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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle OpenGL Extensions Viewer for Mac OSX

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v3.35 - v3.37

  • Beta MacOSX 10.7 support with OpenGL 3.2 detection. Updated database.

Muutokset v3.35 - v3.36

  • Beta MacOSX 10.7 support with OpenGL 3.2 detection. Updated database.

Muutokset v3.30 - v3.32

  • Added OpenGL 4.1 core feature set.

Muutokset v3.30 - v3.31

  • Added iPhone/iPad version (version 1.01) available on the iTunes App Store. Improved rendering test. New benchmark test.

Muutokset v3.22 - v3.30

  • Added iPhone/iPad version (version 1.01) available on the iTunes App Store.
  • Improved rendering test.
  • New benchmark test.

Muutokset v3.17 - v3.20

  • Added OpenGL 3.3 and 4.0 core features Set. Fixed copy to clipboard in database page (Windows). Added DirectX February 2010 detection. Fixed XML error at startup in Latin language (French, Spanish, German). Fixed error with holed renderer (renderer that supports OpenGL 3.0 and OpenGL 3.2 but not OpenGL 3.1).

Muutokset v3.16 - v3.17

  • New renderers added.
  • Updated MacOSX interface.
  • Removed enumerations of fixed pipeline in OpenGL 3.0 forward contexts.

Muutokset v3.11 - v3.12

  • Added OpenGL 3.1 detection. Added OpenGL 3.0 renderer (windows only)
  • Improved OpenGL 3.0 detection
  • added new renderers.

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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