Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle NirSoft BlueScreenView
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v1.52 - v1.55
- Added Drag & Drop support: You can now drag a single MiniDump file from Explorer into the main window of BlueScreenView.
- Fixed bug: BlueScreenView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
Muutokset v1.51 - v1.52
- Added 'Google Search - Bug Check' and 'Google Search - Bug Check + Parameter 1' options.
Muutokset v1.50 - v1.51
- Added automatic secondary sorting ('Crash Time' column).
- Added 64-bit build.
Muutokset v1.47 - v1.50
- The 'Crash Time' now displays more accurate date/time of the crash. In previous versions, the value of 'Crash Time' column was taken from the date/time of dump file, which actually represents that time that Windows loaded again, after the crash. The actual crash time is stored inside the dump file , and now the 'Crash Time' displays this value.
- Added 'Dump File Time' column, which displays the modified time of the dump file.
Muutokset v1.46 - v1.47
- Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers.
Muutokset v1.45 - v1.46
- Fixed issue: The properties and the 'Advanced Options' windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
Muutokset v1.40 - v1.45
- You can now choose to open only a specific dump file - from the user interface or from command-line.
- You can now also specify the MiniDump folder or MiniDump file as a single parameter, and BlueScreenView will be opened with the right dump file/folder, for example: BlueScreenView.exe C:\windows\minidump\Mini011209-01.dmp
Muutokset v1.35 - v1.40
- Added 'Raw Data' mode on the lower pane, which displays the processor registers and memory hex dump.
Muutokset v1.32 - v1.35
- Added 'Crash Address' column.
- Added 3 columns that display that last 3 calls found in the stack (Only for 32-bit crashes)
Muutokset v1.31 - v1.32
- Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
Muutokset v1.30 - v1.31
- Added 'Google Search - Bug Check+Driver' for searching in Google the driver name and bug check code of the selected blue screen.
Muutokset v1.29 - v1.30
- Added 'Dump File Size' column.