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Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.1

Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Smart Cutter on helppokäyttöinen videoiden leikkaustyökalu. Se leikkaa ja liittää videoita nopeasti muutamalla hiiren napsautuksella.

Smart Cutter on kuvantarkka videoeditori. Voit siistiä DV-videokameralla tai DVB HD digiboksilla tallennettuja videoita, jotka ovat ps/ts muodossa. Poista mainoskatkot helposti tällä työkalulla.

Vain pieni osa videon alusta ja lopusta pakataan uudelleen. Keskimmäinen osa pysyy koskemattomana, eli laatu ei heikkene yhtään. Tällä tavalla saat parhaan laadun ja videon käsittely ei kestä kauaa.

Tuetut videomuodot: M2TS, TS, PS, TP, TRP, MTS, MPG, VOB, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MPEG2, DVD jne.


Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) 1.2.4a

smart cutter leikkaa muokkaa liitä video dv dvb

Lisenssi Shareware1
Valmistajan kotisivu Siirry ohjelman kotisivulle
Lisätty 12.3.2015
Latauksia 7 572
Tiedoston koko 6,60 MB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Käyttöjärjestelmä(t) Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1Lisenssi- ja käyttöjärjestelmä(t)-kohtien tiedot koskevat ohjelman uusinta versiota.

12.3.2015Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.9.2f(Viimeisin vakaa versio)
26.1.2015Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.9.2
16.10.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.9.1
11.9.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.9.0
23.8.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.9
25.6.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.8
8.6.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.7
24.3.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.6
26.2.2014Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.5
24.9.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.4
10.9.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.3
4.9.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.2
28.8.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.1
20.8.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.8.0
16.8.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.9
7.8.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.8
2.8.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.7
19.7.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.6
10.7.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.5
13.6.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.4
20.5.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.3
10.5.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.2
4.5.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.1
11.4.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.7.0
17.3.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.9
3.3.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.8
8.2.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.7f
6.2.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.7
16.1.2013Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.6
18.12.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.5
4.12.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.3
22.11.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.2
15.11.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.1
4.10.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.6.0
27.9.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.9
28.8.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.8
24.8.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.7
20.8.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.6
14.8.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.5
18.7.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.3
13.7.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.2
6.7.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.1
22.6.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.5.0
15.6.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.9
11.4.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.8
20.3.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.7
3.3.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.6
19.2.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.5
4.2.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.4
18.1.2012Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.3
23.11.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.2
31.10.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.1
22.9.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.4.0
1.9.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.9f
3.6.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.9
18.4.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.8f
8.3.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.8
24.2.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.7
16.2.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.6
8.1.2011Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.5
16.12.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.4
7.12.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.3
28.11.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.2
5.11.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.1
19.10.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.3.0
20.9.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.2.9
23.8.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.2.8f
10.7.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.2.7
28.2.2010Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) 1.2.4a
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Smart Cutter for DV and DVB (Portable) v1.9.2f

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