Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle GParted (CD version)
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v0.33.0-2 - v1.1.0-1
Muutokset v0.33.0-1 - v0.33.0-2
Muutokset v0.32.0-1 - v0.33.0-1
Muutokset v0.31.0-1 - v0.32.0-1
Muutokset v0.30.0-1 - v0.31.0-1
Muutokset v0.29.0-1 - v0.30.0-1
Muutokset v0.28.1-1 - v0.29.0-1
Muutokset v0.27.0-1 - v0.28.1-1
Muutokset v0.26.1-5 - v0.27.0-1
Muutokset v0.26.1-3 - v0.26.1-5
Muutokset v0.26.0-2 - v0.26.1-3
Muutokset v0.26.0-1 - v0.26.0-2
Muutokset v0.25.0-3 - v0.26.0-1
Muutokset v0.25.0-1 - v0.25.0-3
Muutokset v0.24.0-2 - v0.25.0-1
Muutokset v0.23.0-1 - v0.24.0-2
Muutokset v0.22.0-2 - v0.23.0-1
Muutokset v0.22.0-1 - v0.22.0-2
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/May/22).
- * Linux kernel was updated to 4.0.2-1.
- * Using "isohybrid --uefi" to make dd iso file work for uEFI machine.
- Thanks to Patrick Verner and Kubuist for this.
Muutokset v0.21.0-1 - v0.22.0-1
- This live image contains GParted 0.22.0 which now supports reading and writing file systems to disk devices without partition tables, in addition to supporting GPT partition names.
- Items of note include:
- Based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Mar/23)
- Now uses systemd, which is the new default system init on Debian
- Includes GParted 0.22.0:
- Add read and write support for unpartitioned whole disk devices
- Add read and write support for GPT partition names
Muutokset v0.20.0-2 - v0.21.0-1
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Jan/27).
- * New GParted release 0.21.0.
- * The version of i486 is replaced by i586 one.
Muutokset v0.19.1-4 - v0.20.0-2
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/24).
- * Adding package syslinux-efi.
- * Bug fixed: missing required packages syslinux-utils.
- * Bug fixed: /sbin/start-stop-daemon was missing.
- GParted live 0.20.0-1
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/24).
- * New GParted release 0.20.0.
- * The descriptions and layout about exit icon were improved.
- * Bug fixed: Incorrect language title for locale pt_BR
Muutokset v0.19.1-1 - v0.19.1-4
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Aug/29).
- * Program MC_HxEd was removed from GParted live because it's not
- maintained anymore.
- * Program zenity instead of gdialog is used in gl-shutdown-menu.
- -- Steven Shiau
Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:05:00 +0800 - GParted live 0.19.1-3
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Aug/28).
- * Package gparted was recompiled with parted lib 3.2-5.
- -- Steven Shiau
Thu, 28 Aug 2014 20:49:00 +0800 - GParted live 0.19.1-2
- * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Aug/27).
- * Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.15-2.
- * Package parted was updated to 3.2-5.
- * Package syslinux was updated to 6.03~pre19+dfsg-3.
Muutokset v0.19.0-1 - v0.19.1-1
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jul/16).
- New GParted release 0.19.1.
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.12-1.
Muutokset v0.18.0-2 - v0.19.0-1
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/11).
- New GParted release 0.19.0.
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.5-1.
- Syslinux was updated to 6.03-pre13.
- 0.19.0-beta1-3
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/09).
- Package dmraid and kpartx are reverted to use that from
- Debian repository.
- Drop the "--enable-libparted-dmraid" configure flag for GParted.
- 0.19.0-beta1-2
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/08).
- Package dmraid and kpartx are from Ubuntu repository and
- compiled on Debian Sid.
- Due to the "eject" command delay issue, the eject prompt is removed when booting or halting machine.
- 0.19.0-beta1
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- \This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/04).
- New GParted release 0.19.0-beta1.
- 0.18.0-5
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/May/15).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.4-1.
- Packages, lsof, psmisc, dnsutils, wget, ftp, bzip2, zip, unzip, w3m and gsmartcontrol were added in GParted live.
- Startup page of netsurf was assigned to GParted live manual.
- 0.18.0-3
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Apr/26).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.13.10-1.
- Bug fixed: The background image of EFI boot loader was not shown correctly.
- Thanks to Ady for reporting this issue.
Muutokset v0.18.0-1 - v0.18.0-2
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Apr/10).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.13.7-1.
- Grub was updated to 2.02~beta2-8.
- Packages screen, rsync, iputils-ping, telnet, traceroute and bc were added. Thanks to Alexandros Manoussakis (alex _at_ juniper net) for this suggestion.
- Bug fixed: ssh host key protocal ed25519 was not generated during boot. Thanks to Alexandros Manoussakis (alex _at_ juniper net) for this bug report.
Muutokset v0.17.0-4 - v0.18.0-1
Muutokset v0.17.0-1 - v0.17.0-4
Muutokset 0.17.0-beta2-1 - v0.17.0-1
Muutokset v0.16.2-1 - v0.16.2-11
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Nov/13).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.11.7-1.
- Boot loader isolinux and syslinux were updated to 6.02 with patches for local boot.
Muutokset v0.16.1-1 - v0.16.2-1
- This is a remastered version due to the iso files created by genisoimage won't boot on some machinies. All the files are the same with that of 0.16.2-1, the only difference is the way iso files were created.
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Sep/19).
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Sep/12).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.10.11-1.
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Jun/28).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.9.6-1.
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/May/09).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.8.11-1.
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/May/01).
Muutokset v0.15.0-1 - v0.15.0-3
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
- This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Mar/27).
- Linux kernel was updated to 3.2.41-1.
- Bug fixed: GParted live iso file was not isohybrided. Thanks to cvbn for reporting this issue.
- Bug fixed: fluxbox menu key function failed to start in GParted live.
Muutokset v0.14.1-6 - v0.15.0-1
Muutokset v0.14.1-1 - v0.14.1-6
Muutokset v0.14.0-1 - v0.14.1-1
Muutokset v0.13.1-2 - v0.14.0-1
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Oct/11).
- New GParted release 0.14.0.
Muutokset v0.13.0-1 - v0.13.1-2
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Aug/09).
- New GParted release 0.13.1.
Muutokset v0.12.1-5 - v0.13.0-1
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jun/19).
- Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.20-1.
- The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jul/14).
- New GParted release 0.13.0.
- Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.21-3.