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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle Bulk Rename Utility

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v2.7.1.2 - v2.7.1.3

  • Fixed an issue on Windows 8.1 which could cause Bulk Rename Utility to freeze or start very slowly

Muutokset v2.7.1.1 - v2.7.1.2

  • Restored “Bulk Rename Here” Windows Explorer extension.
  • Correctly extract “Date Taken” field for pictures edited on Windows 7 and Vista.
  • New program icon.

Muutokset v2.7.0.4 - v2.7.1.1

  • Added ability to browse for folder in “jump to path” action.
  • Treat EXIF timestamps individually.

Muutokset v2.7.0.2 - v2.7.0.3

  • Allow new %z tag to add the file size
  • 64-bit version now handles the Bulk Rename Here installation
  • New version of PCRE supplied (version 7.5)
  • Add new “WordSpace Additions” feature
  • Ensure that GUI is updated during long rename operations
  • Make better use of hourglass icon
  • Unable to sort by MP3 track number

Muutokset v2.7.0.1 - v2.7.0.2

  • Prevent crash when encountering zero-byte MP3 files
  • Change the way that A-Z and a-z autonumber padding works
  • Attempt to process malformed EXIF headers
  • Allow for > 20 sections within EXIF
  • Allow the root to be Desktop (NB READ Forum Announcement!)

Muutokset v2.6.1.0 - v2.7.0.0

  • Reinstate visual styles (some people like them, apparently)
  • Timestamp and File Attribute settings now stored in Favourites files
  • Handle additional TIFF structures
  • Document root now My Computer instead of Desktop (sorry, but it has to be)
  • Allow Insert At and Autonumber At to be negative (e.g. position from end)
  • Ensure that Escape key can cancel a scan
  • Disable Ctrl+A whilst scan is in progress
  • Timestamp dialog reformatted to accommodate new fields.
  • Allow the timestamps to be set to the "date taken" value
  • Include the Formatted file-size ( in the Clipboard Copy feature
  • Timestamp "set to modified" was not reflected in the file list
  • Clipboard Copy feature had misleading size for Folders
  • Prevent screen corruption when closing whilst minimised.
  • Prevent error on timestamp screen in non-GMT locales
  • Remove the mysterious "D" from the Timestamp screen

Muutokset v2.6.0.1 - v2.6.1.0

  • Allow control over the file-size display unit (B, KB, MB, GB, Mixed)
  • Allow the filename segment to be reversed

Muutokset v2.5.4.2 - v2.6.0.0

  • EXIF tag support now extended to include TIFF, .CR2, .NEF files
  • Prevent conflict with %e and %eb (Exposure Bias now %xb)

Muutokset v2.5.4.0 - v2.5.4.2

  • Improve the screen functionality on the “Character Translations” dialogue.
  • Increase the no. translations from 200 to 500 (and display warning if excess)

Muutokset v2.5.3.1 - v2.5.4.0

  • Allow Autonumbering to reset on a change of subfolder
  • Allow EXIF “User Comments” tags
  • Allow EXIF “Exposure Bias” tags
  • ID3/EXIF tags now specified inside the Prefix/Suffix/Insert fields
  • Seek confirmation from the user before performing an “Undo”
  • Include the MP3 track number as a column
  • Allow the “not” operator (“!”) in the filename-filter box
  • Fix minor issue with the “Move n to pos n” function
  • EXIF logic was aborting early on certain files.

Muutokset v2.5.1.2 - v2.5.2.0

  • Active Criteria groups are now shown with coloured text, rather than background
  • Case-change exceptions now use colons for delimiters (allowing spaces)
  • Roman Numerals dropdown didn’t expand with mouse (OK with keyboard)
  • Favourites Name on status bar incorrect when loaded from MRU list

Muutokset v2.5.0.2 - v2.5.1.0

  • Allow sorting of files and folders together, instead of grouping them
  • Allow 'tree' window to be hidden (F11)
  • Algorithm for sorting files has been made more robust (hopefully)
  • Optimisation of internal code sections for speed improvements

Muutokset v2.5.0.0 - v2.5.0.2

  • Provide new option to crop text from within a name, using a wildcard.
  • Provide new option to debug a filename (e.g. to show how the name is derived)
  • Context menu did not work in Unicode builds

Muutokset Beta - v2.5.0.0

  • Escape key can be used to abort a scanning operation
  • New option to process files in reverse sequence
  • Trying to launch a 2nd instance now correctly updates the 1st instance
  • Additional version with native 64-bit compilation (fast!)
  • New option to retain autonumber between operations
  • Extensions in filenames can now be ignored (much like for Folders)
  • Minor screen reformatting
  • All files now built using Visual Studio 2005 instead of Visual Studio 6
  • Fix crash on Windows 2000 (only 2000) when using Logical Sorting
  • Inconsistent handling of hidden folders in the tree

Muutokset v2.4.3.0 - Beta

  • This version contains no new functionality, but it has been compiled agaisnt the latest Microsoft libraries. The end result is a larger, but MUCH fast utility.

Muutokset v2.4.2.0 - v2.4.3.0

  • Enhanced removal of accented characters on Unicode
  • Warning message on Timestamp dialog was using wrong conditions
  • Preview showed wrong Modified date in specific situation

Muutokset v2.4.1.3 - v2.4.2.0

  • + Allow extended details to be copied to the clipboard
  • + Allow Modified and Accessed timestamps to be the same as Created
  • + Reformat a couple of dialogue windows
  • + Autonumber options a-z and A-Z now pad with a or A.
  • + Allow special value of “:” in the autonumber separator field (see help file)
  • -- Significant changes specifically for one organisation. Not publicly available.

Muutokset v2.4.1.1 - v2.4.1.3

Muutokset v2.4.0.0 - v2.4.1.0

  • Provide new Invert Selections menu item/key press.
  • Allow the columns to be moved into a different order
  • New option to allow accented characters to be removed (and converted into non-accented equivalents)

Muutokset v2.4.0.0 - v2.4.0.1

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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