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Pazera FLAC to MP3 v1.1

Ilmainen ohjelma / Freeware
Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Pazera FLAC to MP3 is a tool that can convert FLAC files to MP3 or WAV, and extract audio files from CUE sheets.

If you have one large FLAC file with a CUE sheet, this tool can separate it into separate audio tracks. You can convert from the lossless FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format to MP3 for more convenience.

Key Features:
  • Converting FLAC files to MP3 or WAV.
  • CUE Splitter - Extract audio tracks from the Audio CD images into MP3 or WAV files based on the CUE sheet.
  • Supported character encoding in CUE files: ANSI, ASCII, UTF-8 Little Endian, UTF-8 Big Endian, UTF-16 Little Endian, UTF-16 Big Endian.
  • Supported input formats of audio files defined in the CUE sheets: FLAC, WAV, MP3, APE, SHN, WV, TTA, MPC, OGG, WMA.
  • MP3 compression using the latest version of the LAME encoder.
  • Support for all the LAME encoder presets.
  • Copying metadata (tags) from FLAC and CUE files to the generated MP3 files.
  • A number of predefined conversion profiles. Possibility to save your own settings to an INI file.
  • The ability to customize encoding parameters: bitrate mode (CBR, ABR, VBR), audio bitrate, audio sampling frequency, number of audio channels, volume, time range.
  • The ability to save encoder commands to BAT file.
  • Adding files to the file list by Drag and Drop.
  • The program is portable: it does not use system registry and all settings are stored in INI files.
  • Thus, the program can be run from portable devices such as pendrives, removable drives.
  • The program has a built-in support for multiple languages. Current version supports English, Greek, Japanese, Polish.
  • 100% freeware! - for private and commercial use. The program does not require registration, there is no built-in limitations.

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Pazera FLAC to MP3 v1.1Tiedoston koko: 8,18 MB


Pazera FLAC to MP3 v1.0
Lisenssi Ilmainen ohjelma / Freeware1
Valmistajan kotisivu Siirry ohjelman kotisivulle
Lisätty 10.5.2014
Latauksia 157
Tiedoston koko 8,18 MB (1min @ 1Mbps)
Tuetut kielet Englanti  
Käyttöjärjestelmä(t) Vista / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

1Lisenssi- ja käyttöjärjestelmä(t)-kohtien tiedot koskevat ohjelman uusinta versiota.

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