Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle 3DMark06 Basic Edition
<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle
Muutokset v1.2.0 - v1.2.1
- Fully compatible to Windows 8
- SystemInfo component updated to 4.15
- OpenAL installer updated to latest version
Muutokset v1.1.0 - v1.2.0
- Fixed CPU Test Novodex thread search when there are more than 32 threads
- Updated System Info component version to
Muutokset v1.1.0 - v1.1.0 Hotfix
- The hotfix updates the following:
- Updated GPU core/memory clock detection library for enhanced compatibility and support for new hardware
- New files are:
- Direcpll.dll (
- Entech.sys (
- Entech64.sys (
- This hotfix applies for the following Futuremark benchmarks:
- 3DMark06 Build 1.1.0
- 3DMark05 Build 1.3.0
- 3DMark03 Build 3.6.0
- PCMark05 Build 1.2.0