon recovery if explorer crashes (near instant instead of delayed a few seconds, and more redundancy on failure)
- Change.GUI: Other misc cosmetic tweaks
- Change.GUI: Several other misc code tweaks
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian
- Change.GUI: Updated French
- Change.GUI: Updated Finnish
- Change.GUI: Restored older Traditional Chinese translation
- Change.Installer: No longer force language reselection (Japanese build only), as automatic update is now most common method to upgrade and it doesn't reset language anyway
Muutokset v5.0.0.29 - v5.0.0.30
- [.30]Addition.GUI: Added default I/O priority listview rules characters (ic,ih,in,il,ib)
- [.30]Fix.GUI: Fixed ProBalance parameters dialog would not recognize changed settings if manually typed in, as opposed to selecting from the drop-down combo box
- [.30]Fix.GUI: Process restraint status shown in listview could have gotten out of sync when the GUI was in the minimized, CPU conserving, 'sleep mode'
- [.30]Fix.Core: Fixed 'EMPTY STRING' seen in ProBalance end log message description column (not shown by deafult) - was supposed to be in v5.0.0.29
- [.30]Change.Build: Made some adjustments to in-house localization tools
- [.30]Change.Installer: Restored 'recovery system tray icon' start menu shortcut, as some still need it
- [.30]Change.Docs: Added new I/O priority rule characters
- [.30]Change.GUI: Adjusted startup timing
- [.30]Change.GUI: Added new French translation
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated Chinese Simplified
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated Chinese Traditional
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated German
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated Japanese (see
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated Finnish
- [.30]Change.GUI: Updated Italian
Muutokset v5.0.0.28 - v5.0.0.29
- [.29]Change.GUI: Graph now laid out in horizontal rectangles instead of squares
- [.29]Change.GUI: Change increment/interval length on graph
- [.29]Change.GUI: Updated Italian, Polish
- [.29]Change.GUI: Optimized graph painting some
- [.29]Change.GUI: Removed some performance profiling code from release build
- [.29]Change.Core: Adjusted hard-throttle levels for wider spread and more aggressiveness at higher levels
- [.29]Fix.GUI: Fixed Memory Load graph could be unpainted for a second after another window clips it in 2K/XP only
- [.29]Fix.GUI: Fixed lost first character on some rundll32 formatted process names
- [.29]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where default power scheme may not stay or wouldn't revert as expected in some circumstances when multiple default power scheme processes were running
- [.29]Fix.Core: Fixed 'EMPTY STRING' seen in ProBalance end log message description column (not shown by deafult)
Muutokset v5.0.0.27 - v5.0.0.28
- [.28]Addition.GUI: Persist current upper tab view across restarts (save upper tab selection)
- [.28]Change.InstallHelper: Reworked Terminal Services non-critical, but suggested, dependency check
- [.28]Change.InstallHelper: Reworked Task Scheduler service non-critical, but suggested, dependency check
- [.28]Change.Installer: Removed 'Restore system tray icon' start menu item
- [.28]Change.GUI: Increased number of horizontal graph lines, improving look of graph
- [.28]Change.GUI: Slowed process icon retrieval in cases where the GUI is first opened during a high disk load
- [.28]Change.ServiceMgr: Wait for service to stop when requested
- [.28]Fix.All: Fixed issue with an improper registry key path, auto-cleanup
- [.28]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where when Terminal Services is disabled in XP, a logic error in the GUI would cause configuration to reset
- [.28]Fix.GUI: Fixed message box warning when Terminal Services is disabled ask a question, but no Yes/No option is actually available
- [.28]Fix.GUI: 'Configure Default I/O Priorities' application menu item was not being properly disabled and grayed in XP and 2K
- [.28]Fix.InstallerHelper: Fix date/time format could get misremembered
- [.28]Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue when reconfiguring the governor startup type when was/is set to start as a service, would fail until next reboot with a pending service deletion error
Muutokset v5.0.0.26 - v5.0.0.27
- [.27]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash seen in Windows 2000. Note that process icons are disabled in W2K, at least for now, as the issue is in the new code to more efficiently resolve them using system APIs not available in W2K.
- [.27]Fix.Core: Fixed premature exit of default power scheme in certain cases where multiple default power scheme processes were running
- [.27]Fix.GUI: Fixed Russian activation dialog had User and Code captions reversed
- [.27]Fix.All: Fixed theoretical cause of settings being reset under rare circumstances
Muutokset v5.0.0.25 - v5.0.0.26
- [.26]Change.GUI: Updated Italian
- [.26]Fix.GUI: Fixed bug that started a few minor updates ago, causing automatic updates to not actually be turned on (though it appeared checked at first)
- [.26]Change.InstallHelper: Further consolidated the service creation code
- [.26]Change.InstallHelper: Added critical section timeout system registry value check, to ensure no user set it to an improperly low value
Muutokset v5.0.0.23 - v5.0.0.25
- [.24]Change.GUI: Hide unavailable I/O priority column by default in 2K/XP (for new installs or listview reset)
- [.24]Change.Installer: Don't warn about Terminal Services disabled
- [.24]Change.Core: Decreased memory utilization in environments with a lot of processes
- [.24]Change.Core: Re-enabled full memory optimizations, they had been disabled in a previous build while I studied utilization
- [.24]Change.Core: Removed non-visible debug output entirely, a call stub had previously remained.
- [.25]Change.GUI: Automatic updates no longer marked as experimental
- [.25]Change.Portable: Changed distribution to simple ZIP archive of Process Lasso program with a batch file to start
- [.25]Change.Portable: Configuration file and log file now stored alongside program file
- [.25]Change.Portable: Automated updates now work with the portable edition, though only automated updates at this time
- [.25]Addition.SrvStub: Added version resource
- [.25]Addition.GUI: Added /configfolder command line option for optional use instead of /configfile
- [.25]Change.All: /configfolder now expands '.' as current working directory, as does /logfolder
- [.25]Change.GUI: Remove random nag shown 1/6 main window opens from system tray
- [.25]Fix.GUI: Fix 'Keep Running' processes were sometimes associated with the PL main window, depending on if the GUI had launched the governor or not
- [.25]Fix.All: Fixed a command line parsing issue with quote encapsulated paths
- [.25]Change.Build: Improved speed of build environment (internal)
- [.25]Fix.Log.subsystem: Fixed global log folder command line specification
- [.25]Fix.Log.subsystem: Fixed a string reference not properly defined as const and written to improperly by a subfunction (no actual bug manifests as it was unused)
- [.25]Addition.Core: Added new log entry indicating the log path
- [.25]Change.GUI: Changed first minimize to tray message so it is slightly less ugly
- [.25]Fix.Portable: Disabled manual updates, automatic updates now work for this edition
Muutokset v5.0.0.22 - v5.0.0.23
Muutokset v5.0.0.21 - v5.0.0.22
Muutokset v5.0.0.19 - v5.0.0.21
- [.20]Fix.Core: Fixed a logic error in memory reuse optimization (unknown if manifested in real world)
- [.20]Fix.Core: Fixed a very small memory leak seen in exhaustive testing under XP, and possibly seen elsewhere
- [.20]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian Latin
- [.20]Change.GUI: Updated Finnish
- [.21]Fix.GUI: Fixed failure of web links to launch on some systems, depending on installed browsers and security software (failure of simple ShellExecute API call)
- [.21]Change.Updater: Reduced update check interval to every 2 days instead of 3
Muutokset v5.0.0.17 - v5.0.0.19
Muutokset v5.0.0.12 - v5.0.0.17
- Minor builds .12-.15: Minor language and URL updates
- [.16]Change.GUI: Tweak to process icon code (prevent mismatches)
- [.16]Change.GUI: Updated Russian and Italian
- [.16]Fix.Upload: Beta URLs were not being updated, now fixed
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Clear All fixed for watchdog rules dialog
- [.17]Fix.Core: Watchdog rules may not have went into effect immediately after creation or change, fixed
Muutokset v5.0.0.9 Beta - v5.0.0.12
- Fix.GUI: Fixed handle leak in GUI in last beta build or two
- Fix.GUI: Improved compatibility with NIS2011 DeepGuard when Active Processes tab is open
- Change.GUI: Moved process suspend menu item to less common actions
- Change.GUI: Re-enable minidump support for GUI
- Change.GUI: Disable auto update for Server Edition due to complications with highly restricted IE
Muutokset v5.0.0.7 Beta - v5.0.0.9 Beta
- Addition.All: Added I/O priority support for NT 6+ (Vista+)
- Addition.All: Added hyper-threaded core avoidance
- Addition.All: Added new optional automated updates
- Change.All: Tweaks to ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Major rewrites and performance improvements
- Change.GUI: Navigation improvements and cosmetic adjustments
- Fix.All: Improved interoperability with NIS 2011 SONAR and F-Protect DeepGuard
- Change.All: Faster, reduced overhead even further
- Change.All: MUCH more..
Muutokset v5.0.0.6 Beta - v5.0.0.7 Beta
- Change.GUI: Improved handling of bad input data to updater (in cases of server misconfiguration, as occurred a couple hours near midnight EST on 05/24/2011 resulting in a crash)
- Change.GUI: Make updater wait longer before first check
- Change.GUI: Removed secondary EULA acceptance on automatic update since the EULA never changes
- Change.GUI: Removed 'beta' checkbox on automated update dialog
- Change.GUI: Several changes to updater
- Change.Core: Replaced 'DEAD' with 'EMPTY STRING' for string error checks
Muutokset v4.09.57 Beta - v5.0.0.6 Beta
- Addition.All: Added I/O priority support (default and current)
- Addition.All: Added hyper-threaded core avoidance
- Addition.All: Added new optional automated updates (zero-click)
- Change.All: Tweaks to ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Major rewrites and performance improvements
- Change.GUI: Navigation improvements and cosmetic adjustments
- Fix.All: Improved interoperability with NIS 2011 SONAR and F-Protect DeepGuard
Muutokset v4.09.57 Beta - v5.0.0.4 Beta
- Addition.All: Added I/O priority support (default and current)
- Addition.All: Added hyper-threaded core avoidance
- Addition.All: Added new optional automated updates (zero-click)
- Change.All: Tweaks to ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Major rewrites and performance improvements
- Change.GUI: Navigation improvements and cosmetic adjustments
- Fix.All: Improved interoperability with NIS 2011 SONAR and F-Protect DeepGuard
Muutokset v4.09.57 Beta - v5.0.0.2 Beta
- This new version adds some oft-requested features and performs a substantial amount of maintenance. There was a hundred line log change history here, but since it spanned so many beta versions it was simply unreadable and useless. I've therefore started fresh, summarizing only the major changes, and new minor changes.
- Addition.All: Added I/O priority support (default and current)
- Addition.All: Added hyper-threaded core avoidance
- Addition.All: Added new optional automated updates (zero-click)
- Change.All: Tweaks to ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Major rewrites and performance improvements
- Change.GUI: Navigation improvements and cosmetic adjustments
- Fix.All: Improved interoperability with NIS 2011 SONAR and F-Protect DeepGuard
- Change.All: Much more..
Muutokset v4.09.56 Beta - v4.09.57 Beta
- Fix.GUI: FINAL fix for random crash seen at startup
- Addition.GUI: Write log entry after automated update
- Addition.GUI: Added preliminary menu strings for new file cache purge
Muutokset v4.09.55 Beta - v4.09.56 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added option to disable the inter-process pipe, which will also disable graph tooltips (but not highlights) and system tray balloons. It will conserve a small amount of CPU cycles though.
- Addition.GUI: Added automatic update
- Change.GUI: Cleaned up some mess from a previous beta quick patch
- Change.GUI: Updated Polish, Serbian Latin
Muutokset v4.09.54 Beta - v4.09.55 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Added new safety mechanisms in the event bad or incomplete data is sent over the inter-process communication pipe
Muutokset v4.09.51 Beta - v4.09.54 Beta
- Change.GUI: Change location of governor launch by GUI to after main window creation
- Change.GUI: Changes to governor launch sequence by GUI
- Fix.GUI: Mitigated reported crash at system startup that some see to some degree (we'll see how much, pending a proper fix)
- Fix.Core: Fix file based synchronization object being created in wrong location (will self cleanup)
- Fix.Core: Fixed core engine would not start under some circumstances (due to above bug)
- -NOT-Fix.AutoUpdater: Fixed issue where core engine would not be running on the first run after update
- UNRELEASED -- 4.09.55 build 96900
- Fix.GUI: Added new safety mechanisms in the event bad or incomplete data is sent over the inter-process communication pipe
Muutokset v4.09.49 Beta - v4.09.51 Beta
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters (undergoing testing now)
- Change.GUI: Fixed menu item cosmetics
- Change.Installer: Fixed version number
Muutokset v4.09.48 Beta - v4.09.49 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Finish Delay Start (of governor only now)
- Addition.GUI: Finish Periodic Self-Restart
- Change.GUI: Auto updater not made available for Server Editions (yet)
- Addition.Core: Added log entries for entering startup wait state, and entry when coming out
- Change.Core: Tweaked OOC defaults for some hardware
- Change.All: Some minor other tweaks
Muutokset v4.09.37 Beta - v4.09.38 Beta
- Fix.Core: Restored proper operation of watchdog (broke at some point in some cases)
- Addition.GUI: Added new delay start feature as requested by users
- Fix.GUI: Removed a technically unnecessary redundant configuration file load from startup
- Fix.GUI: Minor fixes to GUI startup procedure
- Change.InstallHelper: Allow parallel instances to start via Vista+ Task Scheduler
Muutokset v4.09.33 Beta - v4.09.36 Beta
- Fix.InstallHelper: (backport from beta) Fixed issue where Vista+ startup configuration could become 'stuck' (not changable or properly detected). First appeared in v4, as part of our new startup mechanism in Vista+.
- Fix.GUI: (backport from beta) Fix for issue where graph highlight tooltips would fail to appear over time.
- Fix.GUI: (backport from beta) Fix for Norton Internet Security 2011 warnings flood as the GUI 'looks at' the threads of Norton's process.
- Change.GUI: (backport from beta) Updated all languages.
Muutokset v4.09.33 Beta - v4.09.35 Beta
- Fix.InstallHelper: (backport from beta) Fixed issue where Vista+ startup configuration could become 'stuck' (not changable or properly detected). First appeared in v4, as part of our new startup mechanism in Vista+.
- Fix.GUI: (backport from beta) Fix for issue where graph highlight tooltips would fail to appear over time.
- Fix.GUI: (backport from beta) Fix for Norton Internet Security 2011 warnings flood as the GUI 'looks at' the threads of Norton's process.
- Change.GUI: (backport from beta) Updated all languages.
Muutokset v4.09.33 Beta - v4.09.34 Beta
Muutokset v4.09.32 Beta - v4.09.33 Beta
- Addition.GUI/Core: Added support for lowering explicitly I/O priorities in Vista+ during ProBalance restraint events
- Addition.GUI: Added post-auto-update system tray balloon to let the user know the update succeeded
- Addition.GUI: Added EULA acceptance message prior to automated update
- Change.GUI: Changed and ammended warnings in places
- Change.GUI: More cosmetic adjustments and polishing
- Removal.Updater: Removed from new updater the version change history, this will have to wait as I must get this version done
- Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Serbian Latin, and other languages
- Fix.GUI: (further work) Fix issue where Norton NIS 2011 SONAR would unnecessarily warn of blocked attempts to enumerate its threads by Process Lasso
- Fix.GUI: Server time limited trial edition would errantly say 'skip and continue free edition use' when trial expired, fixed
Muutokset v4.09.31 Beta - v4.09.32 Beta
- Change.Installer: Builds that are betas now have BETA appended to installer version info. This is for automated utilities, so they can get the name correctly differentiated from the stable/final release.
- Change.GUI: Cosmetic
- Change.GUI: Updated Finnish translation
Muutokset v4.09.30 Beta - v4.09.31 Beta
- Fix.Governor: Fixed crash in a helper thread that seemed to manifest randomly for some people, isolated to 32-bit builds
- Change.InstallHelper: Fix quirk where it would unnecessarily ask you if you want Terminal Services started in Vista+
Muutokset v4.09.29 Beta - v4.09.30 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed (lack of) minidump support in pre-XP sp2 machines
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Reduced free user nag annoyance in last build, it was too annoying (I use myself to determine)
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed unable to change the startup type in Vista+ because leftover Task Scheduler entries were sometimes in place
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed rare cases of reconfiguring causing redundant auto start entries in Vista+
- Fix.GUI: Worked on W2K and XP pre-SP2 issues, though not verified to be resolved yet
- Fix.Other: Misc fixes and code review throughout
- Fix.Core: Fixed case where core engine could have a redundant launch at startup in Vista+
- Change.Installer: Various tweaks
Muutokset v4.09.27 Beta - v4.09.28 Beta
- Fix.QuickUpdater: (beta2beta) It seems the SFX archive mysteriously wasn't silent for some reason in the 32-bit build, likely having to do with the SFX archive being updated instead of wholly recreated each build iteration
- Fix.QuickUpgrade: (beta2beta) Fixed inability to terminate Process Lasso's GUI in most cases (new bug last build)
- Fix.Core: Keep Running processes were being launched and having Process Lasso's taskbar icon under *some* circumstances
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fix truncated text of new update available dialog
- Addition.QuickUpdater: Now has the ability to self-update
- Change.Core: Tweaked delay on Keep Running processes (to allow for system startup)
- Change.Core: Keep Running now doesn't force an exact match of process path, it will count instances via their base name too
- Change.Core: Change process launch flags for keep running processes
- Change.GUI: Shortened update dialog - less text, more direct info
Muutokset v4.09.25 Beta - v4.09.27 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Added new safeties if process is terminated while operations are being performed upon it (possible cause of some crashes)
- Fix.All: Rundll process name parsing had a spurious quotation mark at the end
- Change.All: Reverted back to our own drop-in replacement for the COM string alloc/free function, as we continue to migrate ancient code
- Change.GUI: Added a little more room for About box information, as it was sometimes vertically truncated with some character sets
- Change.GUI: Updated Serbian translation by Ozzi
- Change.GUI: Optimized a few more pieces of code
- Change.QuickUpgrade: Now does its own closing of running instances, instead of relying on InstallHelper (should fix some issues)
- Change.QuickUpgrade: Can now be used stand-alone, and files will be updated to the right place
- Addition.QuickUpgrade: Added new status bar to show what is currently going on in the background thread
- Addition.QuickUpgrade: Runs better in stand-alone situations
- Fix.QuickUpgrade: Fixed any failure to terminate and some other little issues
- Fix.QuickUpgrade: Fixed issue where error messages were in the background
- Fix.QuickUpgrade: Reduced max wait time on Stop command
Muutokset v4.09.24 Beta - v4.09.25 Beta
- Addition.All: Added new minidump support, allowing us to track down the cause of bugs with precision and speed. When/if a crash occurs, a minidump is generated. At your option, you can send this to us for analysis. You may want to compress (e.g. ZIP) it first if the dump is large.
- Fix.AutoUpdater: Fixed issue where PL EXE UAC level would be downgraded, causing potential failures
- Fix.AutoUpdater: Fixed issue where it says PL can be upgraded due to files in use (you won't see change until NEXT update)
- Fix.Updater: Fixed crash in XP (again, for real - cause was a simple typo in debug output)
- Change.All: Crashes in the GUI *or* core engine (governor) now generate a minidump that you can send to Bitsum Technologies. This will allow us to track down the cause of bugs easier in many cases.
- Change.GUI: Updated Finnish translation
- Change.GUI: No longer force betas to include betas in their update checks
Muutokset v4.09.22 Beta - v4.09.24 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where duplicate core engine instances could end up existing, depending on a race condition between the GUI and governor's start
- Change.QuickUpgrade: Improved speed by checking until files are writable in cases where it takes a few milliseconds for them to be. This also allows it to wait longer on really slow systems, fixing any failure to over-write problems.
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian and Serbian translations
- Addition.GUI: Added checkmark for new log menu ProBalance exclusion
- Addition.GUI: UI improvements to new default power scheme dialog
- Addition.GUI: New 'Perform automated update now (if available)' Updates submenu option
- Addition.Installer: Added new auto-update mechanism (experimental). It is totally silent and quick, updates automagically.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some settings flaws here and there in the new features
- Fix.GUI: Fix to deallocation of protected text within the EXE, to deter theft - can slightly decrease virtual memory use
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed crash that would occur when checking for updates in previous betas under XP and 2K
Muutokset v4.09.15 Beta - v4.09.18 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Finished new Default Power Scheme configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Finished new Default Power Scheme context menus
- Change.INI: Auto-converts high-performance processes to Default Power Scheme processes with High Performance profile
- Removal.GUI: Removed visual depictions of high-performance process option, now superceded by more powerful Default Power Scheme
- Change.Core: Several core engine optimizations to tighten that primary loop even further
- Change.Core: No longer send notices of events to the GUI that aren't currently in use (no reason to) - this is not speaking of log entries
- Change.GUI: Changed meaning of 'p' to apply to any default power scheme, instead of the old high performance processes
- Change.All: Various code cleanup throughout
Muutokset v4.09.15 Beta - v4.09.16 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Finished new Default Power Scheme configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Finished new Default Power Scheme context menus
- Change.INI: Auto-converts high-performance processes to Default Power Scheme processes with High Performance profile
- Removal.GUI: Removed visual depictions of high-performance process option, now superceded by more powerful Default Power Scheme
- Change.Core: Several core engine optimizations to tighten that primary loop even further
- Change.Core: No longer send notices of events to the GUI that aren't currently in use (no reason to) - this is not speaking of log entries
- Change.GUI: Changed meaning of 'p' to apply to any default power scheme, instead of the old high performance processes
- Change.All: Various code cleanup throughout
Muutokset v4.09.12 Beta - v4.09.13 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fixed complaint about governor sometimes pre-empting realtime threads (despite it not being at their thread priority)
- Fix.Product: Allow activation by limited users without requiring an administrative user account
- Change.InstallHelper: Allow limited users the ability to activate
- Addition.GUI: Added a 'marker' so we know if our data folder or registry key is wiped out by an external source, and can inform the user of it
- Change.GUI: More cosmetic changes to accomodate other languages mostly
- Change.GUI: Improvement to startup sequence a bit, and sped up in the process
Muutokset v4.09.11 Beta - v4.09.12 Beta
- Fix.Startup: Fixed issue in Vista+ where, if started at login via the Task Scheduler, Process Lasso would be terminated after 3 days of continuous running
- Fix.Installer: Fixed issue where language was defaulting to Maylasian on upgrade
- Fix.Installer: Fixed issue with backup server being case sensitive, and installer of 32-bit build referencing an old 64-bit build
- Removal.QuickUpgrade: Removed due to language assignment bug in a previous version. Will be restored.
Muutokset v4.09.10 Beta - v4.09.11 Beta
- Change.GUI: Chaned optimized process listview icon code to have a fail-safe backup
Muutokset v4.09.11 Beta - v4.09.12 Beta
- Fix.Startup: Fixed issue in Vista+ where, if started at login via the Task Scheduler, Process Lasso would be terminated after 3 days of continuous running
- Fix.Installer: Fixed issue where language was defaulting to Maylasian on upgrade
- Fix.Installer: Fixed issue with backup server being case sensitive, and installer of 32-bit build referencing an old 64-bit build
- Removal.QuickUpgrade: Removed due to language assignment bug in a previous version. Will be restored.
Muutokset v4.09.09 Beta - v4.09.10 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed 'File / Choose alternate log file location' dialog
- Fix.GUI: Fix GUI hang if user tries to choose alternate log or config file under some circumstances (backported from beta)
- Fix.GUI: Fix problem with command line paramter /ConfigFile= (backported from beta)
Muutokset v4.09.08 Beta - v4.09.09 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Allow click in formerly RAM graph space to bring RAM graph back
- Beta2Beta.Fix: Fixed RAM graph showed as blank when first hidden by user click (instead of enveloped by regular graph)
- Addition.GUI: Added new LOG context menu item to exclude processes right there in the log
Muutokset v4.09.07 Beta - v4.09.08 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added support for High and Low I/O priorities in addition to Very Low and Normal. This is for Windows 7, where these two additonal priority levels may be implemented (they aren't in Vista SP0, still researching)
- Addition.Core: Added support for High and Low I/O priorities
- Beta2beta.Fix: Fixed broken W2K and WXP pre-SP2 compatibility (always having to look out for them, but this was due to a typo thereby using a static import instead of dyanmic import of an unsupported API on those platforms)
- Beta2beta.Fix: Fixed 'I/O priority' column default size a little too small
Muutokset v4.09.05 Beta - v4.09.07 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to set default/persistent I/O priority of processes in Vista+(config dialog not added yet)
- Addition.Core: Added ability to enforce default/persistent I/O priority of processes in Vista+
- Addition.GUI: Added support for Low and High I/O priorities, even though they aren't implemented in Vista (they may be in 7 or later OSes anyway)
- (beta2beta)Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Very Low' I/O priorities were being shown as 'blank' in the listview
Muutokset v4.09.04 Beta - v4.09.05 Beta
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged columns
- Addition.GUI: Added I/O Priority column
- Change.All: Performance boost in low-level process control code, resulting in decreased CPU utilization throughout
Muutokset v4.00.28 - v4.09.04 Beta
- NEW BETA SERIES - Version 4.1, now in EARLY beta stage development, offers some great new features. One is to set the default CPU affinity to only physical cores (ignoring logical cores). What this means is you can avoid the 'fake' cores that HyperThreading offers up to the scheduler. This helps performance of some applications, despite the Window CPU Scheduler's awareness of these fake cores as of XP. It simply can not make perfect predictions on how demanding the next time slice will be, so can't allocate the time slices perfectly. In many cases, it is simply better to just disable HyperThreading, as Microsoft themselves recommends in some Server Optimization. See for more info and references.
- All revisions:
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to select default or current affinity that only includes real cores (no simulated HyperThreaded cores)
- Addition.All: Added new one-click portable edition
- Change.GUI: Change to mechanism that launches the governor (movement in location)
- Change.GUI: Reduced size of restraint history column by using abbreviated time metrics (e.g. secs instead of seconds)
- Change.GUI: Now passes any command line over-rides of config file or log folder on to any instance of the governor it launches during its own startup (for portable edition mostly)
- Fix.GUI: Fix to /configfile command line over-ride of INI file in certain cases (back-ported to v4.00.29)
- Fix.Core: Fix to /logfolder command line over-ride of log path in certain cases
- Addition.GUI: Added /showprobalanceconfig command line parameter to invoke ProBalance settings dialog
- Addition.All: Created new Portable Edition, in early beta
- Addition.rcTools: Enhanced abilities to deal with certain specialized strings (and fixes lack of localization in last beta build)
Muutokset v4.00.33 - v4.00.34
- Fix.InstallHelper: (backport from beta) Fixed issue where Vista+ startup configuration could become 'stuck' (not changable or properly detected). First appeared in v4, as part of our new startup mechanism in Vista+.
- Fix.GUI: (backport from beta) Fix for issue where graph highlight tooltips would fail to appear over time.
- Fix.GUI: (backport from beta) Fix for Norton Internet Security 2011 warnings flood as the GUI 'looks at' the threads of Norton's process.
- Change.GUI: (backport from beta) Updated all languages.
Muutokset v4.00.32 - v4.00.33
- Fix.Core: (backport) Fixed issue when core engine was crashing when coming out of No Sleep mode
- Fix.GUI: (backport) Fix sometimes inaccurate depiction of a process's restrained status or duration
- Change.InstalHelper: (backport) No longer require administrative rights, allow 'HighestAvailable'
- Change.GUI: (backport) Several language updates
Muutokset v4.00.30 - v4.00.31
- Fix.Startup: Fixed issue in Vista+ where, if started at login via the Task Scheduler, Process Lasso would be terminated after 3 days of continuous running
- Fix.Installer: Fixed issue where language was defaulting to Maylasian on upgrade
- Fix.Installer: Fixed issue with backup server being case sensitive, and installer of 32-bit build referencing an old 64-bit build
- Removal.QuickUpgrade: Removed due to language assignment bug in a previous version. Will be restored.
Muutokset v4.00.31 - v4.00.32
- Fix.GUI: (backport) Fixed a case where the GUI would show that the core engine isn't running, when actually it was running. Thsi happened under the scenario where a standard/limited rights user logged in prior to a Administrative rights user. This mistake was down to a typo (two 'Globals' were checked, instead of one 'Local' mutex).
- Change.GUI: (backport) Updated now complete French translation (some areas may still need tweaking, but all lines translated)
Muutokset v4.00.29 - v4.00.30
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where ProBalance graph highlight tooltips would quit working after some time
- Change.Licensing: Backport from beta, made easier to skip past licensing during startup
- Change.GUI: Backport of main menu re-arrangement (Updates and related options has own submenu)
- Change.GUI: Backport - Allow RAM graph to be unhidden with a mouse click
- Fix.GUI: Fix issue where Status column sometimes still showed 'Restrained' even after restraint ended
- Fix.GUI: A couple other small fixes backported from last final
Muutokset v4.00.28 - v4.00.29
- Fix.GUI: Fix GUI hang if user tries to choose alternate log or config file under some circumstances
- Change.Installer: Changed path storage location back to HKCU
- Fix.Misc: Misc backported fixes
Muutokset v4.00.27 - v4.00.28
- Fix.GUI: When selecting process context menu item 'No default affinity', the CPU affinity is now reset to all CPUs while removing the default CPU affinity. This applies for both single and multi-process selection context menus.
- Fix.GUI: Fix for rare process icon mismatch bug
- Change.GUI: Updated Serbian and French
Muutokset v4.00.26 - v4.00.27
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed browse buttons for global config and log paths were causing hang of application under some circumstances
- Change.GUI: Updated Italian
Muutokset v4.00.25 - v4.00.26
- Fix.GUI: Fixed problem with Process Lasso GUI deadlocking (hanging) in XP when the user sets a new default process priority via right-click context menu, under some circumstances
- Change.GUI: Updated Finnish and French
Muutokset v4.00.24 - v4.00.25
- Fix.Installer: When starting with elevated rights in Vista+, the task configuration specified only to start Process Lasso and its core engine for users of the Administrators group. This is now fixed, changed to Users group so that Standard/Limited rights users also have it launched for them at login.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Disable ProBalance when user is away for *other* amount of time' menu option (invokes config dialog now as it was supposed to)
- Fix.Installer: Installer wasn't remembering last install directory during quick upgrades
- Change.Installer: Switched installation directory storage (for upgrades) back to HKLM
- Change.GUI: Some minor improvements to activation procedure
- Change.GUI: 'Reset listview columns and sizes' now resets actions/log (lower) listview too
- Change.GUI: If configured to check, the updater now checks once every 2 days (was 4 days)
- Change.GUI: Changed the update checker so that it will be more likely to check while you're around and can take action
- Change.GUI: Grammar and language changes (translators: languages files already updated in most or all cases, but you may want to verify)
- Change.GUI: Slight View menu reorganization and other minor changes
- Addition.GUI: Log column changes now persist when you exit/start GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to use per-machine instance count limits instead of per-session instance count limits on applications (see instance limits config dialog)
- Addition.Core: Added ability to use per-machine instance count limits instead of per-session instance count limits on applications
- Addition.All: Created first v4 build for Japanese partner (still in QA)
- Change.Docs: Updated text and a few screenshots
Muutokset v4.00.23 - v4.00.24
- Fix.GUI: Sometimes system tray icon would be missing at startup depending on how long it took explorer to initialize (race condition)
- Fix.Docs: Fix script present error on 'About Probalance' page of CHM docs
- Change.GUI: Allow extra characters to be entered into activation code field, to handle preceeding space problem truncating the code
- Change.Activation: Added auto-retry once
Muutokset v4.00.22 - v4.00.23
- Fix.All: Fixes memory leak that appeared in v4.00.21. This leak did NOT exist in v4.00.20 and earlier builds. The leak was slowed in v4.00.22, but this is the proper fix.
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian, Japanese, Italian
Muutokset v4.00.18 - v4.00.21
- Change.GUI: Reset column layouts and sizes now resets both All Processes and Active Processes listviews
- Change.GUI: Add menu item to restore only ProBalance defaults
- Change.GUI: Change 'Disable all logging' to 'Enable logging'
- Change.GUI: Some improvements to Options menu layout
- Change.GUI: Further optimized due to continued profiling
- Change.GUI: Possible fix to a theoretical crash under certain very rare circumstances
- Change.Core: Further optimized due to continued profiling
- Change.Core: Tweaked ProBalance default parameters a tiny bit further, based on continued real-world findings
- Fix.CPUEater: CPU Eater Demo was not always using localized language, or asking for one if not selected
Muutokset v4.00.18 - v4.00.20
- Change.GUI: Reset column layouts and sizes now resets both All Processes and Active Processes listviews
- Change.GUI: Add menu item to restore only ProBalance defaults
- Change.GUI: Change 'Disable all logging' to 'Enable logging'
- Change.GUI: Some improvements to Options menu layout
- Change.GUI: Further optimized due to continued profiling
- Change.GUI: Possible fix to a theoretical crash under certain very rare circumstances
- Change.Core: Further optimized due to continued profiling
- Change.Core: Tweaked ProBalance default parameters a tiny bit further, based on continued real-world findings
- Fix.CPUEater: CPU Eater Demo was not always using localized language, or asking for one if not selected
Muutokset v4.00.17 - v4.00.18
- Fix.ServerEdition.x64: X64 (only) Governor of Server Edition (only) of v4 (only) may not have operated under certain circumstances last build
- Change.GUI: Expanded a handful of control widths for German and other non-English languages
- Change.rcTools: (localization) Fixed handling of 3 letter word 'for'
Muutokset v4.00.16 - v4.00.17
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue with setting global configuration file path on some new installs
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed Browse button for global paths for config or log set up during install under certain environments
- Change.GUI: Updated more languages
Muutokset v4.00.14 - v4.00.16
- Fix.GUI: Fixed cases of missing graph highlights or inaccurate restraint timing or counts
- Fix.GUI: Fixed checkmark on graph legend visible menu after user hides/shows the graph using accelerator or button
Muutokset v3.84.8 - v4.00.14
- Version 4
- New Process Watchdog feature (restart, terminate, or change affinity if process if exceeds X CPU or VM usage)
- Improved integration with Vista and Windows 7 - start with highest rights *without* any UAC elevation prompt
- Better support for multi-user environments
- Better GUI support for systems with up to 32 CPUs
- Ability to override hard-coded ProBalance exclusions
- Even more intelligent and efficient core engine
- X64 build improved efficiency with latest VC compiler optimizations
- Substantially improved system tray balloon tips with event grouping and more (disabled by default)
- Faster GUI open from system tray
- New process restraint history (and current status) column in GUI
- New inter-process communication framework handles all communication between instance(s) of the core engine and GUI
- Even MORE multi-threaded than before
- New, simpler licensing system using activation codes
- No more timed nag screen (single screen, click Skip)
- All revisions:
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.Core: Added core ability to disable log completely
- Addition.Core: Created new config group for the optional and seldom recomended foreground boosting options (should migrate old config just fine)
- Addition.Core: Added option to run ProcessLasso and ProcessGovernor at less than their default priorities (useful in certain environments)
- Addition.Core: Added affinity change watchdog toggle to divide CPU threshold by number of system cores
- Addition.InstallHelper: No more UAC prompts or Windows Defender issues when auto-starting Process Lasso at login with elevated/highest rights (for Windows Vista/7 and later)
- Change.InstallHelper: Now defults to run with elevated rights in Vista and Windows 7 (multi-user support is still perfectly retained even in this mode)
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to completely disable log
- Addition.GUI: Added ability for user to override hard-coded ProBalance exclusions (simply uncheck 'Excluded from..' to unexclude)
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Added tooltips to highlighted ProBalance events on the main graph. Roll over highlighted portions to reveal what happened during that time period.
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to Reset ENTIRE configuration
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.GUI: New 'Exclude from' process context menu item
- Addition.GUI: New process context menu items for Watchdog capabilities
- Addition.GUI: Finished watchdog auto-terminate context menu items and overall code
- Addition.GUI: Added more critical system processes for user confirmations and special handling
- Addition.GUI: Show current power scheme on graph
- Addition.GUI: Added special Pro bitmap to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added registered user name to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Addition.GUI: Per-process CPU history now drawn on graph also in Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: CTRL-A now also works in 'Active processes' tab to select all processes
- Addition.GUI: Added support for Finnish translation
- Addition.GUI: Added Indonesian language by Ivan Chin
- Addition.GUI: Added Serbian (latin char set) by Dra~en Milovanovi - Note Serbian Cyrillic is already avaialable and kept up to date by the diligent Ozzii
- Addition.GUI: Added context menu item for new CPU affinity change of specific processes on demand
- Addition.Installer: Added new Start Menu shortcut to launch Process Lasso in a 'restart' mode to recovery any lost system tray icon
- Addition.Core/GUI: Wrote new inter-process communication framework that is more robust and efficient - allowing feature additions coming in subsequent builds. It also allows for much better inter-process communication when running the governor as a service and/or in multi-user environments.
- Addition.Core: Added new throttle level 'High'
- Addition.Core: Added new ability to change the CPU affinity of specific processes when they exceed a specified CPU usage threshold
- Addition.Core: Tweaked handling of certain system processes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Integrates with Task Scheduler 2 on Vista/7 to set up Process Lasso and/or core engine startup tasks
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.All: Licensing and authentication system improved
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Change.GUI: Set keyboard focus to active process listview on initial open or switch (accessibility improvement)
- Change.GUI: Fixed some typos/misspellings
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Made governor the first process to shutdown when shutdown is requested, as opposed to the last (previous setup)
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.Core: Several additions of third-party applications to hard coded exclusions, to reduce need for user configuration
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items a little in the 'rarely used stuff'
- Change.GUI: Removed 'total VM size' from available watchdog memory metrics, as it is not likely to be needed
- Change.GUI: Made 'commit charge' default virtual memroy metric for watchdog memory entries
- Change.All: Consolidated all inter-process communication into single mechanism for maximum efficiency
- Change.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items a little, moving the hard CPU throttling to 'seldom used' features
- Change.GUI: Allow 1% increments in CPU settings for ProBalance config and Watchdog config dialogs
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons now use consolidated inter-process communication
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons have been reformatted and improved
- Change.GUI: Further optimized multi-threaded efficiency on multi-core systems
- Change.GUI: Allow proper translation of 'Add', 'Low', and 'CPU' - all words not handled right due to their small size
- Change.GUI: Expanded more control widths to better fit more languages/translations without modifications
- Change.GUI: Changed ProBalance parameters default setting change message to something more understandable (hoepfully)
- Change.GUI: Behavioral changes and new warnings in relation to elevation vs. managing the processes of other users
- Change.GUI: Further differentiated UAC elevation from 'Manage processes of all users'. You can now run elevated, but still manage only the current user processes
- Change.GUI: Improved efficiency of graph painting
- Change.rcTools: Many improvements to help translators
- Change.Updater: Made update check message box application modal, not system modal (so it doesn't interfere with a full screen game, for instance)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Considerably expanded Task Scheduler 2 code to allow better enumeration/detection of existing sttings (unfinished)
- Change.InstallHelper: Expanded height of Highest Rights control on startup config dialog 2
- Change.GUI: Renamed the 'Manage processes of all users' to 'Manage processes of other users too' (feature unfinished)
- Change.GUI: Added new 'Elevate now' option, since it is now independent from the 'Manage processes of all users' option (feature unfinished)
- Addition.GUI: Added Spanish translation by Valentin Sanz Gonzalez (in first test stage)
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewrote the security portion of config dialog #2 (multi-user options)
- Change.InstallHelper: Change high rights warning, shown now only when high rights and 'manage processes of all users' are both selected
- Change.Core: Rewrote large parts of the guts of the new watchdog feature
- Change.Core: Improved handling of multiple watchdog entries on the same process
- Change.Core: Further optimized primary thread, especially when system tray balloon notifications are on
- Change.All: Other improvements not indicated here
- Change.Installer: Sped up installer, removing long deprecated things
- Change.Installer: Attempts to mitigate strange stall bug seen with NSIS unicode ExecWait function
- Change.Installer: Other changes and rewrites to improve general install process
- Removal.Installer: Removed helper executable plp.exe, which facilitated launch with highest rights prior to Windows Task Scheduler integration
- Change.Licensing: Removed delay in startup nag (well, set it at 1 second) [beta only]
- Change.Languages: Several languages updated
- Change.GUI: Extended CPU affinity support in configuration dialogs to 32 CPUs (config file and core engine support infinite)
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity of all CPUs is now sometimes represented as 'all' instead of a long sequence of CPU indexes
- Change.All: Continued enhancements and fixes as the march to v4 continues
- Change.GUI: Language and string changes in places
- Change.Installer: Added uninstall web page
- Removal.InstallHelper: /Rights parameter removed, merged with /*_start_type
- Addition.InstallHelper: Modified command lines to support new Task Scheduler compatibility (added optional elevation setting to start type parameters) - applies to silent install
- Addition.GUI: Implemented first stage of icon memory usage optimization to decrease GUI memory use when process icons are enabled (second stage optimization is pending, and will reduce usage even more)
- Change.GUI: Switched to singular edition - the free build can now be Activated and turned into Process Lasso Pro via an activation code
- Change.All: Misc undocumented changes advancing alpha
- Change.GUI: Switching languages is now done by picking your new language, then restarting Process Lasso (instead of wiping out old pick and restarting Process Lasso)
- Change.GUI: Switched icon code to alternate method for faster performance and less overhead
- Change.GUI: Reduced virtual memory usage even further when process icons enabled
- Change.GUI: Removed 'Exclude from ...' process context menu and put its two entries into the main menu.. less traversal for these common actions
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior when single instance of governor manages entire multi-user system with more than one GUI instance running
- Change.GUI: Improved communication with GUI when core engine is running as a service (for informative tooltips)
- Change.GUI: Eliminated process listview flickering seen when sorting by highly dynamic fields
- Change.GUI: Made watchdog dialog and default priority dialog drop down lists non-editable type, as there is no reason to allow user to edit
- Change.Core: Improved logging subsystem to help ensure any pending writes get flushed out at shutdown
- Change.Core: Logging subsystem improvements
- Change.Core: Optimized a few places
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some typos and mispellings
- Fix.GUI: Fix licensing anomaly with multi-selection process instance limit set on some editions
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where user disabling ProBalance while processes are under restraint may cause restrained processes not to be restored to original priority and affinity settings
- Fix.Core: Automatically create directory if found missing for global log and/or config path overrides
- Change.Build: Migrated to Visual Studio 2010
- Unsorted changes (some beta to beta below)
- Change.All: More changes throughout
- Change.Governor: Improvements to ProBalance algorithm under some circumstances
- Change.Defaults: Exclude system services from ProBalance restraint
- Change.GUI: Include DLL name in process name of rundll32.exe processes (also applies to rules, allowing specific rundll32.exe instance rules)
- Addition.GUI: Add 'Activate' button to Pro version solicitation dialog
- Fix.InstallHelper: Re-enabled /rights command line parameter, but it is still deprecated by an addition to the /start_type parameters
- Fix.Docs: Fixed discrepency in documentation of old /configfile command line parameter (now replaced with /configfolder)
- Addition.GUI: Added special warnings about certain system processes when actions are taken upon them, to help inform the user of possible consequences to those actions
- Addition.GUI: Added the ability to activate the product from all purchase and solication dialogs, and other places to be added in time
- Addition.Installer: Added new start-menu shortcut to launch Process Lasso in a 'restart' mode to recovery any lost system tray icon
- Addition.GUI: To configuration dialogs added standardized confirmation message if you try to close the dialog in any way with an unadded entry in the edit control
- Change.All: Improved start/stop of governor in cases of multi-user systems where multiple instances exist and when the governor is run as a service
- Change.All: Internal changes to interprocess communication and monitoring between governor and GUI
- Fix.GUI: Fix to behavior of 'Run with highest rights'
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue with new watchdog dialog added entries sometimes being rejected as 'invalid' for no good reason
- Fix.CPUEater: Fixed controls that got mislocated somehow
- Fix.InstallHelper: Default global (all user) log and configuration paths, when used, now default to All Userse Common application directory
- Change.GUI: More string changes (some auto applied to translations)
- Change.GUI: Multiple system tray tooltips of the same type now get merged into a single one if they occur during the same interval
- Change.GUI: New dedicated thread just for balloon tip display and queuing
- Addition.GUI: Added the million other balloon tooltip actions
- Change.Core: Enabled more compiler optimizations (anomaly of recent migration to VS2010)
- Change.Core: Renamed ShowBalloons key to EnableTrayNotficationBalloons and set default to TRUE the workstation editions of Process Lasso (server version defaults to FALSE, as before)
- Change.GUI: Process context menu re-ordering and improvements
- Specific changes
- v3.99.23 beta:
- Fix.Core: Fix build-up of 'happened events' queue in cases where no GUI instance is found running
- v3.99.24 beta:
- Change.All: New protection against unauthorized configuration changes
- v3.99.25 beta:
- Addition.GUI: New current memory load bar graph shown to right of main graph
- Fix.GUI: Fixed watchdog entries not removed if all removed from configuration dialog
- Change.Core: Configuration certification now stritly enforced
- Change.GUI: Temporarily give warning about incompatiblity with W2K and WXP pre-SP2 (to be fixed before final)
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab control to full width after activation
- v3.99.26 beta:
- Fix.GUI: Fixed excessive CPU utilization when graph is open (unnecessary constant repainting due to error in previous beta) [beta2beta]
- Change.GUI: Improved resizing performance by not repainting immediately every time the window is stretched a pixel (experimental)
- Change.GUI: Changed new Memory Load graph to depict memory load in 5% increments
- Change.GUI: Decreased new Memory load graph default width a little
- Change.GUI: Updated Italian, Finnish
- v3.99.27 beta:
- Fix.GUI: Brightened new memory load fill color (was accidentally a little too light)
- Fix.GUI: Fixes to new memory load graph painting
- Change.Core: No longer verify digital certificate, as this induces attempted communication with the certificate authorities to check to ensure the certificate hasn't been revoked. This might look suspicious, so is disabled (was first enacted last week).
- v3.99.28 beta:
- Fix.GUI: Fix taming change to system tray icon that broke in previous build (beta2beta)
- Change.GUI: Main window resizing more smooth than in previous builds
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load graph looks and fixed a painting accuracy bug
- Change.GUI: Changed process listview painting to reduce occurances of briefly (<1s) empty regions
- Change.Core: Unauthorized configuration change now induces a system modal message box to be sure the user realizes what happened
- v3.99.29 beta:
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Status' column to 'All processes' list, to indicate hung or terminated processes
- Addition.GUI: Added option to disable 'RAM Load' bar graph in View menu
- v3.99.30 beta:
- Addition.GUI: Added to 'Status' column if a process is currently in ProBalance 'restraint' of any type (priority of affinity change)
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Times restrained' column
- Change.Core: Cleaned out some deprecated systray balloon code now replcaed with the inter-process communication framework
- Fix.GUI: Fix truncated system tray tooltip in Windows XP (the long version number had caused the string to exceed its bounds, resulting in fail-safe mode)
- Fix.Installer: Reduce external launches due to rare ExecWait infinite wait condition
- Change.Installer: Give existing install more time to terminate upon request from installer
- v3.99.31 beta:
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed Vista+ system tray tooltip truncation appeared in last build
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed RAM load graph not painting when it is too small
- Change.GUI: Slight performance improvement to Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: Added time spent in restraint in new times restrained column
- v3.99.32 beta:
- Change.GUI: Balloon tips enabled by default for new workstation installs
- Removal.Installer: Russian language disabled in this build, pending update
- v3.99.34 beta
- Change.Defaults: ProBalance defaults tweaked (hardware dependent)
- Change.All: Now linked with VC9 CRT instead of VC10 CRT
- v3.99.34 beta
- Change.GUI: Several languages updated, Finnish introduced
- Change.All: Code signing updated, maintenance release
- v3.99.35 beta
- Addition.GUI: Added user column to Active Processes tab
- Change.Core: Use binary search instead of sorted linear search on larger process lists
- Change.GUI: Fix Finnish graph legend and possibly other text
- Change.Core: INI change certification disabled, as it was deemed useless
- Fix.InstallHelper: (beta2beta) If user selects 'Manage processes of all users' then unselects the auto-selected 'Elevate at login', then it is now implied they wanted elevation anyway
- All.Fixes: Misc improvements and fixes throughout
- v3.99.37 beta build #82100
- Fix.Installer: Fixed language being reset to English on silent upgrade
- Change.GUI: Better handling of user configured selection to manage only their processes, or not (for XP and Vista/7)
- Change.GUI: Faster handling in cases where lots of processes are ignored for one reason or another
- v3.99.38 beta build #82200
- Change.Core: Watchdog now tries a polite termination first
- Change.Core: Changed the hard throttle levels completely, speeds should be totally different than they were
- Change.Core: Pretty large reduction in CPU utilization by the core engine (yes, as if it used enough previously to even register on most displays)
- Change.Interprocess: (beta2beta) Re-enabled new 'quick transfer' (multiple events in the same interval) so no rare 'lost' events now -->
- v4.00.05:
- Fix.GUI: (beta fix) Fixed watchdog change affinity would immediately revert in some cases
- Fix.GUI: (beta fix) Fixed watchdog terminate could fail in some cases
- Fix.GUI: Tweaked inter-process communication to hopefully fix cases of 'lost' events (fixes process showing restrained even after restraint stopped)
- Change.GUI: Default control for password box is password edit box (for both get and set password dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Cosmetic fixes and adjustments
- Change.GUI: Removed solicitation dialog until user has used product X days (still no timed nag, ever - and only happens at first start after a long period of use)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed affinity selection in Watchdog dialog when uninitialized, resulting in random value
- Fix.Core: Fixed circumstance where processes of other users were being ignored, regardless of configuration (even if you set it to manage all users)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed problems with possibly blank process listview under some configurations in Windows 2000 or XP
- Fix.Installer: Fixed annoying default of Chinese on installer under some circumstances
- v4.00.06:
- Change.GUI: Reorganized Main menu
- Change.GUI: Removed duplicated menu items I had created for ease of access
- Fix.GUI: Fixed restart required prompt so that it operates more like you'd expect
- v4.00.07:
- Fix.GUI: Fix for cases of system tray icon not appearing after reboot
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new system tray recovery ability (ironically now that it hopefully isn't necessary anymore)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where main window is shown at login
- Fix.Core: Fixed inappropriate 'new process' log entry for 'System' process at startup under some circumstances
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue where GUI and Core Engine would be stopped by Vista+ Task Scheudler when switched to battery power (due to settings bug in task scheduler entry) - Who would think that would be the default for a new task? *sigh*
- v4.00.08:
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where main window is shown at login
- Fix.GUI: Fixed inability to unelevate via Main options menu once you've elevated the rights of Process Lasso (beta2beta)
- Fix.GUI: Manual selection of affinity for new watchdog entry via process context menu may have initialized CPU selection dialog to a seemingly random value (beta2beta)
- Change.x64: X64 build now built with VC10 platform toolset for better operation. The 32-bit build remains FULLY Windows 2000 and XP pre-SP2 compatible, and can even run on x64 editions of those OSes. However, the x64 build is limited to XP SP2+.
- v4.00.09:
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where logging was disabled or re-enabled until core engine restart
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where keep running processes might be started at login before they have a chance to launch via their normal mechanism (can result in duplicate instances)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a startup issue in Vista/7 (actually was fixed in a silent update to previous beta)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Yes/No/OK string translations (were ignored due to short length)
- Change.GUI: Several language updates
- Change.Installer: Now shows least significant digit of verison in installed programs list
- v4.00.10:
- Fix.GUI: Fixed blank processes list under some XP installs (applies only to new beta)
- Fix.Misc: Other misc fixes and adjustments
- Change.GUI: Language updates
- v4.00.11:
- Change.Core: Now sends unrestraint events for processes that are terminating while in restraint, just for completeness
- Change.Core: Now logs occurances of probalance ending due to restrained process terminating
- Fix.All: Fixed main Reset to Defaults not setting ProBalance parameters to same value as Restore Defaults in ProBalance config (tweaked to hardware)
- Fix.Core: Delay at startup before 'Keep Running' proceses are started is now dependent on how powerful your hardware appears to be
- Fix.Core: Hardware suggested default ProBalance values now in use
- Fix.All: Many misc fixes and adjustments
- v4.00.12:
- Fix.Core: (beta2beta) On new process log, emulated arg0 being omitted, or duplicated, under certain circumstances
- Fix.Core: (beta2beta) Fix multiple restarts resulting in multiple instances during restart affinity trigger
- Addition.GUI: (beta2beta) Click on RAM graph to disable it
- Addition.Docs: Some minor docs additions and updates, but an overall reduction in size
- v4.00.12:
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fix problem with global paths
- v4.00.14 (final code?):
- Addition.GUI: Added Suspended state to proces Status column
- Fix.Core: Fix to the hard throttling (not ProBalance, the unrecommended hard CPU limit)
- Fix.Core: Watchdog events weren't being triggered when forced mode was on
- Fix.GUI: Fix suspend/resume process
- Fix.GUI: Fix F1 was not invoking CHM help file
- Change.GUI: Moved Suspend Process into less common actions submenu
- Update.Docs: Updated docs in several places
Muutokset v4.00.10 RC 1 - v4.00.11 RC 2
- Change.Core: Now sends unrestraint events for processes that are terminating while in restraint, just for completeness
- Change.Core: Now logs occurances of probalance ending due to restrained process terminating
- Fix.All: Fixed main Reset to Defaults not setting ProBalance parameters to same value as Restore Defaults in ProBalance config (tweaked to hardware)
- Fix.Core: Delay at startup before 'Keep Running' proceses are started is now dependent on how powerful your hardware appears to be
- Fix.Core: Hardware suggested default ProBalance values now in use
- Fix.All: Many misc fixes and adjustments
Muutokset v4.00.09 RC 1 - v4.00.10 RC 1
- Fix.GUI: Fixed blank processes list under some XP installs (applies only to new beta)
- Fix.Misc: Other misc fixes and adjustments
- Change.GUI: Language updates
Muutokset v4.00.08 RC 1 - v4.00.09 RC 1
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where logging was disabled or re-enabled until core engine restart
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where keep running processes might be started at login before they have a chance to launch via their normal mechanism (can result in duplicate instances)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a startup issue in Vista/7 (actually was fixed in a silent update to previous beta)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Yes/No/OK string translations (were ignored due to short length)
- Change.GUI: Several language updates
- Change.Installer: Now shows least significant digit of verison in installed programs list
Muutokset v4.00.07 RC 1 - v4.00.08 RC 1
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where main window is shown at login
- Fix.GUI: Fixed inability to unelevate via Main options menu once you've elevated the rights of Process Lasso (beta2beta)
- Fix.GUI: Manual selection of affinity for new watchdog entry via process context menu may have initialized CPU selection dialog to a seemingly random value (beta2beta)
- Change.x64: X64 build now built with VC10 platform toolset for better operation. The 32-bit build remains FULLY Windows 2000 and XP pre-SP2 compatible, and can even run on x64 editions of those OSes. However, the x64 build is limited to XP SP2+.
Muutokset v4.00.06 RC1 - v4.00.07 RC 1
- Fix.GUI: Fix for cases of system tray icon not appearing after reboot
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new system tray recovery ability (ironically now that it hopefully isn't necessary anymore)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where main window is shown at login
- Fix.Core: Fixed inappropriate 'new process' log entry for 'System' process at startup under some circumstances
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue where GUI and Core Engine would be stopped by Vista+ Task Scheudler when switched to battery power (due to settings bug in task scheduler entry) - Who would think that would be the default for a new task? *sigh*
Muutokset v4.00.05 RC1 - v4.00.06 RC1
- Change.GUI: Reorganized Main menu
- Change.GUI: Removed duplicated menu items I had created for ease of access
- Fix.GUI: Fixed restart required prompt so that it operates more like you'd expect
- Fix.GUI: Hopeful fix for rare cases of system tray icon not appearing after reboot
Muutokset v4.00.01 RC 1 - v4.00.05 RC1
- Fix.GUI: (beta fix) Fixed watchdog change affinity would immediately revert in some cases
- Fix.GUI: (beta fix) Fixed watchdog terminate could fail in some cases
- Fix.GUI: Tweaked inter-process communication to hopefully fix cases of 'lost' events (fixes process showing restrained even after restraint stopped)
- Change.GUI: Default control for password box is password edit box (for both get and set password dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Cosmetic fixes and adjustments
- Change.GUI: Removed solicitation dialog until user has used product X days (still no timed nag, ever - and only happens at first start after a long period of use)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed affinity selection in Watchdog dialog when uninitialized, resulting in random value
- Fix.Core: Fixed circumstance where processes of other users were being ignored, regardless of configuration (even if you set it to manage all users)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed problems with possibly blank process listview under some configurations in Windows 2000 or XP
- Fix.Installer: Fixed annoying default of Chinese on installer under some circumstances
Muutokset v3.84.8 - v4.00.01 RC 1
- All revisions:
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.Core: Added core ability to disable log completely
- Addition.Core: Created new config group for the optional and seldom recomended foreground boosting options (should migrate old config just fine)
- Addition.Core: Added option to run ProcessLasso and ProcessGovernor at less than their default priorities (useful in certain environments)
- Addition.Core: Added affinity change watchdog toggle to divide CPU threshold by number of system cores
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.GUI: New 'Exclude from' process context menu item
- Addition.GUI: New process context menu items for MEM and CPU watchdog capabilities
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to completely disable log
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to disable log completely
- Addition.GUI: When user tries to un-exclude a hard-coded ProBalance exclusion, they are now given the option to override this exclusion via a message box
- Addition.GUI: Finished watchdog auto-terminate context menu items and overall code
- Addition.GUI: Added more critical system processes for user confirmations and special handling
- Addition.GUI: Show current power scheme on graph
- Addition.GUI: Added special Pro bitmap to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added registered user name to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Addition.GUI: Per-process CPU history now drawn on graph also in Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: CTRL-A now also works in 'Active processes' tab to select all processes
- Addition.GUI: Added support for Finnish translation
- Addition.Core/GUI: Wrote new inter-process communication framework that is more robust and efficient - allowing feature additions coming in subsequent builds. It also allows for much better inter-process communication when running the governor as a service and/or in multi-user environments.
- Addition.Core: Added new throttle level 'High'
- Addition.InstallHelper: NO MORE UAC PTOMPTS (or WinDef issues) auto-starting Process Lasso at login when running it with highest rights
- Addition.InstallHelper: Integrates with Task Scheduler 2 on Vista/7 to set up Process Lasso and/or core engine startup tasks
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.All: Migration to Visual Studio 2010, which turned out to be a rather tedious migration, but well worth it
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Change.GUI: Set keyboard focus to active process listview on initial open or switch (accessibility improvement)
- Change.GUI: Fixed some typos/misspellings
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Made governor the first process to shutdown when shutdown is requested, as opposed to the last (previous setup)
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.GUI: Removed 'total VM size' from available watchdog memory metrics, as it is not likely to be needed
- Change.GUI: Made 'commit charge' default virtual memroy metric for watchdog memory entries
- Change.All: Consolidated all inter-process communication into single mechanism for maximum efficiency
- Change.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items a little, moving the hard CPU throttling to 'seldom used' features
- Change.GUI: Allow 1% increments in CPU settings for ProBalance config and Watchdog config dialogs
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons now use consolidated inter-process communication
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons have been reformatted and improved
- Change.GUI: Further optimized multi-threaded efficiency on multi-core systems
- Change.GUI: Allow proper translation of 'Add', 'Low', and 'CPU' - all words not handled right due to their small size
- Change.GUI: Expanded more control widths to better fit more languages/translations without modifications
- Change.GUI: Changed ProBalance parameters default setting change message to something more understandable (hoepfully)
- Change.GUI: Behavioral changes and new warnings in relation to elevation vs. managing the processes of other users
- Change.GUI: Further differentiated UAC elevation from 'Manage processes of all users'. You can now run elevated, but still manage only the current user processes
- Change.rcTools: Many improvements to help translators
- Change.Updater: Made update check message box application modal, not system modal (so it doesn't interfere with a full screen game, for instance)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Considerably expanded Task Scheduler 2 code to allow better enumeration/detection of existing sttings (unfinished)
- Change.InstallHelper: Expanded height of Highest Rights control on startup config dialog 2
- Change.GUI: Renamed the 'Manage processes of all users' to 'Manage processes of other users too' (feature unfinished)
- Change.GUI: Added new 'Elevate now' option, since it is now independent from the 'Manage processes of all users' option (feature unfinished)
- Addition.GUI: Added Spanish translation by Valentin Sanz Gonzalez (in first test stage)
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewrote the security portion of config dialog #2 (multi-user options)
- Change.InstallHelper: Change high rights warning, shown now only when high rights and 'manage processes of all users' are both selected
- Change.Core: Rewrote large parts of the guts of the new watchdog feature
- Change.Core: Improved handling of multiple watchdog entries on the same process
- Change.All: Other improvements not indicated here
- Change.BetaCode: Improvements to new task scheduler code (with more improvements coming)
- Change.Installer: Sped up installer, removing long deprecated things
- Change.Installer: Attempts to mitigate strange stall bug seen with NSIS unicode ExecWait function
- Change.Installer: Other changes and rewrites to improve general install process
- Removal.Installer: Removed helper executable plp.exe, which facilitated launch with highest rights prior to Windows Task Scheduler integration
- Addition.Core: Allow users to over-ride hard coded exclusions
- Change.Core: Some changes to hard coded exclusions
- Change.Licensing: Removed delay in startup nag (well, set it at 1 second) [beta only]
- Change.Languages: Several languages updated
- Change.GUI: Extended CPU affinity support in configuration dialogs to 32 CPUs (config file and core engine support infinite)
- Change.All: Continued enhancements and fixes as the march to v4 continues
- Change.GUI: Language and string changes in places
- Change.Installer: Added uninstall web page
- Removal.InstallHelper: /Rights parameter removed, merged with /*_start_type
- Addition.InstallHelper: Modified command lines to support new Task Scheduler compatibility (added optional elevation setting to start type parameters) - applies to silent install
- Addition.GUI: Implemented first stage of icon memory usage optimization to decrease GUI memory use when process icons are enabled (second stage optimization is pending, and will reduce usage even more)
- Change.GUI: Switched to singular edition - the free build can now be Activated and turned into Process Lasso Pro via an activation code
- Change.All: Misc undocumented changes advancing alpha
- Change.GUI: Switched icon code to alternate method for faster performance and less overhead
- Change.GUI: Reduced virtual memory usage even further when process icons enabled
- Change.GUI: Removed 'Exclude from ...' process context menu and put its two entries into the main menu.. less traversal for these common actions
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior when single instance of governor manages entire multi-user system with more than one GUI instance running
- Change.GUI: Improved communication with GUI when core engine is running as a service (for informative tooltips)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some typos and mispellings
- Fix.GUI: Fix licensing anomaly with multi-selection process instance limit set on some editions
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where user disabling ProBalance while processes are under restraint may cause restrained processes not to be restored to original priority and affinity settings
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible management of processes in alternate user sessions in XP or W2K even when configured not to, depending on system conditions
- Fix.Core: Automatically create directory if found missing for global log and/or config path overrides
- Fix.Core: Fixed crash in Vista x32 and possibly other x32 editions of Windows (was only present in v3.99.2 alpha)
- MUCH MORE ....
- Known Bugs at least beta version (last final v3.84 has NO known bugs, so use it for stability)
- Language selection may be reset on reinstall (particularly silent upgrade)
- On rare instances during really high loads, all ProBalance events may show up delayed on the GUI (after when it really took place)
Muutokset v3.84.8 - v4.00 RC 1
- New Process Watchdog feature (restart, terminate, or change affinity if process if exceeds X CPU or VM usage)
- Totally rewritten and improved system tray balloon tips!
- Better support for multi-user environments and systems with 32 or more CPUs
- Reduced virtual memory usage by the GUI even further!
- Improved integration with Vista and Windows 7 - run PL with highest rights and no UAC elevation prompt
- Ability to override hard-coded ProBalance exclusions
- Even more intelligent and efficient core engine
- New process restraint history column in GUI
- No more timed nag screen (single screen, click Skip)
- All revisions:
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.Core: Added core ability to disable log completely
- Addition.Core: Created new config group for the optional and seldom recomended foreground boosting options (should migrate old config just fine)
- Addition.Core: Added option to run ProcessLasso and ProcessGovernor at less than their default priorities (useful in certain environments)
- Addition.Core: Added affinity change watchdog toggle to divide CPU threshold by number of system cores
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.GUI: New 'Exclude from' process context menu item
- Addition.GUI: New process context menu items for MEM and CPU watchdog capabilities
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to completely disable log
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to disable log completely
- Addition.GUI: When user tries to un-exclude a hard-coded ProBalance exclusion, they are now given the option to override this exclusion via a message box
- Addition.GUI: Finished watchdog auto-terminate context menu items and overall code
- Addition.GUI: Added more critical system processes for user confirmations and special handling
- Addition.GUI: Show current power scheme on graph
- Addition.GUI: Added special Pro bitmap to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added registered user name to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Addition.GUI: Per-process CPU history now drawn on graph also in Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: CTRL-A now also works in 'Active processes' tab to select all processes
- Addition.GUI: Added support for Finnish translation
- Addition.Core/GUI: Wrote new inter-process communication framework that is more robust and efficient - allowing feature additions coming in subsequent builds. It also allows for much better inter-process communication when running the governor as a service and/or in multi-user environments.
- Addition.Core: Added new throttle level 'High'
- Addition.InstallHelper: NO MORE UAC PTOMPTS (or WinDef issues) auto-starting Process Lasso at login when running it with highest rights
- Addition.InstallHelper: Integrates with Task Scheduler 2 on Vista/7 to set up Process Lasso and/or core engine startup tasks
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.All: Migration to Visual Studio 2010, which turned out to be a rather tedious migration, but well worth it
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Change.GUI: Set keyboard focus to active process listview on initial open or switch (accessibility improvement)
- Change.GUI: Fixed some typos/misspellings
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Made governor the first process to shutdown when shutdown is requested, as opposed to the last (previous setup)
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.GUI: Removed 'total VM size' from available watchdog memory metrics, as it is not likely to be needed
- Change.GUI: Made 'commit charge' default virtual memroy metric for watchdog memory entries
- Change.All: Consolidated all inter-process communication into single mechanism for maximum efficiency
- Change.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items a little, moving the hard CPU throttling to 'seldom used' features
- Change.GUI: Allow 1% increments in CPU settings for ProBalance config and Watchdog config dialogs
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons now use consolidated inter-process communication
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons have been reformatted and improved
- Change.GUI: Further optimized multi-threaded efficiency on multi-core systems
- Change.GUI: Allow proper translation of 'Add', 'Low', and 'CPU' - all words not handled right due to their small size
- Change.GUI: Expanded more control widths to better fit more languages/translations without modifications
- Change.GUI: Changed ProBalance parameters default setting change message to something more understandable (hoepfully)
- Change.GUI: Behavioral changes and new warnings in relation to elevation vs. managing the processes of other users
- Change.GUI: Further differentiated UAC elevation from 'Manage processes of all users'. You can now run elevated, but still manage only the current user processes
- Change.rcTools: Many improvements to help translators
- Change.Updater: Made update check message box application modal, not system modal (so it doesn't interfere with a full screen game, for instance)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Considerably expanded Task Scheduler 2 code to allow better enumeration/detection of existing sttings (unfinished)
- Change.InstallHelper: Expanded height of Highest Rights control on startup config dialog 2
- Change.GUI: Renamed the 'Manage processes of all users' to 'Manage processes of other users too' (feature unfinished)
- Change.GUI: Added new 'Elevate now' option, since it is now independent from the 'Manage processes of all users' option (feature unfinished)
- Addition.GUI: Added Spanish translation by Valentin Sanz Gonzalez (in first test stage)
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewrote the security portion of config dialog #2 (multi-user options)
- Change.InstallHelper: Change high rights warning, shown now only when high rights and 'manage processes of all users' are both selected
- Change.Core: Rewrote large parts of the guts of the new watchdog feature
- Change.Core: Improved handling of multiple watchdog entries on the same process
- Change.All: Other improvements not indicated here
- Change.BetaCode: Improvements to new task scheduler code (with more improvements coming)
- Change.Installer: Sped up installer, removing long deprecated things
- Change.Installer: Attempts to mitigate strange stall bug seen with NSIS unicode ExecWait function
- Change.Installer: Other changes and rewrites to improve general install process
- Removal.Installer: Removed helper executable plp.exe, which facilitated launch with highest rights prior to Windows Task Scheduler integration
- Addition.Core: Allow users to over-ride hard coded exclusions
- Change.Core: Some changes to hard coded exclusions
- Change.Licensing: Removed delay in startup nag (well, set it at 1 second) [beta only]
- Change.Languages: Several languages updated
- Change.GUI: Extended CPU affinity support in configuration dialogs to 32 CPUs (config file and core engine support infinite)
- Change.All: Continued enhancements and fixes as the march to v4 continues
- Change.GUI: Language and string changes in places
- Change.Installer: Added uninstall web page
- Removal.InstallHelper: /Rights parameter removed, merged with /*_start_type
- Addition.InstallHelper: Modified command lines to support new Task Scheduler compatibility (added optional elevation setting to start type parameters) - applies to silent install
- Addition.GUI: Implemented first stage of icon memory usage optimization to decrease GUI memory use when process icons are enabled (second stage optimization is pending, and will reduce usage even more)
- Change.GUI: Switched to singular edition - the free build can now be Activated and turned into Process Lasso Pro via an activation code
- Change.All: Misc undocumented changes advancing alpha
- Change.GUI: Switched icon code to alternate method for faster performance and less overhead
- Change.GUI: Reduced virtual memory usage even further when process icons enabled
- Change.GUI: Removed 'Exclude from ...' process context menu and put its two entries into the main menu.. less traversal for these common actions
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior when single instance of governor manages entire multi-user system with more than one GUI instance running
- Change.GUI: Improved communication with GUI when core engine is running as a service (for informative tooltips)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some typos and mispellings
- Fix.GUI: Fix licensing anomaly with multi-selection process instance limit set on some editions
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where user disabling ProBalance while processes are under restraint may cause restrained processes not to be restored to original priority and affinity settings
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible management of processes in alternate user sessions in XP or W2K even when configured not to, depending on system conditions
- Fix.Core: Automatically create directory if found missing for global log and/or config path overrides
- Fix.Core: Fixed crash in Vista x32 and possibly other x32 editions of Windows (was only present in v3.99.2 alpha)
- MUCH MORE ....
- Known Bugs at least beta version (last final v3.84 has NO known bugs, so use it for stability)
- Language may be reset on reinstall
- Language may be reset to English on silent reinstall
- On rare instances, all ProBalance events may not show up as highlights on the GUI, though taming *will* continue
- If no ProBalance events are highlighted on the graph, you may need to stop/start the core engine. Taming has continued, but the inter-process communication broke down.
- Newly added process restraint history may not always be accurate
- Other minor bugs and errata, mostly with GUI - very little core engine errata (if any)
Muutokset v3.99.38 Beta - v3.99.39 Beta
- Fix.InstallHelper: (beta2beta) Fixed 'Manage process of all users' and 'Elevate' options not necesssarily being honored in all scenarios
- Fix.Core: (beta2beta) Fixed watchdog entries of priority and affinity changes could sometimes be confused
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed missing user name in Active processes tab in some scenarios
- Change.Core: Pretty large reduction in CPU utilization by the core engine (yes, as if it used enough previously to even register on most displays)
Muutokset v3.99.37 Beta - v3.99.38 Beta
- Fix.Core: (beta2beta) Fix watchdog error conditions could cause infinite restarting of a watched process when it hit set threshold
- Fix.Core: (beta2beta) Fixed erroneous strings written to log (restart msg written for terminate msg)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Spanish translation so it uses right word in InstallHelper dialogs
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed Windows 2000 compatibility (in testing)
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed missing process icons (note: may gradually fill over a few seconds to reduce length of disk I/O burst)
- Addition.All: Added new throttle level 'High'
- Addition.GUI: Better trimming and checking on user entered activation code
- Change.Core: Watchdog now tries a polite termination first
- Change.GUI: Allow proper translation of 'Add', 'Low', and 'CPU' - all words not handled right due to their small size
- Change.Core: Changed the hard throttle levels completely, speeds should be totally different than they were
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items a little in the 'rarely used stuff'
- Change.GUI: Updated Serbian translations
- Change.GUI: Updated Italian translation
- --much more--
Muutokset v3.99.35 Beta - v3.99.37 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added easy menu option to reset entire configuration (all of it)
- Addition.GUI: Added Indonesian language by Ivan Chin
- Addition.GUI: Added Serbian (latin char set) by Dražen Milovanović - Note Serbian Cyrillic is already avaialable and kept up to date by the diligent Ozzii
- Change.GUI: Language selection is now saved in HKLM, but can be overridden by HKCU
- Change.GUI: Switching languages is now done by picking your new language, then restarting Process Lasso (instead of wiping out old pick and restarting Process Lasso)
- Fix.Installer: Fixed language being reset to English on silent upgrade
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Potential/likely fix missing system tray icon in Vista or Windows 7 afer user login (PL GUI was being launched before explorer by the Task Scheduler)
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed positioning of RAM graph outline (group control surronding RAM graph)
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) crash when setting watchdog entry in GUI via context menu
- Change.GUI: (beta2beta) Experimental switch back to non-persistent pipes
- Change.GUI: Better handling of user configured selection to manage only their processes, or not (for XP and Vista/7)
- Change.GUI: Faster handling in cases where lots of processes are ignored for one reason or another
- --much more--
Muutokset v3.99.35 Beta - v3.99.36 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added easy menu option to reset entire configuration (all of it)
- Addition.GUI: Added Indonesian language by Ivan Chin
- Addition.GUI: Added Serbian (latin char set) by Dražen Milovanović - Note Serbian Cyrillic is already avaialable and kept up to date by the diligent Ozzii
- Change.GUI: Language selection is now saved in HKLM, but can be overridden by HKCU
- Change.GUI: Switching languages is now done by picking your new language, then restarting Process Lasso (instead of wiping out old pick and restarting Process Lasso)
- Fix.Installer: Fixed language being reset to English on silent upgrade
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Potential/likely fix missing system tray icon in Vista or Windows 7 afer user login (PL GUI was being launched before explorer by the Task Scheduler)
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed positioning of RAM graph outline (group control surronding RAM graph)
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) crash when setting watchdog entry in GUI via context menu
- Change.GUI: (beta2beta) Experimental switch back to non-persistent pipes
- Change.GUI: Better handling of user configured selection to manage only their processes, or not (for XP and Vista/7)
- Change.GUI: Faster handling in cases where lots of processes are ignored for one reason or another
- --much more--
Muutokset v3.99.34 Beta - v3.99.35 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added user column to Active Processes tab
- Change.Core: Use binary search instead of sorted linear search on larger process lists
- Change.GUI: Fix Finnish graph legend and possibly other text
- Change.Core: INI change certification disabled, as it was deemed useless
- Fix.InstallHelper: (beta2beta) If user selects 'Manage processes of all users' then unselects the auto-selected 'Elevate at login', then it is now implied they wanted elevation anyway
- All.Fixes: Misc improvements and fixes throughout
Muutokset v3.99.32 Beta - v3.99.33 Beta
- Fix.All: (beta2beta) Restored Windows XP pre-SP2 compatibility to this beta series
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed watchdog affinity change configuration via process context menu
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed infinite loop bug in watchdog affinity change via process context menu
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Don't allow multiple 'restart?' message boxes from the top level exception handler
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed crashes of the GUI that could have occurred under certain conditions
- Change.Defaults: ProBalance defaults tweaked (hardware dependent)
- Change.All: Now linked with VC9 CRT instead of VC10 CRT
Muutokset v3.99.31 Beta - v3.99.32 Beta
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Quick fix for application 'View' menu 'Select columns' not working (note: You could have also right-clicked the column header or the tab to get this same popup menu of columns to show)
- Change.GUI: Balloon tips enabled by default for new workstation installs
- Removal.Installer: Russian language disabled in this build, pending update
Muutokset v3.99.30 Beta - v3.99.31 Beta
- Fix.GUI: (beta2beta) Fixed Vista+ system tray tooltip truncation appeared in last build
- Addition.GUI: Added time spent in restraint in new times restrained column
Muutokset v3.99.29 Beta - v3.99.30 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added to 'Status' column if a process is currently in ProBalance 'restraint' of any type (priority of affinity change)
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Times restrained' column
- Change.Core: Cleaned out some deprecated systray balloon code now replcaed with the inter-process communication framework
- Fix.GUI: Fix truncated system tray tooltip in Windows XP (the long version number had caused the string to exceed its bounds, resulting in fail-safe mode)
- Fix.Installer: Reduce external launches due to rare ExecWait infinite wait condition
- Change.Installer: Give existing install more time to terminate upon request from installer
- Misc.. Throughout
Muutokset v3.99.15 Beta - v3.99.29 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added Emergency Stall Recovery feature which will take highly aggressive action if system responsiveness drops below a certain threshold for too long. The difference between ERS and ProBalance is that ERS is much more aggressive, acting on anything (i.e. even the foreground process, which would be ignored by ProBalance in its default settings)
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.Core: Added core ability to disable log completely
- Addition.Core: Created new config group for the optional and seldom recomended foreground boosting options (should migrate old config just fine)
- Addition.Core: Added option to run ProcessLasso and ProcessGovernor at less than their default priorities (useful in certain environments)
- Addition.Core: Added affinity change watchdog toggle to divide CPU threshold by number of system cores
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Added all facilitating menu items and dialogs for Emergency Stall Recovery
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.GUI: New 'Exclude from' process context menu item
- Addition.GUI: New process context menu items for MEM and CPU watchdog capabilities
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to completely disable log
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to disable log completely
- Addition.GUI: When user tries to un-exclude a hard-coded ProBalance exclusion, they are now given the option to override this exclusion via a message box
- Addition.GUI: Finished watchdog auto-terminate context menu items and overall code
- Addition.GUI: Added more critical system processes for user confirmations and special handling
- Addition.GUI: Show current power scheme on graph
- Addition.GUI: Added special Pro bitmap to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added registered user name to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Addition.InstallHelper: NO MORE UAC PTOMPTS (or WinDef issues) auto-starting Process Lasso at login when running it with highest rights
- Addition.InstallHelper: Integrates with Task Scheduler 2 on Vista/7 to set up Process Lasso and/or core engine startup tasks
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.All: Migration to Visual Studio 2010, which turned out to be a rather tedious migration, but well worth it
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.GUI: Removed 'total VM size' from available watchdog memory metrics, as it is not likely to be needed
- Change.GUI: Made 'commit charge' default virtual memroy metric for watchdog memory entries
- Change.Core: Rewrote large parts of the guts of the new watchdog feature
- Change.Core: Improved handling of multiple watchdog entries on the same process
- Change.GUI: Expanded more control widths to better fit more languages/translations without modifications
- Change.rcTools: (internal rcTools that facilitate translation process) They now use 100% CSV compatible files, meaning you can import/export directly from your spreadsheet software
- Change.rcTools: (internal rcTools that facilitate translation process) Other misc changes
- Change.GUI: Changed ProBalance parameters default setting change message to something more understandable (hoepfully)
- Change.Updater: Made update check message box application modal, not system modal (so it doesn't interfere with a full screen game, for instance)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Tradational Chinese and Simplified Chinese getting mixed up sometimes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Considerably expanded Task Scheduler 2 code to allow better enumeration/detection of existing sttings (unfinished)
- Fix.Core: Fixed crash in Vista x32 and possibly other x32 editions of Windows (was only present in v3.99.2 alpha)
- Change.InstallHelper: Expanded height of Highest Rights control on startup config dialog 2
- Change.GUI: Renamed the 'Manage processes of all users' to 'Manage processes of other users too' (feature unfinished)
- Change.GUI: Added new 'Elevate now' option, since it is now independent from the 'Manage processes of all users' option (feature unfinished)
- Addition.GUI: Added Spanish translation by Valentin Sanz Gonzalez (in first test stage)
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewrote the security portion of config dialog #2 (multi-user options)
- Change.GUI: Behavioral changes and new warnings in relation to elevation vs. managing the processes of other users
- Change.GUI: Further differentiated UAC elevation from 'Manage processes of all users'. You can now run elevated, but still manage only the current user processes
- Change.InstallHelper: Change high rights warning, shown now only when high rights and 'manage processes of all users' are both selected
- Change.All: Other improvements not indicated here
- Change.BetaCode: Improvements to new task scheduler code (with more improvements coming)
- Change.Installer: Sped up installer, removing long deprecated things
- Change.Installer: Attempts to mitigate strange stall bug seen with NSIS unicode ExecWait function
- Change.Installer: Other changes and rewrites to improve general install process
- Removal.Installer: Removed helper executable plp.exe, which facilitated launch with highest rights prior to Windows Task Scheduler integration
- Addition.Core: Allow users to over-ride hard coded exclusions
- Change.Core: Some changes to hard coded exclusions
- Change.Licensing: Removed delay in startup nag (well, set it at 1 second) [beta only]
- Change.Languages: Several languages updated
- Change.GUI: Extended CPU affinity support in configuration dialogs to 32 CPUs (config file and core engine support infinite)
- Change.All: Continued enhancements and fixes as the march to v4 continues
- Change.GUI: Language and string changes in places
- Change.Installer: Added uninstall web page
- Removal.InstallHelper: /Rights parameter removed, merged with /*_start_type
- Addition.InstallHelper: Modified command lines to support new Task Scheduler compatibility (added optional elevation setting to start type parameters) - applies to silent install
- Addition.GUI: Implemented first stage of icon memory usage optimization to decrease GUI memory use when process icons are enabled (second stage optimization is pending, and will reduce usage even more)
- Change.GUI: Switched to singular edition - the free build can now be Activated and turned into Process Lasso Pro via an activation code
- Change.All: Misc undocumented changes advancing alpha
- Change.GUI: Switched icon code to alternate method for faster performance and less overhead
- Change.GUI: Reduced virtual memory usage even further when process icons enabled
- Change.GUI: Removed 'Exclude from ...' process context menu and put its two entries into the main menu.. less traversal for these common actions
- Change.InstallHelper: Now defults to run with elevated rights in Vista and Windows 7 (multi-user support is still perfectly retained even in this mode)
- Change.All: More changes throughout
- Addition.GUI: Per-process CPU history now drawn on graph also in Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: CTRL-A now also works in 'Active processes' tab to select all processes
- Change.GUI: Set keyboard focus to active process listview on initial open or switch (accessibility improvement)
- Change.GUI: Fixed some typos/misspellings
- Change.Governor: Improvements to ProBalance algorithm under some circumstances
- Change.GUI: Eliminated process listview flickering seen when sorting by highly dynamic fields
- Addition.GUI: Added context menu item for new CPU affinity change of specific processes on demand
- Addition.Core: Added new ability to change the CPU affinity of specific processes when they exceed a specified CPU usage threshold
- Addition.Core: Tweaked handling of certain system processes
- Change.Defaults: Exclude system services from ProBalance restraint
- Change.GUI: Include DLL name in process name of rundll32.exe processes (also applies to rules, allowing specific rundll32.exe instance rules)
- Addition.GUI: Add 'Activate' button to Pro version solicitation dialog
- Fix.GUI: Fix to behavior of 'Run with highest rights'
- Fix.InstallHelper: Re-enabled /rights command line parameter, but it is still deprecated by an addition to the /start_type parameters
- Fix.Docs: Fixed discrepency in documentation of old /configfile command line parameter (now replaced with /configfolder)
- Addition.GUI: Added special warnings about certain system processes when actions are taken upon them, to help inform the user of possible consequences to those actions
- Addition.GUI: Added the ability to activate the product from all purchase and solication dialogs, and other places to be added in time
- Addition.Installer: Added new start-menu shortcut to launch Process Lasso in a 'restart' mode to recovery any lost system tray icon
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity of all CPUs is now sometimes represented as 'all' instead of a long sequence of CPU indexes
- Many additional changes and improvements to be listed
- Change.All: Fixed licensing problem (it didn't know it was activated)
- Addition.GUI: To configuration dialogs added standardized confirmation message if you try to close the dialog in any way with an unadded entry in the edit control
- Change.All: Improved start/stop of governor in cases of multi-user systems where multiple instances exist and when the governor is run as a service
- Change.All: Internal changes to interprocess communication and monitoring between governor and GUI
Muutokset v3.99.27 Beta - v3.99.28 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fix taming change to system tray icon that broke in previous build (beta2beta)
- Change.GUI: Main window resizing more smooth than in previous builds
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load graph looks and fixed a painting accuracy bug
- Change.GUI: Changed process listview painting to reduce occurances of briefly (<1s) empty regions
- Change.Core: Improved logging subsystem to help ensure any pending writes get flushed out at shutdown
- Change.Core: Logging subsystem improvements
- Change.Core: Optimized a few places
- Change.Core: Unauthorized configuration change now induces a system modal message box to be sure the user realizes what happened
Muutokset v3.99.26 Beta - v3.99.27 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Brightened new memory load fill color (was accidentally a little too light)
- Fix.GUI: Fixes to new memory load graph painting
- Change.Core: No longer verify digital certificate, as this induces attempted communication with the certificate authorities to check to ensure the certificate hasn't been revoked. This might look suspicious, so is disabled (was first enacted last week).
- Fix.Core: No longer terminate governor when Emergency Stall Recovery is toggled in certain cases
Muutokset v3.99.25 Beta - v3.99.26 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed excessive CPU utilization when graph is open (unnecessary constant repainting due to error in previous beta) [beta2beta]
- Change.GUI: Improved resizing performance by not repainting immediately every time the window is stretched a pixel (experimental)
- Change.GUI: Changed new Memory Load graph to depict memory load in 5% increments
- Change.GUI: Decreased new Memory load graph default width a little
- Change.GUI: Updated Italian, Finnish
Muutokset v3.99.24 Beta - v3.99.25 Beta
- Addition.GUI: New current memory load bar graph shown to right of main graph
- Fix.GUI: Fixed watchdog entries not removed if all removed from configuration dialog
- Change.Core: Configuration certification now stritly enforced
- Change.GUI: Temporarily give warning about incompatiblity with W2K and WXP pre-SP2 (to be fixed before final)
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab control to full width after activation
- Change.GUI: Improved efficiency of graph painting
- Change.GUI: Hide buy now button immediately after activation
- Removal.GUI: Removed new max CPU frequency from status bar (beta2beta) - now makes room if even large fonts used
- Misc.All: Other misc fixes, additions, and enhancements
Muutokset v3.99.23 Beta - v3.99.24 Beta
- Change.All: Increased max allowed pathname character count (beta2beta fix)
- Change.All: Licensing and authentication system improved
- Change.All: New protection against unauthorized INI configuration changes
- Misc: Etc...
Muutokset v3.99.20 Beta - v3.99.23 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fix build-up of 'happened events' queue in cases where no GUI instance is found running
Muutokset v3.99.17 Beta - v3.99.20 Beta
- Change.GUI: Multiple system tray tooltips of the same type now get merged into a single one if they occur during the same interval
- Change.GUI: New dedicated thread just for balloon tip display and queuing
- Addition.GUI: Added the million other balloon tooltip actions
- Change.Core: Enabled more compiler optimizations (anomaly of recent migration to VS2010)
- Fix.GUI: Fix licensing anomaly with multi-selection process instance limit set on some editions
- Change.Core: Renamed ShowBalloons key to EnableTrayNotficationBalloons and set default to TRUE the workstation editions of Process Lasso (server version defaults to FALSE, as before)
- Change.GUI: Process context menu re-ordering and improvements
- Misc: Etc...
- Change.Core: Further optimized primary thread, especially when system tray balloon notifications are on
- Change.All: Consolidated all inter-process communication into single mechanism for maximum efficiency
- Change.GUI: Added Finnish translation
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged process context menu items a little, moving the hard CPU throttling to 'seldom used' features
- Change.GUI: Allow 1% increments in CPU settings for ProBalance config and Watchdog config dialogs
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons now use consolidated inter-process communication
- Change.GUI: System tray balloons have been reformatted and improved
- Change.GUI: Further optimized multi-threaded efficiency on multi-core systems
- Fix.Utils.TweakScheduler: Fixed licensing detection issue in this seldom used advanced util
- Fix.Utils.MMSC: Fixed licensing detection issue in this seldom used advanced util
- Fix.GUI: Fix thread sync error in previous betas that could have caused a deadlock (beta2beta)
- Summary: Lots of work, though you probably won't notice it
- Addition.Core/GUI: Wrote new inter-process communication framework that is more robust and efficient - allowing feature additions coming in subsequent builds. It also allows for much better inter-process communication when running the governor as a service and/or in multi-user environments.
- Addition.GUI: Added support for Finnish translation (translation not yet completed)
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior when single instance of governor manages entire multi-user system with more than one GUI instance running
- Change.GUI: Improved communication with GUI when core engine is running as a service (for informative tooltips)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some typos and mispellings
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible management of processes in alternate user sessions in XP or W2K even when configured not to, depending on system conditions
- Fix.Core: Automatically create directory if found missing for global log and/or config path overrides
Muutokset 3.99.16 Beta - v3.99.17 Beta
- Change.Installer: Switched to 'newadvsplash' plug-in, allowing for GIF splash banner, reducing installer size a bit
- Change.GUI: Re-enabled Russian after update provided (actually was provided 2 days ago, but I missed it, sorry)
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed Task Scheduler integration problem with non-English versions of Windows
- Misc: Etc...
Muutokset v3.84.7 - v3.99.15 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added Emergency Stall Recovery feature which will take highly aggressive action if system responsiveness drops below a certain threshold for too long. The difference between ERS and ProBalance is that ERS is much more aggressive, acting on anything (i.e. even the foreground process, which would be ignored by ProBalance in its default settings)
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.Core: Added core ability to disable log completely
- Addition.Core: Created new config group for the optional and seldom recomended foreground boosting options (should migrate old config just fine)
- Addition.Core: Added option to run ProcessLasso and ProcessGovernor at less than their default priorities (useful in certain environments)
- Addition.Core: Added affinity change watchdog toggle to divide CPU threshold by number of system cores
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Added all facilitating menu items and dialogs for Emergency Stall Recovery
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.GUI: New 'Exclude from' process context menu item
- Addition.GUI: New process context menu items for MEM and CPU watchdog capabilities
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to completely disable log
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to disable log completely
- Addition.GUI: When user tries to un-exclude a hard-coded ProBalance exclusion, they are now given the option to override this exclusion via a message box
- Addition.GUI: Finished watchdog auto-terminate context menu items and overall code
- Addition.GUI: Added more critical system processes for user confirmations and special handling
- Addition.GUI: Show current power scheme on graph
- Addition.GUI: Added special Pro bitmap to About box after activation
- Addition.GUI: Added registered user name to About box after activation
- Addition.InstallHelper: NO MORE UAC PTOMPTS (or WinDef issues) auto-starting Process Lasso at login when running it with highest rights
- Addition.InstallHelper: Integrates with Task Scheduler 2 on Vista/7 to set up Process Lasso and/or core engine startup tasks
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.All: Migration to Visual Studio 2010, which turned out to be a rather tedious migration, but well worth it
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.GUI: Removed 'total VM size' from available watchdog memory metrics, as it is not likely to be needed
- Change.GUI: Made 'commit charge' default virtual memroy metric for watchdog memory entries
- Change.Core: Rewrote large parts of the guts of the new watchdog feature
- Change.Core: Improved handling of multiple watchdog entries on the same process
- Change.GUI: Expanded more control widths to better fit more languages/translations without modifications
- Change.rcTools: (internal rcTools that facilitate translation process) They now use 100% CSV compatible files, meaning you can import/export directly from your spreadsheet software
- Change.rcTools: (internal rcTools that facilitate translation process) Other misc changes
- Change.GUI: Changed ProBalance parameters default setting change message to something more understandable (hoepfully)
- Change.Updater: Made update check message box application modal, not system modal (so it doesn't interfere with a full screen game, for instance)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Tradational Chinese and Simplified Chinese getting mixed up sometimes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Considerably expanded Task Scheduler 2 code to allow better enumeration/detection of existing sttings (unfinished)
- Fix.Core: Fixed crash in Vista x32 and possibly other x32 editions of Windows (was only present in v3.99.2 alpha)
- Change.InstallHelper: Expanded height of Highest Rights control on startup config dialog 2
- Change.GUI: Renamed the 'Manage processes of all users' to 'Manage processes of other users too' (feature unfinished)
- Change.GUI: Added new 'Elevate now' option, since it is now independent from the 'Manage processes of all users' option (feature unfinished)
- Addition.GUI: Added Spanish translation by Valentin Sanz Gonzalez (in first test stage)
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewrote the security portion of config dialog #2 (multi-user options)
- Change.GUI: Behavioral changes and new warnings in relation to elevation vs. managing the processes of other users
- Change.GUI: Further differentiated UAC elevation from 'Manage processes of all users'. You can now run elevated, but still manage only the current user processes
- Change.InstallHelper: Change high rights warning, shown now only when high rights and 'manage processes of all users' are both selected
- Change.All: Other improvements not indicated here
- Change.BetaCode: Improvements to new task scheduler code (with more improvements coming)
- Change.Installer: Sped up installer, removing long deprecated things
- Change.Installer: Attempts to mitigate strange stall bug seen with NSIS unicode ExecWait function
- Change.Installer: Other changes and rewrites to improve general install process
- Removal.Installer: Removed helper executable plp.exe, which facilitated launch with highest rights prior to Windows Task Scheduler integration
- Addition.Core: Allow users to over-ride hard coded exclusions
- Change.Core: Some changes to hard coded exclusions
- Change.Licensing: Removed delay in startup nag (well, set it at 1 second) [beta only]
- Change.Languages: Several languages updated
- Change.GUI: Extended CPU affinity support in configuration dialogs to 32 CPUs (config file and core engine support infinite)
- Change.All: Continued enhancements and fixes as the march to v4 continues
- Change.GUI: Language and string changes in places
- Change.Installer: Added uninstall web page
- Removal.InstallHelper: /Rights parameter removed, merged with /*_start_type
- Addition.InstallHelper: Modified command lines to support new Task Scheduler compatibility (added optional elevation setting to start type parameters) - applies to silent install
- Addition.GUI: Implemented first stage of icon memory usage optimization to decrease GUI memory use when process icons are enabled (second stage optimization is pending, and will reduce usage even more)
- Change.GUI: Switched to singular edition - the free build can now be Activated and turned into Process Lasso Pro via an activation code
- Change.All: Misc undocumented changes advancing alpha
- Change.GUI: Switched icon code to alternate method for faster performance and less overhead
- Change.GUI: Reduced virtual memory usage even further when process icons enabled
- Change.GUI: Removed 'Exclude from ...' process context menu and put its two entries into the main menu.. less traversal for these common actions
- Change.InstallHelper: Now defults to run with elevated rights in Vista and Windows 7 (multi-user support is still perfectly retained even in this mode)
- Change.All: More changes throughout
- Addition.GUI: Per-process CPU history now drawn on graph also in Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: CTRL-A now also works in 'Active processes' tab to select all processes
- Change.GUI: Set keyboard focus to active process listview on initial open or switch (accessibility improvement)
- Change.GUI: Fixed some typos/misspellings
- Change.Governor: Improvements to ProBalance algorithm under some circumstances
- Change.GUI: Eliminated process listview flickering seen when sorting by highly dynamic fields
- Addition.GUI: Added context menu item for new CPU affinity change of specific processes on demand
- Addition.Core: Added new ability to change the CPU affinity of specific processes when they exceed a specified CPU usage threshold
- Addition.Core: Tweaked handling of certain system processes
- Change.Defaults: Exclude system services from ProBalance restraint
- Change.GUI: Include DLL name in process name of rundll32.exe processes (also applies to rules, allowing specific rundll32.exe instance rules)
- Addition.GUI: Add 'Activate' button to Pro version solicitation dialog
- Fix.GUI: Fix to behavior of 'Run with highest rights'
- Fix.InstallHelper: Re-enabled /rights command line parameter, but it is still deprecated by an addition to the /start_type parameters
- Fix.Docs: Fixed discrepency in documentation of old /configfile command line parameter (now replaced with /configfolder)
- Addition.GUI: Added special warnings about certain system processes when actions are taken upon them, to help inform the user of possible consequences to those actions
- Addition.GUI: Added the ability to activate the product from all purchase and solication dialogs, and other places to be added in time
- Addition.Installer: Added new start-menu shortcut to launch Process Lasso in a 'restart' mode to recovery any lost system tray icon
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity of all CPUs is now sometimes represented as 'all' instead of a long sequence of CPU indexes
- Many additional changes and improvements to be listed
- Change.All: Fixed licensing problem (it didn't know it was activated)
- Addition.GUI: To configuration dialogs added standardized confirmation message if you try to close the dialog in any way with an unadded entry in the edit control
- Change.All: Improved start/stop of governor in cases of multi-user systems where multiple instances exist and when the governor is run as a service
- Change.All: Internal changes to interprocess communication and monitoring between governor and GUI
Muutokset v3.84.7 - v3.99.14 beta
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added Emergency Stall Recovery feature which will take highly aggressive action if system responsiveness drops below a certain threshold for too long. The difference between ERS and ProBalance is that ERS is much more aggressive, acting on anything (i.e. even the foreground process, which would be ignored by ProBalance in its default settings)
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.Core: Added core ability to disable log completely
- Addition.Core: Created new config group for the optional and seldom recomended foreground boosting options (should migrate old config just fine)
- Addition.Core: Added option to run ProcessLasso and ProcessGovernor at less than their default priorities (useful in certain environments)
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Added all facilitating menu items and dialogs for Emergency Stall Recovery
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.GUI: New 'Exclude from' process context menu item
- Addition.GUI: New process context menu items for MEM and CPU watchdog capabilities
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to completely disable log
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to disable log completely
- Addition.GUI: When user tries to un-exclude a hard-coded ProBalance exclusion, they are now given the option to override this exclusion via a message box
- Addition.GUI: Finished watchdog auto-terminate context menu items and overall code
- Addition.GUI: Added more critical system processes for user confirmations and special handling
- Addition.GUI: Show current power scheme on graph
- Addition.InstallHelper: NO MORE UAC PTOMPTS (or WinDef issues) auto-starting Process Lasso at login when running it with highest rights
- Addition.InstallHelper: Integrates with Task Scheduler 2 on Vista/7 to set up Process Lasso and/or core engine startup tasks
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.All: Migration to Visual Studio 2010, which turned out to be a rather tedious migration, but well worth it
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.GUI: Removed 'total VM size' from available watchdog memory metrics, as it is not likely to be needed
- Change.GUI: Made 'commit charge' default virtual memroy metric for watchdog memory entries
- Change.Core: Rewrote large parts of the guts of the new watchdog feature
- Change.Core: Improved handling of multiple watchdog entries on the same process
- Change.GUI: Expanded more control widths to better fit more languages/translations without modifications
- Change.rcTools: (internal rcTools that facilitate translation process) They now use 100% CSV compatible files, meaning you can import/export directly from your spreadsheet software
- Change.rcTools: (internal rcTools that facilitate translation process) Other misc changes
- Change.GUI: Changed ProBalance parameters default setting change message to something more understandable (hoepfully)
- Change.Updater: Made update check message box application modal, not system modal (so it doesn't interfere with a full screen game, for instance)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Tradational Chinese and Simplified Chinese getting mixed up sometimes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Considerably expanded Task Scheduler 2 code to allow better enumeration/detection of existing sttings (unfinished)
- Fix.Core: Fixed crash in Vista x32 and possibly other x32 editions of Windows (was only present in v3.99.2 alpha)
- Change.InstallHelper: Expanded height of Highest Rights control on startup config dialog 2
- Change.GUI: Renamed the 'Manage processes of all users' to 'Manage processes of other users too' (feature unfinished)
- Change.GUI: Added new 'Elevate now' option, since it is now independent from the 'Manage processes of all users' option (feature unfinished)
- Addition.GUI: Added Spanish translation by Valentin Sanz Gonzalez (in first test stage)
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewrote the security portion of config dialog #2 (multi-user options)
- Change.GUI: Behavioral changes and new warnings in relation to elevation vs. managing the processes of other users
- Change.GUI: Further differentiated UAC elevation from 'Manage processes of all users'. You can now run elevated, but still manage only the current user processes
- Change.InstallHelper: Change high rights warning, shown now only when high rights and 'manage processes of all users' are both selected
- Change.All: Other improvements not indicated here
- Change.BetaCode: Improvements to new task scheduler code (with more improvements coming)
- Change.Installer: Sped up installer, removing long deprecated things
- Change.Installer: Attempts to mitigate strange stall bug seen with NSIS unicode ExecWait function
- Change.Installer: Other changes and rewrites to improve general install process
- Removal.Installer: Removed helper executable plp.exe, which facilitated launch with highest rights prior to Windows Task Scheduler integration
- Addition.Core: Allow users to over-ride hard coded exclusions
- Change.Core: Some changes to hard coded exclusions
- Change.Licensing: Removed delay in startup nag (well, set it at 1 second) [beta only]
- Change.Languages: Several languages updated
- Change.GUI: Extended CPU affinity support in configuration dialogs to 32 CPUs (config file and core engine support infinite)
- Change.All: Continued enhancements and fixes as the march to v4 continues
- Change.GUI: Language and string changes in places
- Change.Installer: Added uninstall web page
- Removal.InstallHelper: /Rights parameter removed, merged with /*_start_type
- Addition.InstallHelper: Modified command lines to support new Task Scheduler compatibility (added optional elevation setting to start type parameters) - applies to silent install
- Addition.GUI: Implemented first stage of icon memory usage optimization to decrease GUI memory use when process icons are enabled (second stage optimization is pending, and will reduce usage even more)
- Change.GUI: Switched to singular edition - the free build can now be Activated and turned into Process Lasso Pro via an activation code
- Change.All: Misc undocumented changes advancing alpha
- Change.GUI: Switched icon code to alternate method for faster performance and less overhead
- Change.GUI: Reduced virtual memory usage even further when process icons enabled
- Change.InstallHelper: Now defults to run with elevated rights in Vista and Windows 7 (multi-user support is still perfectly retained even in this mode)
- Change.All: More changes throughout
- Addition.GUI: Per-process CPU history now drawn on graph also in Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: CTRL-A now also works in 'Active processes' tab to select all processes
- Change.GUI: Set keyboard focus to active process listview on initial open or switch (accessibility improvement)
- Change.GUI: Fixed some typos/misspellings
- Change.Governor: Improvements to ProBalance algorithm under some circumstances
- Change.GUI: Eliminated process listview flickering seen when sorting by highly dynamic fields
- Addition.GUI: Added context menu item for new CPU affinity change of specific processes on demand
- Addition.Core: Added new ability to change the CPU affinity of specific processes when they exceed a specified CPU usage threshold
- Addition.Core: Tweaked handling of certain system processes
- Change.Defaults: Exclude system services from ProBalance restraint
- Change.GUI: Include DLL name in process name of rundll32.exe processes (also applies to rules, allowing specific rundll32.exe instance rules)
- Addition.GUI: Add 'Activate' button to Pro version solicitation dialog
- Fix.GUI: Fix to behavior of 'Run with highest rights'
- Fix.InstallHelper: Re-enabled /rights command line parameter, but it is still deprecated by an addition to the /start_type parameters
- Fix.Docs: Fixed discrepency in documentation of old /configfile command line parameter (now replaced with /configfolder)
- Addition.GUI: Added special warnings about certain system processes when actions are taken upon them, to help inform the user of possible consequences to those actions
- Addition.GUI: Added the ability to activate the product from all purchase and solication dialogs, and other places to be added in time
- Beta2Beta.Fix.GUI: Fixed double '::' in max CPU frequency entry in status bar
- Addition.Installer: Added new start-menu shortcut to launch Process Lasso in a 'restart' mode to recovery any lost system tray icon
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity of all CPUs is now sometimes represented as 'all' instead of a long sequence of CPU indexes
- Many additional changes and improvements to be listed
- Addition.Core: Added affinity change watchdog toggle to divide CPU threshold by number of system cores
- Change.All: Fixed licensing problem (it didn't know it was activated)
- Addition.GUI: To configuration dialogs added standardized confirmation message if you try to close the dialog in any way with an unadded entry in the edit control
- Change.GUI: Removed 'Exclude from ...' process context menu and put its two entries into the main menu.. less traversal for these common actions
Muutokset v3.84.5 - v3.89.1 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added Emergency Stall Recovery feature which will take highly aggressive action if system responsiveness drops below a certain threshold for too long. The difference between ERS and ProBalance is that ERS is much more aggressive, acting on anything (i.e. even the foreground process, which would be ignored by ProBalance in its default settings)
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Added all facilitating menu items and dialogs for Emergency Stall Recovery
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
- Changes since last beta version v3.89.0:
- Change.GUI: Allow deletion of multiple selected list entries at once on some config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Enabled watchdog features on virtual memory
- Addition.GUI: Polish watchdog config dialog and fix broken things
- Addition.GUI: 'Remove all' buttons now remove multiple selections in many config dialogs
- Addition.GUI: Added new top level exception handler for polite automatic restart if a crash were to occur
- Addition.TestLasso: Added '-m' switch to eat memory indefinitely (for testing watchdog)
- Change.GUI.Watchdog: Show/hide extra options when user selects watch/monitor type (CPU or memory at present)
- Change.Core: Added duration to watchdog action log entries
- Change.CPUEater: Continued cosmetic improvements
- Change.All: Other stuff I was too busy coding to document ;p
Muutokset v3.84.5 - v3.89.0 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a livelocked process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% CPU for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added option to restart or terminate a memory leaking process (restart/terminate process if consuming X% of VM for Y time)
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.Core: Added Emergency Stall Recovery feature which will take highly aggressive action if system responsiveness drops below a certain threshold for too long. The difference between ERS and ProBalance is that ERS is much more aggressive, acting on anything (i.e. even the foreground process, which would be ignored by ProBalance in its default settings)
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating settings for overloaded (livelock or memory leak) process handling
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Addition.GUI: Added all facilitating menu items and dialogs for Emergency Stall Recovery
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.GUI: Re-arranged configuration dialogs to cause less confusion with pressing 'OK' without adding the process to the list first
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Change to default ProBalance settings of Server Edition
- Change.Core: Changed default value of 'maximum log lines' to 1000 for a server
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Change.Core: Minor continued code optimizations, in the never ending pursuit to save another CPY cycle
- Change.All: Experimental compiler configuration changes
- Change.InstallHelper: Added back ProBalance default settings check to let Server users know of tweaks to default/recommended values
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode build
Muutokset v3.84.4 - v3.85.2 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X minutes
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating ProBalanace settings for new feature to disable ProBalance when PC idle
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total processes and threads in status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweasks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.All: Experimental compiler configuration changes
- Change.Core: Tweaked process suspension and throttling code [backport eligible]
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Update.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode
- Change.GUI: Added menu options for quickly setting 'disable ProBalance while user away' feature
- Change.GUI: Added total system thread count to status bar (with existing total process count)
- Change.CPUEater: Added status bar
- Change.CPUEater: Added total system process and thread count to status bar
- Change.Server.Edition: Change to default ProBalance settings
- Removal.GUI: Removed 'beep when' settings from the ProBalance configuration dialog to make space for new, more important features
- Change.Core: Tweaked Server Edition ProBalance defaults
- Addition.Core: Added Emergency Stall Recovery feature which will take highly aggressive action if system responsiveness drops below a certain threshold for too long. The difference between ERS and ProBalance is that ERS is much more aggressive, acting on anything (i.e. even the foreground process, which would be ignored by ProBalance in its default settings)
- Addition.GUI: Added all facilitating menu items and dialogs for Emergency Stall Recovery
- Addition.Core: Added log entry indicating if restoration of a ProBalance process occurred to due maximum restraint time reached
Muutokset v3.84.0 - v3.85.1 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X time (immediately re-enabling when user activity begins again)
- Addition.GUI: Added ProBalanace options to turn off ProBalance if system is idle for X time
- Addition.GUI: Show maximum CPU frequency in status bar
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total threads selection
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.GUI: Tweasks to single and multiple process selection context menus
- Change.Core: Added a hard-coded exclusion for Symantec Endpoint Security since ProBalance on it was triggering tampering warnings
- Change.All: Experimental compiler configuration changes
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Update.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode
Muutokset v3.84.0 - v3.85.0 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added feature to disable ProBalance after system has been idle X time (immediately re-enabling when user activity begins again)
- Addition.GUI: Added ProBalanace options to turn off ProBalance if system is idle for X time
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new affinity selection, to test CPU Eater or specific CPUs
- Addition.CPUEater: Added new total threads selection
- Change.CPUEater: Re-arranged dialog
- Change.CPUEater: Allow specification of maximum threads and CPU affinity
- Change.CPUEater: Tweaks to default aggressiveness (was unnecessarily aggressive on single CPU systems)
- Addition.GUI: Added an exception handler to allow users the option to continue or restart Process Lasso after an exception (in some locations)
- Change.GUI: Remove UAC shield from 'manage processes of all users', as it hid check state
- Change.GUI: Removed PL logo from ProBalance settings to make room for new options
- Change.All: Experimental compiler configuration changes
- Addition.GUI: Added greeting message the first time you 'close' the GUI to the system tray, informing that the GUI is down there sleeping
- Update.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.46 unicode
Muutokset v3.83.1 Beta - v3.84.7
- Changes:
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization to virtually zero when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab (entering sleep-like mode as with other views)
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a redundant handle close in Active Processes tab that could theoretically cause complications
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new updater was not always returning beta versions when configured to do so
- Fix.Docs: Fixed an external link in FAQ about differences between Free an Pro builds
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
Muutokset v3.82.5 - v3.84.5
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization to virtually zero when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab (entering sleep-like mode as with other views)
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a redundant handle close in Active Processes tab that could theoretically cause complications
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new updater was not always returning beta versions when configured to do so
- Fix.Docs: Fixed an external link in FAQ about differences between Free an Pro builds
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
Muutokset v3.82 - v3.84.4
- This version improves the performance of the Active Processes tab and performs other minor maintenance.
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization to virtually zero when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab (entering sleep-like mode as with other views)
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a redundant handle close in Active Processes tab that could theoretically cause complications
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new updater was not always returning beta versions when configured to do so
- Fix.Docs: Fixed an external link in FAQ about differences between Free an Pro builds
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
- Post-release minor updates:
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed Asian date format to YYYY-MM-DD
- [.1]Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed sort issue with All Processes tab (not resorting on update, appeared in v3.84)
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed case where user has more than 5 power schemes, which could result in menu item conflicts and unexpected behavior (i.e. switching power schemes when you select to configure anti-sleep processes)
- [.2]Change.GUI: Refresh process CPU usage graphs (progress bars) immediately after user changes the sort column and/or order in the Active Processes tab
- [.2]Addition.TestLasso: Added version resource
- [.3]Fix.InstallHelper: Minor fix to handling of user provided bad parameter (i.e. typo) to silent install config switch '/governor_start_type'
- [.3]Change.GUI: Default date/time format expanded to more Euro languages
- [.3]Change.GUI: Update check setting now defaults to FALSE if the registry value is deleted (i.e. by a registry cleaner)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Update of French, Russian, and Japanese
- [.3]Change.Docs: Reduced size of the docs by 80k via optimizing embedded PNG images (the docs make up 1MB of the 1.5MB installer)
- [.3]Addition.Docs: Minor textual additions and adjustments, nothing important
- [.4]Change.GUI: Remove new UAC shield icon from 'show processes of all users' so as to not hide the check indicating this setting's state
- [.4]Change.GUI: Updated French translation
- [.4]Change.GUI: Updated Italian translation
Muutokset v3.84.0 - v3.84.3
- Fix.InstallHelper: Minor fix to handling of user provided bad parameter (i.e. typo) to silent install config switch '/governor_start_type'
Muutokset v3.82.5 - v3.84.2
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization to virtually zero when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab (entering sleep-like mode as with other views)
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a redundant handle close in Active Processes tab that could theoretically cause complications
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new updater was not always returning beta versions when configured to do so
- Fix.Docs: Fixed an external link in FAQ about differences between Free an Pro builds
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
Muutokset v3.84.0 - v3.84.1
- This version improves the performance of the Active Processes tab and performs other minor maintenance.
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization to virtually zero when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab (entering sleep-like mode as with other views)
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a redundant handle close in Active Processes tab that could theoretically cause complications
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new updater was not always returning beta versions when configured to do so
- Fix.Docs: Fixed an external link in FAQ about differences between Free an Pro builds
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
- Post-release minor updates:
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed Asian date format to YYYY-MM-DD
- [.1]Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed sort issue with All Processes tab (not resorting on update, appeared in v3.84)
Muutokset v3.82 - v3.84.0
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization to virtually zero when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab (entering sleep-like mode as with other views)
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a redundant handle close in Active Processes tab that could theoretically cause complications
- Fix.GUI: Fixed new updater was not always returning beta versions when configured to do so
- Fix.Docs: Fixed an external link in FAQ about differences between Free an Pro builds
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
Muutokset v3.82 - v3.83.1 Beta
- Change.GUI: Active Processes fills instantly when it is switched to (instead of a 2 second delay)
- Change.GUI: Reduced CPU utilization when minimized to system tray while using the Active Processes tab
- Addition.GUI: Added menu items for the two new refresh intervals
- Addition.GUI: Show Vista+ UAC Shield icon on menu items that require user elevation
- Addition.Core: Added two new refresh intervals (5 seconds and 10 seconds)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added selection of date/time format used throughout product (Euro, US, or Asian)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed double click on process in Active Processes tab whose existance may not have been recorded in the All Processes tab because that tab hadn't been visible since the process creation (double click did nothing instead of go to that process)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a double handle close that could cause complications under certain rare scenarios
- Change.Licensing: Don't show non-timer random rare nag unless product has been installed a while
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag timer maximum delay again
- Removal.GUI: Removed most active process from system tray tooltip. The overhead in tracking this even when the GUI is minimized is just not worth it at this time.
Muutokset v3.80 - v3.82.5
- Addition.GUI: Sort by column now supported in new 'Active Processes' tab, as was already the case in the 'All Processes' tab
- Addition.GUI: Last sorted column of new 'Active Processes' tab is remembered
- Change.GUI: Repositioned some of the newer menu items for easier location
- Change.GUI: Moved graph visibility setting to the registry, so a config reload and process recheck event won't be triggered every time the graph visibility is toggled by the user
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original priority of a process whose priority was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the priority after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original CPU affinity of a process whose CPU affinity was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the CPU affinity after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Addition.Installer: Included a CHM copy of the docs for easy readability and offline access (increased installer size though)
- Post-release minor updates:
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed pressing F1 was opening the help documentation twice
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixes to the behavior of 'Manage Processes of All Users' menu item toggle
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where the 'close governor too?' prompt could be shown while Process Lasso is restarting due to a configuration change
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Toggling graph visibility was still inducing config file save and reload due to a code artifact
- [.2]Fix.GUI: (XP/2K only) Empty power scheme management submenu was visible when it should have been removed (appeared in v3.82)
- [.2]Change.GUI: After user manually resets language, only show languages whose backing files are installed
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash that could rarely occur when terminating system processes (the ones with extra warnings)
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where, under certain scenarios, the system tray icon wasn't being recreated after the shell (explorer) crashed
- [.3]Change.Versioning: No longer change file version for files that weren't changed in minor updates
- [.3]Change.Installer: No longer check for changes to ProBalance default settings, as we've not changed them in a long time
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix to DEL keyboard accelerator when in new 'Active Processes' tab
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Use CHM help docs like the standard edition now does
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Post-activated text in about box tweaked a bit
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Licensing for the Server Edition is now performed entirely via activation codes
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Removed 'Highest Rights' warning, as it is not applicable to Server installs
- [.4]Change.GUI: Rewrote 'Highest Rights' warning so its more concise
- [.4]Change.GUI: Message box warning now emitted when installed on a server (should use Server Edition)
- [.4]Change.GUI: Tweaked synchronizaton objects used by the Active processes tab code
- [.4]Change.Core: Log entry warning now emitted when installed on a server (should use Server Edition)
- [.4]Change.CPUEater: Changed default CPU Eater demo time to 30 seconds
- [.5]Change.Installer: Changed CPU Eater shortcut titles to reflect new default of 30 seconds (all languages)
- [.5]Change.GUI: Improved French translation
- [.5]Change.All: Fully branched Server Edition
- [.5]Change.GUI: Added warning when standard edition used on a server
- [.5]Change.Core: Added log entry warning when standard edition used on a server
Muutokset v3.80 - v3.82.4
- Addition.GUI: Sort by column now supported in new 'Active Processes' tab, as was already the case in the 'All Processes' tab
- Addition.GUI: Last sorted column of new 'Active Processes' tab is remembered
- Change.GUI: Repositioned some of the newer menu items for easier location
- Change.GUI: Moved graph visibility setting to the registry, so a config reload and process recheck event won't be triggered every time the graph visibility is toggled by the user
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original priority of a process whose priority was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the priority after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original CPU affinity of a process whose CPU affinity was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the CPU affinity after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Addition.Installer: Included a CHM copy of the docs for easy readability and offline access (increased installer size though)
- Post-release minor updates:
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed pressing F1 was opening the help documentation twice
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixes to the behavior of 'Manage Processes of All Users' menu item toggle
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where the 'close governor too?' prompt could be shown while Process Lasso is restarting due to a configuration change
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Toggling graph visibility was still inducing config file save and reload due to a code artifact
- [.2]Fix.GUI: (XP/2K only) Empty power scheme management submenu was visible when it should have been removed (appeared in v3.82)
- [.2]Change.GUI: After user manually resets language, only show languages whose backing files are installed
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash that could rarely occur when terminating system processes (the ones with extra warnings)
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where, under certain scenarios, the system tray icon wasn't being recreated after the shell (explorer) crashed
- [.3]Change.Versioning: No longer change file version for files that weren't changed in minor updates
- [.3]Change.Installer: No longer check for changes to ProBalance default settings, as we've not changed them in a long time
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix to DEL keyboard accelerator when in new 'Active Processes' tab
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Use CHM help docs like the standard edition now does
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Post-activated text in about box tweaked a bit
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Licensing for the Server Edition is now performed entirely via activation codes
- [.4]Change.GUI.Server.Edition: Removed 'Highest Rights' warning, as it is not applicable to Server installs
- [.4]Change.GUI: Rewrote 'Highest Rights' warning so its more concise
- [.4]Change.GUI: Message box warning now emitted when installed on a server (should use Server Edition)
- [.4]Change.GUI: Tweaked synchronizaton objects used by the Active processes tab code
- [.4]Change.Core: Log entry warning now emitted when installed on a server (should use Server Edition)
- [.4]Change.CPUEater: Changed default CPU Eater demo time to 30 seconds
Muutokset v3.80 - v3.82.3
- Addition.GUI: Sort by column now supported in new 'Active Processes' tab, as was already the case in the 'All Processes' tab
- Addition.GUI: Last sorted column of new 'Active Processes' tab is remembered
- Change.GUI: Repositioned some of the newer menu items for easier location
- Change.GUI: Moved graph visibility setting to the registry, so a config reload and process recheck event won't be triggered every time the graph visibility is toggled by the user
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original priority of a process whose priority was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the priority after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original CPU affinity of a process whose CPU affinity was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the CPU affinity after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Addition.Installer: Included a CHM copy of the docs for easy readability and offline access (increased installer size though)
- Post-release minor updates:
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed pressing F1 was opening the help documentation twice
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixes to the behavior of 'Manage Processes of All Users' menu item toggle
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where the 'close governor too?' prompt could be shown while Process Lasso is restarting due to a configuration change
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Toggling graph visibility was still inducing config file save and reload due to a code artifact
- [.2]Fix.GUI: (XP/2K only) Empty power scheme management submenu was visible when it should have been removed (appeared in v3.82)
- [.2]Change.GUI: After user manually resets language, only show languages whose backing files are installed
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed crash that could rarely occur when terminating system processes (the ones with extra warnings)
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where, under certain scarions, the system tray icon wasn't being recreated after the shell (explorer) crashed
- [.3]Change.Versioning: No longer change file version for files that weren't changed in minor updates
- [.3]Change.Installer: No longer check for changes to ProBalance default settings, as we've not changed them in a long time
Muutokset v3.80.5 - v3.82.2
- Addition.GUI: Sort by column now supported in new 'Active Processes' tab, as was already the case in the 'All Processes' tab
- Addition.GUI: Last sorted column of new 'Active Processes' tab is remembered
- Change.GUI: Repositioned some of the newer menu items for easier location
- Change.GUI: Moved graph visibility setting to the registry, so a config reload and process recheck event won't be triggered every time the graph visibility is toggled by the user
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original priority of a process whose priority was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the priority after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original CPU affinity of a process whose CPU affinity was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the CPU affinity after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Addition.Installer: Included a CHM copy of the docs for easy readability and offline access (increased installer size though)
- Post-release minor updates:
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed pressing F1 was opening the help documentation twice
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixes to the behavior of 'Manage Processes of All Users' menu item toggle
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where the 'close governor too' message could be shown while Process Lasso is restarting due to a configuration change
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Toggling graph visibility was still inducing config file save and reload due to a code artifact
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed power scheme management submenus weren't being deleted in XP/2K (first appeared in v3.82 due to menu re-arrangement)
- [.2]Change.GUI: After user manually resets language, only show languages whose backing files are installed
Muutokset v3.80 - v3.82
- After the monumental leap forward in the user interface of the v3.80 (and the couple minor glitches at first), this version is a refreshing 'polishing' build. It offers sorting by column in the Active Processes tab, some minor menu re-arrangement, and other general polishing. I've even thrown in the docs in CHM format, which I personally find much more readable than the online version. The installer is a little larger, but still not excessively large.
- Addition.GUI: Sort by column now supported in new 'Active Processes' tab, as was already the case in the 'All Processes' tab
- Addition.GUI: Last sorted column of new 'Active Processes' tab is remembered
- Change.GUI: Repositioned some of the newer menu items for easier location
- Change.GUI: Moved graph visibility setting to the registry, so a config reload and process recheck event won't be triggered every time the graph visibility is toggled by the user
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original priority of a process whose priority was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the priority after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original CPU affinity of a process whose CPU affinity was externally adjusted while it was in a changed state due to a ProBalance event (i.e. if user changes the CPU affinity after ProBalance makes a temporary adjustment)
- Addition.Installer: Included a CHM copy of the docs for easy readability and offline access (increased installer size though)
Muutokset v3.80.5 - v3.81.1 Beta
- This new beta does some polishing of the initial v3.80 release. It will quickly transition to v3.82 final given the very few, minor, and relatively safe changes. Of course, standard regression testing must still be performed though. Many of the changes have been requested several times, so some users should definitely be pleased with this new version.
- Addition.GUI: Sort by column now supported in new 'Active Processes' tab, as was already the case in the 'All Processes' tab
- Addition.GUI: Last sorted column of new 'Active Processes' tab is remembered
- Change.GUI: Moved graph visibility setting to the registry, so a config reload and process recheck event won't be triggered every time the graph visibility is toggled by the user
- Change.Core: No longer restore the original priority of a process whose priority was adjusted while it was in a lowered/restrained priority class due to a ProBalance event
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.80.5
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- Addition.Core: Added safety mechanism to revert the power profile to its original setting in the case of a PC crash or improper termination of the Process Lasso core engine
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- Change.Core: Improved response time of ProBalance
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added menu option 'View / Reset window layout' to reset child window positions in the GUI
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Russian
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Japanesse (registered version only)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed position of Graph options in View menu
- [.1]Change.GUI: Renamed menu item 'Things to show on graph'
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed theoretical race condition that could have resulted in a blank, or otherwise incorrectly drawn Process Lasso window
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed ProBalance issue when 'time before restraint' was manually tweaked to below 1/2 of refresh speed (new issue for v3.80 only)
- [.2]Change.GUI: Force pane realignments on resize (temporary measure now undone)
- [.2]Change.Installer: Always request language again, so people can more easily switch back to English if their selected language is not up to date
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: If user hits 'NO' to highest rights confirmation prompt, then return back to dialog instead of continuing with Normal rights
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: Reworded Highest rights warning (translations auto-updated)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added memory load to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added most active process to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added current power scheme to system tray tooltip (Vista+ only)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Processes that have hard-coded exclusions from ProBalance are now indicated in the processes lists
- [.3]Change.GUI: Customized pane positions are remembered once again
- [.3]Change.GUI: Main window resizing enhancements
- [.3]Change.GUI: Expanded 'hide graph' and 'buy now' buttons for several non-English languages
- [.3]Change.GUI: Allow expanded system tray tooltip in Japanese
- [.3]Change.InstallHelper: Expanded new controls on second dialog for some languages (i.e. French)
- [.3]Change.Core: Further lowered the priority of the the worker thread that writes out queued log events, as a theoretical enhancement with no known real-world implications since the log I/O overhead is already so negligible
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed window pane positions not remembered sometimes, due to a process shutdown timing issue
- [.3]Change.Licensing: Reduced annoynce of nag shown to long-time users of the free build
- [.4]Change.GUI: Language updates
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix non-remembered pane positions when action/log pane was below minimum 80 pixels in height
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fixed some more v3.8 GUI child window position (pane) position/size anomalies that could cause a blank looking processes list
- [.5]Fix.Tools: Fixed x64 build problem with 'Options / Advanced Tools / Reconfigure Vista Multimedia Scheduler' (appeared in v3.80)
- [.5]Change.GUI: Updated Russian and Traditional Chinese
- [.5]Fix.GUI: 'Show graph' button could sometimes still be 'Show graph' when 'Hide graph' was actually appropriate
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.80.4
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- Addition.Core: Added safety mechanism to revert the power profile to its original setting in the case of a PC crash or improper termination of the Process Lasso core engine
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- Change.Core: Improved response time of ProBalance
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added menu option 'View / Reset window layout' to reset child window positions in the GUI
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Russian
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Japanesse (registered version only)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed position of Graph options in View menu
- [.1]Change.GUI: Renamed menu item 'Things to show on graph'
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed theoretical race condition that could have resulted in a blank, or otherwise incorrectly drawn Process Lasso window
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed ProBalance issue when 'time before restraint' was manually tweaked to below 1/2 of refresh speed (new issue for v3.80 only)
- [.2]Change.GUI: Force pane realignments on resize
- [.2]Change.Installer: Always request language again, so people can more easily switch back to English if their selected language is not up to date
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: If user hits 'NO' to highest rights confirmation prompt, then return back to dialog instead of continuing with Normal rights
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: Reworded Highest rights warning (translations auto-updated)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added memory load to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added most active process to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added current power scheme to system tray tooltip (Vista+ only)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Processes that have hard-coded exclusions from ProBalance are now indicated in the processes lists
- [.3]Change.GUI: Customized pane positions are remembered once again
- [.3]Change.GUI: Main window resizing enhancements
- [.3]Change.GUI: Expanded 'hide graph' and 'buy now' buttons for several non-English languages
- [.3]Change.GUI: Allow expanded system tray tooltip in Japanese
- [.3]Change.InstallHelper: Expanded new controls on second dialog for some languages (i.e. French)
- [.3]Change.Core: Further lowered the priority of the the worker thread that writes out queued log events, as a theoretical enhancement with no known real-world implications since the log I/O overhead is already so negligible
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed window pane positions not remembered sometimes, due to a process shutdown timing issue
- [.3]Change.Licensing: Reduced annoynce of nag shown to long-time users of the free build
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fixed more v3.8 GUI child window position (pane) position/size anomalies
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.80.3
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- Addition.Core: Added safety mechanism to revert the power profile to its original setting in the case of a PC crash or improper termination of the Process Lasso core engine
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- Change.Core: Improved response time of ProBalance
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added menu option 'View / Reset window layout' to reset child window positions in the GUI
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Russian
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Japanesse (registered version only)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed position of Graph options in View menu
- [.1]Change.GUI: Renamed menu item 'Things to show on graph'
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed theoretical race condition that could have resulted in a blank, or otherwise incorrectly drawn Process Lasso window
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed ProBalance issue when 'time before restraint' was manually tweaked to below 1/2 of refresh speed (new issue for v3.80 only)
- [.2]Change.GUI: Force pane realignments on resize
- [.2]Change.Installer: Always request language again, so people can more easily switch back to English if their selected language is not up to date
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: If user hits 'NO' to highest rights confirmation prompt, then return back to dialog instead of continuing with Normal rights
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: Reworded Highest rights warning (translations auto-updated)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added memory load to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added most active process to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added current power scheme to system tray tooltip (Vista+ only)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Processes that have hard-coded exclusions from ProBalance are now indicated in the processes lists
- [.3]Change.GUI: Customized pane positions are remembered once again
- [.3]Change.GUI: Main window resizing enhancements
- [.3]Change.GUI: Expanded 'hide graph' and 'buy now' buttons for several non-English languages
- [.3]Change.GUI: Allow expanded system tray tooltip in Japanese
- [.3]Change.InstallHelper: Expanded new controls on second dialog for some languages (i.e. French)
- [.3]Change.Core: Further lowered the priority of the the worker thread that writes out queued log events, as a theoretical enhancement with no known real-world implications since the log I/O overhead is already so negligible
- [.3]Change.Licensing: Reduced annoynce of nag shown to long-time users of the free build
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.80.2
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- Addition.Core: Added safety mechanism to revert the power profile to its original setting in the case of a PC crash or improper termination of the Process Lasso core engine
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- Change.Core: Improved response time of ProBalance
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added menu option 'View / Reset window layout' to reset child window positions in the GUI
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Russian
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Japanesse (registered version only)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed position of Graph options in View menu
- [.1]Change.GUI: Renamed menu item 'Things to show on graph'
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed theoretical race condition that could have resulted in a blank, or otherwise incorrectly drawn Process Lasso window
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed ProBalance issue when 'time before restraint' was manually tweaked to below 1/2 of refresh speed (new issue for v3.80 only)
- [.2]Change.GUI: Force pane realignments on resize
- [.2]Change.Installer: Always request language again, so people can more easily switch back to English if their selected language is not up to date
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: If user hits 'NO' to highest rights confirmation prompt, then return back to dialog instead of continuing with Normal rights
- [.2]Change.InstallHelper: Reworded Highest rights warning (translations auto-updated)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added memory load to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added most active process to system tray tooltip
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added current power scheme to system tray tooltip (Vista+ only)
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Processes that have hard-coded exclusions from ProBalance are now indicated in the processes lists
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.80.1
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- Addition.Core: Added safety mechanism to revert the power profile to its original setting in the case of a PC crash or improper termination of the Process Lasso core engine
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- Change.Core: Improved response time of ProBalance
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added menu option 'View / Reset window layout' to reset child window positions in the GUI
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Russian
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Japanesse (registered version only)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Changed position of Graph options in View menu
- [.1]Change.GUI: Renamed menu item 'Things to show on graph'
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed theoretical race conditon that could cause invalid child window positions, resulting in a mostly blank window
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.80
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- Addition.Core: Added safety mechanism to revert the power profile to its original setting in the case of a PC crash or improper termination of the Process Lasso core engine
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- Change.Core: Improved response time of ProBalance
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.79.19 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Recent specific changes in last few minor updates to this beta:
- [.15]Change.GUI: Remember new active processes listview column positions and widths (as is already done with 'all processes' listview) [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- [.15]Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' tab now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' tab already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' list header now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' list already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- [.15]Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- [.17]Change.GUI: Further optimized new beta code when the GUI is minimized [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Some typical beta version fixes to new 'Active processes' tab as we finalize and test the code. These fixes includes a handle leak while the new 'Active processes' tab was visible. [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.Core: Continued tweaks to gaming mode [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.Core: Greatly improved response time of ProBalance restraint events, when compared to earlier betas in this series [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.GUI: Further tweaks to default main window size and position [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- [.19]Change.GUI: Reverted child window sizing code to its previous behavior, which users prefer (doesn't reset pane positions upon resize)
Muutokset v3.79.18 Beta - v3.79.18 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Recent specific changes in last few minor updates to this beta:
- [.15]Change.GUI: Remember new active processes listview column positions and widths (as is already done with 'all processes' listview) [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- [.15]Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' tab now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' tab already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' list header now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' list already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- [.15]Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- [.17]Change.GUI: Further optimized new beta code when the GUI is minimized [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Some typical beta version fixes to new 'Active processes' tab as we finalize and test the code. These fixes includes a handle leak while the new 'Active processes' tab was visible. [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.Core: Continued tweaks to gaming mode [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.Core: Greatly improved response time of ProBalance restraint events, when compared to earlier betas in this series [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.GUI: Further tweaks to default main window size and position [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
- [.19]Change.GUI: Reverted child window sizing code to its previous behavior, which users prefer (doesn't reset pane positions upon resize)
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.79.18 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 10 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Recent specific changes in last few minor updates to this beta:
- [.15]Change.GUI: Remember new active processes listview column positions and widths (as is already done with 'all processes' listview) [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- [.15]Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' tab now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' tab already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' list header now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' list already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- [.15]Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- [.17]Change.GUI: Further optimized new beta code when the GUI is minimized [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Some typical beta version fixes to new 'Active processes' tab as we finalize and test the code. These fixes includes a handle leak while the new 'Active processes' tab was visible. [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.Core: Continued tweaks to gaming mode [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.Core: Greatly improved response time of ProBalance restraint events, when compared to earlier betas in this series [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Change.GUI: Further tweaks to default main window size and position [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.18]Addition.GUI: Added new log/actions context menu option to search for process name on the internet
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.79.17 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 5 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- Recent specific changes in last few minor updates to this beta:
- [.14]Addition.GUI: Added commit size to Active Processes tab [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.14]Addition.GUI: Added historical CPU average utilization to Active processes tab [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.14]Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- [.14]Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- [.15]Change.GUI: Remember new active processes listview column positions and widths (as is already done with 'all processes' listview) [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- [.15]Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' tab now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' tab already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' list header now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' list already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- [.15]Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
- [.16]Internal build skipped
- [.17]Change.GUI: Further optimized new beta code when the GUI is minimized [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.17]Fix.GUI: Some typical beta version fixes to new 'Active processes' tab as we finalize and test the code. These fixes includes a handle leak while the new 'Active processes' tab was visible. [beta2beta_improvement]
Muutokset v3.70.8 - v3.79.15 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Addition.Updater: Added version number to new simplified update notification message
- Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 5 seconds
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Recent specific changes in last few minor updates to this beta:
- [.13]Change.GUI: Changed 'buy now' bitmap button into a standard button
- [.13]Change.GUI: Standardized 'Instance Limits' config dialog OK/Cancel buttons (they deviated in order from the other dialogs)
- [.13]Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service
- [.14]Addition.GUI: Added commit size to Active Processes tab [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.14]Addition.GUI: Added historical CPU average utilization to Active processes tab [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.14]Change.GUI: Make initial window size better for small screens
- [.14]Change.GUI: Ensure graph is initially large enough to show graph legend
- [.15]Change.GUI: Remember new active processes listview column positions and widths (as is already done with 'all processes' listview) [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Further improvements to default window size and positioning for all size screens
- [.15]Change.GUI: More memory use optimizations to reduce RAM usage even when user interface is visible
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' tab now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' tab already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Right-clicking on 'Active processes' list header now shows columns available menu, as the 'All processes' list already does [beta2beta_improvement]
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed deafult ordering of process info columns a bit
- [.15]Change.GUI: Changed default memory info displayed to simply working set and total commit size
- [.15]Change.Core: Gaming mode now induces high performance power scheme (disabling CPU frequency scaling, etc..)
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.79.14 Beta
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Consolidated split 'performance' group in INI file
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.Installer: Language setting is now remembered for upgrades
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
- [.3]Change.Installer: Fixed x64 download prompt not shown in local language
- [.3]Change.Installer: Improvements to x64 auto-download mechanism
- [.5]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Simplified Chinese, and French translations
- [.5]Change.GUI: Implemented automatic self-restart for the few option changes that require a restart [backport]
- [.5]Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial/free build [backport]
- [.5]Change.Core: A couple minor optimizations [backport]
- [.6]Change.Core: Server edition default ProBalance timings tweaked
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Service warning changed to be more clear
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Removed ProBalance settings defaults check on install of registered build
- [.6]Change.Licensing: Server edition timeout is now properly set at 30 days
- [.6]Change.GUI: 'Edit configuration file' now uses whatever editor is associated with INI files, if not notepad [backport]
- [.6]Fix.GUI: Self-restart would not restart the core engine under certain conditions, leaving it not running (resulting in a red system tray icon) [backport]
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.InstallHelper: Now auto-start GUI for all users by default (instead of just launching the core engine for all users) - except in server edition [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Increased maximum wait time for new process information, to mitigate rare bug where auto gaming mode isn't invoked when it should be (this is fixed properly in new beta)
- [.7]Change.Core: Further improved ProBalance under certain specific conditions [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Exclude any gaming process from ProBalance restraint, no matter if its in the foreground or background [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.GUI: Changed font size of solicitation dialog [backport from beta]
- [.7a]Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service [backport from beta]
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.79.13 Beta
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Consolidated split 'performance' group in INI file
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.Installer: Language setting is now remembered for upgrades
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
- [.3]Change.Installer: Fixed x64 download prompt not shown in local language
- [.3]Change.Installer: Improvements to x64 auto-download mechanism
- [.5]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Simplified Chinese, and French translations
- [.5]Change.GUI: Implemented automatic self-restart for the few option changes that require a restart [backport]
- [.5]Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial/free build [backport]
- [.5]Change.Core: A couple minor optimizations [backport]
- [.6]Change.Core: Server edition default ProBalance timings tweaked
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Service warning changed to be more clear
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Removed ProBalance settings defaults check on install of registered build
- [.6]Change.Licensing: Server edition timeout is now properly set at 30 days
- [.6]Change.GUI: 'Edit configuration file' now uses whatever editor is associated with INI files, if not notepad [backport]
- [.6]Fix.GUI: Self-restart would not restart the core engine under certain conditions, leaving it not running (resulting in a red system tray icon) [backport]
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.InstallHelper: Now auto-start GUI for all users by default (instead of just launching the core engine for all users) - except in server edition [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Increased maximum wait time for new process information, to mitigate rare bug where auto gaming mode isn't invoked when it should be (this is fixed properly in new beta)
- [.7]Change.Core: Further improved ProBalance under certain specific conditions [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Exclude any gaming process from ProBalance restraint, no matter if its in the foreground or background [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.GUI: Changed font size of solicitation dialog [backport from beta]
- [.7a]Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service [backport from beta]
Muutokset v3.70.6 - v3.79.12 Beta
- This new version adds an 'Active processes' tab, better High Rights auto-start, Gaming mode improvements, and much more. The final non-beta release will be v3.80.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 5 seconds
- Recent specific changes in last few minor updates to this beta:
- [.11]Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- [.11]Addition.Updater: Added new version number to update notification message
- [.11]Fix.GUI: Graph slider will now function correctly when graph hidden (disallow resize) - applies to earlier betas only
- [.11]Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- [.11]Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
- [.12]Change.GUI: Expand lower tab to window edge on registered build (where no 'Buy now' button exists)
- [.12]Addition.InstallHelper: Added tooltips for new Highest Rights startup sub-options
- [.12]Addition.GUI: Added working set size to 'Active processes' tab
Muutokset v3.70.6 - v3.79.11 Beta
- This new version adds an 'Active processes' tab and much more. Work continues on this version. The final non-beta release will be v3.80. Changes made up to this point at listed below. Other changes are planned.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 5 seconds
- Specific changes in the latest minor release:
- [.11]Change.Updater: Beta versions now always check for beta updates, regardless of user settings
- [.11]Fix.GUI: Graph slider will now function correctly when graph hidden (disallow resize) - applies to earlier betas only
- [.11]Change.InstallHelper: By default, the GUI now starts at login for all users, except for Server Edition
- [.11]Change.GUI: Removed gaming mode warning since its now more safe for general use than before
Muutokset v3.70.6 - v3.79.10 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 5 seconds
- Specific changes in the latest minor release:
- [.10]Change.All: General actions to move new code towards final release (bug fixes, changes, etc..)
Muutokset v3.70.6 - v3.79.9 Beta
- This new version adds an 'Active processes' tab and much more. Work continues on this version. The final non-beta release will be v3.80. Changes made up to this point at listed below. Other changes are planned.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better) [.7]
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph [.7]
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- Specific changes in the latest minor release:
- [.9]Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes
- [.9]Addition.GUI: Added easy button to toggle graph visibility
- [.9]Change.GUI: Organized toggle of things to show on graph into new submenu
- [.9]Change.GUI: Hide/show graph now preserves bottom pane position
- [.9]Change.GUI: Buy now button position adjusted to compensate for new shortened tab controls
- [.9]Change.GUI: Optimized GUI resizing and repainting code
- [.9]Change.GUI: Force updater to always include betas if beta version installed
- [.9]Change.GUI: Reposition update options in menu
- [.9]Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to solve conflicts with some games (more tweaks planned for 3.79.10)
- [.9]Change.Licensing: Lowered maximum nag wait to 5 seconds
Muutokset v3.70.6 - v3.79.7 Beta
- This new version adds an 'Active processes' tab and much more. Work continues on this version. The final non-beta release will be v3.80. Changes made up to this point at listed below. Other changes are planned.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added warning about running Process Lasso with highest rights (its not ideal in most cases, even though it may 'sound' better) [.7]
- Change.GUI: Removed the naggy text overlaid on the graph [.7]
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
- Specific changes in the latest minor release:
- [.7] Change.Installer: Add version to branding text
- [.7] Change.InstallHelper: Reduced vertical size of first dialog, for lower resolution devices
- [.7] Addition.GUI: Added CTRL+G keyboard accelerator to toggle visibility of graph
- [.7] Change.GUI: Rewrote handling of child window positioning code, in preparation for larger UI changes
- [.7] Change.GUI: Increased font size of Pro solicitation dialog
- [.7] Change.Core: Improved ProBalance response time
- [.7] Change.GUI: Improved behavior of hide/show graph
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.70.8
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Consolidated split 'performance' group in INI file
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.Installer: Language setting is now remembered for upgrades
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
- [.3]Change.Installer: Fixed x64 download prompt not shown in local language
- [.3]Change.Installer: Improvements to x64 auto-download mechanism
- [.5]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Simplified Chinese, and French translations
- [.5]Change.GUI: Implemented automatic self-restart for the few option changes that require a restart [backport]
- [.5]Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial/free build [backport]
- [.5]Change.Core: A couple minor optimizations [backport]
- [.6]Change.Core: Server edition default ProBalance timings tweaked
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Service warning changed to be more clear
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Removed ProBalance settings defaults check on install of registered build
- [.6]Change.Licensing: Server edition timeout is now properly set at 30 days
- [.6]Change.GUI: 'Edit configuration file' now uses whatever editor is associated with INI files, if not notepad [backport]
- [.6]Fix.GUI: Self-restart would not restart the core engine under certain conditions, leaving it not running (resulting in a red system tray icon) [backport]
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.InstallHelper: Now auto-start GUI for all users by default (instead of just launching the core engine for all users) - except in server edition [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Increased maximum wait time for new process information, to mitigate rare bug where auto gaming mode isn't invoked when it should be (this is fixed properly in new beta)
- [.7]Change.Core: Further improved ProBalance under certain specific conditions [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Exclude any gaming process from ProBalance restraint, no matter if its in the foreground or background [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.GUI: Changed font size of solicitation dialog [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.GUI: Auto-hide graph legend only when there's absolutely no space left to show it in its entirety (undoing a change in v3.70.6 that hid it earlier to leave edge room)
- [.8]Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed issue on update for previously installed core engine running as a service [backport from beta]
- [.8]Change.Updater: Don't allow checking for new beta versions, since new simplified updater didn't allow way to easily toggle this setting in v3.70
- [.8]Change.GUI: Reversed position of OK/CANCEL buttons on Instance count limits dialog to conform with others [backport from beta]
- [.8]Change.GUI: Better initial positioning on low resolution screens [backport from beta]
- 3.64 [#63900]
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.70.7
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Consolidated split 'performance' group in INI file
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.Installer: Language setting is now remembered for upgrades
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
- [.3]Change.Installer: Fixed x64 download prompt not shown in local language
- [.3]Change.Installer: Improvements to x64 auto-download mechanism
- [.5]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Simplified Chinese, and French translations
- [.5]Change.GUI: Implemented automatic self-restart for the few option changes that require a restart [backport]
- [.5]Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial/free build [backport]
- [.5]Change.Core: A couple minor optimizations [backport]
- [.6]Change.Core: Server edition default ProBalance timings tweaked
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Service warning changed to be more clear
- [.6]Change.InstallHelper: Removed ProBalance settings defaults check on install of registered build
- [.6]Change.Licensing: Server edition timeout is now properly set at 30 days
- [.6]Change.GUI: 'Edit configuration file' now uses whatever editor is associated with INI files, if not notepad [backport]
- [.6]Fix.GUI: Self-restart would not restart the core engine under certain conditions, leaving it not running (resulting in a red system tray icon) [backport]
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fixed badly formatted caption when using the DEL key to terminate processes [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.InstallHelper: Now auto-start GUI for all users by default (instead of just launching the core engine for all users) - except in server edition [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Increased maximum wait time for new process information, to mitigate rare bug where auto gaming mode isn't invoked when it should be (this is fixed properly in new beta)
- [.7]Change.Core: Further improved ProBalance under certain specific conditions [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.Core: Exclude any gaming process from ProBalance restraint, no matter if its in the foreground or background [backport from beta]
- [.7]Change.GUI: Changed font size of solicitation dialog [backport from beta]
Muutokset v3.69.9 Beta - v3.70.6
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Fix.GUI: Fixed log view could have missing entries after it exceeded 500 list items and a log resize hadn't occurred at any point (rare)
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
Muutokset v3.70.5 - v3.79.6 Beta
- This new version adds an 'Active processes' tab and much more. Work continues on this beta series, whose final version will be v3.80. Changes so far:
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Addition.InstallHelper: When user wants to launch PL with highest rights at login, they can now optionally choose UAC elevation prompts instead of the Windows Defender manual approval mechanism (Vista/7 with UAC only)
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.GUI: New simplified update available message now shows what new version is available
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
Muutokset v3.70.5 - v3.79.5 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'Active Processes' view with nifty bar graphs to depict per-process CPU utilization
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Run as administrator' toggle to instantly have the current instance manage the processes of all users, or only the current user
- Addition.Core: Added new 'very high' refresh speed
- Change.GUI: Rewrite of processes listview update function. Negligible performance increase, but simplified code
- Change.GUI: When per-process CPU utilization display turned off, tracking is also disabled
- Change.GUI: Some optimization to per-process CPU utilization calculation code
- Change.GUI: Tweaked ProBalance restraint highlight color
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button to trial build
- Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart
- Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button
- Change.GUI: Changed 'hide process icons' into 'show process icons' and removed the redundant 'hide process icons' in the general options submenu
- Change.GUI: Remove 'All sounds off' from system trya menu
- Change.GUI: Restore power scheme setting to system tray menu
- Change.GUI: Advanced option to manually edit INI file now opens whatever editor is registered with INI files
- Change.Core: Improved handling of process creation logging
- Change.Core: Improved response time during periods of frequent new process creation and destruction
- Change.Core: Minor code tweaks
- Change.Core: Rewrote 'keep process running' mechanism
- Change.Core: Improved ProBalance handling of certain unusual circumstances
- Change.Core: Other minor code optimizations
Muutokset v3.62 - v3.70.5
- This version represents a large product overhaul. Just when you thought Process Lasso couldn't get an leaner, memory use was dramatically reduced through the removal of the COM interface on our process control module. Furthermore, the product was transformed into 100% UNICODE (previous builds were only partially UNICODE). New feature additions include differentiation between individual svchost.exe instances, the ability to designate processes that prevent PC sleep and/or enter the High Performance power scheme, process listview tooltips, and much more!
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Consolidated split 'performance' group in INI file
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.Installer: Language setting is now remembered for upgrades
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
- [.3]Change.Installer: Fixed x64 download prompt not shown in local language
- [.3]Change.Installer: Improvements to x64 auto-download mechanism
- [.5]Change.GUI: Updated Serbian, Simplified Chinese, and French translations
- [.5]Change.GUI: Implemented proper automatic self-restart capability for the couple rare option changes that require a restart (backported from beta)
- [.5]Change.GUI: Restored 'buy now' button (backported from beta)
- [.5]Change.Core: A couple minor optimizations (backported from beta)
Muutokset v3.70.3 - v3.70.4
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Consolidated split 'performance' group in INI file
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.Installer: Language setting is now remembered for upgrades
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
- [.3]Change.Installer: Fixed x64 download prompt not shown in local language
- [.3]Change.Installer: Improvements to x64 auto-download mechanism
- [.4]Change.GUI: Translations refreshed
Muutokset v3.69.9 Beta - v3.70.3
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Fix.GUI: Fixed log view could have missing entries after it exceeded 500 list items and a log resize hadn't occurred at any point (rare)
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.Core: Fixed 'High Performance power scheme could not be resolved' for non-English systems
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Private memory' in process tooltip was empty in Windows 2000
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed main window induced 'reset language selection' not prompting for new language pick
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved main graph appearance
- [.3]Change.Core: Slight tweaks to default ProBalance parameters
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Now uses themed controls
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Added non-English languages to the stand-alone version
- [.3]Change.Installer: Bring window back to front in case foreground is lost during x64 build on-demand download
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.70.2
- This version represents a large product overhaul. Just when you thought Process Lasso couldn't get an leaner, memory use was dramatically reduced through the removal of the COM interface on our process control module. Furthermore, the product was transformed into 100% UNICODE (previous builds were only partially UNICODE). New feature additions include differentiation between individual svchost.exe instances, the ability to designate processes that prevent PC sleep and/or enter the High Performance power scheme, process listview tooltips, and much more!
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size (100) is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed minor quirk in the behavior of 'reset column layout and sizes'
- [.2]Change.GUI: Some more minor tweaks to menu ordering
- [.2]Change.Core: Some code optimizations to the primary thread
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Rewrote product update mechanism, simplifying it into a message box
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added update check enabled setting that pertains to all users, replacing per-user setting
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.70.1
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed overwritten log listview items when maximum listview size (100) is reached
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added view option to toggle visibility of threads and modules tab
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added new log menu item to jump to the backing log file in Explorer
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Added information about what forced mode is when the user enables it
- [.1]Change.GUI: A couple minor menu item text and ordering tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed active power scheme and force mode settings from systray menu (too crowded)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Hide threads and modules tab by default
- [.1]Change.GUI: Prompt for optional restart of Process Lasso after startup configuration change
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved efficiency when updating log listview, reducing CPU utilization
- [.1]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of new High Performance power scheme and Anti-Sleep dialogs
- [.1]Change.GUI: Removed runas dialog of high priviledge external tools for admin users of W2K and WXP (appeared in 3.70)
- [.1]Change.Core: Some minor tweaks to the code, none worth mentioning explicitly
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.70
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to put the PC into the High Performance power scheme when designated processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.GUI: Added forced mode toggle to system tray
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Show graph legend' to view menu (you can still click on the legend to toggle its visibility)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where restraining via only a CPU affinity change (no priority adjustment) wouldn't always work
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Fix.GUI: Fixed log view could have missing entries after it exceeded 500 list items and a log resize hadn't occurred at any point (rare)
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.GUI: Rewrote forced mode menu item to something more clear
- Change.Core: Re-wrote automatic gaming mode implementation so that it engages or disengages automatically upon user configuration change
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (by incrementing time), for correct sorting
- Change.Core: When an actively restrained process is marked to be excluded from ProBalance, any adjustments made to that process are immediately reverted
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, Chinese (simplified), and French translations
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll and common.dll
Muutokset v3.64.3 - v3.69.9 Beta
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.GUI: Added menu option to switch the active system power scheme, for convenience. Available in Vista+ only.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Fix.GUI: Fixed log view could have missing entries after it exceeded 500 list items and a log resize hadn't occurred at any point (rare)
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Advanced tools that require permission elevation can now be launched directly from the unelevated GUI
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian, PTBR, Serbian, and French translation
- Change.GUI: Some misc. UI performance enhancements
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (auto-increment millisecond field), for correct sorting
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated common.dll
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.65.8 Beta
- This is the first COM-less and 100% UNICODE release of Process Lasso. Long ago we exposed our process management engine through a COM interface, meaning the ProcessControl.DLL module had to be registered on the system before you could use Process Lasso. No more! This means quite a bit less memory and CPU use, the ability to run without installing first, and no interference from registry cleaners. If that wasn't enough, this version also adds better management of svchost.exe instances by allowing differentiation of instances. Please remember, this is a beta version. As such, it is released without the extensive testing of final builds, so minor bugs may be present.
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.Core: Add copyright log message
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.GUI: Auto-select and make visible process that corresponds to the user selected log entry
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer when necessary
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Fix.GUI: Fixed log view could have missing entries after it exceeded 500 list items
- Change.Licensing: Unspecified changes for future reseller product activations
- Change.Updater: Changed product name shown from 'ProcessLasso' to 'Process Lasso'
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.Core: Disallow multiple log events in the same millisecond (auto-increment millisecond field), for correct sorting
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed auto-start registry value
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated processcontrol.dll
- Removal.Installer: Remove deprecated common.dll
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.65.7 Beta
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Added informative tooltips to processes list (hover over process name)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added helpful tooltips to the configuration dialogs
- Addition.InstallHelper: Tweaks to the dialogs
- Addition.Installer: The 32-bit installer can now automatically download and run the 64-bit installer if warranted
- Fix.GUI: Fixed delay when switching between lower view tabs
- Change.GUI: Reduced total stack use
- Change.GUI: Made custom message boxes more narrow
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.65.6 Beta
- This is the first COM-less and 100% UNICODE release of Process Lasso. Long ago we exposed our process management engine through a COM interface, meaning the ProcessControl.DLL module had to be registered on the system before you could use Process Lasso. No more! This means quite a bit less memory and CPU use, the ability to run without installing first, and no interference from registry cleaners. If that wasn't enough, this version also adds better management of svchost.exe instances by allowing differentiation of instances. Please remember, this is a beta version. As such, it is released without the extensive testing of final builds, so minor bugs may be present. Please bare with us as we iron out remaining errata due to these major changes.
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Change.GUI: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.65.5 Beta
- This is the first COM-less release of Process Lasso. Long ago we exposed our process management engine through a COM interface, meaning the ProcessControl.DLL module had to be registered on the system before you could use Process Lasso. No more! This means quite a bit less memory and CPU use, the ability to run without installing first, and no interference from registry cleaners. If that wasn't enough, this version also adds better management of svchost.exe instances by allowing differentiation of instances. Please remember, this is a beta version. As such, it is released without the extensive testing of final builds, so minor bugs may be present.
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Change.GUI: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.65.2 Beta - v3.65.3 Beta
- This is the first COM-less release of Process Lasso. Long ago we exposed our process management engine through a COM interface, meaning the ProcessControl.DLL module had to be registered on the system before you could use Process Lasso. No more! This means quite a bit less memory and CPU use, the ability to run without installing first, and no interference from registry cleaners. If that wasn't enough, this version also adds better management of svchost.exe instances by allowing differentiation of instances. Please remember, this is a beta version. As such, it is released without the extensive testing of final builds, so minor bugs may be present.
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Change.GUI: Converted entire project to UNICODE (previously only portions were UNICODE)
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.65.1 Beta - v3.65.2 Beta
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.Core: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Addition.GUI: Added new feature to prevent PC sleep when selected processes are running
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.65.1 Beta
- This is the first COM-less release of Process Lasso. Long ago we exposed our process management engine through a COM interface, meaning the ProcessControl.DLL module had to be registered on the system before you could use Process Lasso. No more! This means quite a bit less memory and CPU use, the ability to run without installing first, and no interference from registry cleaners. If that wasn't enough, this version also adds better management of svchost.exe instances by allowing differentiation of instances.
- WARNING: This beta series is still under very active development and testing. It is not recommended for use in production environments.
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Added private working set metric (hidden by default)
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks and rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: Removed COM interface to process management engine (more optimal, less memory use, can run without install, and no interference from registry cleaners)
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.64 - v3.65.0 Beta
- Addition.Core: Now supports rules on specific service groups hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Addition.GUI: Shows distinctive group names for services hosted by svchost.exe instances
- Change.GUI: A few misc. code tweaks rewrites
- Change.Core: Switched to NT native session ID resolution
- Change.InstallHelper: Renamed start key registry value
- Change.All: All additions and changes from minor version updates to v3.64
Muutokset v3.64.2 - v3.64.3
- Addition.GUI: Added '*' beside process priority classes to indicate whether Windows dynamic thread boosting is enabled for that process
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut for TweakScheduler and Vista Multimedia Scheduler Configurator, in Advanced sub-folder of ProcessLasso group
- Change.Core: Improvements to CPU Throttling (re: not ProBalance out-of-control process priority adjustment, the actual CPU throttling feature)
- Change.Core: Governor now accepts /ConfigFolder=xxx on the command line. Previously, regarding the configuration file, it only accepted /ConfigFile=xxx to indicate the full path and filename of the INI configuration file
- Change.Core: A command line provided argument now supercedes any global configuration and log path indicated by the registry
- Change.Core: Log entries milliseconds time expanded to 3 digits always
- Change.GUI: Some other minor string and cosmetic changes
- Change.GUI: Use the system theme window background and text color for process list view (others we were already)
- Change.GUI: Improved core engine inactive system tray icon
- Change.GUI: Improved main window appearance with customized Windows themes
- Fix.Core: Fix to governor command line handling of /ConfigFile
- Fix.GUI: Elevate permissions to launch TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC from GUI in UAC environments with PL running with normal permissions
- Fix.GUI: Re-launch governor after successful activation of time limited trial builds, since the governor would have terminated due to being expired
- Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- Fix.GUI: Fixed lower (log) listview header disappearing briefly in XP
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a little wasted space below log list view
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where when updating product from some old versions of Process Lasso, child window positioning problems could occur
- Fix.Installer: Fixed /language=x command line parameter for silent installs not always working
- Change.Installer: Changed filename case of setup executable, for improved readability
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.Installer: Fixed Windows 7 application compatibility warning ('this program may not have installed correctly..')
- [.2]Change.Localization: Updated French translation and removed translation incomplete warning from installer
- [.2]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.2]Change.Updater: (select regional trial builds only) Replaced update check dialog with a simple message box
- [.2]Change.Core: Only show error about saving file a limited number of times
- [.2]Change.Core: Some minor maintenance
- [.2]Change.Core: Some minor compiler setting tweaks
- [.3]Change.GUI: Improved appearance of solicitation dialog
- [.3]Change.GUI: Changed buy now button
- [.3]Change.GUI: Reworded a few strings
- [.3]Fix.Installer: Fixed bug with customized auto-startup type for GUI
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Removed buried 'show balloons on action undone' option as it conflicted with newer simplified balloons toggle
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed possible display error in per-process memory metrics over 2GB
Muutokset v3.62.5 - v3.64.1
- Addition.GUI: Added '*' beside process priority classes to indicate whether Windows dynamic thread boosting is enabled for that process
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut for TweakScheduler and Vista Multimedia Scheduler Configurator, in Advanced sub-folder of ProcessLasso group
- Change.Core: Improvements to CPU Throttling (re: not ProBalance out-of-control process priority adjustment, the actual CPU throttling feature)
- Change.Core: Governor now accepts /ConfigFolder=xxx on the command line. Previously, regarding the configuration file, it only accepted /ConfigFile=xxx to indicate the full path and filename of the INI configuration file
- Change.Core: A command line provided argument now supercedes any global configuration and log path indicated by the registry
- Change.Core: Log entries milliseconds time expanded to 3 digits always
- Change.GUI: Some other minor string and cosmetic changes
- Change.GUI: Use the system theme window background and text color for process list view (others we were already)
- Change.GUI: Improved core engine inactive system tray icon
- Change.GUI: Improved main window appearance with customized Windows themes
- Fix.Core: Fix to governor command line handling of /ConfigFile
- Fix.GUI: Elevate permissions to launch TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC from GUI in UAC environments with PL running with normal permissions
- Fix.GUI: Re-launch governor after successful activation of time limited trial builds, since the governor would have terminated due to being expired
- Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- Fix.GUI: Fixed lower (log) listview header disappearing briefly in XP
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a little wasted space below log list view
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where when updating product from some old versions of Process Lasso, child window positioning problems could occur
- Fix.Installer: Fixed /language=x command line parameter for silent installs not always working
- Change.Installer: Changed filename case of setup executable, for impreved readability
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.Installer: Fixed Windows 7 application compatibility warning ('this program may not have installed correctly..')
Muutokset v3.62.5 - v3.64
- Addition.GUI: Added '*' beside process priority classes to indicate whether Windows dynamic thread boosting is enabled for that process
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut for TweakScheduler and Vista Multimedia Scheduler Configurator, in Advanced sub-folder of ProcessLasso group
- Change.Core: Improvements to CPU Throttling (re: not ProBalance out-of-control process priority adjustment, the actual CPU throttling feature)
- Change.Core: Governor now accepts /ConfigFolder=xxx on the command line. Previously, regarding the configuration file, it only accepted /ConfigFile=xxx to indicate the full path and filename of the INI configuration file
- Change.Core: A command line provided argument now supercedes any global configuration and log path indicated by the registry
- Change.Core: Log entries milliseconds time expanded to 3 digits always
- Change.GUI: Some other minor string and cosmetic changes
- Change.GUI: Use the system theme window background and text color for process list view (others we were already)
- Change.GUI: Improved core engine inactive system tray icon
- Change.GUI: Improved main window appearance with customized Windows themes
- Fix.Core: Fix to governor command line handling of /ConfigFile
- Fix.GUI: Elevate permissions to launch TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC from GUI in UAC environments with PL running with normal permissions
- Fix.GUI: Re-launch governor after successful activation of time limited trial builds, since the governor would have terminated due to being expired
- Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- Fix.GUI: Fixed lower (log) listview header disappearing briefly in XP
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a little wasted space below log list view
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where when updating product from some old versions of Process Lasso, child window positioning problems could occur
- Fix.Installer: Fixed /language=x command line parameter for silent installs not always working
- Change.Installer: Changed filename case of setup executable, for impreved readibility
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
Muutokset v3.62.5 - v3.63.2 Beta
- Change.Core: Improvements to CPU Throttling (re: not ProBalance out-of-control process priority adjustment)
- Change.Core: Other internal changes
- Change.Core: Governor now accepts /ConfigFolder=xxx on the command line. Previously, regarding the configuration file, it only accepted /ConfigFile=xxx to indicate the full path and filename of the INI configuration file
- Change.Core: A command line provided argument now supercedes any global configuration and log path indicated by the registry
- Change.GUI: Use the system theme window background and text color for process list view (others we were already)
- Change.GUI: Backported from beta - don't show 'buy now' button in XP and W2K, pending redraw of button
- Fix.Core: Fix to governor command line handling of /ConfigFile
- Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- Fix.GUI: Fixed lower (log) listview header disappearing briefly in XP
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a little wasted space below log list view
- Fix.Installer: Fixed /language=x command line parameter not working
- Change.Installer: Changed filename case of ProcessLassoSetup.exe
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
Muutokset v3.62.4 - v3.63.1 Beta
- Change.Core: Improvements to CPU Throttling (re: not ProBalance out-of-control process priority adjustment)
- Change.Core: Other internal changes
- Change.Core: Governor now accepts /ConfigFolder=xxx on the command line. Previously, regarding the configuration file, it only accepted /ConfigFile=xxx to indicate the full path and filename of the INI configuration file
- Change.Core: A command line provided argument now supercedes any global configuration and log path indicated by the registry
- Fix.Core: Fix to governor command line handling of /ConfigFile
- Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- Fix.GUI: Fixed occaisional failure to correctly repaint the log/actions view
- Fix.Installer: Fixed command line specification of language in silent mode
- Change.Installer: Changed filename case of ProcessLassoSetup.exe
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
Muutokset v3.62.3 - v3.63.0 Beta
- Change.Core: Improvements to CPU Throttling (re: not ProBalance out-of-control process priority adjustment). These improvements should fix issues some had with throttling certain processes
- Change.Core: Other internal changes
- Fix.GUI: A couple misc fixes
- Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
Muutokset v3.60.8 - v3.62.5
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)s)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity menu items now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.Core: Improved handling of an extremely rare error returned when querying process information from the NT kernel
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible issue with case sensitivity on pathname comparisons in disallowed process exceptions (allowed list)
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed system tray balloon text under Windows 2000, where the lower maximum text size caused truncation
- [.1]Change.GUI: Some grammatical adjustments (translations already updated in-house)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Added 'do not show again' checkbox to translation out of date warning shown for a couple languages
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.1]Addition.Localization: Added Italian translation
- [.2]Fix.Core: Adjusted CPU throttling code to better handle critical errors
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where throttling level may not have been indicated in rules column
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added a '*' to process priorities to indicate whether or not Windows thread priority boosting is enabled for that process
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added new graphical CPU Eater application (untranslated), launched by existing 'Run CPU Eater for 60 seconds' shortcut
- [.2]Change.Core: Change default ProBalance configuration so that it is better derived from the system hardware
- [.2]Change.GUI: Added multi-process selection context menu item to control Windows dynamic thread priority boosting
- [.2]Change.GUI: Renamed single process context menu item 'Priority Boost' to 'Windows dynamic thread priority boosts enabled'
- [.2]Change.GUI: Other minor code tweaks
- [.3]Change.GUI: Made warnings about CPU Throttling more descriptive
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed Italian update checker translation
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Updated included CPU Eater demo app to latest build
- [.4]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
- [.5]Change.GUI: Backported from beta - don't show 'buy now' button in XP and W2K, pending redraw of button
- [.5]Fix.GUI: Backported from beta - fixed lower (log) listview header disappearing briefly in XP
- [.5]Fix.GUI: Backported from beta - fixed log listview not using all available space (had too large of an edge buffer)
- [.5]Fix.Installer: Backported from beta - fixed /language=x command line parameter not working
Muutokset v3.60 - v3.62.4
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity menu items now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.Core: Improved handling of an extremely rare error returned when querying process information from the NT kernel
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible issue with case sensitivity on pathname comparisons in disallowed process exceptions (allowed list)
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed system tray balloon text under Windows 2000, where the lower maximum text size caused truncation
- [.1]Change.GUI: Some grammatical adjustments (translations already updated in-house)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Added 'do not show again' checkbox to translation out of date warning shown for a couple languages
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.1]Addition.Localization: Added Italian translation
- [.2]Fix.Core: Adjusted CPU throttling code to better handle critical errors
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where throttling level may not have been indicated in rules column
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added a '*' to process priorities to indicate whether or not Windows thread priority boosting is enabled for that process
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added new graphical CPU Eater application (untranslated), launched by existing 'Run CPU Eater for 60 seconds' shortcut
- [.2]Change.Core: Change default ProBalance configuration so that it is better derived from the system hardware
- [.2]Change.GUI: Added multi-process selection context menu item to control Windows dynamic thread priority boosting
- [.2]Change.GUI: Renamed single process context menu item 'Priority Boost' to 'Windows dynamic thread priority boosts enabled'
- [.2]Change.GUI: Other minor code tweaks
- [.3]Change.GUI: Made warnings about CPU Throttling more descriptive
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed Italian update checker translation
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Updated included CPU Eater demo app to latest build
- [.4]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Some adjustments to new external process command line support that first appeared in v3.62
Muutokset v3.60 - v3.62.3
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity menu items now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.Core: Improved handling of an extremely rare error returned when querying process information from the NT kernel
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible issue with case sensitivity on pathname comparisons in disallowed process exceptions (allowed list)
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed system tray balloon text under Windows 2000, where the lower maximum text size caused truncation
- [.1]Change.GUI: Some grammatical adjustments (translations already updated in-house)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Added 'do not show again' checkbox to translation out of date warning shown for a couple languages
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.1]Addition.Localization: Added Italian translation
- [.2]Fix.Core: Adjusted CPU throttling code to better handle critical errors
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where throttling level may not have been indicated in rules column
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added a '*' to process priorities to indicate whether or not Windows thread priority boosting is enabled for that process
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added new graphical CPU Eater application (untranslated), launched by existing 'Run CPU Eater for 60 seconds' shortcut
- [.2]Change.Core: Change default ProBalance configuration so that it is better derived from the system hardware
- [.2]Change.GUI: Added multi-process selection context menu item to control Windows dynamic thread priority boosting
- [.2]Change.GUI: Renamed single process context menu item 'Priority Boost' to 'Windows dynamic thread priority boosts enabled'
- [.2]Change.GUI: Other minor code tweaks
- [.3]Change.GUI: Made warnings about CPU Throttling more descriptive
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed Italian update checker translation
- [.3]Change.CPUEater: Updated included CPU Eater demo app to latest build
Muutokset v3.60.8 - v3.62.2
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity menu items now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.Core: Improved handling of an extremely rare error returned when querying process information from the NT kernel
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible issue with case sensitivity on pathname comparisons in disallowed process exceptions (allowed list)
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed system tray balloon text under Windows 2000, where the lower maximum text size caused truncation
- [.1]Change.GUI: Some grammatical adjustments (translations already updated in-house)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Added 'do not show again' checkbox to translation out of date warning shown for a couple languages
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.1]Addition.Localization: Added Italian translation
- [.2]Fix.Core: Adjusted CPU throttling code to better handle critical errors
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where throttling level may not have been indicated in rules column
- [.2]Addition.GUI: Added a '*' to process priorities to indicate whether or not Windows thread priority boosting is enabled for that process
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added new graphical CPU Eater application (untranslated), launched by existing 'Run CPU Eater for 60 seconds' shortcut
- [.2]Change.Core: Change default ProBalance configuration so that it is better derived from the system hardware
- [.2]Change.GUI: Added multi-process selection context menu item to control Windows dynamic thread priority boosting
- [.2]Change.GUI: Renamed single process context menu item 'Priority Boost' to 'Windows dynamic thread priority boosts enabled'
- [.2]Change.GUI: Other minor code tweaks
Muutokset v3.62 - v3.62.1
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity menu items now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.Core: Improved handling of an extremely rare error returned when querying process information from the NT kernel
- Fix.Core: Fixed possible issue with case sensitivity on pathname comparisons in disallowed process exceptions (allowed list)
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Fix.GUI: Fixed system tray balloon text under Windows 2000, where the lower maximum text size caused truncation
- [.1]Change.GUI: Some grammatical adjustments (translations already updated in-house)
- [.1]Change.GUI: Added 'do not show again' checkbox to translation out of date warning shown for a couple languages
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation
- [.1]Addition.Localization: Added Italian translation
- [.1]Addition.Installer: Added new graphical CPU Eater application (untranslated), used existing 'Run CPU Eater for 60 seconds' shortcut
Muutokset v3.60.8 - v3.62
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: CPU affinity menu items now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.Core: Improved handling of an extremely rare error returned when querying process information from the NT kernel
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
Muutokset v3.60.8 - v3.61.6 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: Affinity submenus now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.GUI: Rewrote days installed tracking code.
- Change.GUI: Some tweaks to keyboard shortcuts
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
Muutokset v3.61.4 Beta - v3.61.5 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
- Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
- Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
- Change.GUI: Affinity submenus now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
Muutokset v3.60.7 - v3.61.4 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
- Change.GUI: Affinity submenus now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
- Fix.GUI: Fix a small error in initial window position calculation
Muutokset v3.60.7 - v3.61.3 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
- Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
- Change.GUI: Affinity submenus now disabled for single-CPU systems
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understanble inverse)
- Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
Muutokset v3.61.0 Beta - v3.61.2 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
- Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
- Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
- Change.GUI: Improved determination of whether core engine is running or not
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understanble inverse)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
Muutokset v3.60.7 - v3.61.1 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
- Addition.Core: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understanble inverse)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
- Fix.GUI: Fix possible occaisional crash at startup
- Fix.GUI: Fix for a possible theoretical rare crash of the PL GUI during startup (system tray icon could disappear). It is unknown if this possible bug ever actually manifested in the real world
Muutokset v3.60.6 - v3.61.0 Beta
- Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build
Muutokset v3.54 - v3.60.8
- This version represents a major product overhaul. Virtually every function of the software has been improved. Several new features have also been added. One of the new features is the much requested CPU throttling, where a hard limit is imposed on the amount of CPU time a process can consume. Other new features include exclusions from foreground boosting, automatic game mode toggle, handle and thread counts, a thread management tab, and the ability to suspend/resume processes. ProBalance, along with the core engine in general, has also been tweaked to react more quickly. See the complete list of changes below. This has been bumped up a few version numbers to represent the magnitude of its revisions.
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.GUI: Add confirmation message box to new disallowed process (always terminate)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.GUI: Change position of 'Terminate always' process context menu item
- Change.GUI: Improved appearance of purchase dialog some
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.LocalizationPack: Improved clarity of translator instructions
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments and menu order tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Moved process context menu item 'restart' to 'other actions' menu, so it isn't confused as a way to resume suspended processes
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial position of lower slider/resize bar on low resolution screens
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed position limits of lower slider/resize bar, especially in Windows 2000
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial creation height of lower listview (log/threads)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Further adjusted system responsiveness calculation (increased granularity and sensitivity)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Decrease default width of process creation time column
- [.3]Change.TestLasso: Slight enhancements to CPU eating algorithm
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated Traditional Chinese translation
- [.3]Removal.Installer: Removed revision history from installer
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix issue where out-dated language warning 'do not show again' was not working
- [.4]Change.GUI: Allow graph to be resized smaller
- [.4]Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation
- [.5]Change.Localization: Updated and restored Russian translation
- [.5]Addition.GUI: Added single process context menu options to set default and current CPU affinity via dialog (instead of checked menu items)
- [.5]Fix.Installer: Fixed working directory of start menu shortcuts (fixes start/stop core engine via start menu)
- [.6]Fix.Installer: Fix issue where x64 build availability message, shown when x32 build is installed on an x64 OS, was shown twice in Vista+ /w UAC
- [.6]Change.GUI: Tweaks to single-selection process context menu ordering
- [.6]Change.GUI: A couple string changes (note: translations were manually updated in-house)
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash of the PL GUI during startup [backported from v3.61.2 beta]
- [.8]Fix.Core: Fix a theoretical rare hang or crash of the GUI and/or core engine when working with user-designated gaming mode processes. It is unknown if this ever actually occurred, but a fix was appropriate [backported from v3.61.5 beta]
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.60.7
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance (process balance) and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs)
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.LocalizationPack: Improved clarity of translator instructions
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.60.6
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.GUI: Add confirmation message box to new disallowed process (always terminate)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.GUI: Change position of 'Terminate always' process context menu item
- Change.GUI: Improved appearance of purchase dialog some
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.LocalizationPack: Improved clarity of translator instructions
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments and menu order tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Moved process context menu item 'restart' to 'other actions' menu, so it isn't confused as a way to resume suspended processes
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial position of lower slider/resize bar on low resolution screens
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed position limits of lower slider/resize bar, especially in Windows 2000
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial creation height of lower listview (log/threads)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Further adjusted system responsiveness calculation (increased granularity and sensitivity)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Decrease default width of process creation time column
- [.3]Change.TestLasso: Slight enhancements to CPU eating algorithm
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated Traditional Chinese translation
- [.3]Removal.Installer: Removed revision history from installer
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix issue where out-dated language warning 'do not show again' was not working
- [.4]Change.GUI: Allow graph to be resized smaller
- [.4]Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation
- [.5]Change.Localization: Updated and restored Russian translation
- [.5]Addition.GUI: Added single process context menu options to set default and current CPU affinity via dialog (instead of checked menu items)
- [.5]Fix.Installer: Fixed working directory of start menu shortcuts (fixes start/stop core engine via start menu)
- [.6]Fix.Installer: Fix issue where x64 build availability message (shown when x32 build installed on x64) is shown twice in Vista+ UAC systems
- [.6]Change.GUI: Tweaks to single-select process context menu ordering
- [.6]Change.GUI: Reworded menu item 'Configure disagnated game processes ...' to 'Configure game processes ...'
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.60.5
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.GUI: Add confirmation message box to new disallowed process (always terminate)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.GUI: Change position of 'Terminate always' process context menu item
- Change.GUI: Improved appearance of purchase dialog some
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.LocalizationPack: Improved clarity of translator instructions
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments and menu order tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Moved process context menu item 'restart' to 'other actions' menu, so it isn't confused as a way to resume suspended processes
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial position of lower slider/resize bar on low resolution screens
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed position limits of lower slider/resize bar, especially in Windows 2000
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial creation height of lower listview (log/threads)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Further adjusted system responsiveness calculation (increased granularity and sensitivity)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Decrease default width of process creation time column
- [.3]Change.TestLasso: Slight enhancements to CPU eating algorithm
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated Traditional Chinese translation
- [.3]Removal.Installer: Removed revision history from installer
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix issue where out-dated language warning 'do not show again' was not working
- [.4]Change.GUI: Allow graph to be resized smaller
- [.4]Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation
- [.5]Change.Localization: Updated and restored Russian translation
- [.5]Addition.GUI: Added single process context menu options to set default and current CPU affinity via dialog (instead of checked menu items)
- [.5]Fix.Installer: Fixed working directory of start menu shortcuts (fixes start/stop core engine via start menu)
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.60.4
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.GUI: Add confirmation message box to new disallowed process (always terminate)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.GUI: Change position of 'Terminate always' process context menu item
- Change.GUI: Improved appearance of purchase dialog some
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.LocalizationPack: Improved clarity of translator instructions
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
- Post-release updates (minor maintenance):
- [.1]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments and menu order tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Moved process context menu item 'restart' to 'other actions' menu, so it isn't confused as a way to resume suspended processes
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial position of lower slider/resize bar on low resolution screens
- [.2]Fix.GUI: Fixed position limits of lower slider/resize bar, especially in Windows 2000
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Fixed initial creation height of lower listview (log/threads)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Further adjusted system responsiveness calculation (increased granularity and sensitivity)
- [.3]Change.GUI: Decrease default width of process creation time column
- [.3]Change.TestLasso: Slight enhancements to CPU eating algorithm
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated Traditional Chinese translation
- [.3]Removal.Installer: Removed revision history from installer
- [.4]Fix.GUI: Fix issue where out-dated language warning 'do not show again' was not working
- [.4]Change.GUI: Allow graph to be made resized smaller
- [.4]Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.60
- This version represents a major product overhaul. Virtually every function of the software has been improved. Several new features have also been added. One of the new features is the much requested CPU throttling, where a hard limit is imposed on the amount of CPU time a process can consume. Other new features include exclusions from foreground boosting, automatic game mode toggle, handle and thread counts, a thread management tab, and the ability to suspend/resume processes. ProBalance, along with the core engine in general, has also been tweaked to react more quickly. See the complete list of changes below. This has been bumped up a few version numbers to represent the magnitude of its revisions.
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.GUI: Add confirmation message box to new disallowed process (always terminate)
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.GUI: Change position of 'Terminate always' process context menu item
- Change.GUI: Improved appearance of purchase dialog some
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.LocalizationPack: Improved clarity of translator instructions
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
- [.1]Change.GUI: Minor string adjustments and menu order tweaks
- [.1]Change.GUI: Moved process context menu item 'restart' to 'other actions' menu, so it isn't confused as a way to resume suspended processes
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.59.15 RC2
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.GUI: Edited new large application icon, removing the words since they didn't highlight well
- Change.GUI: Edits to governor not running icon
- Change.Core: Tweaks to gaming mode to mitigate potential problems
- Change.Core: Changed default so that all new processes are logged
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sizer bar between lower pane and upper pane not showing at proper initial position (it self-corrected on first window resize) -- TODO: Retest
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.11 - v3.59.14 RC1
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.13 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Removal.GUI: Removed menu items to set the GUI startup type. These are now found in the InstallHelper.exe program, which is run during installation.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting)
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
- Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PL application icon in Windows 'Programs and features' (Vista) or 'Add/remove programs' (XP)
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.12 Beta
- This version represents a major product overhaul. Virtually every function of the software has been (or is being) improved. Several new features have also been added. One of the new features is the much requested CPU throttling, where a hard limit is imposed on the amount of CPU time a process can consume. Other new features include exclusions from foreground boosting, automatic game mode toggle, handle and thread counts, a thread management tab, and the ability to suspend/resume processes. ProBalance, along with the core engine in general, has also been tweaked to react more quickly. See the complete list of changes below. This has been bumped up a few version numbers to represent the magnitude of its revisions.
- Please remember this version is still in beta!
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.Core: Added pathname to process launch log events
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed condition where resource consumption could grow indefinitely over time if the user had changed the maximum log size to 'unlimited'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh) [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed thread synchronization error that could cause log display issues (blank fields) under rare circumstances [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting).
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.11 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Addition.Installer: Added build date and time to branding text
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Consolidated 'reset column order' and 'reset column sizes' into a single menu item
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.GUI: Decreased default initial graph veritcal size and increased default lower listview size
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh) [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where log display could have blank fields under certain scenarios [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting).
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.10 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh) [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where log display could have blank fields under certain scenarios [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting).
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.9a Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on running processes tab, to select what process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.GUI: Expanded width of responsiveness line of graph to better disinguish it
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh) [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where log display could have blank fields under certain scenarios [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting).
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.8 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added CPU Time column
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU history of selected processes' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select which process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Overhaul of status bar control for main window
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed keyboard accelerators (CTRL-A=select all, F5=refresh) [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where log display could have blank fields under certain scenarios [todo: eligible backport]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting).
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.7 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added to the graph CPU history of currently selected process(es)
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select which process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard (*temporarily removed until better tested)
- Addition.Installer: Added start menu shortcut to run the test application for a continous 60 seconds
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Don't create shortcuts for Vista/Windows7 utilities during XP or Win2k install.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Brightened RED used for total CPU utilization
- Change.GUI: Improved memory load dotted line
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: Some optimizations to graph painting code
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed menu item 'Options / Log settings / Log default affinity adjustments' - as it wasn't unchecking, even though config was toggled
- Fix.GUI: Fixed missing space in beta version number shown in update checker
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where log display could have blank fields under certain scenarios [testing]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.All: Date and time format is now localized (dependent on user locale setting).
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54.10 - v3.59.6 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select which process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.GUI: Added configuration dialog to specify game processes.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard (*temporarily removed until better tested)
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Set placement of OK and CANCEL buttons to conform to Windows standards (for all dialogs).
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode (the rest will be deferred until full switch to 100% unicode)
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error)
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where log display could have blank fields under certain scenarios [testing]
- Fix.GUI/Core: When running the core engine as a service, ProBalance restraint events will now be highlighted on the graph
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng
- Fix.TestLasso: Some adjustments to continuous mode
Muutokset v3.54 - v3.59.5 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.GUI: Added right-click context menu on processes listview header, to select which process info (columns) are visible.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Give warning if user set a global configuration and/or log path that may not be accessible by other users
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard (*temporarily removed until better tested)
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode
- Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation through algorithm changes
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Decreased high, normal, and low refresh intervals so that process info is updated quicker, and processes are acted on quicker
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag annoyance
- Change.Licensing: Nag shown at 30 days instead of 14
- Change.InstallHelper: Change icon on for specific user suggestion when core engine set to run as a service (to warning, not error).
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly.
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng (now backported to last final release)
- Fix.TestLasso: Fix continuous mode, as it wasn't actually consuming all available CPU cycles in some cases (now backported to last final release)
Muutokset v3.54.9 - v3.59.4 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show CPU Utilization' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Responsiveness' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Show Memory load' option
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Graph/Mark ProBalance events' option
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning about out of date languages, specific to unupdated languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added Process Lasso version to system tray balloon tip
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not)
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized)
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.GUI: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.GUI: More strings and code switched to unicode
- Change.GUI: Improved system responsiveness calculation.
- Change.GUI: Decreased CPU utilization some.
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm
- Change.Core: Increased refresh/poll speeds
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag annoyance
- Change.Licensing: Nag shown at 30 days instead of 14
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 message about possible failure to install correctly.
- Fix.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation. You can now more clearly see the effects of ProBalance
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng (now backported to last final release)
- Fix.TestLasso: Fix continuous mode, as it wasn't actually consuming all available CPU cycles in some cases (now backported to last final release)
Muutokset v3.54 - v3.59.2 Beta
- This version represents a major product overhaul. Virtually every function of the software has been (or is being) improved. A wide array new features has also been added. One of the new features is the much requested CPU throttling, where a hard limit is imposed on the amount of CPU time a process can consume. Other new features include exclusions from foreground boosting, automatic game mode toggle, handle and thread counts, a thread management tab, and the ability to suspend/resume processes. See the complete list below. This has been bumped up a few version numbers to represent the magnitude of its revisions. Lastly, please remember, this version is still in beta! So be cautious, bugs may exist and some features may be incomplete.
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations.
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting.
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling.
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes.
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive.
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column.
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column.
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column.
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column.
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI.
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog.
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes.
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard.
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current.
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode.
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not).
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments.
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized).
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently.
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes.
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency.
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters.
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times.
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint.
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm.
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag annoyance.
- Change.Licensing: Nag shown at 30 days instead of 14.
- Fix.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation. You can now more clearly see the effects of ProBalance.
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng (now backported to last final release).
- Fix.TestLasso: Fix continuous mode, as it wasn't actually consuming all available CPU cycles in some cases (now backported to last final release).
Muutokset v3.54.8 - v3.59.1 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations.
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting.
- Addition.Core: Added automatic game mode entry for user specified processes.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling.
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes.
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive.
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column.
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column.
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column.
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column.
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI.
- Addition.GUI: Added minimum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog.
- Addition.GUI: Added maximum time for restraint parameter to ProBalance configuration dialog.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for automatic game mode entry for user specified processes.
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard.
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current.
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode.
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not).
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments.
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized).
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently.
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes.
- Change.GUI: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency.
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters.
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times.
- Change.Core: A considerable amount of other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint.
- Change.Core: Made extensive changes to the ProBalance algorithm.
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag annoyance.
- Change.Licensing: Nag shown at 30 days instead of 14.
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng (now backported to last final release).
- Fix.TestLasso: Fix continuous mode, as it wasn't actually consuming all available CPU cycles in some cases (now backported to last final release).
Muutokset v3.54.8 - v3.55.5 Beta
- Addition.Core: Added CPU throttling (both persistent and temporary). This applies a hard limit on the CPU time a process can consume. This is not meant to replace ProBalance and should be used only in certain, appropriate situations.
- Addition.Core: Added ability to exclude specific processes from foreground boosting.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for excluding processes from foreground boosting.
- Addition.GUI: Added UI support for CPU throttling.
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to suspend and resume processes.
- Addition.GUI: The system tray icon now will change to a special icon when the governor is inactive.
- Addition.GUI: Added thread count column.
- Addition.GUI: Added handle count column.
- Addition.GUI: Added application name column.
- Addition.GUI: Added page faults and page faults delta column.
- Addition.GUI: Added thread management tab.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'cancel' button to 'shutdown governor too' message box, allowing to abort the close of the GUI.
- Addition.Installer: On upgrades, added message box asking if user wants to skip install wizard.
- Change.Installer: Added warning that non-English languages may not be current.
- Change.Installer: Merged 'Advanced shortcuts' section into 'Create shortcuts' section.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.42.5 unicode.
- Change.InstallHelper: Rewording of rights selection (for each isntance to manage processes of all users or not).
- Change.InstallHelper: Cosmetic adjusments.
- Change.Core: Major internal overhaul to minimize complexity and maximize efficiency.
- Change.Core: Tweaked default ProBalance parameters.
- Change.Core: Added milliseconds to log times.
- Change.Core: Other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.Core: Added more hard coded exclusions for popular applications that should be excluded from ProBalance restraint.
- Change.GUI: Other tweaks and optimizations.
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to process context submenu ordering (standardized).
- Change.GUI: The warning message when the governor isn't running will not be shown continuously, instead of intermittently.
- Change.GUI: Tweaks to default column sizes.
- Change.Licensing: Reduce nag annoyance.
- Fix.TestLasso: Better command line argument handlng (fix for laziness in original code).
- Fix.TestLasso: Fix continuous mode, as it wasn't actually consuming all available CPU cycles in some cases.
Muutokset v3.54 - v3.54.10
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating)
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation
- [.4]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log would be cleared after it grew to an excessive size, even if it was set to 'unlimited' by the user
- [.5]Change.GUI: Increased minimum height and width
- [.5]Change.GUI: No longer show graph text banner messages when they are overlapped by the graph legend
- [.6]Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation
- [.6]Fix.Core: Fix condition where log events would cease until the core engine was restarted
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fix problems with 'reset to defaults' in ProBalance config dialog
- [.7]Change.Core: Added special ProBalance handling for certain common process(es) in certain conditions
- [.7]Change.Core: Changed default ProBalance parameters to decrease sensitivity some
- [.8]Fix.GUI: Fixed default size of average CPU utilization column (backported from new beta)
- [.9]Change.Core: Change ProBalance unrestrain time determination (backported from new beta)
- [.9]Change.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation
- [.10]Fix.Installer: Fixed Windows 7 RC1 warning about possible failed install (backported from new beta)
- [.10]Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where core engine couldn't be restarted by the GUI in Vista+ /w UAC and running with normal rights (backported from new beta)
Muutokset v3.52.0 - v3.54.9
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred.
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
- [.4]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log would be cleared after it grew to an excessive size, even if it was set to 'unlimited' by the user.
- [.5]Change.GUI: Increased minimum height and width.
- [.5]Fix.GUI: No longer show graph text banner messages when they are overlapped by the graph legend.
- [.6]Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation.
- [.6]Fix.Core: Fix condition where log events would cease until the core engine was restarted.
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fix problems with 'reset to defaults' in ProBalance config dialog.
- [.7]Change.Core: Added special ProBalance handling for certain common process(es) in certain conditions.
- [.7]Change.Core: Changed default ProBalance parameters to decrease sensitivity some.
- [.8]Fix.GUI: (Backported from beta) Fixed default size of average CPU utilization column.
- [.9]Change.Core: (Backported from beta) Change ProBalance unrestrain time determination.
- [.9]Fix.GUI: Improved accuracy of system responsiveness calculation. You can now more clearly see the effects of ProBalance.
Muutokset v3.54.7 - v3.54.8
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Japanese translation.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54.7
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred.
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
- [.4]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log would be cleared after it grew to an excessive size, even if it was set to 'unlimited' by the user.
- [.5]Change.GUI: Increased minimum height and width.
- [.5]Fix.GUI: No longer show graph text banner messages when they are overlapped by the graph legend.
- [.6]Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation.
- [.6]Fix.Core: Fix condition where log events would cease until the core engine was restarted.
- [.7]Fix.GUI: Fix problems with 'reset to defaults' in ProBalance config dialog.
- [.7]Change.Core: Added special ProBalance handling for certain common process(es) in certain conditions.
- [.7]Change.Core: Changed default ProBalance parameters to decrease sensitivity some.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54.6
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred.
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
- [.4]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log would be cleared after it grew to an excessive size, even if it was set to 'unlimited' by the user.
- [.5]Change.Core: Added hard coded exclusion of a ZoneAlarm's vsmon process.
- [.5]Change.GUI: Increased minimum height and width.
- [.5]Fix.GUI: No longer show graph text banner messages when they are overlapped by the graph legend.
- [.6]Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation.
- [.6]Fix.Core: Fix condition where log events would cease until the core engine was restarted.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54.5
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred.
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
- [.4]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log would be cleared after it grew to an excessive size, even if it was set to 'unlimited' by the user.
- [.5]Change.Core: Added hard coded exclusion of a ZoneAlarm's vsmon process.
- [.5]Change.GUI: Increased minimum height and width.
- [.5]Fix.GUI: No longer show graph text banner messages when they are overlapped by the graph legend.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54.4
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred.
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
- [.4]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log would be cleared after it grew to an excessive size, even if it was set to 'unlimited' by the user.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54.3
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian, Russian, and Japanese translations.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
- [.3]Addition.InstallHelper: Added important warning about running the core engine as a service. Running it as a normal process is preferred.
- [.3]Change.Localization: Updated PTBR translation.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54.2
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation.
- Change.Localization: Updated Japanese translation.
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
- [.1]Change.Licensing: Included instance count limit feature in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Licensing: Included periodic memory trimming in free build - enjoy!
- [.2]Change.Updater: Fixed an untranslated string and switched dialog to unicode.
- [.2]Addition.Core/GUI: Added 'Gaming mode' to quickly enter or leave a maximum foreground boost and maximum background restraint mode.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.54
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'.
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.GUI: Limited number of process icon retrieved per iteration, deferring disk I/O in cases of heavy system load.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Localization: Updated Japanese translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Localization: Updated Chinese-traditional translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.9 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. [enterprise feature]
- Removal.Installer: Removed NSIS::UAC plug-in, forcing user to manually start Process Lasso after installation. Translators should be sure to translate this message box in the installer-strings.txt file.
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS to reduce codepage problems. Now any supported installer language can be selected on any system, regardless of codepage.
- Change.Installer: Mandate users manually launch Process Lasso after install when normal rights are chosen.
- Change.Localization: Made the Start Menu shortcut strings localizable.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Localization: Updated Japanese translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Localization: Updated Chinese-traditional translation (as of v3.53.9).
- Change.Docs: Updates to many sections.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.8 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed a few missing strings in various languages.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. [enterprise feature]
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS to reduce codepage problems. Now any supported installer language can be selected on any system, regardless of codepage.
- Change.Installer: Updated NSIS::UAC plug-in to custom UNICODE build, v0.0.11c.
- Change.Installer: Temporarily mandate x64 users manually launch Process Lasso after install since the NSIS UAC plug-in is failing to work in current x64 beta.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.7 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Simplified Chinese translation.
- Addition.Localization: Added Traditional Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. [enterprise feature]
- Change.All: Further optimized compiler settings.
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
- Change.Installer: Switched to UNICODE build of NSIS to reduce codepage problems. Now any supported installer language can be selected on any system, regardless of codepage.
- Change.Installer: Updated NSIS::UAC plug-in to custom UNICODE build, v0.0.11c.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.6 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Fix.Package: Fixed possible mismatch of some localized resource DLLs with installer (x32 in x64, or vice-versa). It is unknown if this ever occurred.
- Addition.GUI: Added new menu group 'Options / General Process Lasso settings / Administration options'. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added password protection of configuration changes. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. [enterprise feature]
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.5 Beta
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log entries could sometimes cease to write when using a global log folder.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. [enterprise feature]
- Change.Core: Renamed log file to prolasso.log.
- Change.Core: Renamed default config filename to prolasso.ini.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.4 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where update checks would sometimes still continue after the user disables them, until Process Lasso is restarted (config change wasn't always immediately propagating).
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Localization: Added Chinese translation.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details. [enterprise feature]
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs. [enterprise feature]
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
Muutokset v3.52.1 - v3.53.3 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added 'Select process columns' to allow for selection of which process information is shown in the listview.
- Addition.Installer: Added support for silent installs (/S). See command line argument docs for details.
- Addition.InstallHelper: Added several new command line switches to provide options for silent installs.
Muutokset v3.50 - v3.52.1
- Fix.Core: Fixed licensing error in free build - the core engine would have mysteriously quit working after 7 days in v3.50.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed occasional failure to retrieve process icons for processes launched while GUI window is open.
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide process icons in the listview, reducing RAM use by the GUI considerably when hidden.
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide the graph.
- Addition.GUI: Main window now accepts drag and drop of a new INI configuration file.
- Change.GUI: Changed process context menu item 'open containing folder' to 'locate executable on disk', and changed the code so that explorer is launched with the executable's process auto-selected in the file view.
- Change.GUI: Slightly improved performance of window painting.
- Change.GUI: Many internal optimizations and tweaks.
- Change.GUI: Renamed process context submenu 'Misc. advanced' to 'Other actions'.
- Change.GUI: Added 'Search for process name online' option to process context menu, in the 'Other actions' submenu.
- Change.GUI: Removed graph overlay message, 'commercial users: You must purchase a license within 7 days'.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.44.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation, now with a translated graph legend.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Expanded some control widths in ProBalance settings dialog to accomodate Serbian strings.
Muutokset v3.50 - v3.52.0
- Fix.Core: Fixed licensing error in free build - the core engine would have mysteriously quit working after 7 days in v3.50.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed occasional failure to retrieve process icons for processes launched while GUI window is open.
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide process icons in the listview, reducing RAM use by the GUI considerably when hidden.
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide the graph.
- Addition.GUI: Main window now accepts drag and drop of a new INI configuration file.
- Change.GUI: Changed process context menu item 'open containing folder' to 'locate executable on disk', and changed the code so that explorer is launched with the executable's process auto-selected in the file view.
- Change.GUI: Slightly improved performance of window painting.
- Change.GUI: Many internal optimizations and tweaks.
- Change.GUI: Renamed process context submenu 'Misc. advanced' to 'Other actions'.
- Change.GUI: Added 'Search for process name online' option to process context menu, in the 'Other actions' submenu.
- Change.GUI: Removed graph overlay message, 'commercial users: You must purchase a license within 7 days'.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.44.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
Muutokset v3.50 - v3.51.3 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed occasional failure to retrieve process icons for processes launched while GUI window is open.
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide process icons in the listview, reducing RAM use by the GUI considerably when hidden.
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide the graph.
- Addition.GUI: Main window now accepts drag and drop of a new INI configuration file.
- Change.GUI: Slightly improved performance of window painting.
- Change.GUI: Many internal optimizations and tweaks.
- Change.GUI: Renamed process context submenu 'Misc. advanced' to 'Other actions'.
- Change.GUI: Added 'Search for process name online' option to process context menu, in the 'Other actions' submenu.
- Change.GUI: Removed graph overlay message, 'commercial users: You must purchase a license within 7 days'.
- Change.Installer: Updated to NSIS 2.44.
- Change.Localization: Updated Serbian translation.
Muutokset v3.50 - v3.51 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added option to hide process icons in the listview, reducing RAM use by the GUI considerably when hidden.
Muutokset v3.49.0 Beta - v3.50
- Fix.GUI: Fixed a very small memory leak under specific circumstances.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed InstallHelper untranslated string in Japanese.
- Fix.Localization: Several fixes and updates inherited from v3.48 post-release updates.
- Fix.Licensing: Fixed days installed counter.
- Change.Licensing: Use type (commercial or home) is no longer asked.
- Change.Licensing: Commercial installations no longer have a forced expiration.
- Change.GUI: Some minor data structure size optimizations.
Muutokset v3.48.5 - v3.49.0 Beta
- Change.GUI: Licensing system changes (unfinished).
- Fix.GUI: Reduction in virtual memory use under certain conditions.
Muutokset v3.46.2 - v3.48.5
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to highest when running the core engine as a service, and disable normal rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Translation updates and minor fixes. Update check version number not incremented.
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added evaluation copies of TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC to free build.
- [.2]Addition.Localization: Added Dutch translation by Bart Van Zoest (unfinished).
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Internal tweaks and adjustments to deal with several theoretical conditions.
- [.4]Change.GUI: Data structure optimization slightly reduced memory required to track each process.
- [.5]Fix.GUI: Fixed a memory optimization mechanism.
- [.5]Fix.Localization: Fixed missing strings in Dutch version of the update checker.
Muutokset v3.46.2 - v3.48.4
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to highest when running the core engine as a service, and disable normal rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Translation updates and minor fixes. Update check version number not incremented.
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added evaluation copies of TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC to free build.
- [.2]Addition.Localization: Added Dutch translation by Bart Van Zoest.
- [.3]Fix.GUI: Internal tweaks and adjustments to deal with several theoretical conditions.
- [.4]Change.GUI: Slightly reduced memory required to track each process.
Muutokset v3.46.2 - v3.48.3
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to highest when running the core engine as a service, and disable normal rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Translation updates and minor fixes. Update check version number not incremented.
- [.2]Addition.Installer: Added evaluation copies of TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC to free build.
- [.2]Addition.Localization: Added Dutch translation by Bart Van Zoest.
Muutokset v3.48 - v3.48.1
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to highest when running the core engine as a service, and disable normal rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
- [.1]Change.Localization: Translation updates and minor fixes. Update check version number not incremented.
Muutokset v3.47.3 Beta - v3.48
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to highest when running the core engine as a service, and disable normal rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Muutokset v3.46.2 - v3.47.3 Beta
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to 'highest' when running the core engine as a service, and disable lower rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.Package: Included advanced tools TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC in freeware build.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Muutokset v3.47.1 Beta - v3.47.2 Beta
- Fix.Installer: Fixed second, redundant query for language selection in Vista+ /w UAC.
- Fix.Localization: Changed much internal string handling to wide-character (unicode).
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to 'highest' when running the core engine as a service, and disable lower rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakScheduler for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Addition.Package: Included advanced tools TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC in freeware build.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Muutokset v3.46.2 - v3.47.1 Beta
- Addition.Localization: Added Serbian language by Оzzii, српски.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed installer component names in Japanese translation.
- Fix.Localization: Fixed update checker not translated in Japanese.
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to 'highest' when running the core engine as a service, and disable lower rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakSchedule for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Package: Included advanced tools TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC in freeware build.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Muutokset v3.46.2 - v3.47.0 Beta
- Fix.InstallHelper: (XP/2k only) Fixed preservation of last selected rights assignment between installs.
- Change.InstallHelper: Default rights assignment to 'highest' when running the core engine as a service, and disable lower rights selection.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Merged TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC resources into main resource module.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied TweakSchedule for localization.
- Change.AdvancedTools: Readied VistaMMSC for localization.
- Addition.Package: Included advanced tools TweakScheduler and VistaMMSC in freeware build.
- Addition.GUI: Added new 48x48 @ 24bpp application/shell icon, by Vitor Machado.
Muutokset v3.45.4 Beta - v3.46.2
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue when governor installed as a service, launching the GUI can sometimes result in redundant instance(s) of the governor launched as a normal process.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where Process Lasso would exit after load during system startup when user had enabled 'Exit GUI on window close'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of process creation time in listview.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of log entry times in actions listview.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Warning message about Pro only features now shown in localized language.
- Fix.Installer: Don't create shortcut for Vista Multimedia Scheduler Config tool when not present in free build.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed is_writable utility briefly opening console window.
- Addition.Localization: Japanese translation added (beta).
- Addition.Core: Added new shell icon.
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL-A keyboard short-cut to select all processes.
- Addition.GUI: Added message about Real Time priority class and how Windows may change it to High, unless the security policy is adjusted.
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning and confirmation when user is terminating, restarting, or closing multiple processes that include one or more system processes.
- Change.GUI: Made system tray icon type menu items more intuitive.
- Change.GUI: Single click on system tray icon opens main window, instead of double click. This was for better standards adherence in Windows 7 beta.
- Change.Core: Tweaked compiler settings.
- Change.InstallHelper: Enabled Process Lasso rights selection in XP, as it pertains there too for limited users who want to see 'all processes' (not recommended).
- Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation, by Vitor Machado.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation by Dmitry Yerokhin.
- Change.Localization: Localization text files are now all saved as UTF-16-LE (Unicode).
- Change.Localization: Improved internal utilities and build environment. Resource changes are now automatically propagated to all languages. Untranslated new and changed strings remain in English until a translator updates the applicable language pack.
- Removal.Installer: Removed 'uninstall' shortcut from start menu folder. User should uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, to ensure administrative run mode.
- Change.Installer: Don't try to UAC self-elevate during uninstall, instead force user to run (or re-run) uninstaller with admin rights.
Muutokset v3.46 - v3.46.1
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue when governor installed as a service, launching the GUI can sometimes result in redundant instance(s) of the governor launched as a normal process.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where Process Lasso would exit after load during system startup when user had enabled 'Exit GUI on window close'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of process creation time in listview.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of log entry times in actions listview.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Warning message about Pro only features now shown in localized language.
- Fix.Installer: Don't create shortcut for Vista Multimedia Scheduler Config tool when not present in free build.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed is_writable utility briefly opening console window.
- Addition.Localization: Japanese translation added (beta).
- Addition.Core: Added new shell icon.
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL-A keyboard short-cut to select all processes.
- Addition.GUI: Added message about Real Time priority class and how Windows may change it to High, unless the security policy is adjusted.
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning and confirmation when user is terminating, restarting, or closing multiple processes that include one or more system processes.
- Change.GUI: Made system tray icon type menu items more intuitive.
- Change.GUI: Single click on system tray icon opens main window, instead of double click. This was for better standards adherence in Windows 7 beta.
- Change.Core: Tweaked compiler settings.
- Change.InstallHelper: Enabled Process Lasso rights selection in XP, as it pertains there too for limited users who want to see 'all processes' (not recommended).
- Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation, by Vitor Machado.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation by Dmitry Yerokhin.
- Change.Localization: Localization text files are now all saved as UTF-16-LE (Unicode).
- Change.Localization: Improved internal utilities and build environment. Resource changes are now automatically propagated to all languages. Untranslated new and changed strings remain in English until a translator updates the applicable language pack.
- Removal.Installer: Removed 'uninstall' shortcut from start menu folder. User should uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, to ensure administrative run mode.
- Change.Installer: Don't try to UAC self-elevate during uninstall, instead force user to run (or re-run) uninstaller with admin rights.
Muutokset v3.45.4 Beta - v3.46
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue when governor installed as a service, launching the GUI can sometimes result in redundant instance(s) of the governor launched as a normal process.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where Process Lasso would exit after load during system startup when user had enabled 'Exit GUI on window close'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of process creation time in listview.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of log entry times in actions listview.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Warning message about Pro only features now shown in localized language.
- Fix.Installer: Don't create shortcut for Vista Multimedia Scheduler Config tool when not present in free build.
- Fix.Installer: Fixed is_writable utility briefly opening console window.
- Addition.Localization: Japanese translation added (beta).
- Addition.Core: Added new shell icon.
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL-A keyboard short-cut to select all processes.
- Addition.GUI: Added message about Real Time priority class and how Windows may change it to High, unless the security policy is adjusted.
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning and confirmation when user is terminating, restarting, or closing multiple processes that include one or more system processes.
- Change.GUI: Made system tray icon type menu items more intuitive.
- Change.GUI: Single click on system tray icon opens main window, instead of double click. This was for better standards adherence in Windows 7 beta.
- Change.Core: Tweaked compiler settings.
- Change.InstallHelper: Enabled Process Lasso rights selection in XP, as it pertains there too for limited users who want to see 'all processes' (not recommended).
- Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation, by Vitor Machado.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation by Dmitry Yerokhin.
- Change.Localization: Localization text files are now all saved as UTF-16-LE (Unicode).
- Change.Localization: Improved internal utilities and build environment. Resource changes are now automatically propagated to all languages. Untranslated new and changed strings remain in English until a translator updates the applicable language pack.
- Removal.Installer: Removed 'uninstall' shortcut from start menu folder. User should uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, to ensure administrative run mode.
- Change.Installer: Don't try to UAC self-elevate during uninstall, instead force user to run (or re-run) uninstaller with admin rights.
Muutokset v3.45.2 Beta - v3.45.4 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue when governor installed as a service, launching the GUI can sometimes result in redundant instance(s) of the governor launched as a normal process.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where Process Lasso would exit after load during system startup when user had enabled 'Exit GUI on window close'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of process creation time in listview.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sort of log entry times in actions listview.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Warning message about Pro only features now shown in localized language.
- Fix.Installer: Don't create shortcut for Vista Multimedia Scheduler Config tool when not present in free build.
- Addition.Localization: Japanese translation added (beta).
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL-A keyboard short-cut to select all processes.
- Addition.GUI: Added message about Real Time priority class and how Windows may change it to High, unless the security policy is adjusted.
- Addition.GUI: Added secondary warning and confirmation when user is terminating, restarting, or closing multiple processes that include one or more system processes.
- Change.GUI: Made system tray icon type menu items more intuitive.
- Change.InstallHelper: Enabled Process Lasso rights selection in XP, as it pertains there too for limited users who want to see 'all processes' (not recommended).
- Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation, by Vitor Machado.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation by Dmitry Yerokhin.
- Change.Localization: Localization text files are now all saved as UTF-16-LE (Unicode).
- Change.Localization: Improved internal utilities and build environment. Resource changes are now automatically propagated to all languages. Untranslated new and changed strings remain in English until a translator updates the applicable language pack.
- Removal.Installer: Removed 'uninstall' shortcut from start menu folder. User should uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, to ensure administrative run mode.
- Change.Installer: Don't try to UAC self-elevate during uninstall, instead force user to run (or re-run) uninstaller with admin rights.
Muutokset v3.44.1 - v3.45.2 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue when governor installed as a service, launching the GUI can sometimes result in redundant instance(s) of the governor launched as a normal process.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where Process Lasso would exit after load during system startup when user had enabled 'Exit GUI on window close'.
- Addition.GUI: Added CTRL-A keyboard short-cut to select all processes.
- Addition.Localization: Japanese translation added.
- Change.GUI: Made system tray icon type menu items more intuitive.
- Change.InstallHelper: Enabled Process Lasso rights selection in XP, as it pertains there too for limited users who want to see 'all processes' (not recommended).
- Change.Localization: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation, by Vitor Machado.
- Change.Localization: Updated Russian translation by Dmitry Yerokhin.
- Change.Localization: Localization text files are now all saved as UTF-16-LE (Unicode).
- Change.Localization: Improved internal utilities and build environment. Resource changes are now automatically propagated to all languages. Untranslated new and changed strings remain in English until a translator updates the applicable language pack.
Muutokset v3.43.1 Beta - v3.44.1
- Summary: This build makes an important fix for a bug that popped up a few versions back. It therefore improves the effectiveness of ProBalance restraint on many computers. Not all computers were affected by this glitch, but for those who were, Process Lasso should work even better than before. In addition, this build includes new multi-process selection menu items, and polishing in the PTBR translation.
- Fix.Core: Fixed a possible failure to always exclude foreground processes from ProBalance restraint.
- Fix.Core: Safety catch for rare condition where multiple instances of the governor, all managing the same set of processes, take restraint action on the same process at approximately the same time. Note that under the default configuration this scenario won't happen anyway.
- Addition.GUI: Added multi-process context menu function: default priority
- Addition.GUI: Added multi-process context menu function: default affinity
- Addition.GUI: Added multi-process context menu function: excluded from ProBalance
- Addition.GUI: Added multi-process context menu function: instance count limits
- Addition.GUI: Added ProBalance option to not change priority class, only adjust CPU affinity.
- Addition.Core: Added support for ProBalance option to not change priority class during restraint.
- Change.GUI: Updated Portuguese/Brazilian translation and images, by Vitor Machado.
- [.1]Fix.Core: Fixed issue where log subsystem would fail under some circumstances, causing no log entries to be written.
Muutokset v3.43 Beta - v3.43.1 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added multi-process default priority and affinity context menu selections.
- Addition.GUI: Added ProBalance option to not change priority class, only adjust CPU affinity.
- Addition.Core: Added support for ProBalance option to not change priority class during restraint.
- Change.GUI: Updated PTBR translation and images.
Muutokset v3.42 - v3.43 Beta
- Addition.GUI: Added ProBalance option to not change priority class, only adjust CPU affinity.
- Addition.Core: Added support for ProBalance option to not change priority class during restraint.
Muutokset v3.40.1 - v3.42
- Addition.GUI: Added Portuguese/Brazilian translation by Vitor Machado.
- Addition.TestLasso: Added new command line switch (-c) to run with a sustained CPU load for X seconds.
- Fix.Core: Fixed issue where instance count limit process matching was inadvertently case sensitive under some circumstances. This would cause some name matches to fail, resulting in the Process Lasso taking no action where it was configured to act.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed incorrect verb in confirmation message box of multi-process terminate and close.
- Change.GUI: Changed date/time formats.
- Change.Core: The username field in log events now is the user owning the target process, instead of the user context of the core engine instance that performed the action.
- Change.InstallHelper: Edited second configuration dialog to improve clarity.
- Change.Installer: Language selection of installer now propagates to Process Lasso application.
- Removal.Installer: Removed localization pack for translators from installer, is packaged separately now.
Muutokset v3.40 - v3.40.1
- Summary: This build fixes an anomaly in v3.38, where each configuration change would only get detected by either the core engine, or the rules column. The configuration file load and save functionality has also been completely rewritten, and is now much more optimal. File system accesses and CPU usage have been reduced. Lastly, multiple process selection support has been added.
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to select multiple processes in the listview.
- Change.Core: Completely rewrote configuration file load/save code. It is now much more efficient.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sporadic failure of configuration changes to propagate to the core engine, appeared in v3.38.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some other minor issues.
- Fix.Governor: Fixed unnecessary accesses to the configuration file.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Improved W2k auto-termination of Process Lasso for install.
- [.1]Addition.GUI: Restored rules column.
- [.1]Change.GUI: Updated Russian translation (continued thanks to Dmitry Yerokhin).
- [.1]Fix.Core: Minor fixes and tweaks to new settings code.
Muutokset v3.38 - v3.40
- Summary: This build fixes an anomaly in v3.38, where configuration changes wouldn't always propagte to the core engine. The configuration file load and save functionality has also been completely rewritten, and is now much more optimal. File system accesses and CPU usage have been reduced. Lastly, multiple process selection support has been added.
- Addition.GUI: Added ability to select multiple processes in the listview.
- Change.Core: Completely rewrote configuration file load/save code. It is now much more efficient.
- Removal.GUI: Removed Matching Rules column for some tweaking in the next build.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed sporadic failure of configuration changes to propagate to the core engine, appeared in v3.38.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed some other minor issues.
- Fix.Governor: Fixed unnecessary accesses to the configuration file.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Improved W2k auto-termination of Process Lasso for install.
Muutokset v3.37.1 Beta - v3.38
- Change.Core: By default each instance of the governor now only manages processes in its own user context, unless it is running as a service. This helps clarify operation and improve efficiency in XP and non-UAC Vista multi-user environments.
- Addition.Core: Added new log entry at startup to indicate which user's processes are being managed by current instance.
- Addition.GUI: Added new process 'rules' column, to give a quick depiction of matching rules (default priority, default affinity, etc..).
- Addition.GUI: Added 'No default affinity' process context menu item.
- Addition.INI: Added boolean key 'ManageOnlyCurrentUser'.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where main window wouldn't unminimize upon double click of systray icon, in cases where it had previously been minimized by the user.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fixed failure to install service as a domain user.
Muutokset v3.37 Beta - v3.37.1 Beta
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where main window wouldn't unminimize upon double click of systray icon, in cases where it had previously been minimized by the user.
Muutokset v3.36.1 - v3.37 Beta
- Change.Core: By default each instance of the governor now only manages processes in its own user context, unless it is running in the system user context. This helps clarify operation and improve efficiency in XP and non-UAC Vista multi-user environments.
- Addition.Core: Added new log entry at startup to indicate which user's processes are being managed by current instance.
- Addition.GUI: Added new process 'rules' column, to give a quick depiction of matching rules.
- Addition.INI: Added boolean key 'ManageOnlyCurrentUser'.
Muutokset v3.34 - v3.36
- Addition.Core: Added support for matching wildcards to process pathnames for default affinities and priorities.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'match wildcards to pathnames' to default priority and default affinity dialogs.
- Addition.GUI: Added 'more strictly enforce affinities' to default affinity dialog.
- Addition.GUI: Reinstated updated Russian translation.
- Addition.GUI: Duplicate item detection added to dialogs.
- Change.GUI: Some spelling and grammar corrections.
- Change.GUI: Added dialog close confirmation if unsaved text is in edit box, to prevent accidental closes.
- Change.GUI: Improved appearance of default affinity dialog box.
- Change.Installer: Reduced size of installation for all builds.
- Change.Installer: Reduced size of helper utilities is_writable and test_gdiplus_present substantially (both now less than 4KB).
- Change.Installer: Upgraded to NSIS 2.42
- Fix.InstallHelper: Improved automated termination of Process Lasso under Windows 2000.
- Fix.InstallHelper: Fix issue installing core engine as service with non-local user context.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed issue where 'exit GUI on window close' option would cause the system tray icon to act incorrectly when double clicked.
- Fix.GUI: Fixed last character of log entries being sometimes lost in log item display.
Muutokset v3.32 - v3.34
- Change.All: Licensing changes, some features Pro only.
- Change.Core: Further reduced resource usage.
- Change.GUI: Further reduced resource usage.
- Installer.Change: Reduced size of free build installation.